All Chapters of Sold To The Lycan King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Admitting Feelings
BRIELLE’S POV Brielle grumbled as she tossed and turned on the large bed, surprised by the absence of a familiar arm all over her.Even though her eyes were still closed tight, she could vividly recall that the previous night had been a lovely one spent with Lord Darius. And just like every morning, she expected his arms over her, snuggling tight and mumbling sweet words in her ear. But now, there was only silence — no soft whispering voices, no breathy sighs or caresses. There was no warmth, only space.A little confused, she opened her eyes and took stock of her surroundings. That’s when she noticed him across her, a safe distance away, fast asleep.What the... She exclaimed internally, scooting nearer as she tried to wrap her arms around him and rest her head on his broad, steady chest. What was he doing so far away from her? This was the first time she had awoken in this manner, and she honestly didn't know why, but she had a nasty feeling about it.Had something else happened l
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Love Notes
MADELINE’S POV Every part of the castle reminded Madeline of Lord Darius and that scumbag Brielle, and as she walked to her room, she hissed countless times.She was gradually becoming irritated with everything that concerned Lord Darius and, most significantly, Brielle - a woman she had grown to hate and despise with fervor.'She'd be out of your life soon, Madeline.’ Her subconscious spoke up, and a nasty smirk appeared on her face.The last few days had been reasonably beneficial to Madeline despite the random interruptions and the fact that Brielle and Lord Darius's ties were improving.It was no longer news that they were now a couple, and to make matters worse, everyone agreed they looked good together, especially the maids. Most of the submissives were envious that Brielle had usurped their place, and now, some of them were covertly sleeping with palace guards to alleviate their sexual deprivation.Madeline couldn't blame them because she was in the same shoes. However, she sl
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Memories Of Eve
BRIELLE POV Lord Darius stood before the door, a broad grin on his austere face, smiling back at her, and Brielle's ovaries melted.He looked so gorgeous.However, she was astonished to see him. “Why are you here, Mas…?” She trailed off and corrected. “I'm sorry, Darius.”"Is that how you welcome a man who's come to pick you up for a date?" He questioned, and taking her by surprise, he reached out and grabbed her right hand, tugging her towards him."What are you…" She began to question in protest, but he abruptly cut her off by planting his lips on hers and passionately kissing her.Her cheeks flushed, and she couldn't stop him from smudging her makeup or licking the lipstick off her lips."Darius.” She whispered breathlessly, recalling that he had dragged her from the doorpost and that they were now standing in the corridor."We're at the corridor. Someone might notice us and...""And what?" He asked, his voice so deep and tempting that she forgot what she had planned to ask him. I
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Sex & Piano Sounds
MADELINE’S POV Hiding behind the flowers, Madeline fixed her sight on the loved-up pair sitting some distance away. Earlier, while she was in her chamber, two maids and a submissive had barged in and informed her of the date. She hadn’t believed it at first, but the maids persisted, explaining that they had seen Lord Darius all smiley with Brielle as they strolled to the garden.Enraged and curious, Madeline pulled herself out of bed, dressed, and wandered silently to the garden, where she suddenly encountered the crazy tableau.Everything the maids said was true, and by the time she arrived, the two lovey-dovey fools were already engrossed in each other's company.Her chest squeezed as many thoughts raced through her mind, and sharp shards of jealousy shot through her heart. Blinking her eyes once, twice, Madeline hoped to blur the image before her, but every time she opened them, she saw them again.Brielle and Lord Darius.They looked super cozy, and, as she had previously noted
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Chilling Nightmares
BRIELLE’S POV A Dream~ ‘Please get me out of here!' Brielle screamed, her hands grabbing the metal cage doors as she cried.He was standing before her—the old man she detested, the man she referred to as her father. He had a smug look on his face, and even as she cursed and screamed, shouting so loudly that her raw, thirsty voice resonated throughout the entire room, he didn't appear to flinch or care.Instead, he stood stiffly before her, jingling the keys and staring like a maniac.'Let me out of here right now!' Brielle yelled once again, her voice raspy and hoarse. She was tired of shouting. She just wanted to get out of the cell.'Hahaha. You thought you could escape me, right?' He laughed snidely again. ‘Now that I have you, you're not going anywhere. Not now, not never. Foolish girl.’Brielle clacked her tongue bitterly, and still screaming with tears running down her bare cheeks, she told him. ‘You will undoubtedly regret this. You will, I assure you. When Lord Darius arri
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Exposing Brielle
MADELINE’S POV “Do you think I would be successful tonight?" Madeline inquired for the hundredth time, staring down at the proof Sam, the guard, and her accomplice had gathered.Printed photographs of a man the guard claimed was Brielle's father were scattered on her small bedside table, along with other material gathered in a file. She had also crept into Brielle's room some time ago, carrying the stone engraved pendant she intended to show Lord Darius.She had practiced her speech all day, and she was more than ready to deliver her evidence before Lord, convincing him of Brielle's ills and revealing all the secrets she was allegedly holding from him. Madeline envisioned how he would feel when she finished speaking and how he would react most importantly. She didn't care whether he would feel sad or heartbroken. No. All Madeline cared about was bringing Brielle down and ruining her stay in the castle. The bitch was a thief, a liar, and a traitor lurking beneath an innocent mask s
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The Confrontation
BRIELLE’S POV Brielle's hearty grin deepened as she looked at the mirror.She was in a terrific mood tonight. She didn’t know why. Even though she disagreed briefly with Madeline earlier, she was now better off and happier in ways she couldn't articulate.Maybe it was because of this date with Lord Darius, and the fact that she hadn't seen him all day added to the tension. She missed him terribly, and if she saw him tonight, she would not hesitate to tell him so. "Damn!" She whispered again, glancing at her lovely self. She was dressed in a dark green gown with a slit up the thighs, and the cloth hugged all her curves nicely, emphasizing her figure.She couldn’t wait to hear Darius's endearing words, and knowing how she would blush excessively, her cheeks going pink and melting under his intense gaze, she let out a gentle smile. However, Brielle adored it. She adored the way he gazed at her—dreamily and full of so much love. She adored how he treated her as if she were an egg, w
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Heartbreak & Guilts
BRIELLE’S POV Brielle couldn't move an inch as Darius exited the room, banging the door hard behind him.She was trembling violently, her lips shaky, and the tears flowing down her face wouldn't stop.She would occasionally cast a glimpse at the folders on the floor, and her heart would compress slightly in excruciating misery.The photographs of her father were too good to be true, and she kept pinching herself, hurting her skin, hoping to wake up from this dream, if it was one, but nothing happened.She crawled carefully towards the necklace Darius had tossed on the floor, her fingertips caressing the diamond stone adorned pendant. It was the only important thing she possessed, and as she tried to think, her mind swelled. Where did he get this necklace?She had stopped wearing it after discovering the connection between her father and Lord Darius.So, how did he get it? She hadn't seen him all day, and as for the necklace, it’d been in her drawer. She'd seen it before going to bed
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Summoning Submissives
BRIELLE’S POV Brielle paused, her left hand lifted, as she considered knocking on Madeline's door.She had vowed to confront Madeline about the missing necklace before weeping herself to sleep last night, and now she was here. Her eyes were still sore from sobbing all day, and even though she was shaking violently with rage, Brielle knew she had to talk to Madeline or she wouldn't be herself at all.She needed answers, and Lord knows she'd battle for them if she had to.Brielle brought her hands down as a whimper crossed her lips. Steadying herself, she twisted the doorknob instead of knocking and entered the open room."Who the hell is…" Madeline was already saying something, but the moment she saw Brielle, she stopped talking.With a tiny smirk, she swiftly jumped up from her chair and folded her arms."And what brings you here, miss?" Madeline asked, her eyes darting all over Brielle's body. Her disdain was visible, but Brielle didn't flinch. And raising her shoulders, she wiped
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BRIELLE’S POV Brielle could hear their conversation and see their scorn as she strolled by the maids and guards, but she didn't care.Her hands grasped the tray of food she was holding, and her shaky feet continued to walk straight.She didn't want to waste her time replying to them, and no one would back her up if she got into a fight now, so it was all pointless.Her life in the castle seemed to have fallen apart since the fallout with Darius, and the fact that she hadn't seen him in a week further emphasized that. The women who served her every morning, midday, and night had vanished, leaving her to handle everything in the mansion alone.Not that she was complaining, but a part of her wished she could go back in time and relive the wonderful times she had and how blissful those days had been. She didn't realize how important those days were until she realized how much she missed them.Not just them, but Darius also. She missed more than anything else, and it hurt. Every morning,
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