All Chapters of Cinderella And Her Beautiful Octuplets: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
335 Chapters
You set me up!!
Lucas walked out of the house, hopped in his car, and drove out of the compound.He had gone to a bar to cool off his head. He didn’t want to believe what Hannah and Brandon had told him.He doesn’t trust his brother, but he trusts Hannah and she would never lie to him. He sighed softly as the waiter brought the drink which he had ordered for.He took the glass and gulped down everything at once. Just then someone touched him from behind, he turned and saw Jules, Lisa’s best friend.He wondered what she was doing at the bar he was at, again. If she was following him.“Hey, Lucas,” Jules muttered as she sat beside him. He stared at her and looked away. She rolled her eyes and then ordered two glasses of drink, one for her and the other for Lucas.“What do you want, Jules?” Lucas asked as the waiter put the glass of drink in front of him.“Nothing, I just want to spend time with you,” she said and he raised his eyebrows wondering what she meant by she just wanted to spend time with hi
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Mellisa is Alive
Lucas's car screeched to a halt in front of the mansion. He had alighted the car and entered the house looking furious and confused.He climbed upstairs to his room to see if Lisa was there but she wasn't. He wondered where she had gone too. He walked out of the room and then saw a maid and asked if she had seen Lisa and she said she was in the kitchen. He decided to check the kitchen. He climbed downstairs and walked towards the kitchen when he heard Hannah and Lisa conversing, much more like they were arguing. He walked towards the kitchen and stood by the door while he watched them exchange words.They hadn't seen him yet.“Lucas is the one who’s getting in my way, I just need to get rid of him completely and boom, Brandon and I will be back together again” she said and Hannah stared at her speechlessly.Lucas is easy to manipulate, everything would be under my control soon.He froze the moment he heard what she had said, Hannah was right, she was using him. He thought she love
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Elizabeth Colby
“Did you say Mellisa is alive?” He asked again to be sure and she nodded. “She’s lying to you Brandon, we all know Mellisa is not alive,” Jessica said and Lisa shot her a deadly glare and then turned to Brandon.“I wouldn’t lie to you about my daughter Brandon. Our daughter, I can’t do that, she’s alive Brandon and I’m telling the truth” she said and Lucas scoffed.“Take her out,” Lucas says to the security.“No one would touch her,” Brandon said and the security men froze at once and moved back.Jessica stared at Brandon speechlessly.Lisa stared at Lucas and then at the security before moving closer to Brandon.“Ask them to bring my clothes in,” she said calmly. “No, you tell me where Mellisa is or I will be the one to throw you out myself,” he said with no emotion in his eyes and she let out a sigh and nodded. “When Mellisa was kidnapped, I found out who kidnapped her and they demanded a ransom. I paid for the ransom and asked them to tell you she was dead because I found out so
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She asked me to stay away from you
He tilted his head and suddenly smashed his lips on hers.He pulled away from the kiss and then opened the door for her. “You can go continue your cooking,” he said and she stared at him and quickly looked away as she felt her cheeks turn red. Hannah smiled as she went to the kitchen and prepared dinner. After which the family had dinner together, except Lucas who was at the wine cellar, drinking himself too stupid.Hannah had assisted the maids in clearing the table.She was about to walk out of the kitchen when Brandon walked towards her.“You look worried during dinner, what’s wrong?” He asked as they both walked out of the kitchen. “I’m worried about Lucas, he’s hurt,” Hannah said and Brandon sighed.“He’s going to be alright,” he said and Hannah nodded. Just then the front door opened revealing Lisa.“She’s back” Hannah muttered with an eye roll as she and Brandon moved towards her. “And where is the child?” Brandon asked and Lisa stared at the both of them and then turned to
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I had plans for us
“She asked you to stay away from me?” Hannah asked and Mellisa nodded and she hummed.“Where did you and your mommy live, Mellisa?” Hannah asked.“We stayed at……”“Melissa, it’s time for bed,” Lisa, who is seen climbing down the stairs, said , cutting off her speech. “But I’m hungry, you said once we arrive I would eat nice food here,” she said as she touched her stomach. “There’s food in the kitchen Melissa, I could get you some,” Hannah said and Lisa rolled her eyes. “No, I would get her food myself. Stay away from my child, Hannah, and stop interrogating her” Lisa said as she clenched her fist before pulling Mellisa away.She dragged her upstairs to the guest room and closed the door behind her then turned to Mellisa with a furious look on her face.“What? Don't give me that look. I did exactly as you asked me to, I’m hungry, can you please get me food, now” she said as she sat on the bed and let out a sigh.“I thought I told you to stay away from Hannah and not answer any quest
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The first meeting
“I’m so sorry Lucas. I’m so sorry for what happened” she said and just then she pulled him into a warm hug.Just then she pulled away from the hug.“Come, I will take you to your room,” she said as she helped him out of the wine cellar and took him to his room.She helped him lie on the bed and covered him properly with the duvet. She glared at him for some seconds and was about to walk away when he held her hands.“Hey,” she muttered as she turned to him.“Could you please spend the night with me?” He said and Hannah furrowed her brows as she sat beside him.“I can’t Lucas, you have to rest,” she said and he opened his eyes and tried sitting up but Hannah held him.“You should be resting, Lucas, don’t move,” she said but he refused to lay down, he then sat on the bed.“Why didn’t you tell me in time that Lisa was lying to me?” Lucas asked.“I don’t know, maybe because you love her too much and you wouldn’t believe me,” she said as she paused while staring deep into her oceanic eyes.
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The fight
This isn’t going to end well, Hannah thought.“Hello Jessica, what’s wrong? You look mad, even your hair looks mad, I hope you slept well” Lisa said and Jessica frowned.“No, I didn’t because there's been the smell of rats since you arrived at this house and it’s making me nauseous, you dirty chihuahua,” Jessica said and Hannah sighed. “And where is your gigolo, he's not with you this morning. Oh I’m shocked or is he tired of following you around like a pet” Lisa said and Jessica Clenched her fist.“He’s not a gigolo and I would remind you again, I’m married. Not everyone is a whore like you who sleeps around with men they make eye contact with” Jessica said and Lisa gritted her teeth.“There are kids here” Hannah muttered and they both composed themselves immediately.Mellisa stared at Jessica and then looked away with a look of fear on her face. Jessica was looking so scary at that moment and she could chop off Lisa’s head at that moment if she could.The octuplets stared at Meliss
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I found something about her
“What did he find-“ “He found out Lisa had been living on the outskirts of Atlanta and she had stayed alone all these years without a child. She didn’t have any child with her,” she said and Hannah raised her eyebrows confused. “She lied that she had left because of the kids and had been taking care of her. She was never with any child nor Mellisa. She stayed alone. Now, the question is, Does the child belong to Brandon? I don’t think the child is Brandon’s. This is one of her schemes again” Arianna said and Hannah sighed. “What are we going to do?” Hannah asked.“I need to tell Brandon,” Arianna said.“No, we can’t. He already believes the child is his and we do not have any concrete proof yet, we need more evidence” Hannah said and Arianna sighed. “Micheal is still doing more findings,-““Till then we would tell no one about what you found,” Hannah said and Arianna nodded in response.Meanwhile, the octuplets and Mellisa could be seen in the room. Mellisa had joined them in pl
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She’s having an affair
The look on Brandon’s face changed. Was Hannah really with Lucas last night? Was that the reason she had come into the room so late and tired?She knew Lisa was lying to him and nothing else. She’s trying to get to his head again. He wasn’t gonna let it work, he thought.Hannah who had just walked out of Arianna’s room went to her room and took her bath while she changed into her office wear and went to the company.Brandon on the other hand had gotten dressed too and went to the company.Meanwhile, Jessica who was still looking furious had wanted to go upstairs to her room.She was about walking past the octuplets room when the door opened revealing the octuplets.She gave them a weird look wondering why they were staring at her like that.“Why ain’t you guys in school?” Jessica asked.“Public holiday, school resumes tomorrow,” Allison said to Jessica and she hummed.“Okay then,” she said and was about to walk away when they spoke, making her stop.“We need your help, Aunt Jessica,”
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Secret identity
“Not everyone is a whore like you, Lisa. Go get something doing” he said and with that, he walked away.Lisa stared at him angrily as jealousy rushed through her veins.Hannah all the time, I wonder what's so special about her.Lisa rolled her eyes and then walked out of the house, there she met Mellisa talking to the chauffeur.“I told you not to talk to strangers in this house” she muttered with an angry look on her face.“And you, why are you here? Ain’t you supposed to be driving Brandon to work” Lisa said to the chauffeur who was staring at her.“Brandon doesn’t like me driving him all the time, he loves driving by himself,” he said and she rolled her eyes.“Whatever. I need the key to the black Bentley, I need to get some clothes for Brandon’s child” Lisa said as she stretched her hands forward:“Brandon would kill me if I gave you the key to the car,” he said and she scoffed.“And you would be fired in a split second when I tell him you refused to let me take the car to take hi
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