All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3181 - Chapter 3190
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Chapter 3181
Someone approached the guard who had led the interception against Adrian earlier and quietly asked, "Captain, they've left. What should we do?""Notify Mr. Thobias in ten minutes.""Why ten minutes?"The captain of the surveillance team only sighed in response. The others hesitated for a moment, likely understanding their captain's thoughts, and they all looked regretful. It was evident to everyone who had contributed to the country between Adrian and Thobias. However, Adrian was now facing pressure from the Governor's Mansion due to certain circumstances. As members of the Governor's Mansion, they didn't want that to happen, so they could only provide as much convenience as possible. For instance, delaying the notification to Thobias for a little while, allowing Adrian and the others to get as far away as possible.*Ten minutes later, Kevin frowned. "We've alerted the enemy," he said, looking at his father.Thobias sat in a large chair, stroking his chin, lost in thought. This
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Chapter 3182
Thobias' hand trembled as he turned to his son, gesturing for him to open the door. Kevin was trembling all over, unaware of what had happened outside. But under his father's intimidating gaze, he had no choice but to comply. As he tremblingly opened the door, the sight before him almost made him vomit his dinner.An old man sat between the two bodies on the floor, a dagger dripping with blood in his hand. A deep wound on his neck gushed blood like boiling water.Patio and another merchant were already dead, but the old man named Moran was barely alive. "Do you know why you two weren't killed?" He looked at Thobias and Kevin.Thobias tentatively asked, "Because we are still useful to Celestria?"The old man smiled. "Because you don't know the exact location of our organization."Kevin frowned, glancing at his father subconsciously. The guilt on his father's face made Moran's dying face turn pale.Moran widened his eyes and struggled to get up, probably wanting to continue killing
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Chapter 3183
Although there were many speculations about the Stormwatch Legion's actions from the outside world, Adrian and his group paid little attention to it."The Remingtons are like timid mice," Wallace remarked disdainfully as they walked down the street.Adrian didn't need to think twice to understand why Thobias had taken such actions. It was undoubtedly because something Adrian had done at Thobias' banquet had unnerved them. As they passed by the Stormwatch Legion, Adrian frowned, appearing to contemplate something. "Have you found out the addresses of those Celestrian merchants?" he asked after leaving the hospital, prompting the group to begin investigating the residences of Patio and the others. Having learned from the party that they were likely associated with the Celestria Restorationists, Adrian focused their efforts on finding Rozi through them."We have. These Celestrians reside in Phoenix Hill Manor," Lillian replied.As well-known merchants in Cras Island, discovering the
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Chapter 3184
Adrian had sent the guard in to report just to test the waters. With the current critical situation, gaining entry to the Governor’s Mansion wouldn't be easy."What should we do now?" Lillian asked, but Adrian responded with silence. He had no other viable options at the moment. They could force their way in, which was not out of the question, but it would result in casualties. Stirring up trouble with the Stormwatch Legion in a crucial location like Cras Island would only complicate matters further. It wouldn't just be about rescuing Rozi; it would escalate into more complex issues.‘We're too distant from the Stormwatchers, and Ines is even less useful now. Do we have to find a way to sneak in?’ Adrian pondered.Meanwhile, in the Governor’s Mansion, three people sat in the reception hall engaged in conversation: Thobias, Kevin, and Gaius."Hahaha. We owe you thanks for this, Mr. Gaius. Otherwise, my son and I would be in a bind." Thobias chuckled, offering praise to the big-beard
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Chapter 3185
"Working with the Celestrians?" Gaius rose from his seat, his expression growing serious as he scrutinized the father and son before him. Though he had suspected as much, hearing the words directly from them was still shocking.Thobias chuckled lightly and reassured Gaius, "Indeed. This is no jest."Gaius was taken aback. "Then you...""Mr. Gaius, are you only realizing this now? It seems I've overestimated you," Thobias deflected abruptly, shifting the focus onto Gaius.Gaius wore a pensive expression. He had sensed something amiss long ago. However, Thobias was a lord, and confronting him directly over suspicions wasn't an option. Even with military power at his disposal, he doubted he could match Thobias in a direct confrontation."What does today's matter have to do with your collaboration with the Celestrians?" Gaius inquired, having rushed over upon receiving the notice. Yet, Thobias had never explained the situation to him.Thobias and Kevin exchanged a glance, both sighin
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Chapter 3186
Gaius wasn't afraid because everyone knew the only ones the Remingtons could rely on were the army under his command. Without him, they were doomed.When Gaius signaled he wanted to leave, Thobias hastily stood up to stop him.Gaius questioned, "What's the matter? Are you trying to force me to stay, Lord Thobias?"Thobias assured him, "No, not at all. We don't have immediate benefits at hand, but..."Greed flickered in Gaius' eyes. "But what?"Thobias hesitated slightly. "But the Celestrians provide us with over a billion gold every year..."Upon hearing this, Gaius frowned deeply. "Where has all that money gone?"Thobias grimaced. Over the years, the money collected by the Governor's Mansion had been spent on various matters. After sorting out the relationships in Cras Island and several surrounding counties, they also provided the Celestrians with a hidden residence on Cras Island. Nearly all the money had been depleted.Thobias believed that once the Celestrians got a footho
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Chapter 3187
"With the Mansion surrounded by the army, we're effectively cut off. What's our next move?" Lillian's anxiety was palpable, realizing their options were dwindling.Adrian, too, grasped the gravity of the situation. While charging into the midst of the thirty thousand soldiers appeared tempting, Cras Island's status as Obscura City's rear battlefield rendered such action untenable. Disrupting Cras Island's stability was out of the question. Despite his natural inclination toward aggression, Adrian refrained from such drastic measures.Wallace, monitoring the soldiers' movements, remarked, "It seems they've altered their formation."Adrian grimaced. "They must have underestimated the severity of the situation. The Governor's Mansion and the Stormwatch Legion are undoubtedly conspiring with one another."Lillian's anxiety escalated further. After meeting Adrian, she had relocated to his residence, forming close bonds with Rozi and her sister. Living with Rozi and Wallace during this t
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Chapter 3188
Gaius and the Remingtons were discussing when Adrian might depart and brainstorming methods to encourage his departure when someone abruptly barged in, claiming they had urgent news."What's your business here?" Gaius, engrossed in thoughts of future prosperity with the Celestrians, was visibly annoyed by the interruption."Sir, that young man has reappeared. This time, he presented us with a token.""A token? What kind of token?" Gaius was intrigued, as were Kevin and Thobias, who exchanged a glance."The token is black, adorned with unusual patterns, including a coiled dragon..."Thobias frowned. Neither he, Kevin, nor Gaius recognized the significance of the token."Lord Tobias, do you have any knowledge of this token?" Sensing potential importance, Gaius turned to Thobias for insight.Thobias responded without hesitation, shaking his head and smiling slightly. "What significant possession could someone like that have? It's likely just a token from the Frontier Force, unrelat
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Chapter 3189
However, Adrian shook his head firmly. "Regardless of the situation there, there are garrison troops stationed here to manage emergencies. So, if we head over, mustering ten thousand men shouldn't pose a problem."With that, the trio departed from the Governor's Mansion. After they left, the Stormwatch Legionnaires collectively breathed a sigh of relief. They had just received orders from higher-ups to monitor Adrian as he was suspected of being the assassin targeting their leader. Moreover, he was a formidable level-eight expert.While they were instructed to keep an eye on Adrian, they were cautioned against provoking him. Thus, Adrian's presence near the Governor's Mansion had put considerable strain on the soldiers."That guy's finally gone..." remarked a soldier clad in armor, wielding a weapon."Hmph. Based on what they were saying earlier, they might return later.""Don't be cowards. We have thirty thousand troops here, and seventy thousand beyond the city walls. No matter
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Chapter 3190
Gaius eyed Thobias suspiciously, but the latter remained tight-lipped, refusing to divulge anything. Gaius sensed Thobias' reticence and understood that he held crucial information but chose to keep it hidden. Thoughts raced through Gaius' mind. What significance could that token hold?Meanwhile, Thobias contemplated the potential repercussions if Adrian indeed mobilized the Frontier Force. However, revealing the token's true origin to Gaius was out of the question. Having observed Gaius for some time, he had discerned the former’s true nature. Despite his outward bravado, Gaius was fundamentally timid. In the event of a conflict involving the Frontier Force, Thobias believed Gaius would cower in submission.In Silverboa, the Stormwatch Legion and the Frontier Force occupied distinct circles, with the latter commanding greater strength and prestige. In any confrontation, it would be the Stormwatch Legion that suffered. Thus, Gaius harbored no desire for conflict with the Frontier For
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