All Chapters of A Life Debt Repaid: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1514 Chapters
Chapter 141
While everyone was left gaping at Mandy and Zoe, the crew hurried to Mandy's side, helping her to her feet when they saw her doleful look.Mandy appeared to have taken a serious fall and could not move her feet, yelping loudly with each step she took."Do you need the hospital, Ms. Jessop?" one of the crew members asked."The event is starting—there's no time," Mandy moaned through the pain. "I have to return to my seat, but I can't walk…""Alright, let's get you up…" "No, I can't!" The crew did their best to be careful, but Mandy seemed to be in too much pain, leaving them at a loss.That was when Mandy pointed at a certain seat nearby. "I think I'll sit there."Naturally, it was Zoe's seat.The crew members were certainly dumbfounded. Even among the A-list stars, Zoe ranked at least among the top three. On the other hand, Mandy could barely make the B-list. What right did she have to take the central seat of an A-lister?!One of the crew members said, "Ms. Jessop, tha
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Chapter 142
Mandy could certainly tell that Zoe was going to hit her, but she did not expect Zoe to do it in public! However, even as Mandy panicked, someone suddenly pulled her away, while Zoe's stiletto heel abruptly landed on Jay's leg instead. Zoe certainly knew her strength, and given how sharp her stiletto heel was, she could imagine how much pain Mandy would be in, only to hit Jay instead.Jay flinched slightly from the pain, but he otherwise bore with it. Zoe was left staring at him in disbelief.Mandy was stunned that he came to her rescue too, and her heart began to race as Jay left her dazed and bewitched.Zoe in turn clenched her fist and watched Jay icily, as he arched his back and scooped Mandy up his arms and left as she watched.In the end, he had fallen for Mandy!Even though Zoe did not see the look on his face, her tears were welling with tears.She lowered her gaze and worked hard to fight her tears.No. She must not shed tears for Jay—her tears were not that cheap
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Chapter 143
Zoe was attending Jay's university graduation ceremony when she realized that she was in love with him.She was so jealous when every classmate of his seemed to profess their love to Jay.Hence, on a dark, windy night, she stood at the main entrance of Levine Manor, waiting for Jay, who was out having dinner with Bob and the rest.The instant she saw his towering figure alighting from his car, she threw all caution to the wind and leaped into his arms. Jay stank of alcohol and only that—he never used deodorant or perfume.But even if he sweated all over after playing basketball, she would find him carrying a sense of freshness from head to toe."What is it? Don't tell me it's a nightmare. You're an adult now—Umph." Jay asked her very softly, and his eyes suddenly widened. Even Zoe could not remember what gave her such courage, but she had wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to plant a kiss squarely on his lips.There was even tongue involved—the scent of al
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Chapter 144
Jay did not appear worried at all when he saw Zoe, but instead, he asked flatly, "It's late. Why aren't you sleeping? Don't you have classes tomorrow?""What am I to you, Jay?" she asked him then.She was just seventeen at the time, and she did not understand why she was losing composure like that.She was very calm, unlike her usual pampered self—she was even willing to believe that Jay just had an accident with that actress.When she thought about it later on, she decided that she did not throw a tantrum because she did not want Jay to hate her.But at the time, Jay's answer was nonchalant and carried no hesitation. "My niece.""But, last night…" Zoe murmured."Last night?" Jay chuckled, his eyes showing no concern at all. "I was just drunk.""No, you weren't!" Zoe cried—she knew Jay could not hold his liquor, which was why he always avoided getting drunk!"Fine, I wasn't. I didn't want to take advantage of you, but I'm 22 and an adult—I have a hard time refusing any woman t
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Chapter 145
However, Zoe had no idea what the photos showed.Moreover, she had not been that close with any men recently, and there was nothing the paparazzi could use for fuel.To make things worse, she did not have her phone, just as her manager and assistant was not with her. "I don't know what you're talking about," Zoe said very coolly. "I wouldn't hide anything if I were in a relationship."With those words, she tried to push her way through the mob of journalists, only for them to keep her tightly encircled.Zoe clearly scowled—they were refusing to let her go.But being the showbiz star that she was, there was a need to maintain appearances when she was in front of the camera."The photos of you are definitely genuine, Ms. York. Are you trying to hide something?""Why don't you just admit it? Tell us who it is and what's the relationship involved!""Don't keep us in suspense, Ms. York!" Zoe was almost crumbling from their relentless questioning because she had not the faintest
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Chapter 146
Still in her MPV, Zoe was scrolling through the news on her phone distractedly.More articles were appearing online, almost snuffing out the scandal between Kyle and Noel.She eventually reached Levine Manor, and she alighted to find Jay standing by the front door, seemingly waiting for her.Zoe simply strode past him, pretending not to see him."Zoe," he called out, but she ignored that too."Zoe," he called out again, reaching out to grab her wrist.She promptly raised her hand, avoiding his touch while wheeling on him with a cool look. "Don't touch me. You'll get your filth on me."Jay's fingers clenched as he lowered his hand, asking, "Have you considered what you're going to do about the scandal?""My management company is on it. Don't worry, it won't affect the TV series.""It's Johnny in that photo, right? At my father's seventieth birthday." Jay sounded positive, but Zoe did not respond even as he continued, "I can talk to him on your behalf, see if he could enforce
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Chapter 147
Zoe's scandal continued to top search trends the next day.After all, her management company could not enforce a full media blackout—especially not with Kyle pressuring the press in secret.Kyle was in a good mood as he watched the news, and after some thought, he decided to call Cordy.Cordy had seen what was going on in the news as well, and she naturally could tell that it was Kyle.He was actually smart enough to use another scandal to snuff out his, just to shield Jessop Corp from further harm by his own scandal."Oh, Cordy… Do you think John Levine would come forward to help Zoe York?" Kyle asked with contempt when she answered.Cordy honestly did not want to waste her breath with Kyle, not to mention that he would have an aneurysm if she told him that Zoe was actually a member of the Levine family. "Do you think John would go public with his relationship with Zoe or try to snuff out the scandal in secret?" Kyle continued to scoff at her. "See? You're just one of his wome
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Chapter 148
At the very least, Cordy considered Jay to be more reliable at a white-collar job than Zoe.John's reply to that was: [My grandfather forbids it.]While Cordy was left puzzled again, he added:[Since Jay is adopted, my grandfather doesn't want him getting involved in Levine Ventures to avoid a power struggle that would affect the family.]Cordy actually understood the reasoning, but she also found it very obviously unfair toward Jay.Did none of them put Jay's feelings into consideration?Still, she quickly realized that John was misdirecting her—something he seemed to have a flair for. [So, aren't you going to help Zoe?][She'll handle it on her own, or she'll come to me if she can't do it.]Fine. Cordy thought then that since Zoe was a member of the Levine family, the Levines would not just sit by and watch while she got harassed. However, just as she tapped out of the chat box with John and got prepared to work, another text popped up. [That's it?]Cordy frowned—wha
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Chapter 149
At 6 pm, John brought Richard as agreed to give Cordy a ride from work."Mommy!"Richard's crisp, innocent voice melted Cordy's heart every time. She gave the boy a hug, and she sat with him as they had a pleasant chat.John was scowling from being ignored. "Aren't you happy to see Mommy?" Richard asked seriously, frowning just then."I am," John replied rather coolly. "But you're frowning like this," Richard said, imitating John by furrowing his little brow.He had always been a miniature version of John, and he looked especially identical as he frowned.Cordy could not help laughing out loud, and even the chauffeur was quite amused.Although John was scowling harder, Richard was further encouraged to see Cordy laughing. "Mommy, don't mind Daddy. I think he's having PMS."Cordy laughed harder at that—John might have educated him too well!Fortunately, the restaurant they were going to was close, and they soon arrived.John might get a stroke otherwise!They took a win
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Chapter 150
John thought to himself that Cordy should be sweet-talking him instead of asking about Jessica! Still, he nodded. "Yeah." "What's the relationship there?" Cordy asked bluntly—after she had that misunderstanding with John and Zoe, she had decided to ask about everything since."Our grandfathers were comrades in the war and close friends, often keeping in touch even though we lived in different cities. My grandfather especially loved to visit them, so he brought me to Stuart Hall in Rocktown on many occasions. As for Jessica Stuart, she's…"John trailed off as he searched for the right word, and Cordy raised a brow. "Your childhood friend?""No." John denied it. "More like the girl next door."The girl next door?! That felt way more ambiguous than necessary!John then continued, "Anyway, when my grandfather sent me abroad for studies, William Stuart—her grandfather—sent her abroad as well. After we graduated from university, I worked on expanding Levine Ventures in foreign mar
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