All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3161 - Chapter 3170
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3161
Adrian kept quiet about the events in the dark alley that night because they were too shocking for others to handle. As a resident of another Silverboa City, he had terrifying experiences. Even if he talked about them, no one might believe him.However, what happened to Elizabeth was equally significant. As an immortal, how many secrets did she know after living for over two hundred years, from before Silverboa City's founding to the present? What exactly had she experienced?According to Elizabeth, she befriended the city's first emperor and even aided in finding the relic beneath the Forbidden City. Though hailed as a founding hero and leader of Dark Moon, only the emperors knew her true identity, leaving her shrouded in mystery.That night, in addition to asking Adrian to accompany her to a certain relic, Elizabeth also shared information about the world changes she had mentioned earlier. Adrian had a deep impression of a conversation he had had with Megan back in Oakwood City. S
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Chapter 3162
Adrian even felt that Quintin's methods were too lenient. After all, he was waiting for others to make mistakes first. If Adrian were to handle these matters himself, even those who didn't harbor thoughts of restoring Sandstone City would be secretly recruited by him. As long as they had similar ideas, even if it was just a seed of thought, Adrian would have them killed. Quintin’s method was too obvious to capture them.But for now, Quintin was the commander. Perhaps he was also considering a more long-term approach, so he did not use overly aggressive methods. Although some people died, in the process, one person who should have died actually survived and lived relatively well. That person was Carson. After a terrifying night, he thought he would be executed like the nobles who attended the banquet. But after a few days, the people who were supposed to capture him didn't show up. This left Carson puzzled, so he tentatively sought out Libby, only to find that she was no longer there.
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Chapter 3163
"The Celestrians have captured Rozi?" Adrian rubbed his temples, feeling a slight headache coming on.Adrian had been separated from Rozi for too long, mainly due to his busy schedule. Since arriving in Obscura, he had been tirelessly preparing for the impending siege, with some tasks self-imposed and others mandated by Quintin. The weight of these responsibilities pressed heavily on him, leaving him little choice but to accept them, even when he didn't want to.It had been over a month since his arrival in Obscura, and a month since he last saw Rozi and the others. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that the Celestrians had targeted her. On top of that, Rozi harbored a mysterious dark dragon, a ticking time bomb, inside her. Adrian saw this as a lesson and vowed to keep Rozi close to him in the future.Wallace's voice said meekly, "I understand you're busy, but if possible, you should return for a while.""Has the situation worsened that much?" Adrian inquired, his tone serious."Li
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Chapter 3164
“You're finally here, Mr. Adrian,” one of the welcome party greeted.Quintin had arranged for a special convoy of fast carriages with skilled drivers to expedite Adrian's return. Exclusive coachmen were also provided. However, upon arrival, he found an unexpected additional passenger. Alongside the two coachmen stood another person, her presence surprising Adrian."What a coincidence," remarked the additional passenger."You're not riding in this carriage too, are you?" Adrian asked incredulously.Each encounter with Elizabeth left Adrian feeling uneasy. She was a formidable figure, over two hundred and thirty-eight years old—an age that surpassed Adrian's expectations by far. Despite her age, Elizabeth's appearance remained unchanged, a fact that unnerved Adrian."I secured this carriage through His Majesty's approval, and I was the first to do so. You’re the one taking advantage of my arrangement," Elizabeth said mockingly, aware of Adrian's discomfort with her presence.Adrian
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Chapter 3165
A little over an hour later, Elizabeth and Adrian reached Cras Island from Obscura. As Adrian gazed upon the expansive landscape of Cras Island from above, he felt a rare surge of emotion. It had been a month since he last set foot here, recalling the moment when Kaya had personally escorted him here, and also of Everett and the others. However, while Everett, Lillian, and the rest had settled there, Adrian had promptly departed for Mori Island, where subsequent events led him to Obscura. It had been over a month since then.Observing Adrian's contemplative demeanor, Elizabeth smiled serenely. "You don't seem as aloof as you appear."Adrian shot her a sidelong glance. "And you don't seem as youthful as you pretend to be."Though Adrian's remark carried a touch of sarcasm, it was not intended to cause offense. Even if Adrian harbored ill intentions, Elizabeth remained unfazed, her resilience transcending the concerns of ordinary individuals. Though she was a woman, Elizabeth existed
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Chapter 3166
When Adrian turned his head, Elizabeth had already disappeared from the carriage. He was stunned, not knowing when Elizabeth had left. It was at this moment he recognized that Elizabeth's strength might surpass his own. After all, only by using Origin Power could Elizabeth have left the carriage without him noticing.'Would I have been able to defend myself if she had attacked me?' Adrian thought. Elizabeth was like Pandora’s box, and he felt a real sense of danger from her. She held too many secrets that made him uneasy."What's the matter?" Wallace asked. "Did you see someone else leaving the carriage?" Adrian asked.Wallace shook his head. "No, it was just you in the carriage.”Adrian fell silent. This further confirmed that Elizabeth could also wield Origin Power.Wallace looked at Adrian strangely. He felt that Adrian had undergone some changes since returning from Obscura, but he could not quite put his finger on it. "Seriously? Was there really someone else with you in th
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Chapter 3167
Adrian turned to Wallace, hoping the latter might have some insights. However, to his surprise, Wallace's expression was gloomy. He could also sense hurt and caution in Wallace’s demeanor. Did this imply that there was something wrong with this man before them?"Why have you gone out of your way to welcome me?" Adrian asked bluntly."Well... You've made remarkable contributions in Obscura, and I'm not only the governor of Cras Island but also an ordinary citizen of Silverboa. I hold great respect for you!" the man answered. "Let me introduce myself. I am Thobias, Thobias Remington." Adrian squinted and scrutinized Thobias before shaking the latter’s hand. "Please, come with me. I've already been informed of what happened to the young lady and Ms. Lillian," Thobias said, "Ms. Lillian is currently receiving treatment in the best medical hospital in the city. As for the young lady, I've dispatched people throughout the entire city to search for her. I believe it won't take long to f
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Chapter 3168
Adrian entered the ward and saw Lillian, who was unconscious."Mr. Adrian, Ms. Lilian’s condition is extremely severe. It's best not to disturb her. But rest assured, we have the best medical facilities and many people to protect her. You don't have to worry about anything," Thobias said.Adrian sneered inwardly. He was certain that the people outside were there to monitor Lillian rather than protect her, but he chose not to say this out loud.The expression on Adrian’s face caught Thobias' attention though, who then felt a twinge of discomfort. 'I didn't expect him to notice something amiss so quickly. Truly, he's someone who could achieve so much in Obscura.'Thobias sighed inwardly. Then, he turned to Wallace and looked at him coldly. Apparently, Wallace had revealed something to Adrian earlier, and Thobias regretted not eliminating Wallace earlier. Although it might be risky, taking the risk would have been better than letting Adrian realize anything."Mr. Adrian, we—" "Not
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Chapter 3169
"I've just returned. Rest for now, we'll leave here soon," Adrian said.Thobias was slightly taken aback. He approached Adrian and carefully examined Lillian. All her injuries had indeed improved significantly. With a smile, he said, "Not only are you renowned for your military achievements, but you also seem quite adept in the field of medicine! However, I still advise you to remain here. Let us handle the search. After all, a hospital environment is more conducive to Ms. Lillian's recovery."Thobias was still trying his best to keep Lillian here, but since Adrian was suspicious of Thobias' intentions, he would not allow that to happen. "No need to worry. I'll be taking her with me," Adrian said.Thobias fell into silence. He would not mind killing Adrian right here, but Adrian's unpredictable strength and his immense contributions made him think twice. If he killed Adrian here on Cras Island, it could have repercussions for him.Resignedly, Thobias sighed and said, "It seems like
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Chapter 3170
Upon hearing this, Adrian turned to look at Lillian lying on the hospital bed. Compared to Wallace's assessment, Adrian had more trust in Lillian's words regarding the Celestrians. After all, Wallace could be quite erratic at times. Lillian nodded in agreement and said, "Seven days ago, we suddenly found many local government officials around us. They claimed to have noticed that the Celestrians were keeping an eye on us and might take action against us, but we suspected that it was Rozi who had been discovered by the Celestrians again, so we accepted the protection of the local government forces."At that time, we didn't suspect them. It's because of this that we relaxed our guard. We thought we were safe under the local government’s protection, but when the Celestrians arrived, the officials were too weak to withstand them. The Celestrians defeated them and took Rozi away.”Wallace sighed. "If we knew that the Celestrians had found us again, we would’ve escaped. We were tricked b
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