All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3171 - Chapter 3180
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3171
Unlike his father, Kevin seemed more highly experienced to deal with Adrian and his companions. If he could only wipe away the faint air of arrogance on himself, his act would seem more natural.After getting a brief rundown of the situation, Adrian knew that they would likely have to start from Thobias if they wanted to find Rozi. Therefore, he did not show any resistance in his interaction with Kevin."Mr. Adrian, were there many warriors in Obscura? It must’ve been very dangerous for you to conquer Leafall with so few people," Kevin said.Adrian smiled and shook his head. "There were indeed many warriors in Obscura, but I was fortunate not to encounter any true experts. In Leafall, there was only one Grandmaster, and he was the type who was just waiting to die. I managed to kill him without much trouble."Kevin fell into a pensive silence. After a while, he continued, "May I know what level you are at now, Mr. Adrian? You know, I'm just an ordinary person, but I'm quite curious
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Chapter 3172
"Celestria has fallen, so how could it have a princess? The reason I want to find her is because no one should touch anything and anyone under my wing without my consent,” Adrian said coldly.Kevin suddenly realized his mistake and shook his head. "My apologies. Indeed, Celestria has fallen, so there couldn't possibly be a princess, but there's another issue. It won't be easy for you to find her, Mr. Adrian. After all, their organization is very secretive, and those targeted by them are difficult to locate.""It sounds to me that you know where to find them," Adrian replied."I don't," Kevin said, "but I can create an opportunity for you to make contact with them. Do you want to hear about it?""Really? I'm all ears, then," Adrian said."The government of Cras Island is going to hold a party tonight, and some merchants from Celestria will be attending. They’ve been doing business with Silverboa before their country fell, so they can be trusted. As Celestrians and wealthy merchants
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Chapter 3173
For the time being, Adrian halted the discussions of plans with Lillian and Wallace. As they chatted, they steered clear of topics that involved the Cras Island government. The only thing he spoke of was what they would do next."Are we really not leaving this hospital?" Lillian asked.During Adrian's absence, Wallace and she had to make decisions on their own, but many issues were challenging without Adrian's help. They had faced quite a bit of hardship during that time.Adrian shook his head and whispered, "We will leave, but not right now. As of this moment, our goal is to make the Cras Island government relax their vigilance toward us as much as possible. As for what will happen next, we'll have to wait for tonight's party."Adrian smirked. He was confident that Kevin's inquiry about his strength held hidden intentions. Therefore, he knew that something would happen at the party. Perhaps they might even try to attempt an assassination. However, nobody knew his true strength exc
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Chapter 3174
A fierce gleam flashed through Kevin's eyes as if he had made a decision. "Don't think you're so great just because you're a level eight at such a young age," he muttered under his breath before catching up to Adrian.As Adrian entered the building, he felt like he had stepped into a different world. The situation inside was different compared to the serene atmosphere outside. The hall was grandiose and filled with people. He scanned the crowd and noticed several Celestrians wearing vibrant attire and had confident smiles on their faces, indicating they were not ordinary. Over the years, Celestrians had faced much discrimination in most parts of Silverboa. Yet, these individuals not only avoided such treatment but also garnered a degree of respect from the Silverboans."These Celestrians are the business giants in our city. They have a presence not only in the government but also in almost every aspect of life in Cras Island and neighboring regions. They are like gods of wealth to th
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Chapter 3175
"Come, Mr. Adrian, let's have a drink!" Patio stepped forward enthusiastically, raising his glass to toast Adrian.However, Adrian was not inclined to indulge himself. Instead, he stared at Patio and asked, "You are a Celestrian. Your country was destroyed by Silverboa, but yet you admire the soldiers of Silverboa?" Everyone around was stunned, including Kevin. Meanwhile, the face of the man behind Patio sank. It was obvious that Adrian was taunting them. However, Patio remained calm.After a moment of surprise, Patio stroked his beard and shook his head. "You're mistaken, Mr. Adrian. Although I'm a Celestrian, I've long integrated into Silverboa. I consider myself a Silverboan now.""I see. Then do you happen to know anything about the Celestrian Restorationists, Mr. Patio?" Adrian asked.Kevin shook his head in dismay. According to his plan, he would first introduce Adrian to Patio and have the two make merry before delving into the real business to avoid offending Patio. Howev
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Chapter 3176
"Kevin, it makes sense that they did those things since they’re from Celestria. But you’re a native of Silverboa City. If you get involved, your outcome will only be more tragic than theirs. You need to be cautious," Adrian said coldly, eyeing the other party.Meeting Adrian's gaze, Kevin felt a bit weak in the legs. Before he could snap out of it, Adrian had already left the banquet hall. After Adrian departed, it took Kevin a full two to three minutes to regain his composure."How dare a lowly commoner speak to me like this! Are you threatening me, Adrian?" Kevin glared in the direction Adrian had left, his eyes filled with hatred.Patio approached Kevin seriously and said, "Kevin, this guy is a bit different from what you described.""He was testing you. Your reaction has already made him suspect certain things, even implicating me." Kevin expressed dissatisfaction.Adrian's test was obvious. After all, under normal circumstances, a stranger wouldn't display such obvious hostil
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Chapter 3177
The number of people was significant, and they were formidable. The lineup was substantial; even an average eighth-level would be in dire straits when facing such a situation.There were at least ten eighth-levels, along with numerous skilled experts aiding them. Even for an expert at the eighth level, the only viable option would be to flee from this place as quickly as possible when confronted with such a scenario.But Adrian was different; he had already detected the presence of the others. Although running away should have been the best chance for escape, this option was never on his list of choices."Mr. Caleb, that guy has discovered us," said a man dressed in a gray robe, appearing hunched and sinister. He stood next to a sturdy and tall man, both of them concealed within the forest's shadows. Alongside them were a large number of warriors, who kept a vigilant watch on Adrian.The one addressed as Mr. Caleb turned to the sinister-looking man and chuckled softly. Stepping out
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Chapter 3178
Caleb’s suggestion for Adrian to abandon the Divine Frost Slayer Blade was nothing but a taunt."You want me to leave my sword behind? Are you prepared to part with your weapon?" Adrian challenged."Indeed, you won't give up your weapon either. Now I understand why you've been able to eliminate so many of our Morning Star members," Caleb remarked."Morning Star? You're from Morning Star?" Adrian was slightly surprised; the situation seemed different from what he had expected."Indeed I am, but I'm hired by the Celestria Restorationists. So, your assumption is correct. Don't panic now," Caleb said, gazing at Adrian as if he had already seen through his thoughts.Adrian smiled faintly. Panic? Such an emotion would never surface within him. "Let's begin, then," he said.With these casual words from Adrian, he drew the Divine Frost Slayer Blade. Whether it was Morning Star or Celestria, they were all adversaries to him. And in the face of adversaries, there was only one outcome—death
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Chapter 3179
"Release them, and I'll let you deal with me however you like," Caleb proposed, his tone less fierce than before. As he spoke, his blade remained sheathed, signaling a move he was preparing."If I kill them, you'll still die. You’re not worthy enough to negotiate with me," Adrian replied with a slight smile.Caleb frowned. He had intended to intimidate Adrian with this move, which would also be his final one, but he realized that Adrian's strength far surpassed his own. It seemed that no matter what he did, everyone tonight was doomed to perish."We know many secrets. If you want to know… Ack..." The speaker suddenly choked, blood spilling from his mouth. Shock crossed his face as he fell to the ground, silenced."What I want to know, I'll find out for myself. Don't try to threaten me," Adrian declared."Everyone, attack together!"Whether in Obscura City or Silverboa City, anyone who opposed Adrian would eventually discover they were facing someone extraordinary. He was like a g
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Chapter 3180
But Caleb dared not voice this. If he admitted his ignorance, would Adrian simply kill him on the spot?Adrian waved his hand dismissively. "Forget it. Just go."With that, Caleb departed in silence. Adrian emerged from the forest and cast a contemptuous glance at the brightly illuminated Remington mansion, smirking faintly. He glanced down at the Divine Frost Slayer Blade in his hand."Do you desire to consume this blade?" he asked the sword.However, the Hellblade emanated an intensely violent will as if angrily roaring at the Divine Frost Slayer Blade.Adrian shook his head. "Seems like it's not willing to let you consume it."The Divine Frost Slayer Blade sensed Adrian's reluctance for it to consume the other blade, and it became agitated. The swords hanging on both sides of Adrian began to hum. Now, he seemed like a walking battlefield of hellish weapons. Even ordinary individuals who approached too closely might be overwhelmed by the frenzied aura of the swords."That's en
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