All Chapters of A Life Debt Repaid: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
1514 Chapters
Chapter 101
Noel's denial was suspiciously specific, and even she started to panic after she said it.The journalists were puzzled by her words as well.But since she was not the main character here, they did not pay her much attention, instead asking Cordy with anticipation, "Do you know who this person is, Ms. Sachs?""Who would frame you in secret?""Why would she do it? Because she could not bear to see you doing well?"Cordy was almost scarily calm in contrast to their eagerness, and she replied, "The person who is with Kyle now… No, the person who already hooked up with Kyle, even while he and I were in a relationship, is the person you're looking for."The journalists were even more excited right then. In other words, Cordy was saying that Kyle had cheated on her, instead of it being the other way around!What a dramatic turn of events!"Sis, you shouldn't lie in front of the press. I know you just want to distract them and get Starstream out of this crisis, but Kyle has always be
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Chapter 102
Noel was once again shouting to defend herself. "K-Kyle was just nice enough to teach me to swim!" And once again, no one cared. Then, the third photo was shown, where in a dimly lit karaoke lounge, a drunk Noel was leaning cozily against Kyle, whose hand was under her blouse for some reason."I was drunk. Kyle was such a gentleman, taking care of me…"At the same time, Noel's explanation grew feebler with every photo. Then, came the last photo.It was taken inside a luxurious dressing room on Cordy and Kyle's wedding day.Kyle was in his bridegroom tailcoat, pushing Noel up against his dressing table as they French kissed.Noel's face turned pale right then—her jaw hung ajar, but no words came out.Cordy glanced sideways at Noel, watching Noel as she appeared on wit's end, as if she would break down right then.The conference room was in an uproar as the lights returned. What a dramatic turn of events! To think that Cordy, who had been flamed to no end, had been inno
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Chapter 103
Meanwhile, the journalists' questions were still coming, each more contemptible than the last as they trampled all over Noel's dignity.She was still crying, unable to accept everything that was happening—that she had been so thoroughly destroyed.Eventually, she bit her lip and worked hard to calm herself, understanding very well that she would not get away without an answer today.Naturally, she was no pushover after years of experience.Cordy was dreaming if she wanted Noel down and out!Though Noel's eyes were flashing dangerously just then, there was a miserable puppy look on her face. "Kyle and I are in love."Cordy sneered. In the end, Noel admitted it. Still, Noel continued, saying, "We were hiding it from my sister because we didn't want her to be sad, and Kyle was even willing to sacrifice himself to marry her. If not for that fire, I would've quietly stepped aside for the sake of their marriage…""Quietly stepped aside?" One of the journalists scoffed. "More like yo
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Chapter 104
Cordy had no intention of letting Noel weasel her way out of her guilt—certainly not in front of the press."Cheaters and mistresses don't deserve forgiveness," she declared sonorously, enunciating every word.And it was certainly true.There was a reason behind anything, but not cheating!Noel bit her lip right then. Naturally, she knew that her appeal was not going to work with Cordy, so she let her eyes well with tears again and she sobbed. "I know you're still upset, sis. But I believe blood is thicker than water, and time will heal all wounds."'Blood is thicker than water?!'Hold on, that is kind of true. Blood could occasionally be filthier than water!'"Noel Sachs, how do you still have the cheek to talk like that?! Blood is thicker than water?! You don't want to hurt your sisterly bond?!" One of the journalists shouted right then, unable to stand the sheer hypocrisy. "Granted, even if it was as you have said—that right and wrong doesn't matter in love—you're the one w
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Chapter 105
Naturally, John had sent those recordings to Cordy without saying anything.He probably thought that he could let her take the initiative by giving her all the evidence he needed.She just had to show everything to completely destroy Kyle's reputation, and Kyle would just humiliate himself if he attempted to explain himself at all.And yet, despite all the respect John showed Cordy in this case, she still could not bring herself to trust anyone other than herself.Meanwhile, Noel's face turned deathly pale after listening to the recording.She used to think him handsome and incredible, only for him to turn out to be a bumbling fool, so careless in his work that even Cordy could catch him red-handed!This time, there was no way to explain this. If Kyle was not involved in the attempt to slander Cordy, why would he go out of his way to ask the media to harass Cordy?Whatever explanation they offered would be pointless. "What do you have to say now, Noel Sachs?!" a journalist d
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Chapter 106
John's lips were slightly pursed.Cordy was even tougher than he had imagined.But what did she have to go through to gain such perseverance? As his long fingers tapped on his phone screen for a while and finished drafting the message, he hesitated to send it.He more or less understood now why Cordy would keep him at arm's reach.After experiencing the sheer cruelty of her reality, she would never come to trust anyone easily.John's phone suddenly started ringing just then, and he answered it impatiently after glancing at the caller ID."Bob," he growled."Did you see the livestream of Cordy Sachs' press conference?!" Bob Davis exclaimed excitedly."I did.""Holy sh*t! That slap in the face was as clean as it was devastating! I actually think I'm in love now."John started to scowl right then, even as Bob continued happily. "By the way, are you hitting it off with her yet? We saw you stand up for her during your grandfather's birthday banquet, but it's like nothing has com
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Chapter 107
It was only natural that since there were winners, there would be losers too.While Cordy and John were happy, Kyle was absolutely livid.He smashed his phone on the floor, shattering it into pieces, startling Mandy Jessop.She was holding her breath in fear—never did she expect that the press conference would ultimately turn out like that! Now, Noel and her brother were utterly humiliated, and their reputation was dragged through the mud!Still, she was nervously glancing at the phone as articles were soon published about Cordy's press conference. [Cordy Sachs Reveals the Truth: Multiple Photos and Recordings Expose the Affair of Kyle Jessop and Noel Sachs, and Their Conspiracy!]Every netizen was talking about it the instant the article was published.[Holy crap. How disgusting can Kyle Jessop be? To think that I was on his side!][Kyle Jessop and Noel Sachs are utterly heinous! Burglars who cry thief! Shame!][My mind is blown, my world changed forever because of those t
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Chapter 108
Cordy sneered. "You made me do it, didn't you?""I didn't think that you were investigating me in secret!" Kyle growled viciously. "Don't you ever tell me again you trusted me unconditionally. We're the same—get off your high horse!""Don't try to pull me down to your standards, Kyle. You're far beneath me," Cordy retorted coolly. "And I never asked for those photos." "What, are you saying you didn't ask someone to get them for you?! Do you think I'd believe—""Don't think for a second everyone else is despicable just because you are!" Cordy cut him short right then. "There are plenty of good people in this world—people who stand up for justice and who are utterly repulsed by your behavior! That's why someone took photos of you cheating on me, because they could not stand watching you brazenly fool around with my sister while I worked myself to death for Jessop Corp!"Kyle's hand was shaking even as he held his phone.Who was it? Who could have betrayed him?!"Don't ask me who
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Chapter 109
"Kyle Jessop, no wicked deeds ever go unpunished!"And with that, Cordy hung up, not wanting to waste her time with Kyle any further.Kyle's phone was shaking even as he held Mandy's phone.He was not about to stop after what Cordy did to him!And yet, the priority right now was to stop the media from publishing more damning content on him… and he certainly could tell how terrible they were going to be even without reading anything yet.Even so, there was no way he could try to defend himself in front of the media. The more he spoke, the worse the coverage would turn out to be.As such, his only option was to keep a low profile and let everything cool off.But if it did not…Kyle narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he would have used another headline to snuff out all the content condemning him.-Noel locked herself in her office after the press conference, crying a storm.She had never been that humiliated ever since she was a child—and in front of the whole nation at that!
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Chapter 110
Smack!Cordy's eyes narrowed as Plum's slap landed squarely on her face, leaving a distinctly red palm print on her fair cheek."You shameless bitch! How could you do this to your own sister?!" Plum snapped at her right after that. "How can she or our family show our faces in public now?! How did we ever raise a swine like you, Cordy?!"Cordy simply pursed her lips seven as she felt the burning sting on her cheek.Many unpleasant memories abruptly appeared in her mind at the same time.She had been alone and helpless since her mother died.On the other hand, Noel won Simon and Plum's favor in every way, and abused Cordy however she could.As a child, Cordy was not good at resisting, and she had to just bear with it most of the time. Even if Simon or Plum knew that Noel was the one at fault, Cordy would be punished anyway. There was even a time when Plum locked her up, denying her food or drink for two days. She had been slapped before by Plum too—just like now, with every ou
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