All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3521 - Chapter 3530
3554 Chapters
Chapter 3521
What brought Barlow even more joy was that he and the Roys had just triumphed over Adrian in the struggle for status. Even though Adrian had taken the central seat in the guest area, he could not compare to him, for he had ascended to a throne on the grand stage. When compared, the hierarchy was clear. Sitting in the guest area, one was always a guest, but on the grand stage, one became the host. This perfectly illustrated the Roys, Barlow, and Lenny’s stances. They were to be the rulers of Dragoria, while Adrian could only be a mere guest. As Barlow contemplated this, he turned to Lenny, patting his shoulder and laughing, "Well done, Lenny. You've handled this brilliantly. This is a masterstroke! I was foolishly vying for a guest seat with Adrian earlier. You’re the clever one here." With that, he sat down. The guest area and the viewing platform erupted into chatter once again. The various families and powers aligned with the Roys felt relieved, even vindicated. To them, Barlow
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Chapter 3522
Anisa was of ordinary birth, without any influential background. Even if Lenny were to kill her, there would be no one to speak up for her. "Yes, sir! I'll find people to fill up the spots right away!" Anisa said with a sob, then scrambled away in a hurry. But could she really find more than twenty thousand people in five minutes and arrange seating for them all? It seemed impossible. However, Anisa had some skills. She immediately contacted the heads of several surrounding forces in Lenny’s name. After a little more than ten minutes, she managed to arrange for over twenty thousand people to enter the venue. Although she had exceeded the time limit, at least there were no empty seats left. In fact, there were even some extra people who had to stand at the back.Seeing the seats filled again, Lenny's mood improved slightly, and his inauguration ceremony finally began in earnest. The lights in the guest seats and viewing platform dimmed, leaving only the center stage and the area
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Chapter 3523
They had all donned the Flaming Dragon Armor, and over a thousand sets of the orange-yellow armor that, even in the dim light, shone with an unparalleled brilliance, flickering with the unique luster of metal. Upon seeing these armors, Eden, Golden Snake, and Herald were filled with immense joy. This was a product of their three great families' joint research and development; the materials from the Valdez family, the operating equipment from the Colon family, and the energy supply from the Arroyo family. These armors were the culmination of their combined efforts. "If all goes well, tonight's battle will be a sensation that will shake not only Dragoria but the entire world," Herald said with a proud smile. Golden Snake nodded in agreement, his smile mirroring Herald's. Although he was not a direct descendant of any of the three great families, he had followed Charlie for many years and could share in the glory. In his heart, he considered himself a Colon. Meanwhile, Eden was co
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Chapter 3524
At this moment, Lenny had finished reading the speech Anisa had prepared for him. Below him, representatives from various families and powers were applauding. As for the parties who had been forcibly arranged to attend, they were clapping too, but their applause was sparse, their enthusiasm seemingly absent. Lenny was a name unfamiliar to them, and many even found it distasteful. The overwhelming propaganda had only served to increase their resistance. "Who is this man?" a man whispered. "How should I know? This is the first time I've heard of this Lenny," another replied. "Didn't he mention it in his speech? He's some big shot who's been transferred from somewhere else." "Big shot, my foot!" "When is this going to end? I need to get back and sleep." The last-minute guests were becoming restless, and all of them were discussing and expressing their dissatisfaction. Lenny, a level-nine powerhouse, had keen ears. He heard every word of their criticism and discontent. ‘Bun
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Chapter 3525
In the guest seats and on the viewing platform, many people began to applaud. And now, it was finally time for Lenny's performance to take center stage. With a resounding "boom," a powerful gust of wind swept out. Those with keen eyes noticed something shooting straight up into the night sky from the stage's center. "What is that?" "Is that a firework?" "I don't see a tail flame. It doesn't look like a firework." As the crowd's curiosity peaked, a burst of light exploded hundreds of meters high in the sky. "It's Lenny!!" "It really is him!" "My God, he can fly!" "No, he's not flying. He just shot straight up from the ground!" Accompanied by the murmurs, more and more people began to shout. Even those who originally found the ceremony boring couldn't help but cheer. Lenny, of course, could hear the cheers and shouts from below him, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. As a level-nine powerhouse, his physical strength was extremely strong. With the assistance
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Chapter 3526
Lenny felt like he was struck by lightning, his mind instantly going blank."Why? Adrian... Why you?" Lenny's eyes glazed over. His momentary daze ended. In his Nether Dragon Armor, Lenny plummeted downward.Meanwhile, below on the ground, near Caviar Restaurant, Adrian stood with his hands behind his back, gazing up at the night sky and shaking his head."You talk so arrogantly. I didn't expect you to be so easily overwhelmed with a little pressure. Yet you boast of becoming the king of Dragoria?" He sighed.Adrian’s sensory power kept him aware of all of Lenny's actions. Seeing Lenny's arrogance, he had taken action. What surprised him was that when he released his pressure, it resonated with the golden dragon within him, triggering both the roar of thunder and a dragon.In the VIP seats and observation platforms, most people heard the loud noises and attributed them to Lenny. They discussed fervently."Was that thunder?""Yes, it was, and the roar of a dragon came from within
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Chapter 3527
"Could it be that Lenny is about to be struck by lightning because he was lying? If he gets struck, it's no big deal. But if it affects the apprentices inside Caviar Restaurant, that wouldn't be good," Adrian muttered.Adrian didn't want to take any risks. Instantly, his sensory power swept out and quickly enveloped Caviar Restaurant, entering the bodies of every apprentice. These apprentices were all ordinary people, without any means to resist his power.Adrian used his sensory power to make the apprentices act, causing them to stand up and run toward the exit in an orderly manner. Barlow, sitting on the dragon armchair, saw this scene, and his good mood instantly turned into anger."What's wrong with these apprentices?!" Barlow shouted at several staff members around him as he leaped out of the armchair.But like him, the staff members had no idea what was going on."Where’s Anisa? Get Anisa for me!" Barlow shouted."Yes, sir." A staff member hurriedly ran off, soon bringing A
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Chapter 3528
Some fence-sitters quietly stood up and discreetly followed the apprentices. Seeing this, Barlow couldn't contain himself any longer and strode to the center of the grand stage."Everyone, remain seated!" Barlow boomed, his voice carrying a level-nine pressure tinged with anger.Immediately, the restless crowd hushed. Those who had intended to leave quietly halted in their tracks before reaching the main gate. The level-nine pressure had a formidable deterrent effect."The ceremony isn't over yet. Leaving now would be defying the Roy family," Barlow continued, then gazing up at the sky, he added, "Who dared to claim earlier that it wasn't a dragon's roar?"From below the stage, silence greeted Barlow. Despite his age, the level-nine's strength was insurmountable. Anyone challenging the claim risked being executed before they could finish their sentence.Hearing no response, Barlow sneered coldly. "Lenny is Dragoria's youngest level-nine, mastering even the Dragon Fist of his prede
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Chapter 3529
The Nether Dragon Armor's surface decorations and paint were instantly vaporized when struck by the thunderbolt. With its special structure and Nether Dragon alloy, the armor held up temporarily. However, the thunderbolt's intense electric energy far exceeded normal lightning.Gradually, under the relentless bombardment of the current, the outer layer of the armor began to peel away like fish scales, each piece quickly vaporized by the high temperature. Lenny started to panic as he observed this."This shouldn't be happening. How can this thunderbolt melt through the armor?" He checked his helmet's panel and saw that the armor was sustaining serious damage. In the next moment, the display screen flickered and went dark. Hissing sounds emerged from various parts of the Nether Dragon Armor. The entire set was melting and disintegrating under the thunderbolt's assault.At Caviar Restaurant below, Barlow was stunned, standing motionless and staring at the sky, his heart filled with an
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Chapter 3530
The Council of Elders, Tommy, Ryden, and the others stood in disbelief as they watched the fireball descending rapidly. They were uncertain of what action to take.Barlow's heart sank, his face deeply furrowed, twitching uncontrollably. He trembled all over, consumed by a mix of sorrow, resentment, and anger. Yet, he had no target for his fury, no one to blame.As the fireball neared the ground, Barlow clenched his fists tightly. With a sudden burst of energy, he leaped, causing the stage to quake with a loud bang. He soared into the sky, ascending tens of meters high. He knew he couldn't allow Lenny to crash.Despite Lenny's strength as a level-nine powerhouse, the lightning strike had likely left him severely injured and unable to protect himself. A fall from such a height would be fatal."Lenny..." Barlow's eyes widened as he reached out, aiming to catch him.But as Barlow approached the height of the top floor of the Caviar Restaurant, a horde of enormous monsters lunged at hi
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