All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
375 Chapters
The Treaty
RyattMaddox watches me from across the coffee table loaded with breakfast foods. Pastries, fruit, and meat sit on delicate plates, surrounded by bottles of juice and three carafes of hot coffee. So far, coffee is all we’ve touched. He’s just been… staring at me. Staring at me for twenty minutes now. I clear my throat, pouring myself a third cup of coffee. “I believe congratulations are in order,” I say. “Two healthy princes and a Luna still living is nothing to scoff at.”“It’s a blessing, to be sure.” Maddox glances at the door, then back at me. “I don’t expect Isaac to come to this meeting today.”“We can discuss your terms without him. He might be the king, but he’s Ella’s brother.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Your opinion on this matter means more to me, and to her, than his.”“Have you spoken to her about the idea of her staying here, at least until the baby is born?” Maddox eyes me cooly, sternly, radiating that primal aura all born Alphas possess. “Of c
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Back From the Dead
Ella“Oh, my Goddess!” I don’t care that I’m screaming for the entire world to hear. My voice echoes off the walls as I barrel down the stairs, practically blind, tears springing from my lashes and rolling down my cheeks. I trip over my own feet and fall to my knees on the tile just as Ryatt reaches my side and hauls me upright. He doesn’t let me go. I squirm in his arms, panting, reaching a hand toward the bloodied man staining the ivory tiles crimson. Westfall’s glacier blue eyes meet mine, but his expression is strained as the wolves hold him down. Several of the wolves have him by their teeth, blood pooling around the wounds they’ve inflicted by getting him on the ground. “Isaac, please!” I shout.Isaac looks from me to Westfall, confusion blurring his features. “Alpha King!” Ryatt shouts, a touch panicked as he holds me back. “Let him go.”Cassian rushes into the room, cursing audibly as he skids to a stop. Hannah is hot on his heels but he swings his arm out to stop her. Sh
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Remember Who You Are
EllaI can readily admit I’ve never been good at goodbyes. I left Maddy in the woods during the war, for example, running toward what I was sure was death at the hands of my own mate or to throw myself between him and my brother. I stabbed my brother in the chest and put him into a magically induced coma rather than tell him I was thinking about leaving and crossing the veil. And then I ruined his fancy party by having Ryatt create a Goddess-damned portal in the middle of my family’s throne room. Even faced with being separated from Ryatt by war, I chose to ignore his very valid points about how dangerous King Kane was and fought with him instead of just saying goodbye. I brought Ryatt here and put my whole family through the wringer instead of letting him die because I couldn’t, and never could, say goodbye for a final time. I doubt I’ll ever change. I don’t want to, honestly. I’d rather sneak off into the night than go through… this. My family looks morose and uncomfortable i
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Shattered Castle
Amanda“Lovely,” I say out loud as I run my fingers over the fine lace runner covering the length of the formal dining table in the castle in Veiled Valley. “More flowers, I think. What do you think of lilies, perhaps?” A light breeze drifts around me before crystal vases full of lilies, snapdragons, and tulips of several different shades appear out of thin air and drop onto the table. The scent of the flowers is rich and sweet, like the spring air outside. Veiled Valley is beautiful in late spring. Warm and lush and glowing with pale green as I lift my gaze from the table to the massive windows and archways leading out onto the sweeping veranda. “I love it, thank you,” I say to the house and step away to admire our work. With Granger still traveling through the Roguelands, I’ve returned to Veiled Valley. It feels good to be here again. This place–this city, and this magical castle–feel like home now. And being the Beta’s wife comes with responsibilities that keep me more than bus
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Wash It All Away
EllaRyatt edges closer, slowly undoing the clasps and hooks keeping his leathers fastened to his body. There’s so much hunger in his eyes right now. Gone is that distant look of resignation, of sorrow, and of disbelief that clouded his vision the entire time we were healing in Maatua and the isles. It’s like coming home has brought my mate back to life. I feel it too. My body’s no longer heavy with grief and despair. My wounds have healed. My mind is no longer plagued by Kane and what he did to me and my body. My body only reacts to the way my mate is looking at me right now. Like I’m a meal. Like he’s been starving, and I’m the only thing that will satisfy him. But it’s been a while since I’ve seen that primal look in his eyes that makes them darken to steel. Ryatt won’t go easy on me this time. He won’t hold back. He’s not afraid to hurt me now. Because we made it home. Because we survived. And because we have time he never thought we’d have together. “Come here,” he growls a
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Her Purpose
EllaI don’t think I’ve ever been in this part of the castle before. Honestly, I feel like I haven’t seen more than half of Ryatt’s grand, mountainside home since the day I first landed in this onyx palace. But this room… this room has my full attention. The walls are the same black stone that weaves throughout the castle. Towering stained glass windows scatter ribbons of purple, blue, and ivory light across faded leather furniture and ancient portraits of what I assume are past rulers. Ornate rugs lie at odd angles, their colors bleeding into one and another, worn from age.I wonder how many people have walked across the rugs and run their fingertips over the circular table in the center of the room. I wonder how many people have looked at the incredible 3D map that covers nearly the entire table and stood in awe of it like I am now. I run my fingers across the jagged, scaled down peaks of the mountain ranges that border the northern edge of a circular model of Eastonia. My touch d
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Sucked Down
EllaA fine layer of mist covers the ground as I follow Commander Westfall down a steep embankment. Pockets of loose shale give way beside me, tumbling to the ground and shattering like glass. I pull my cloak tighter, grimacing as my feet slip and slide over the uneven ground. The sun hasn’t risen yet. Stars shine bright above us, the only light to be found. “We’re almost there,” he says gruffly. “Well,” I say tartly, glaring at the back of his big, fat head. “Those are the first words you’ve said to me in a kind tone since you died.”He says nothing, of course. He doesn’t want to be here. I don’t either, but Ryatt is calling the shots, and that means I have to go to the coven to take over–or whatever. I got one last night with Ryatt before we parted. He left Veiled Valley with Granger shortly before we left, the two of them decked out in leathers and weapons. He’d looked back over his shoulder and nodded at me. Then he was gone. Not having the mind-link with him anymore is weig
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Bad Compromise
Ryatt“What the fuck is happening?” My hands curl into fists as I stalk toward the group of warriors–a gaggle of dirty, exhausted men and wolves–and stop a few feet away from their general, a young man named Tanner. His nostrils flare as he tries to stay upright in my presence, but his knees wobble. He’s resisting the urge to back away. “We were attacked last night in Fenwyrd Pass. We counted six rogues.”“Rogues don’t run in packs,” I counter, eyeing the young general. I don’t know him. He was put in his position by Artyom, who is currently speaking in low tones to Granger. “We came upon a campsite,” the young general grinds out, his teeth chattering with nerves as I lean in. He swallows hard then continues, “Two of my men were attacked from behind and hauled off into the woods. We followed and came upon a… feeding ground.”I raise my brows. “What exactly did that entail?”The general goes a little green, but clears his throat. “It’s about as bad as you could expect, my King.”‘Rog
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The New Firestone Queen
EllaSilver manacles burn into my wrists. The hot, slippery metal slides over my bones as I curl into myself, trying to shelter myself from the pain. Water drips onto my filthy hair. It’s ice cold, which is a welcome relief from the sweltering heat radiating through the room made of sweating pale stone.There’s a single door and no windows, and I have no idea if I’m underground or high, high above in some tower. Everything from the brief moments of clarity I had after being pulled from the river to now are blurry. Flashes of being dragged by my hair through wet mud. The feeling of silver being sliced over my bruised skin. The sound of manacles being locked in place, and muffled voices lifted in snarling laughter at my expense.I woke up some time ago thirsty and in the worst pain I think I’ve ever felt. The pain radiates from my wrists and writhes a snake through every vein, over every muscle, setting deep in my bones.The worst of it lingers in my lower belly. A dull, cramping ache h
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EllaThere’s nothing in my head but the sheer will to survive as Petra swings Ryatt’s sword. She miscalculates how heavy it is, and based on the way her arms tremble and bow, she’s never wielded a sword before, either.The gem-encrusted hilt slides out of her hands, the sword whizzing through the air. A screech of pain sounds nearby, and I spare a glance in the direction of the sound.A wolf—one of Petra’s warriors—is twitching on its side while blood pools around his body.I don’t hide the smirk that stretches over my cracked lip as Petra slowly turns her gaze back to me. I step to the side, then step again, putting a few feet of distance between me and the deranged witch. All around us, warriors, guards, and even some of her slaves are starting to gather to watch the fight.I mean to give them a show they’ll never forget.If I can muster the strength.Each step is painful. Each breath rattles through my lungs. My blank thoughts flash with images of Ryatt. He can’t find me without th
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