All Chapters of A Life Debt Repaid: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1514 Chapters
Chapter 131
Plum was left staring blankly at Simon. Her own son had never yelled at her like that before! And usually, what she said went, but now, he was scolding her while pointing at her face in front of so many doctors and nurses! It was absolutely humiliating, especially at her age! She certainly could not suffer the humiliation, and her eyes were red as she pointed back at him. "How dare you raise your voice at me…" Simon, however, was too furious to care what she thought.He was absolutely afraid that Cordy would blow things out of proportion and destroy Sachs Enterprises' reputation, as well as his personal reputation for being the No.1 Son of North City. Otherwise, he would not care if Plum was behind bars, let alone to suffer Cordy's tantrums!"Do whatever you want!" he snapped before storming off.Plum's blood pressure skyrocketed then, watching as her son strode off as she watched, leaving her in the hospital!Sue Yorkman, who came to the hospital with them and saw them
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Chapter 132
As John agreed to Cordy's invitation without any questions, she started to type again.[Bring Dicky…]However, she suddenly paused before deleting the draft.She left her bathroom and changed into fresh clothes before going out to buy food ingredients.She was thinking about cooking dinner—after all, how hard could it be?After getting the ingredients, she downloaded a cooking app and went to work according to the recipes provided… -In the evening, Cordy still had her apron on her when the doorbell rang.She quickly went to answer the door.John was standing outside with a bouquet in his hands. He appeared formal and handsome as ever with his black suit and silver necktie."I came here once I was done with work," he said, explaining his getup.Cordy smiled. She certainly knew that was not the case. "Come in," she said, taking the flowers and giving him his slippers.John put them on before entering and immediately picked up a scent he could not quite describe. It coul
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Chapter 133
Cordy then gestured. "Try it."There was a slight expectation in her eyes, which seemed to twinkle dazzlingly.John picked up his knife and cut through a slice of the grilled mackerel, politely and elegantly putting it in his mouth and chewed. He did not react much or give any comment, so Cordy could not tell at all if it was good.Still, after he had the mackerel, he had one of the vinegar ribs…And then the rest of the dishes. When he was done, he picked up his red wine and took a small sip."Is it good?" Cordy could not resist asking eventually.Nonetheless, John slowly wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "It's alright. Not bad.""Really?" Cordy quickly picked up her fork and knife, ready to eat.That was when John's long fingers suddenly caught her wrist, leaving her frowning."It's enough for one of us to have food poisoning," he said calmly, then took another sip of his red wine.Cordy naturally could tell what he was getting at, but smacked his hand off.In th
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Chapter 134
Even as their eyes met, certain feelings were undoubtedly growing.Cordy genuinely did not think that after all the dark times she survived—and more recently Kyle—that she would suddenly begin another relationship. She was not actually sure about this, but she took the first step regardless.Was it John who was good at flirting, or was he not as cold as she thought—not as disenchanted with the world as she believed? And after confirming their relationship, they were suddenly both silent, making things rather awkward. "Do you hate that man who slept with you?" John suddenly asked. There was a hint of nervousness in his impassive expression, while Cordy was just confused why he would ask about that. Maybe because she disliked men after that incident?"I do," she said.John blinked subtly even as Cordy continued, "He was clearly conscious at the time. I remembered it so clearly, begging him to stop and not to touch me… but he never did."The past memory still left her with
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Chapter 135
The next day, Cordy woke up to find a text from John. [Good morning, dear.]She pursed her lips, not even realizing that her lips were curling upward in a smile as she read the text.Still, she got changed, put on her makeup, and went to work as usual… But when she arrived outside her office, she found Simon, Plum, and Sue there, waiting for her."Oh, you're here, Cordy." Sue even greeted her warmly.Cordy simply glanced at them sideways, obviously aware of what they wanted to do.She simply strode into her own office and took a seat at the desk, while they entered. "Cordy," Simon began, his attitude passable. "Your grandmother came to apologize to you."When he finished, he quickly shot a look at Plum—who was still upset she had to humble herself and apologize to Cordy. However, she had to bear with it as she knew that it meant prison otherwise, not to mention that she had all she needed to torment Cordy! She just had to resolve the issue at hand for now…Taking a momen
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Chapter 136
"Well, there's nothing I can really do against you…" Cordy said, sounding as if she could not help it.Plum was delighted inwardly, convinced that Cordy was already giving up.Age before beauty, indeed! Cordy never stood a chance against her!"Well, we are family, so we shouldn't hold grievances against each other," Plum said cheerfully. "In that case, you should go to the police station and rescind your charges—""I want ten percent of Sachs Enterprises' shares." Cordy cut Plum short right then.Both Simon and Sue's faces fell, with Sue exclaiming in agitation, "Don't be so greedy, Cordy! You're demanding a mile when we just gave you an inch!" "An outsider like you doesn't get to decide what happens to Sachs Enterprises!" Cordy snapped at Sue right then, leveling her an icy look. "Who do you think you are, criticizing me?!" Sue was left flushing, but she did not have a comeback against Cordy.That was when Simon spoke. "No. Absolutely not."Short and blunt, he meant that he
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Chapter 137
Sue's eyes were welling with tears, but she finally understood how much it hurt to take the full force of Plum's slap in the face!She thought that Cordy was faking her deafness, but now, all she could hear was her ears ringing endlessly.However, she did not have the confidence to sue Plum like Cordy would, so she just had to bear with it.But she could not believe that ten percent of Sachs Enterprises' shares would end up in Cordy's hands!Keeping her savagery in check just then, she kept playing up her delicate persona in front of Simon and Plum. "You misunderstand, Plum. It's not that I don't care, I just think Cordy is really forgets her place—""Shut up!" Plum snapped at Sue, refusing to listen to the latter's explanation.After all, Plum knew better than anyone that Cordy was really forgetting her place. It only hurt Plum more that she could not do a thing against Cordy!On the other hand, Cordy appeared aloof as she watched them with a smile on her lips.Simon and Noe
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Chapter 138
There was no stopping the press coverage at all, as if someone was encouraging every media outlet to keep pumping out more scandalous articles on Noel and Kyle. No other news seemed to make headlines either, and their scandal remained stuck at first place on every search engine, the hate only seeming to grow worse by the day!Naturally, their families' respective businesses were at a constant decline as well.If this continued, both Jessop Corp and Sachs Enterprises would be bankrupted by a single scandal… which would certainly be an unprecedented case! At a board meeting in Jessop Corp, Dandy Jessop was bellowing at Kyle in front of the other board members and executives. "You couldn't buy the media's silence on a single scandal?! How long has it been, or do you want to drag the company down with you?!'Kyle was absolutely indignant, too—he was convinced at first that the scandal would eventually cool off, but he seemed stuck at top searches after so long! Someone must be beh
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Chapter 139
Jay's expression darkened as someone barged into his room just as he took off his shirt. It was Mandy, dressed in an excessively flamboyant gown and her face full of makeup as she showed up in his room."I-I'm sorry. I got the wrong room…" Mandy exclaimed with her cheap, exaggerated acting skills, and she then pretended to turn to leave.At the same time, she deliberately stepped on the hem of her own skirt and threw herself squarely into his arms. Jay strode forward, catching her in reflex while Mandy seized the moment to press her cheek against his chest. It felt firm, even bouncy!Jay frowned, noticing her intention.But just as he was about to push her away, he suddenly saw Zoe standing at the doorway, watching coolly as Jay and Mandy tangled.There was a sneer of disdain on her lips.They were that impatient, weren't they? Or maybe hotels were too boring for them?!Nonetheless, she told Jay calmly, "You left your bowtie in my car."They both came together from the se
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Chapter 140
Mandy had no choice but to leave, gritting her teeth even as Jay looked on.Even so, she always got everything she wanted!-The fashion gala began with the celebrities taking to the red carpet according to an arranged sequence. Mandy would usually be arranged to take the stage early in such events, but thanks to her family's influence, most event organizers would let her place later. Moreover, since Jessop Corp was one of the partners in this event, she was placed second last. But when it was her turn to walk the red carpet, she refused, citing health reasons. The red carpet was vacant for ten minutes, but the organizers could not force Mandy to do anything—no one would dare to provoke her, given her family's influence.Having no choice, the organizers had to ask Zoe to save the day.Zoe was no diva, and she agreed to it despite the apparent displeasure from Linda, her manager.But just as she prepared to take the red carpet, she heard one of the crew members mention Mandy
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