All Chapters of What they never knew: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
This is bad
I've not heard from him since that day. He did not call did not message, did not do anything. As much as I wanted to act like I wasn't bothered by it at all, I was bothered. We only talked once on the phone and I wanted it to be a constant thing. I wanted it to be something we did everytime. Whatever that feeling was, I needed to trash it. I mean as soon as possible because it definitely was happening. "Hey gurrlllll." Tamara drawled ass soon as she entered my office. Anytime she did that, I knew there was something she wanted to say. Something interesting. So whatever it was I wanted to hear it. "What's up?" I asked as I raised my head from the clothes I was prepping. Yes. Clothes. I still make my sample designers by myself and the people that work for me replicate it exactly. I've been cooped up in my own personal sewing space for a while now. "There is this new place that just opened. And I heard their food is good. So why don't we catch lunch there together?" I did not both
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Let's talk now, shall we?
After what happened with my mother, I left the office. Instead of eating in the office or ordering food in, I left. I needed air. So I decided to go to the restaurant that one of my friends just opened and has been pestering me to visit. She was not exactly a friend to me, since we only met and knew each other during university days and we studied the same course. She was the version of someone that followed and pursued her dreams leaving her father's money. Thought that cost her being cut off from the family, according to what she told me. But, she was doing fine for herself. She had different branches in town and in other states. We met recently at an event, so she's literally been on my neck to come visit. I respected the lady a lot even though I did not show it. Immediately she saw me from behind the counter that she was, a big smile made its way to her face like she had been expecting me. "Look who finally picked my invitation." She chirped. After looking around and quickly
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This was nice
I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It was like I was on drugs. Contrary to my opinion from what Tam had told me from the other time, I felt the opposite. Well, it was not like I had my eyes glued on him or something, but there was nothing bad if I had a snicker peak at him. And the ugly head of jealousy was insane. I've not felt like this in so long. When we were together then, I didn't exactly have to deal with jealous women. It only happened anytime we went out on dates and all of that. And it was more like pride. But right now, I wanted to stand up from where I was sitting right now and pull that woman, whoever she was from where she was sitting, in front of him. They look like they know each other. And every second that Charles payed attention to her made me mad and angry. "Are you even listening to what I am saying right now?" The voice of Tam jerked me back to the present. "What? Sorry, what did you say?" I asked in a resigned tone because I knew she had caught me again. A
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What the hell?
As much as I wasn't expecting Tam to be serious with what she had said the other day, Friday came quite fast and I found myself in the situation where I have to sit down in the mirror in front of me and endure her putting makeup on my face. "I've said it a hundred times already that I do not need makeup. I do not know why you are adamant on putting it on my face." I said immediately she did something wrong on my face. "Shut up." She snapped immediately and I did. To be really honest, I knew it looked nice. It just was not something that I was a fan of. I did not like it at all. It made me feel a little out of place and I hate it. I might suddenly break into a sweat. It was not like the makeup will move from where it was, I just will not feel comfortable with myself. "Here. Done." She clapped her hands like she had just achieved something big. She stood behind me as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You look good, babe. Not like you dont look pretty without the face beating, but r
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Well, fuck me
I've been on the edge since that day that we met at Anna's restaurant. I knew Gwen well. I will even think that I knew her more than she knows herself. What I heard her friend say the other day bothered me a bit. I knew she would not go, if it were up to her. But with the way Miss Brooks was serious with her tone then, I knew she'd literally drag her along to go with her. Which had gotten me to the part where I have to call her to be sure she was at home on a Friday night. And it has been made known to me that she was not. With the way she sounded and slurred on the phone few minutes ago, she was drunk already and in a club. Not just any one, but my club. How I got to know it was when the DJ mentioned the name in the middle of the whole hype they do. And I knew the kind of people that came there. Sleezy rich, bratty kids. The idea of any other man talking to her, or less touching her made me bytn with anger and that made me increase the acceleration of the car that was already spe
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Sweet, little kitty
Different thoughts ran through my head as I was in the big tub in the bathroom. I wanted to deny it but I knew that it was comfortable. It gave gave me this sense if relief that I have not felt in a while. Soaking in the tub was not something I had the luxury to do Imin my own home. Putting that aside, I was here. Here in his house. Shit.Well, my drunken ass's could still remember the time he asked to take me to my house and I blantantly refused. Not my fault. You should know by now. Charlie was not not home, so there was no way he would meet her. But, Charles was a very keen person. He'd notice the stuff that was around, which belonged to a child and I don't want to raise any suspicion. I could tell him it was the daughter of Tam. But given the kind of smart person that he was, it was only a matter of time before her found out. Few hours precisely. I was still surprised that he has not noticed that I had a daughter. Because, I was sure that he ran a background check in me and I
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What have I done?
My eyes went wide immediately I felt his fingers slip between my folds. And he did not waste any time as his fingers started to move skillfully in between me. My mouth opened on its own like I wanted to say something but nothing came out. All I felt was immense pleasure and I felt like my whole body would burst from the amount of emotions I was feeling right now. "Ch…. Charlie….st……." My derailed mind tried to bring me back to this phase. Deep within me, I knew there was no going back from this. No coming back at all. I just wanted to think that I had a little bit of control over my own body. But, sadly, I did not. "What was that, princess? Did you say something?" His index finger circled my clit and I almost went mad. "Fuck." He slapped my pussy and I was almost embarrassed at how wet it sounded. I was sure by now, I'd be dripping to the floor. Because, I could feel the way my inner thighs were in a mess. "What did I tell you about using curse words? Hmm? And about callin
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Have a good day
Monday came faster than I had anticipated. As much as I like to call in that I'll not be available, I knew it would not be wise. Knowing the kind of man that Charles was, he'd want to know the reason I did not show up at work. Probably, locate my house if he wanted to. And that was not what I wanted. I didn't want him to be closer to my personal life than he already was. And I already came to the conclusion that what happened on Friday was solely my fault. Not the fact that I have been celibate for over six years. It was solely on me. I was at fault and I did all of it. If only I had put myself apart and stood my ground against him. What happened wouldn't have. It was not like I had the power to do so then. I was all fidgety right now, because I knew that in a few minutes he'll be here. During the weekend, I had made it a must to spend more time with Charlie to get my mind off what had happened. Not that it was actually easy. Any move I made still made me remember. Was it possibl
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Exactly what to use against him
AUTHOR'S POVShe stared into space like there was actually something there to look at. When in reality of it, there was nothing. She's been blanking out more since the day she saw Charles bring her into the house. She did not think she would ever see Gwen again. There was no way she'd be able to live with herself without telling Charles what happened. She'd planned it all these years but she could not come up with anything to do since she was scared. She should have done it immediately what happened in the house then. Since she saw it happen. From the argument, to the pushing, and the fakeness the Madame had used to cover it all up. She made sure no one in the house said a word about it to Charles then. She fired most people that she felt like she could not trust and kept a few of us. She left the house on her own and decided to work for Charles when he fully moved out too. The days when Charles came home distraught and drunk, her tension heightened. Always scared and felt like sh
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Like I know
Things kind of went to normal the way they used to be before. Or so it seemed. I fell into my routine and Charles came when he has too to check out what was going on. It was all going to be over very soon. Since I made sure to speed up his work. As much as I liked looking at him, I did not want him around me at all. The earlier days after what happens between us, he came around more often. Wearing the hickey on his neck like a proud lover. It was like he did it intentionally to irk me. Make me feel uncomfortable. If that was what he wanted to do, he actually did it. The ladies around got to notice him and they were all drooling over him on how he was bold enough to show the sign of ownership on his neck and how they will kill for their man to do same. It was all so annoying and disgusting to have other women talk about him in that manner. Not like I was affected or anything. I'm sure that Tam noticed the way I was behaving but decided not to say anything about it. I get where she
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