All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
375 Chapters
Pit of Despair
EllaThis is fucked up, and I am pissed off. I readjust my position in the ridiculously comfortable, high-backed throne I’ve been seated in and curl my fingers around my knee. Hot sunshine beats down into a pit of shallow sand that’s currently being raked while the people arriving to witness my mate’s battle find seats in the stands. Above me, a pergola protects those sitting in the “royal box” from the sun, and before me is a beautifully decorated table full of food. Fine, sparkling wine glistens in the sunlight. Platters of exotic fruit, pastries, and cold meats sit untouched. I’m not hungry. I couldn’t eat even if I wanted to. Not when my blood is boiling, and it has nothing to do with the unforgiving dry heat. I glance around and spot Granger on the far side of the box looking grim as he watches the men raking the pit. White sand that reminds me of Maatua has been spread over the coarse, golden sand surrounding Oasia. I figure it’s so everyone in attendance for today’s event w
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A Leap Too Far
EllaThe crowd is hissing, booing, and screaming curses down at my mate. Ryatt looks around, panting, his shoulders rigid despite the welts covering his skin. Jaxon is still staring at me, but my attention is stolen by several people trying to climb down into the pit. A tremor of panic shudders through the entire arena. “Alpha Jaxon, you need to get him out of there,” I say hurriedly, turning back to the Alpha of Oasia, the man who just lost the crown of Eastonia to my mate. But suddenly I feel cool metal against my neck and freeze.“Play along,” Jaxon rasps along the shell of my ear before yanking me upright so violently I shriek in alarm. Below, Ryatt’s face has turned from grim amusement to absolute rage as he spots Jaxon with his hands on me and a blade to my neck. “If you shift, she dies,” Jaxon taunts as warriors race out into the pit, shoving delirious onlookers out of the way before they can get to my mate. “Ella!” Granger screams my name over the chaos erupting all aro
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Out of Options
RyattGranger returns three hours after Ella slumped into a restless slumber in my arms. His golden wolf appears at the edge of the clearing I’ve been sitting in, unable to even blink, my mind and heart in shambles. How could I have been so stupid? So desperately, unapologetically unaware of how hard this kind of travel would be on Ella in her state? She whispers something in her sleep, her face buried in my shirt. For the last two hours she’s been jerking awake and calling out for a little girl, of all things. She asks what her name is, over and over, each time the question leaves her lips it becomes more pleading. She’s in pain. While our bond isn’t strong enough to feel those changes and emotions in my own body, I can smell it on her. I can smell the changes taking place in her body as the minutes speed by. “Granger,” I say hoarsely. My unused voice sounds like someone has taken a rake over my vocal chords.Granger shifts back to his human form and quickly pulls on a pair of pa
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Ryatt's Choice
RyattI don’t know the name of this village or the pack. I barely spoke more than three words to the Beta before being ushered out of the village and into a heavily wooded area high above the village proper. A small stone cabin sits in the center of a clearing, flanked by a few out buildings. Smoke puffs from the chimney as I approach the cottage with my hands curled into fists at my sides. I try to tell myself that everything is going to be fine, but Granger and I are alone in this. My men–my commanders, generals, and warriors–are currently spread out between here and Veiled Valley. Everyone is on standby, waiting for whatever conflict might have come when we faced off with Jaxon. I’m too far out of mind-link range to connect with any of my commanders to tell them the situation has changed. I push open the door and step inside the dusty cottage. It’s a single room–wide and nearly empty save for a bed in its center and a few cabinets and chairs. An elderly woman is yelling at a vil
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Me Instead
Ryatt“What did you just say to me?” I have to force the words out. My ears ring with Ella’s whimpering. Her suffering is the only thing taking up space in my head. I can’t think straight. “You’ll lose the Luna if something isn’t done immediately,” the healer says sharply, waving her knife in Ella’s direction. “I can stop the bleeding with herbs, but it will kill the babe. Or, I cut the child from her womb. You decide, Alpha King. Your Luna or the baby?”“Ryatt!” Ella’s voice is thick with despair. “Don't–please! Don’t let her hurt the baby! I–she can’t be born yet. She’s not ready; it’s too soon!” I slowly tear my gaze from the healer to my mate and feel what’s left of my heart shatter to pieces in my chest. Ella is bleeding out. The sheets and mattress are black with her blood. Her skin is clammy and gray as she clutches the blood-damp sheets and throws her head from side to side in agony.“Please, Ryatt. Please–”“Alpha!” the healer shouts. “She will die if you don’t make a deci
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Just a Man
EllaBright light. A soft, warm breeze that smells sharply of pine and cedar. Somewhere in the distance a soft, delicate voice sings a beautiful song–a lullaby. A baby whimpers and is gently shushed. I feel hands grazing down my arms. The scent of honeysuckle and lavender fills the air, and birdsong echoes in my ears. I snuggle deeper into the warmth penetrating my back. Ryatt’s scent brushes over my senses like a loving embrace. Deep in my chest, in my soul, that thread that binds us together sings with satisfaction. His scent is sharper than before. It’s everything I love. Everything that sets my soul aflame…I jolt to awareness, and I’m blinking frantically to clear my vision. Murmuring male voices cut through the lullabies and birds singing, and suddenly I’m in an unfamiliar cottage made of dark stone, the windows open to reveal a landscape of towering pine trees and rolling mountains capped with snow. They’re people standing outside of the cabin dressed in warrior leathers. I
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By Any Other Name
RyattFresh raindrops glisten on the trees above my head as I walk on steady feet toward the creek that runs adjacent to the village. It’s quiet here. Nothing but the sound of the birds and the rippling water pierce the air as I sit on a boulder overlooking the creek and adjust the bundle in my arms. My daughter is asleep, making little suckling motions with her lips every once and a while. Gods, she looks like Ella right now. Her hair is a dark mahogany brown, and the scrunch of her nose mimics my mate’s look when she’s annoyed–or teasing me or someone else. I’m supposed to name this baby. Ella told me not to come back to the cottage until she has a name, or I’ll sleep outside with the bugs and rats. I stretch out my legs and cross my ankles. This could be a long day, and I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet. Now that Ella is recovered, we’re planning on leaving tomorrow for Rifthold. Following the base of the mountains and skirting the edge of Tarsian, and Alpha Jaxon's territory,
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Veiled Intentions
Isaac I’m not sure what I was expecting to find, but it isn’t this.Instead of simply walking through a wall of mist and magic, coming out the other side and coming face to face with Ryatt and Ella, I feel like I’ve been dropped on my head after having every nerve in my body pulled apart and thrust back together again.I never gave much thought to what Ryatt and Ella went through, twice now, while crossing the veil. It’s nothing like spiriting myself from room to room, or from the castle to the rolling fields beyond the woods, no.My powers are useless. Even my wolf powers are whimpering in my veins as I shift my weight on the stool I’m sitting on with my hands bound behind my back.How many days has it been since I came through the veil? Four? Maybe five?The man seated in front of me hasn’t said a word in a long time. I can only see his jaw, the rest of his face shielded by a hood. He has dark skin, and his hands are covered in a tangle of scars and tattoos.Other than tying me up,
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The Bond is Back
EllaThere’s a commotion outside of the cottage. It’s just after noon, from what I can tell, and the little village girl who follows the witch around everywhere has just dropped off a basket full of cold sliced meat, bread, cheese, and an assortment of fruits and vegetables for a quick lunch when the door to the single room cottage bursts open.I rise from the pile of clothing and gifts we’ve been given from the nearby village, in the process of packing up for our journey home, when Ryatt strides in and shuts the door with a snap. He locks it and stares down at me absently.“Uh, are you okay?” I straighten as he turns to the single window and pulls the curtains closed. “Ryatt, where’s the baby?”“She’s with Westfall.”“He’s here?”“He just arrived.”Something in Ryatt’s tone puts me on edge. It’s been several days since the baby’s birth, and he’s finally coming around. Dark circles no longer cloud his eyes and his shoulders have been relaxed, but now?“Are we under attack?” I ask, ro
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What Did You Do To Me?
EllaI cry out Ryatt’s name as he thrust in from behind. He grips my hips, adjusting me so I’m where he wants me, and begins to absolutely lay waste to my body.It’s like every piece of me–every cell, every nerve–is honing in on his movements. He lowers himself over my back after a moment, pressing me into the mattress with one of his hands pinning my wrists above my head.He kisses the base of my neck, then bites down, holding me there.For whatever reason that bite ignites something in me I’ve never felt before. It’s something ancient. Maybe something tied to my powers? I don’t know. But whatever he does awakens that spark of light deep in my soul, and soon my skin is glowing a pale gold.Each stroke of his cock has me edging toward a climax I already know is going to be stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced. I lose sense of place and time. The bed is threatening to fall to pieces beneath us. His free hand smooths over my side, clutching the slope of my hip, and he thrusts i
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