All Chapters of What they never knew: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
52 Chapters
I don't give a flying fuck
I walked back into the hall. More like stalked in. I was not sure of what was going on with me but I tried as much as I could to hold myself together. I don't want to call any unnecessary attention to myself. My head was buzzing. My heart was racing and I could feel it in my throat, almost literally, but that was not possible. I can't believe that I let this man get those reactions out of me. I should not have allowed him to steer up those emotions in me at all. The most annoying part of this whole thing was that I've tried in the past to have these emotions. Even if it were not to a quarter fraction of what I was feeling right now. Something that could make me move on from him and date other men. But it was like my heart had other plans that it was brewing. I had never felt like this for any other person, but him. He was the only one that made my heart beat so fast. The only one that pulled on the strings of my heart.Shit. I was spiraling. And there was nothing I could do about
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Can I have a word, Miss Shivers?
I have never felt a burning desire to tear the head of a fellow man off like I did right now. Apart from Kaden when he was very annoying. But, the feeling to do that to him was always minimal. Not like this. Whoever the guy that was talking to Gwen right now is, he does not know what a hint is. I've stared at him dead in the eyes a few times and he has met my eyes. He had to be stupid enough to ignore me or was actually testing me. And the aftermath of testing my was not good, if he did not know that. I grounded my teeth together as I walked into the room that was meant to be the dining room. I would be lying to myself if I said that I was not secretly proud of her. She did good for herself, even though it was at the expense of us. The other time, I had to hold myself together not to do something that I'd later regret. And like she knew she would set me off, she called me Charlie. Again. At this point, I think that she was doing it intentionally. She was the only one that I allowe
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None of your business, Mr Emmett
I knew when he started looking at me. I cod feel his eyes on me, but I pretended to be so engrossed in whatever Damon was saying. He had been a sweet person all through the night. After we had finished eating we stood up to talk about different things. I made sure not to slip about myself to him. I just told him the obvious things that I could and I heard his own part of the story. He said he was part of a team that worked for another fashion company and that he was sent to represent them. I can't remember the name of the brand though, and that's my bad. After a few minutes, there was soft music playing in the background and he asked me if I wanted to dance. He did not even wait for my reply and slipped his hands into my waist and we started moving slowly to the music. Nothing serious. "I don't know how to dance." I started. "You don't have to know. All you have to do right now is to move your body with me. No stress." He said as sweetly as possible. I know, I know. That I shou
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Yeah, yeah, sure
The days that followed flew by fast. The reality that Charles was back really had dawned on me after that night. My sleep life has been shit since then. I don't know what I'll do if I encounter him again. He had gone as far as calling me names then. He showed me how much he loathed me by saying those words to me. He seemed to be angry about something, but I don't know what it is. Did he even have any right to be? No. I was the one that was supposed to be angry. I was the one that was left high and dry after child birth. He left me for another woman. I don't know why he was curious about me since I was not about him. Whatever I did was not his business. That night I slept with tears running down my face. I could not believe the kind of person he had turned to. The monster he had in him called me that. Seeing that side of him made me scared as to what would happen if he knew about Charlie. He would not want to know that he was the one that left me. He would take her away from me wit
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Today was another day I had to face him. I've been on a sudden edge since then. We had another meetinga about the dress that the models for their company would be wearing. I still don't understand why he is involved in something as trivial as this. This was something even a secretary can do. I know the contract will eventually pass through him for the signing, but he did not have to be fully involved in it. Now that he knew that I was the owner of the company, he'd do anything to frustrate me and stress the seven heavens out of me. I have designed the clothes that are needed for the event that will be done in their company.According to the concept, it was supposed to be something alongside a car launching. And different locations would be involved. So for both their male and female, I'll be making their clothes. "Ma'am, they are here already." Jeffery chipped from the door. "Yeah. Thanks." I said and stood up from the chair behind my desk and walked out of the door. Not before I
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Damon Jameson
The aftermath of receiving a phone call from my mother was always detrimental. My mood was always shitty for the remainder of the whole day. She always has something to say that would piss me off. Things like referring to Ashely. Saying that she would never be happy with me if I did not marry her. Not like I care though. She could remain sad for all I cared about. I hated how much it annoyed me and stressed me about marriage. She had to understand that I was not interested anymore. In marriage. I did not want it. I've lost the drive I had for it for almost six years now. She always had made matters worse by saying that she knew why I did not want Ashely and that it was because of Gwen. Anytime she does that, it was like she was mocking me and I knew that she was doing it intentionally. She was the one that broke the news of what happened then to me. I still cannot figure out the reason why Gwen left me. That fact alone made me mad. I hate being clueless about something. I also hat
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Stay the fuck away from what's mine
It's been a long time since I laughed this hard at the jokes that a man made. I found him really amusing. He was an easy going person that was sweet and very nice. I expected that it would be bad going out with a man after all these years but I guess it was not that bad. We were mostly talking about him and all other random stuff around. I was thankful that he did not ask me about anything related to myself. I didn't want to talk about the fact that I had a child or anything. "That day was the most terrible day of my life." He said and I smiled. "You can't say that. What if it was not her fault?" I teased and his eyes widened. "What?! She did it intentionally, Gwen. She really went out of her way to embarrass me in front of my friends. I don't know what I would have done then but they did not take whatever had happened to heart." "I guess that's what friends are for." I replied as I twirled the spaghetti on my fork and raised it to my mouth. The hairs on the back of my neck sudd
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I hate feeling like this
Forget pissed, I was mad. Full blown mad. "Will you stop doing this, Charles?" I asked in disbelief. My blood was boiling. "Doing what?" He asked as if he did not know what he did. As if he did not just drag me away from my date right now. Well that wasn't particularly a date. It was just an annoying situation that had occured that I had allowed to happen with my own hands. By myself. "Meddling into my business?" "Your business?" He asked with a surprised look on his face. "Did you even know the kind of person that you were talking to? Do you know what he was capable of doing?" He asked me. The more he said that, the more he made me curious about what kind of person Damon was. He'd obviously been a douche with the was he acted the other time. But I still want to know. "Even though, you did not have to do anything. You did not have to wave in like some kind of prince charming the come save someone that was desperately in need of help. I am not a fucking princess." I rolled my e
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That was close
It was not hard to get his number at all. And I have it punched in my phone. What I was regretting right now was how the thoughts of getting his phone number popped into my head. And even if it did, I don't know why I acted on it. Because if I hadn't, I would not be in the situation where I am right now. My hand has been itching to type to him since I got his number from somewhere in the office a few days ago. I still cannot get over what had happened and I wanted to clear the air with him. That I was not his and he should stay out of my business. I felt like if we did not see, which we will not be doing anytime soon, I won't have any issues talking to him and making him know what was going on in my mind. But obviously, that was a lie. I was a freaking liar. Even though he was not here, or anywhere around me, I was still fidgeting to talk to him. I had typed and erased over and over again. I typed again this time. This is Gwen, Mr Emmett. I'd really like it if my personal m
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Is that even normal?
I was losing control. I knew it and I could feel it deep inside of me. I feel the control slip out of my hands like skittering sand. And it was all because of one party brunette I cannot get out of my head. For a man that had business to run and things to do, things that even seven men can't handle at the same time, I was slacking off. As much as I hated it, I feel like I could not have it any other way. There was this feeling that I had that, now I have found her, I would not be letting her go anytime soon. Not now, not ever. But I wanted to torment her for a little. Make her feel the pain I went through before because of her and what she did. As much as I wanted to ask her why she did what she did, I also did not want to hear it. I did not want to hear her say the reason. I did not want to hear her tell me that she did not love me. That she never wanted to be with me from the beginning, that it was just the attention she got from me that she wanted. Because as sick as it ma
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