All Chapters of A Life Debt Repaid: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
1514 Chapters
Chapter 111
Sue and Noel were watching Plum abuse Cordy with irrepressible delight. Noel's gloom was also slightly relieved in turn—so what if Cordy won that press conference? Plum was now tearing her a new one!Nonetheless, Cordy spoke with calm apathy. "Everyone knows how the Sachs gained their success. Naturally, I won't argue with you, because I'd be preaching to deaf ears, discussing such advanced stuff to a housewife who knows nothing about the world. I'd just be wasting my breath."The contempt in her tone left Plum's eyes turning red and she raised her hand again, intending on slapping Cordy again.This time, however, Cordy caught her hand.In the end, no one was obliged to keep being beaten up.One slap was enough for Cordy to give Plum a lesson to remember."Let me go, Cordy Sachs! You bitch!" Plum spat angrily. "You're not setting foot in my house ever again—there's no place for a bitch like you! You are a disgrace to our family's good name!"Cordy firmly flung Plum's hand away
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Chapter 112
With the evidence of bodily harm, Cordy had proof of deliberate physical assault.That meant she could pursue a legal course of action should she decide to press charges.Cordy finally turned on her phone then and sent the report from her medical examination to the police before getting herself admitted to the hospital.As she reclined in her hospital bed, she stared at the countless missed calls on her phone, but she ignored them anyway. She swiped through news articles and saw that all of the internet was condemning Kyle and Noel, using the foulest of words on them.With the drama having escalated to such an extent, the damage was not just on Kyle and Noel's reputations—both Jessop Corp and Sachs Enterprises would suffer more direct losses as well, including boycotts of their products and their stock prices plummeting.Naturally, Cordy was unmoved. She tapped on Twitter to check out the tweet Kyle had posted yesterday—the number of supportive replies to that tweet before was
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Chapter 113
Simon's voice was shaking even as he roared furiously, "Cordy Sachs! You're actually suing your own grandmother for assaulting you?! The cops just told me that you're taking a legal course of action instead of settling it privately! Forget the production plant riot—this is your grandmother! What do you think others would say?!" She had really gone too far this time! "Grandmother?" Cordy laughed coldly. "Didn't she tell you? She just said that I'm not a member of her family, that I'm not allowed in her house ever again.""She's just upset…""I'm upset too.""She's your grandmother! Your elder! How could you hold anything against her?!""So she gets to hit me without consequences?""Cordy Sachs!!! You're not listening to reason!" Simon shrieked.Cordy laughed again. Listening to reason? What part of anything he said was reason?Did he ever admit that Plum was at fault?Did he ask what actually happened or listened to her explanation, for that matter? Whatever.Cordy neve
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Chapter 114
Noel was sobbing at Simon's sigh. "How did it go, Daddy? Does she still want to press charges?""Of course she does!" Simon snapped, seething just then. "Weren't you saying that you're going to woo John Levine? It's already ages, and he's still with Cordy!" Noel appeared even more upset at that, and her eyes were welling with tears. "I wanted to do it to help our family, but Cordy is latching on to him so tightly, I can't even get close…""Oh, Simon, you shouldn't blame her," Sue chimed in, ever quick to her daughter's rescue. "You can't rush a relationship, and did you know that Noel almost passed out from crying? We should think about how we can convince Cordy to drop the charges, or it'll be a scandal for the family if the case was made against Plum and she gets sentenced to jail. Everyone will be laughing at us!"Simon naturally took that into consideration and a vein bulged over his temples in his fury. "It's all my fault. Grandma wouldn't have slapped Cordy if not for me."
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Chapter 115
Cordy continued then, saying, "I couldn't protect myself when I was a child, but that's not the case now that I'm older." She was assuring John that she could protect herself even though she had no idea why she had to.Still, she probably thought that he was genuinely worried about her, and there were just a handful of people in this world who were."Does it hurt?" John suddenly asked, studying her cheek that was still slightly swollen.How much strength had Plum put behind that slap to cause so much swelling?Cordy appeared taken aback, but she soon shook her head.It really did not hurt… because this amounted to nothing compared to the things she had experienced as a child.And while her heart used to hurt because of that, she now understood that the Sachs did not deserve her tears—not a single drop.John pursed his lips, and the air around him suddenly seemed to turn chilly.He was a frightening sight, but Cordy was not afraid because she knew why he was angry. "I want a
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Chapter 116
"It's alright, I'll stay here with you," John replied, as if it was only natural. "Sleep."As Cordy stared at him, he said, "You often came by to visit and take care of me when I was staying in the hospital before.""You were hurt because of me," Cordy pointed out."I always repay a favor a hundredfold. You don't have to be so formal with me, Ms. Sachs," John said with a determined tone.Cordy pursed her lips—she had this nagging feeling that she would hurt the little child in John if she turned him down. As such, she simply turned around, keeping her back to him and closed her eyes to sleep.And with that, John sat by her hospital bed, staring at her delicately small figure.She really was small… So, so small.And yet, she was so tough it hurt. John's Adam's apple bobbed just then.If he stopped her all those years ago, when she was fleeing without a care…Would she have been more trusting?-Cordy did not expect that she would really fall asleep.She came up with a re
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Chapter 117
"Let go of me." Cordy shifted her body again to make John move, only for him to suddenly grunt rather sensually.Cordy promptly stopped moving—even if she was inexperienced, she was more or less educated as an adult. "Just get off me," she said, making herself sound as cold as possible.John swallowed. There was a flash of emotion in his eyes, but he soon regained composure as he got off her and immediately went to the washroom.Cordy did her best to pull herself together, and John soon returned.However, as she turned toward him, she could not help glancing downward, and she was suddenly blushing.She did not want to look. But she seemed unable to help it! She quickly lowered her eyes to the floor—it already took her considerable effort to calm down, but even her ears were now red!John, however, was smiling. "I certainly wouldn't want it to happen, but there are times when it's just… out of my control. I hope I didn't give you too bad an experience, Ms. Sachs."Cord
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Chapter 118
Winston was certainly a sly old fox, bringing in dinner and immediately leaving after, using the excuse that Richard was waiting for him at home!He had to leave Randy with the task of disturbing John with Cordy!"Winston sent dinner. I was worried that it would get cold," Randy gingerly explained.When John nodded, Randy quickly put the dinner on the overtable and turned to leave right after.Cordy, however, stopped Randy. "Let's eat together, Randy. There's too much for John and I."Randy certainly was afraid to say yes, and he turned towards his boss. "Don't waste it," Cordy added. John reluctantly nodded then.Randy, who was already hungry, could not help being grateful that Cordy was as kind as she was beautiful. -After dinner, Cordy insisted that John head home, with the excuse of being worried that Richard was alone.He reluctantly left under her insistence, and she breathed a sigh of relief after he was gone.She was certainly uneasy with him around.Lying down
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Chapter 119
In the end, Cordy braced herself and alighted—her dress was not formal, but it was not that casual either.Still, she did look a little underdressed beside John.On the other hand, he did not seem to care about what she was wearing, and he simply led her inside the skyscraper. The restaurant was on the twentieth floor, and it was only natural John would pick a spot frequented by the rich and powerful of North City. After Cordy followed him into the grandly designed glass elevator, he suddenly took off his dinner jacket and his bow tie, unfastening his top two buttons.His forbidding presence suddenly turned to a simpler elegance, he suddenly held out his dinner jacket and bow tie at her, saying, "Hold these for me."Cordy did so, and watched as John slowly rolled up his sleeves, baring his firm, muscular hands.He looked considerably casual in an instant, just as Cordy quickly realized what he was doing.He wanted to match her outfit and she seemed to feel a little guilty abo
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Chapter 120
"Hello, Ms. Sachs. Your reputation precedes you, though you're even more beautiful than when you appeared at the press conference." Sam praised her earnestly. "You flatter me." Cordy smiled. "You're quite handsome too."Sam smiled smugly and shot John a provoking look, but John ignored it.Pulling out a chair for Cordy, John said, "I knew them since I was a boy since our families were close. That said, I spent more time abroad and rarely came back. This is the first time I'm celebrating my birthday in North City, so they wanted to join me."In other words, he wanted to celebrate it with her alone, but they insisted on tagging alone."Anyway, just be at ease. Don't mind them," John then added quietly, clearly taking her feelings into consideration. Cordy nodded.It was his birthday, and naturally what he said went.However, she wondered if she would have a chance to say the things she was prepared to say tonight.That was when the door suddenly opened, and a familiar female v
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