All Chapters of What they never knew: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 Chapters
She's mine, not ours
I was fuming. I was angry. At everything. At what he was saying and the fact that he wanted to talk. I didn't want to give him the time of the day at all but at this point, with the way he was acting clueless like he did not understand what I was saying at all, I really wanted to listen to whatever he had to say. “What? Do you have any other things to add to what I just said? Or maybe there is another surprise I do not know about.” I said to him sarcastically. He did not look angry in the slightest. His expression was just blank. He's been doing a lot of blank expressions recently. Looking at him now, he looked kind of unkempt. In the sense that his hair was disheveled, there were stubbles on his jaw which made it clear that he had not shaved for a few days now. He looked like he had not slept at all which made his eyes look unclear. “Can you hear me out?” “If I had the chance, I would not even be standing in the same space as you right now. Say whatever you think you have to say
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Take your time
By the time I had entered the house, it was not any better. Tam had decided to let herself in. And Kayden was there. The duo were literally at each other's throats. The shouts and the insults. I cringed when I heard what was actually happening between the duo. It was obvious it was about me. I don't know who let him in. And with the way Tam had threatened Charles the other day at the office, he would not see it down. His voice was as calm as ever talking to her, you'd definitely know that he was friends with Charles. He was as calm as ever. Tam was the hot headed one. She was almost shouting his head down. And the issue was obviously because of me. She wanted them to leave me alone and stay away from me. I wanted that too. “Tam.” I groaned out as soon as I entered the house back. She did not notice that I just got in. So I might just make my presence known for her. She left quietly then looked in my direction. .The same thing happened with Kayden. He looked the same way he did al
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Get yourself together, friend
“What are we going to do now?” She asked after a few seconds of pouring my heart out to her. And what Charles had said. I shook my head in reply. Trying to tell her that had no idea what would happen next. Which was true. I only had the idea and the only thing that was in my head right now was the fact that he was going to take her away from me. I still find what he said to me hard to believe. It was so hard to believe that he had nothing to do with what happened to me and that he was not the one that did all of those things. Tam saying that we could get the best lawyers if he took the case to court did not do anything to calm me down. I knew the kind of man Charles was. He had connections and if that was what he wanted, he would definitely make sure that we lose the case and we would not be able to do anything about it. “We will get through this girl. I'll make sure he does not do anything to hurt you or your child.” She said, I knew she was trying to reassure me but it was not s
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I'm not joking around with you, Princess
If I thought I got rid of him after that night, I lied. Deep down in my mind, I knew that it would not be easy to get rid of him. I mean, he was him. After two days, he did not say anything to reach out to me or make any signs. So I thought he took what I said with seriousness and decided not to reach out to me and stay away from my child and I. Little did I know, I thought humorously as I settled in the chair in my office properly and looked outside the door that my secretary just walked out of. He just told me not that he was outside and waiting to see me. Which was definitely not like him. The Charles I knew would literally have barged in by himself not minding the fact that there's a set down rule. Not like he cared about anything like that. And me being me, I told him to let him in. The more reasonable part of me told me to turn him away but I knew this conversation would happen sooner or later. So it's better to get it over and done with. After a few seconds of anticipating
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In your dreams
“It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Edwards.” I stretched out my hand for a handshake in which the man in front of me grabbed and shook gently. “Thank you. I have high hopes. And I hope you do not disappoint.” He said firmly but in a kind way. It would be obvious to a blind person that the man was attracted to me. Ever since he walked into the conference room, the way he looked at me and how he listened to everything that I said word for word. Every move I made was under his scrutinizing gaze and I could say that made me feel a little uneasy. To be honest, he was not a bad looking man. Any lady would find him attractive and fall at his feet. But the part where I beat myself up for was the fact that I found myself comparing him to Charles. I hated myself for that. I should behave like every normal female in this room right now. One could tell from the dreamy look they had on their faces that they would do anything that he wanted them to do. He was every woman's dream man.
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As long as I got to see my child
I told her it would be wise if she did not underestimate me. But, Gwen being who she was, declined. That is why two days after our last encounter, I am in front of Charlie's school. Determined to introduce myself to her today. Since Gwen was not ready to tell her about me, I might as well do the bidding by myself. Get the headache out of the way. I was hurt when she told me that Charlie thought I was dead. I mean, how could she have done that? To me? To her? She deserved to know that I am alive. That she had a father like her other school mates. Given what happened with us, I did not blame or fault her for keeping me away from her life. But now that she knew that what happened didn't exactly happen even though she did not want to admit it to herself, she should have told me about her. Kayden had advised me against this idea of mine that it might eventually blow up in my face. But I was not having it. Gwen will not do anything. She has said she won't and knowing her, she won't. I
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He was going to get it from me today
It was weekend fast. The week ram by so quickly, I was dazed. Well, that was actually a good thing. I'll get to see Charlie. That was always the highlight of my week. I picked up my phone to call Adeline if Charlie was home with her already and she said yes. Okay, there was no need going to her school again. If tired had any other name, it was me right now. I was tired to my bones. It felt like I'd break down soon if I do not get any rest. My body ached all over, but I had deadlines to meet. Some where easy while some where pretty hard. “There is no way in hell you'd tell me that you are okay.” Tam's voice interrupted my thoughts. I did not even know when she walked into the room. “When did you come in?” I asked. “Like five minutes ago. And I knocked for about ten minutes before I open by myself? How about that?” She was being sarcastic. I knew it. I sighed gently, running my hand through my hair. “I'm tired that's all.” “To the point where you didn't hear me knocking?” She
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Then the accident happened
The doorbell rang over and over again. I did not want to answer it. Probably to pretend that I was not in the house. But it's been persistent for five minutes now. So I dragged myself out of my chair and walked out of the office. When I got to the door and saw who it was through the tablet on the wall, a sick smile made its way to my face and for once, I was thankful that Mag was not around the house. I opened the door and stayed back. It was not surprising that she was allowed to enter here at all. I made sure that once my security team downstairs saw she was the one, they sent her up. It started from the last time she was here and that seemed to be like ages ago. Stepping back did not do justice to what happened next. Immediately I opened the door and she walked in, my head swung to the side with my face blaring in pain. “You fucking bastard! How dare you?” Anger was evident in her tone. But I did not care. Not even a little. “I think we need to have a little talk about you rai
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I'm so sorry, Gwen
It was like cold water was doused on me. My head was heavier than it ought to be right now and I could not wrap it around the fact he just spewed. There was no way in hell he had an accident. If he did, the media would have taken it. They would have made a run out of the story. But I did not by any chance hear this anywhere. Nothing. That was why this all sounded strange in my ears. The worst part of this whole thing was him saying that he got a call from someone that they knew where I was. “Why did you go? That's the dumbest thing you could have done. You went without verifying. You don't even know if it was all a fake alert to lure you out and get you killed.” I was suddenly mad. At the fact that he had risked his life and his well being just in the name that he was looking for me. “Can't you hear a word of what I'm saying right now? I'd do anything to find you then, which I did. I did not even care about it. I did not later reach out to the person again because it was a burner
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You better get used to it.
I was sitting in his arms in a comfortable silence a few minutes later. It felt like the silence was comfortable but it was nowhere near the turmoil going on within me. As much as I wanted to be in his arms, we needed to talk. Maybe I've been overreacting all of these while. Maybe it was all my fault. I can't get over the fact of what happened to him. It's exhilarating. “We need to talk.” I said simply and I felt him stiffen behind me. Here goes nothing and everything. “Yeah. We need to.” He affirmed and I nodded like I wanted his permission to actually go ahead to talk. “About Charlie, I think we can work around something. Probably get you to meet her and introduce you to her officially.” I said. It was easier said than I had anticipated or expected. I did not expect it to be that easy for me to say. Maybe I already knew that this day would come and that I'd have to talk about it sooner or later. And my mind knew that I could turn Charles away for so long. Hearing about the ac
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