Semua Bab A Life Debt Repaid: Bab 91 - Bab 100
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Chapter 91
Kyle calmed down right then. "What do you mean?"Even so, Noel still looked annoyed, as Kyle's mockery and outburst left her utterly disgruntled.She used to bear with his outbursts because she wanted him.Now that she had zero interest in him, all he said only filled her with spite."Sorry I got a little emotional, Noel," Kyle said, naturally noticing that he had been too harsh, quickly turning mild-mannered as he could clearly tell that Noel had a plan. "Please understand—I'm just worried that you're still helping your sister after she used you."While Noel was not that understanding, she did not get petty since Kyle was still useful to her. "You see, since Starstream Fashion is now wildly popular, every article on them is positive, with the media and netizens flattering them to no end. But if a scandal suddenly hits at this juncture, do you really think Starstream Fashion would retain their popularity? In fact, I expect a dramatic turn of the tide."Though Kyle quickly underst
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Chapter 92
Afterwards, Kyle and Noel flirted a little before Noel hung up, her eyes projecting savagery just then. She wanted to expose Cordy not only because of the reason she told Kyle, after all.She wanted to make John utterly disgusted toward Cordy, so that she would have a chance to steal him!-After a week of unprecedentedly high sales figures, Starstream Fashion's autumn collection had shortages nationwide. Cordy promptly decided on another large-scale production instead of going the hunger marketing route.She certainly did not expect the autumn collection to sell so well they would go out of stock! Her ideals in fashion were just like her mother's, too—so that the clothing they designed personally could reach as many people as possible.However, just after the production was completed and the second batch was about to hit the market, a certain scandalous expose made the headlines: The Deplorable Path to Success of Cordy Sachs, Owner of Starstream Group!The details were ela
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Chapter 93
Gary Bryant, the head of the sales department, rushed into Cordy's office just then, clearly agitated."Ms. Sachs…" As Cordy lowered her phone to look at him, he cried, "What should we do, Ms. Sachs? Every customer is now demanding a refund and the physical retail stores are crowded with them. All malls nationwide are also complaining to us, demanding that we produce a solution.""Ms. Sachs!" Tim Hardy, the head of purchasing, soon rushed inside as well. "We have multiple suppliers demanding payment, or they would sue!""Ms. Sachs, our customer service department is really falling apart. The lines are all busy, and none of the customers are listening to us…"Cordy pursed her lips as she looked at her anxious executives. "I'll hold a meeting in ten minutes. Everyone must be there—I will be presenting a comprehensive solution to this crisis. You all may go now.""Yes, Ms. Sachs," they replied, and left despite their worry.If this situation continued and their autumn collection f
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Chapter 94
In the end, they were just strangers who made a passing acquaintance. "I'll enforce a press gag as soon as possible. Send me your account number—I'll wire any amount of capital you're short of," John eventually said, but his neutral voice obscured any emotion he felt. "I have a PR time specializing on crisis mitigation who's abroad at the moment, but I'll have them fly here by tomorrow morning. Just spare some time, and I'll arrange for a meeting."Cordy bit her lip.She actually did not yearn for any help from anyone at this time—especially after all that she had been through. Back when she was just eighteen, she had been mocked and ridiculed. No one stood up for her, and her biological father considered her such an embarrassment that he could not wait to send her abroad so that his reputation would not be ruined.This was the exact same situation, and everyone could not wait to cut ties with her…That was, everyone except John and Zoe.Confusion showed in Cordy's eyes just
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Chapter 95
John's fingers eased around his golden fountain pen just then, as Randy's words seemed to offer him assurance.As for Randy, he was heaving a subtle sigh of relief—thank goodness he was sharp enough, or the days ahead would be disastrous. "I'll be constantly keeping an eye on things over there too, sir," he quickly added. "I won't ever let her be hurt by those loathsome dirtbags.""Good," John replied, and finally turned his attention to his computer, returning to his own work.-The atmosphere at the conference room in Starstream Group was immeasurably grim.They had never been a major enterprise, but things had always been calm, and they had never faced such a terrible crisis.At wit's end, no one could hide their anxiety and panic at all.Suddenly, someone spoke."Sis, have you thought of a solution? If this goes on, I'm worried that our company would…"Noel deliberately allowed her words to trail off, while appearing to look apprehensive as well.Cordy looked at her jus
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Chapter 96
"I believe in you too, Ms. Sachs," Stacy quickly chimed in. "It wasn't easy for Starstream Group to turn over a new leaf, and it's not worth falling to this setback. I'm with you as we do all we can to resolve this crisis.""We're with you too, Ms. Sachs!"All at once, the atmosphere was charged by the sudden show of solidarity with Cordy.Noel was naturally scowling slightly—Cordy had genuinely surpassed her expectations.Forget being calm despite the serious crisis and the prospect of bankruptcy—she had somehow managed to draw everyone to her cause even now!Still, Noel's eyes flashed dangerously. So what if everyone was standing with Cordy? It was just an appeal to emotion. She would never believe that Cordy could save Starstream Group on her own!-And yet, Noel's face fell the instant she returned to the office.Every article of Cordy's scandal which topped search trends had been removed—all of them!There was nothing on Cordy, and while there were more than a few thr
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Chapter 97
Cordy was sitting in her office as she looked through her phone, seeing that all the scandalous articles on her had been taken down.She naturally knew that it was John.Her heart fluttered ever so slightly, but she restrained herself. Soon, Zoe posted a tweet on her personal account.[Each person has a past, but facts would only be speculation until proven. However, certain people really need to grow a conscience!]The tweet was clearly a show of support for Cordy, and was hinting that she had been framed.It caused yet another fervent debate among the netizens.Some were naturally flaming Zoe for not having a conscience herself, that she had abandoned morals for the sake of money.On the other hand, those who supported Zoe spoke up. They point out that the endorsement fee she earned from being brand ambassador to Starstream Fashion was spare change compared to her net worth, even speculating there was something fishy because she certainly did not have to go that far for so l
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Chapter 98
Since Cordy would eventually make a fool of herself, Kyle believed he just had to wait and see her lose everything.After that, he would see if she would still have the cheek to stay on her high horse!…On the other end, Cordy could hardly bottle up her rage as she put down her phone.She did not hold Kyle's duplicity against him, because if there was no love involved, that was the end of the story—no one can be coerced into loving another.But she never knew that he could be so despicable… so ungrateful!She had never regretted all the things she did for him like she did now.Her eyes narrowed right then, her tolerance toward Kyle having reached its limit.Since she could bring Jessop Corp back from the brink of collapse, she would return it to the state she found it in!That was when her phone chimed with several notifications, and she tapped on it to find several media files sent by John.She gulped.Suddenly, she was once again confused if she should trust anyone else.
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Chapter 99
The conference room was bustling when they entered.Countless shutters started snapping once the journalist noticed Cordy's arrival, and the camera flashes were endless.Dressed in black business attire, Cordy appeared at once fashionable and professional, with her calm and collected appearance already giving a good impression.At the very least, she was not starting things off by crying to appeal to sympathy. Naturally, Noel was a stark contrast to that as she stood at Cordy's side, her eyes already red as if she was already given grief. Still, not many journalists took notice of Noel—they were all bombarding Cordy relentlessly with questions the instant she entered. "Ms. Sachs, have you called this press conference to confess to having multiple affairs as the articles yesterday had proven?""Don't you feel ashamed for having affairs with other men, Ms. Sachs? Was your two-timing the reason for your breakup?""Zoe York tweeted in support of you. What favors are you offering
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Chapter 100
The journalist was abruptly left embarrassed. It was certainly true—they were all asking questions endlessly, one after another from the start.Cordy had no chance to speak at all."If everyone is done, please stay quiet for a moment and listen to what I have to say," she continued with a neutral tone. "Once I'm done, I will answer any questions you have, with everything I know—if time permits."The conference room turned silent right then. Everyone was watching Cordy expectantly. If there was an elegant reversal to be had here, it deserved nothing less than exclusive headlines."I will admit that the photos which surfaced yesterday are 100% genuine and not fabricated," Cordy said then, her expression calm as ever.While there were audible snorts around the room, most of the journalists stayed silent and waited for Cordy to finish."I'm sure everyone is aware that I used to work at Jessop Corp's PR departments. Back when I first joined the company alongside Kyle Jessop, the
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