All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
375 Chapters
A Rogue and a Witch
RyattThe village of Cerserne sits on the southernmost border between the Roguelands and Rifthold. Quiet, scant, and nothing but rolling, grass covered hills, it’s a peaceful place. The men quickly ushering their wives and children into the scattered pale stone cottages aren’t at peace, however, not with a band of wolves marching into their village. The burly man in brown leather who walks in my direction looks murderous, but his expression shifts to one of skepticism and concern as he recognizes the dark emblem of the Roguelands on the armor on the bodies of my warriors who are still in their human forms. I walk between the dozen or so warriors, Granger walking a few paces behind me. My warriors part to allow me to edge right up to the Alpha of Cerserne–an Alpha who once allied with Kane. “What do I owe the…pleasure?” he croons, giving me a dramatic bow. His thick black beard brushes against his chest as he rises to his full height and crosses his arms over his broad chest. I s
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Head in a Bag
EllaThey follow me like baby ducks. I’ve counted thirty-eight of them so far, though several of the witches are barely able to walk on their own. Everytime I speak, thirty-eight sets of eyes light on mine, unblinking. If I stop walking abruptly, the dozen or so strongest unsheath blades and bows and arrows we stole from the dead warriors we left in the caves. The caves… well, the witches and I didn’t leave right away. Those strong enough to fight killed the rest of the warriors while the others went to free their sisters from the networks of cells hidden along darkened corridors. All of the strange pyres were staunched, and the walls…. I glance around at the witches setting up camp along the base of a cliff. Most of them are splattered with blood, and their hands are covered in it. They painted the walls of those caves red. I exhale deeply and continue poking the fire in front of me. Rain rips through the camp in sheets that pass as quickly as they come. A huge storm just tore th
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Calming the Storm
EllaI’m not sure what time it is. Ryatt picked me up and carried me out of the tub hours ago, laying me in bed with so much tenderness it nearly broke my heart.We’ve been lying here ever since. My cheek rests against his arm while his other one cradles me, his hand tucked under my breast.He’s asleep. His rhythmic breathing is the only sound in the room other than the rain softly padding against the foggy windows. The fire burned out long ago, and the room is cast in silver gray light as the sun finally begins to rise.I want to stay here forever–in this room, with my mate’s warmth penetrating my skin. Outside the door leading back into the main rooms of the inn, our reality awaits. War, unrest, death and despair. I killed Petra, sure, but I know we have more trials to face. More enemies to conquer.Ryatt stirs as that silvery, stormy morning light starts to creep up the bed. His legs are tangled in the sheets, and the soft lighting makes his scars and roping, intricate tattoos all
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Moonstones and Water
IsaacI gently lift Sydney out of Maddy’s arms. He blinks, then a fleeting smile stretches over his face before he falls back asleep with milk dribbling down his cheek. Ryan is already sleeping in the double-wide crib tucked beneath the window in our bedroom, his chubby arms and legs splayed out like a starfish. Sydney likes to be swaddled but I’m terrible at it. I mumble curses under my breath as I try to adjust his swaddle and gently lay him down beside his brother, who is in nothing but a diaper, which is just the way Ryan likes it. Thank the Goddess it’s a sweltering summer night. I edge away from the crib with my hands out in surrender, grimacing as my foot catches that damned squeaky floorboard I keep forgetting to tell someone to fix, but the twins remain asleep. So does my wife. Maddy’s wine-red hair falls over her shoulder and back as she rolls over on her side and curls into the blankets. She whispers something to herself in her sleep, but it’s lost on me. I’m too focus
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Tendrils of Black
EllaAll is well. Nothing is amiss. Our daughter is growing as she should be. Here’s a list of herbs. The alchemist in the market can make you a bundle for teas and spicing your food. You should be eating this as often as you can. It’ll help with the aches and fatigue. The midwife’s words echo in my mind.All is well. No signs of distress. No inklings that a curse is eating me alive. I watch the village of Hannis from my window at the inn as I cradle the swell of my stomach. No one suspects a thing is wrong with me. Maybe Petra was wrong. Maybe she lied and was only trying to scare me, but the memories of Kane’s blade slicing my skin ebb through my mind and leave scars in their wake. I need to know for sure if I’m cursed and what it means. And, more importantly, how to break it. The midwife comes and goes with a smile on her pleasant face, but I haven’t left the room. I’ve barely touched the cold breakfast foods laid out on a small table near the window. The tea has grown cold.
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The Truth Comes Out
Ryatt“She’s oddly quiet,” Granger says as we step out of the pack house in a village called Reighnier, where the pack Silent Crest resides. I glance at my mate who is walking back to the two-story stone cottage we’ve been given to sleep in for the night. Her long dark hair is neatly braided down her back, and her brown cloak is spotless as she pulls open the door and slips inside. I exhale, my stomach tightening as I fumble with the leather armguards around my wrists. “She’s tired. I spoke to her this morning. We’re going to see another healer once we reach Twin Rivers.”Or what’s left of Twin Rivers. The once prosperous city on the banks of the river that separates the Roguelands from Rifthold is barely more than a village of tents and refugees now. It was flattened during the war, just like Rifthold. Once we cross the river, it could be weeks until we find someone to help Ella with the pregnancy symptoms that plague her day in and day out. “Is this wise, Ryatt?” Granger asks in
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Leap of Faith
RyattI slide my sword back into its scabbard down my spine and look around the crystalline main wing of the archives in Veiled Valley. My body thrums from the enormous use of power it took to get here. Getting back to Ella is going to be painful, for sure, but if I’m right in my assumptions, Arthur is going to know how to help us. The little man in question blinks up at me from behind cracked, circular spectacles that are so thick they make his beady eyes look like tea saucers. “Good evening,” I breathe, and it’s an effort. My vision goes slightly fuzzy as I brace myself on the doorframe to the crystal atrium, the lights of Veiled Valley glimmering in the distance. “It’s three in the morning.”“Not where I just came from,” I say. “Do you have whiskey by chance?”But footsteps nearby catch my attention, and within a second, I’m face to face with Westfall. Great. “What are you doing here, Commander?”Westfall looks me up and down, his dark brows arched. Arthur, Veiled Valley’s ti
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Vision of Love
EllaI wake to bright sunshine streaming through the window next to our bed in the cottage. I squeeze my eyes shut against the onslaught of light and reach over the sun-warmed sheets for Ryatt, but the other side of the bed is still as empty as it was when I fell asleep. For the first time in weeks, I don’t feel like death this morning. Maybe it’s the way the warm sun plays over my skin and the chipper birdsong outside, but I feel… happy. Lively. I feel like getting up and stretching my body instead of burying myself in bed again. I can sense a shift in the air as I dress in a clean outfit of cream colored cotton and try to pull on my boots. Tying the laces is becoming a struggle because of my belly, which is now in the way. I didn’t show for the longest time, and maybe I should have enjoyed that phase of this pregnancy a little longer. Now, it’s over. I grunt with effort as I try to bend down over the hard swell of my stomach. I even sit down and try to pull my leg higher. Finally
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The Queen of Eastonia
*Ella*The twisting sensation in my stomach is at a peak as my boots crunch over glass, then something… crackly in a thick, nauseating way that leaves me totally unsettled. I pull my foot back and look down then let out a sigh of relief. Not a bone. Not someone’s mangled arm. Just someone's old cloak, I think. I look over my shoulder at the fog rising from the river that separates Rifthold from the Roguelands. We crossed the river this morning by boat, and it had been a perilous, rocky ride, to say the least. The way my legs tremble as I carefully pick my way through scattered debris has nothing to do with the treacherous journey across the river, however. Ryatt is standing a few paces in front of me talking to Westfall in low tones, Granger at their side. The early morning fog is beginning to lift, showing the devastation of the once great, but evil, lair of Kane and his forces. I truly destroyed everything. I really did. Rifthold is nothing but toppled buildings coated in ash, a
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Challenge Accepted
RyattI’m not surprised by the warm welcome we receive. I’m also not surprised by the lush apartment Ella, Granger, and I are led into after a long walk in the unfiltered, sand-filled heat. The luxury of this place–Oasia–doesn’t shock me, nor Granger. No, we don’t expect anything less from Jaxon. He’s always liked the finer things, and finally, after groveling in the trenches his entire life, he has the means to make his wildest dreams come true. The village of Oasia is a sprawling network of white stone that spreads out for over a mile, all of the buildings interconnected by tunnels built beneath the sand. At its center sits an oasis, hence the name, the only true source of water for miles. This spring is where he gets his power. He controls the water in Tarsian, so he is king. This is an empire I’m almost envious of. The sheer wealth of this territory–the mines, the gems, the stones–would be enough to completely rebuild the Roguelands and allow my people to live in opulence. Bu
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