All Chapters of A Life Debt Repaid: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
1514 Chapters
Chapter 121
"Sam, why don't I see Quinn anywhere?" Zoe asked Sam just then.Bob spoke beside Sam before Sam could. "Have you ever seen her around a dinner where he's present?""Then why would he marry Quinn?" Zoe huffed.Bob shrugged since he had no idea either. "Ask the man himself."Sam grinned nonchalantly. "It's a political marriage, get it?""All men are pigs." Zoe snorted in disdain. Even though she was friends with these men because of her cousin, she was firmly on Quinn Summer's side when it came to Quinn's marriage with Sam. "Now, now, that's not quite right," Bob corrected Zoe with righteous indignation. "We three are not like him. Johnny may have a son, but he's always been keeping his hands clean instead of messing around. Jay doesn't even have a girlfriend—the man could not be more innocent. As for me, it may look like the ladies flock around me constantly… I've actually always refrained from debauchery too.""Tch!" Zoe clicked her tongue with contempt. "You're really gett
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Chapter 122
Zoe had drunk too much with Bob just now, and she was clearly getting sick.If she had continued, she would be floored soon enough."Are you alright?" Cordy asked Zoe, passing Zoe a glass of water. "Don't chug too much—it's bad for the stomach.""Thank you," Zoe replied as she took the glass, saying emotionally and earnestly, "I love you, Cordy."As Cordy felt her heart skip a beat, Zoe continued, "You remember Quinn, don't you?""Yes. We all had dinner together," Cordy replied. "That my bestie, bar none," Zoe told Cordy. "Though I must announce now that I have another bestie."Cordy pursed her lips, feeling a little helpless just then. She genuinely felt that Zoe liked her, and she was left once again in a dilemma by Zoe's sincerity.Cordy turned to look at John, who was drinking with the others, and decided that she would say what she had to say tonight.-Things were rowdy around the table after they finished dinner, and Bob insisted that they go to a karaoke bar.They
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Chapter 123
As the song started to play, Cordy sang it with her gracefully melodious voice.Everyone was still pouring each other drinks, but they all stopped when they heard Cordy's singing, left in shock by her voice.Even Zoe was rubbing her ears. "Such a shame she's not taking part in The Voice. She sings so much better than me.""Aren't you an actress?" Bob pointed out."...Can't I develop into other areas?" Zoe retorted."Well, she sings well, but I wonder…" Bob turned to John just then. "Is she hinting at something with those lyrics?"As John narrowed his eyes, Zoe appeared speechless. "What are you thinking?!" Zoe snapped. "It's just a song, or are you saying John is cheating on Cordy?!""I said nothing," Bob quickly said in defense.Soon, Cordy was done singing, and everyone applauded her. She was too engrossed with singing to notice that everyone was listening to her attentively and the applause left her blushing.She quickly put down the microphone and left for the washroom
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Chapter 124
Even so, John simply had no idea what his mistake was! Nonetheless, Cordy said plainly, "You're dating Zoe, aren't you?" It was obvious John would keep bothering her if she was not direct.And she refused to be direct before because adults did not have to go that far to embarrass each other, and they were not enemies either.But after all her rejections failed, she decided to just be direct. John was left blinking, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.Since he was silent from shock, Cordy continued, "I've known Zoe long enough to tell that she's a good person—a little bold at times, but she's kind and naive. I don't know why you're dating her, and it could well be a tit for tat and not meant to last, but I really feel that Zoe deserves better treatment. If you really want a family and a mother for Dicky, she's not a bad choice.""She certainly isn't," John said in agreement.Cordy felt that pain in her chest again but she ignored it, as she accepted that John was s
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Chapter 125
Cousin?!Cordy flinched while she was still in John's arms, and he clearly felt her move!"Come here," John then told Zoe. Zoe did so tentatively with an unsteady gait. Though her cheeks were flushed from alcohol, she looked utterly afraid, like a child about to ask their parents for forgiveness."Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you making out," she said with a wounded tone. "I just needed to pee."On the other hand, although Cordy had been resistant toward being intimate with John, she was left so utterly awkward she buried her head within John's embrace, too ashamed to show her face.John certainly knew that Cordy was embarrassed, but he was not letting her off the hook either.He pressed, "And what do you call my grandfather?""John, you're scaring me." Zoe's pupils were dilating—did he somehow lose every bit of intelligence from making out?!Still, seeing the serious look from her cousin, she had to answer honestly. "Grandfather."John lowered his gaze then and asked C
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Chapter 126
Even as Cordy looked utterly guilty, John was studying her seriously as he asked, "I'm curious. What made you think that I was dating Zoe, Ms. Sachs?"Still, his brow was relaxed, showing his good mood.Cordy bit her lip, but she knew that John was going to be ruthless if she told him that Kyle Jessop had misled her."Supposing that I were dating Zoe, it's even more curious that you'd find it logical that I would have you two appear in the same place," John continued, putting weight behind every word. "How irresponsible do you think I am toward a relationship that I could do something like that?!"Cordy could not say anything against that.She definitely should have suspected something, especially with her calmness and wit. But for some reason, she presumed that John and Zoe were really dating without questioning it.Now that she understood that, she realized that she was definitely being foolish—could she have been infected by Kyle's stupidity? Or perhaps… Even as that thoug
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Chapter 127
Cordy and John returned to the private room, though Bob and the rest promptly pulled John along to drink after they returned.Not wanting John to worry about her being uncomfortable, she picked some songs to sing.And with that, the ladies were singing while the men got drunk in that private room.Soon, it was getting late.After getting a little buoyed from all the singing, Zoe leaned against Cordy and asked drunkenly, "So? What did my dear John do to you?""Nothing." Cordy quickly shook her head."Nothing?" Zoe studied Cordy just then, clearly skeptical. "I could clearly sense him being in such a better mood after you two returned. Also, you're drinking freely now, even though we had a hard time asking you before… Did you really do nothing to him?"Cordy started to look a little guilty under Zoe's stare, and Zoe was suddenly smiling pointedly with an understanding look on her face. "I get it.""It's not what you think," Cordy quickly said—she did not need imagination to know
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Chapter 128
Presuming that Jay had left as well, Zoe picked up the handbag she left on the couch and prepared to leave."Blargh!"That was when she heard retching from the washroom of the private room.Zoe hesitated for a moment, but she eventually entered to find Jay crouching in front of the toilet, puking his guts in it.Zoe pursed her lips—Jay had always been a light drinker, but he was surprisingly enthusiastic today. Did he not have to work tomorrow?She was just smart enough to apply for leave tomorrow, since she knew she was definitely going to be drinking tonight.Meanwhile, Jay was actually starting to vomit bile even as he questioned why people love alcohol.He would never touch it unless absolutely necessary!Even as he pushed himself off the floor, his legs must have gotten numb from crouching too long, and he started to teeter over to the side…But just before he fell, a familiar figure suddenly caught him. And that dainty figure seemed to be exerting every bit of streng
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Chapter 129
Their car eventually arrived at Levine Manor, and Jay was running as soon as he got out of the car, vomiting endlessly.Zoe stood behind him, watching as his head sank between his knees. He was just fine in the car just now, but he somehow looked like he was going to puke his guts out again.She began, "Should I get the family doctor—""Achoo!" Jay sneezed again before she got close, and then continued to vomit.It was an utterly horrendous scene! Zoe took a step back and said, "I'll get the doctor."With that, she headed into the manor.-Rudy Johnson—the family doctor—helped Jay into the manor eventually, since Zoe really did not have the strength to do it.As she stepped outside of her room after taking a shower, she saw that the door to Jay's room was still open and that the lights within were lit.She hesitated for a moment, but she eventually entered. Rudy actually had to hook Jay to an IV bag, and the man's face was pale white as he lay in bed.He looked less lik
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Chapter 130
Cordy turned and keyed in her door passcode, then entered after the door opened.Even so, the man who agreed to leave just now remained standing outside."It's late. You should go," she urged him again."Okay," John replied—yet another quick answer. But his body was honest and remained still.Cordy gritted her teeth and turned to shut the door before turning on the door monitor.John was still standing there.Speechless, she opened the door again right then and asked, "Weren't you going to leave?""I just remembered something…" he said. "You haven't given me anything for my birthday."Cordy pursed her lips—she thought that they were parting ways tonight! Giving him anything would only have given him hope, and her more hassle."Anything would do," John said with a serious look, obviously hinting at something.Cordy sighed, having this feeling that she would not get him to leave if she did not satisfy him.Heaving a deep sigh, she resigned herself and walked up to him, stood
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