All Chapters of Cinderella And Her Beautiful Octuplets: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
335 Chapters
Thorns on the flesh
Lucas was still in shock to see Lisa. He was short of words, as he felt happiness run through him. All he wanted to do right now was hug and kiss her, but then he held himself back, there was a lot of answers he needed to get from her. He just needed to hear the truth from her.“Brandon, it’s been a while,” Lisa said as she moved away from Lucas and moved towards Brandon and then kissed him on his cheeks.Hannah stared at her with jealousy in her eyes the moment she kissed Brandon on his cheeks, but then she finally spoke.“I will leave you guys alone to talk” She gave Lisa one last glance and was about to leave when Lisa spoke, making her stop right on her track and turn to her.“Yeah, you should leave, Mrs Hannah” Lisa smiled and Hannah sighed before walking away: she wasn’t in for dramas. The moment Hannah walked away, Brandon also walked away, leaving Lisa and Lucas all alone.“Lucas, I missed you so much,” Lisa said and pulled him into a hug. She closed her eyes briefly and hu
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I'm here to stay
This was supposed to be her, Brandon, and Mellisa. This was the kind of family she had wanted to have with Brandon but then Lucas ruined it, she thought angrily.“Lisa, Lisa are you with me?” Lucas jolted her out of her thoughts and she smiled and turned to him.“Yeah,” she muttered. Meanwhile, after Hannah and Brandon were done cooking, with the help of the kids, they arranged the food on the food on the table. “Wow,” the kids muttered at once. They felt so proud of what they’ve done. They looked so happy, extremely happy.Hannah then turned to the maid who was standing behind her and asked her to call everyone downstairs for dinner. “What about grandma?” Jayden asked.“She left for some work, she would be back late” Hannah said in response.Hannah and Brandon helped the kids sit on their chairs and served them. Just then Lucas and Lisa walked towards the table and sat on it. The kids stared at Lisa, wondering who she was but as they saw her with Lucas, they thought maybe she was
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I came back for us
“Leaving, who said anything about leaving? I’m here to stay,” she said and Brandon and Hannah gazed at each other.Hannah hummed. Lisa then smiled at Brandon before she stood up and walked away. “Dinner ruined” Hannah sighed and also stood up and asked the maid to clear the dining table before leaving.Meanwhile, Lucas is seen in his room sitting on his bed looking angry, sad, and hurt with lots of thoughts going through his mind.Just then the door burst revealing Lisa. “Wow, still no changes after so many years,” she said and Lucas turned towards her. When she saw the look on his face she paused and then sat beside him.“What were those things you were saying at the dining, about how you and Brandon had sex? How the both of you were together and how nice he was” Lucas said angrily and Lisa tried touching him but then he stood up.“I didn’t mean those words and I only said it to get back at Hannah. She was mocking me, I had to say what I said. Everyone was hating me at the dinnin
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Stolen Ring
Meanwhile, Lisa and Lucas are seen lying on the bed naked, with Lucas asleep and Lisa pretending to be asleep.She stood up from the bed and put on a simple dress, before walking out of the room leaving Lucas all alone.She then walked past Brandon’s study room and saw the door was opened. She decided to go in and see if Brandon was inside the study room.And luckily, he was in the study room answering his phone calls. The moment he saw Lisa walk in, he ended the call immediately.“What do you want Lisa?” Brandon asked as he placed his phone on the table and Lisa smiled.“Come on Brandon, I know you missed me, I get it, you are trying to hide it from your wife but we are here all alone, you can show me how much you missed me,” Lisa said and Brandon stared at her disgustedly.She moved towards him and was about to touch him on his chest when he held her hands and pushed her to the ground.“Rude” she muttered as she stood up from the ground and straightened her dress. “You should leave
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I'm not sleeping on that bed with you
“Come on, let’s go to bed,” he said and she nodded, just as they were about to leave, the front door opened revealing Arianna.“Mom” Lucas called and she smiled at him. She raised her eyebrows when she saw Lisa. She recognized her, the bitch who came between her sons, she’s back.“Mom, this is….”“Lisa,” Arianna said, cutting off his speech.“Hi, ma'am, “ Lisa muttered with a smile on her face. This was the first time she was meeting Lucas’s mom in person. Arianna forced herself to smile at her and with that, she walked away. She didn’t like Lisa, and she wouldn’t pretend she liked her, she thought to herself. “What’s wrong?” Lisa asked. “She’s probably had a stressful day,” Lucas said and Lisa nodded in response. A lot of people do not like me here, staying here won’t be as easy as I thought, Lisa said to herself as they walked towards Lucas’s room, he opened the door, and walked in. Meanwhile, Hannah, who had put the kids to sleep, was about to walk out of the kid's room when
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This is going to end well
Meanwhile, Matthew and Jessica who had left the house had just arrived at the hotel where they would be spending the night. They climbed out of the car they had parked at the parking lot. They walked inside the hotel and paid for a room for the night and the receptionist gave them the key to the room.“Thank you” Matthew muttered and they both walked down the hallway trying to locate the room. When suddenly they saw Jeff walk out of a room in the hotel.“Jeez, I left home so I could avoid the devil mistress and now I met the devil’s incarnate here. Can this day get better?” Jessica muttered the moment she saw Jeff.Jeff paused and raised his eyebrows when he saw Jessica.“You!” He muttered as he tightened his fist. He felt anger rush down his veins the moment he saw her. He remembered how she had ruined his life with that deceitful marriage and used him.He tried moving towards her but then Matthew stood in front of her blocking his way.“Back off man, we don’t want trouble,” Matthe
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How dare you?!
“Mom, it’s fine. You should take the food to the kids” Hannah said and Arianna nodded before walking away. Lisa rolled her eyes.Hannah stared at her and looked away. She needed to go to the office since mom would be taking care of the kids.She noticed she had left her phone in the room. She decided to go get it. So, she left the file and her handbag she was holding on the dining table and went upstairs to get her phone.Meanwhile, the moment Hannah left, Lisa stood up and went to check the file that she had kept on the table.She took the file up and opened it, she saw Hannah’s signature and her name, Cinderella Mackenzie, and beside it was written COO. “What? COO?” Lisa muttered angrily as she dropped the file on the table. This was the position she wanted Brandon to give her when they were still together but he never for once considered giving it to her and he gave it to this woman in a heartbeat. Who is this woman, and what is it about her, Lisa muttered as she gritted her tee
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Getting rid of her
“Has anyone told you this? I love you so much, Hannah. You are the best thing that happened to this family” Jessica said and everyone glared at her.“What?” She questioned.“Come let’s go inside. That’s enough” Brandon said but Hannah just wouldn’t listen. He sighed softly and then carried her in his arms and walked inside the house.“Put me down Brandon, put me down” Hannah yelled as Brandon carried her inside the house and then asked the maid to bring a towel which a maid did.He put her down and Arianna took the towel and covered her with it.“What the hell is wrong with you?” Brandon asked, looking confused and wondering what had happened.Hannah scoffed.“Me? What the hell is wrong with me? You should ask the ex-fiancée you brought into this house. She fucking spilled coffee on the file I needed to give a client today and you are asking me what is wrong with me?” Hannah yelled and Brandon stared at the file on the dining table which was soaked.He sighed looking speechless, not
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She framed me
Lucas on the other hand stared at Lisa who was staring at Hannah till she was out of sight.“Did you spill coffee on her work file?” He asked and Lisa signed.“Are you doubting me? I would never do that Lucas. I know the stress and all she might have used in drafting it out. I didn’t do it. Besides, isn't she the COO, she could ask anyone to help her redraft” Lisa said and Lucas stared at her.“But Hannah is not the kind of person who would lie to anyone. She doesn’t lie” Lucas said and Lisa stared at him surprised.Wow, so he knows her this much and is defending her, is he trying to call me a liar? Lisa thought with a surprised look on her face.“You should go fix your hair, it’s ruined. I have to be somewhere” He said and then stood up before going upstairs to his room. Lisa rolled her eyes and stood up. She didn’t plan on visiting the saloon any time soon but now because of what Hannah had done to her hair she would have to visit one and also get a new phone, she thought angrily.
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The house on fire
“Okay, what do you guys want?” Jessica asked. “ Simple, we want you to prepare us Chicken soup, potato chips, pancakes, fried chicken, pasta and meatballs and rice. We want you to prepare them for us today” they said and Jessica smiled.“I thought you guys were going to ask for something impossible. It’s easy, consider it done. I would ask the maid to prepare it” Jessica said and stood up. The kids gave her a weird look, she wondered what was wrong. “What?” She asked.“We don’t want the maids to prepare it, we want you to prepare it,” they said and the look on Jessica’s face became a horrific one: “What? I can’t cook, you don’t expect me to go into the kitchen and start cooking when there are tons of maids to do it” Jessica said and the kids shrugged.“Okay, ask the maid to do everything then. We can’t do what you are asking for “ Addison said and they looked away from her and continued what they were doing before she came.She gritted her teeth, what she asked them was to help he
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