All Chapters of Cinderella And Her Beautiful Octuplets: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
335 Chapters
Only family she's got left
Chapter 261“Who was calling?” He asked as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist.“I don’t know, you should check it yourself,” she said and he nodded and picked up the phone before going to the balcony to answer the phone call.Tears welled up in her eyes as pain and anger surged through her spine.She needed to find out who Matthew was and why he was hiding his real identity. She wondered if their first meeting was a coincidence or a setup.She then stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. She brought out her phone and texted one of her old-time investigator.“I need you to find out who Alexander Robert is” she texted and then went back to the room and laid on the bed. Just then Matthew walked back inside the room.“Are you alright?” He asked as he dropped his phone by the bedside, and walked towards Jessica, and sat beside her on the bed.“Yeah, I'm alright, I'm okay-”“I would be heading out to see my aunt, I would be back later in the day,” he
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Perfect time
“It's about Grandma Samantha, her sickness is getting worse and if the surgery is not carried out on time, she might die… Adrianna will lose the only family she's got left” the nurse said with a worried look on her face: Lisa stared at her without saying a word.She could hear Adrianna’s and her grandma’s laughter. They sounded so happy. She knows how much Melissa loves her grandmother. If Melissa loses her grandma, she might never be the same again and she was too young to lose the only family she's got left.The reason she had agreed to act as Mellisa was so she could pay her grandma's bills. Samantha was the only family Mellisa had left, and her dying would make her lonely, she thought memories of how her mom had died came running into her head.She felt tears gathered in her eyes but then she quickly pushed it back and then stood up.“Send me the bills, let's transfer her to the best hospital here in Atlanta and make sure she gets the surgery,” she said and the nurse nodded and
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I have what you can never have
Meanwhile, Lisa had just woken up from her deep sleep and was feeling hungry, so she decided to go downstairs to get some food. The moment she got downstairs, the door burst open revealing Jessica. She was looking sad and angry at the same time and her eyes were swollen like she had just cried.She walked past her and climbed the stairs going to her room. Hmm, she’s calm today and didn’t try to attack me, Lisa thought and then sighed.Just then the front door opened again revealing Hannah. She had just returned from the company and she was looking so tired. Hannah stared at Lisa and was about to walk past her when she spoke, making her pause. “I know you are having an affair with Lucas..” she said and Hannah turned to her looking perplexed. “You don’t need to hide it anymore, I know you love Lucas, you are everything just like me Hannah, but yet you deny it,” Lisa said and Hannah scoffed.“You must be crazy. You need help Lisa, you are depressed and jobless and do not know what y
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What are you talking about?
Meanwhile, the octuplets are seen in the room, they are already done playing games and are talking about their schools. Suddenly, Allison took the hairbrush and decided to brush Mellisa’s hair. “Your hair looks scattered, can I brush it?” She asked and Mellisa nodded giving her permission to. She brushed the hair and then helped her style it in two ponytails. She took her hair band and tied it on the ponytail and then dropped the brush on the dressing table beside her bed.“Wow, you look so pretty,” Allison said as Mellisa stared at herself in the mirror and then smiled. She loved the hairstyle.The octuplets stared at each other as they stared at the hairbrush which contained a few strands of Mellisa’s hair.Meanwhile, Lisa was seen by the pool when she saw Matthew’s car drive inside the compound.He alighted the car while he was on a phone call.“I lied to her that I’m going to see my aunt, can you please stop calling me so she won’t be suspicious?” Matthew said as he closed the
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What kind of mother are you?
“What are you talking about?-“ he said with the look of confusion on his face and Jessica felt more pain in her heart. He was pretending not to know what she was talking about.“I know you didn’t go to see your aunt today, you went to see the Chairman of GTB publishing company at a restaurant, and you lied to me-““Are you following me now?” He asked and she stared at him looking speechless.“Is that what you gonna say, if I’m following you? You fucking lied to me. You lied about having an aunt or a family here in Atlanta, you lied about your identity, you lied about the fact that you are a reporter, you lied about everything” she yelled and he stared at her with a look of surprise on his face wondering how she found out about all of this.He's been caught, damn!! He thought.“Jessica you are getting it all wrong, I can explain,” he said and she shook her head and wiped her tears.“There’s nothing to explain about, I know the truth now. You only came to me because you needed informati
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I hope it's not poison
What kind of mother are you? I hate you so much” she yelled and then laid on the bed and closed her eyes as tears slipped down her cheeks.Lisa sighed softly as she stared at the little girl who was lying beside her facing the other side of the bed. She felt her heart break at what she had said. “What kind of mother are you?”.“Adrianna,” she called but no response.“Adrianna I-“ she paused as she sighed for the hundredth time.“Have a good night's sleep, Adrianna”, she said as she lay on bed beside her, lots of thoughts going through her mind It was morning and Arianna had woken up so early so she could get the kids dressed up for school.She had gone downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the kids but then to her utmost surprise, she saw Lisa in the kitchen preparing breakfast.She stared at her with a look of surprise on her face. She wondered what she was cooking, why she was cooking, and who she was cooking for.“What's going on here, Alex?” she asked the butler and
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She broke up with her boyfriend
“I hope it’s not poison,” she said and Lisa rolled her eyes. “I’m only doing this so you won’t ruin my plans. Sit here, the food is ready, I would bring it now” she said and walked inside the kitchen.A few minutes later; she came back holding a tray of food and then dropped it on the table.“What did you prepare?” Mellisa asked, staring at the plate.“Baked chicken and some rice,” she said as she opened the place and Mellisa hummed. “I hope it tastes nice as it looks,” she said as she took the fork and knife and took a cut from the chicken. Lisa sat down staring at her while she took a bite from the chicken, she had this weird look on her face while she chewed it. “What’s wrong?” Lisa asked as she took the serviette and suddenly spit it out.“This has no taste and it's half cooked, I can taste the blood of the chicken in my mouth, did you even wash it? , please do not ever try to cook again” Mellisa said as she rested her back on the chair. “Fine, at least I tried,” she said as s
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I don't take advise from a twelve year old
“What?-““Lisa, could you learn to stick your nose in things that are your concerns?” Arianna asked with a frown on her face.“Not when it involves this family reputation, “ Lisa said and Arianna rolled her eyes.“Like you care about this family” she responded.“Ok, what the hell is going on Mom?” Brandon asked.“You should ask Lisa, I believe she knows everything, “ Arianna said as she shot Lisa a deadly glare. Brandon and Lucas turned to Lisa waiting for her to speak.“Turns out Matthew's real name is Alexander Robert. He had targeted Jessica and your sister fell for his traps-““Can you just go straight to the point? I knew his name wasn’t Matthew” Lucas said and everyone turned to him.“You knew?” Brandon asked.“Not really, but the day we had gone out, a lady had called him Alexander Robert, he claimed not to know the lady and left. I figured out that might be his actual name” Lucas said with a shrug.“Anyways, Matthew is a reporter and a publisher, he was paid to give out every
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She's pregnant
“Sorry, I don’t take advice from a twelve-year-old,” Lisa said and Mellisa scoffed. “At least I’m not an adult everyone hates,” she said as she stood up, and with that, she walked away. You little thing, Lisa muttered as she gritted her teeth.Meanwhile, Hannah had woken up feeling extremely tired and sick. Her body was burning hot. She checked the time and noticed she was late for the office. “No one even cares to wake me up, not even my so-called husband “ she muttered as she stood up and stared at the door. It was then she noticed she had locked the door and there was no way anyone would have gotten in. But they should have knocked, she thought as she picked up her phone and saw thirty missed calls from Brandon. Shit! I’m late for the board meeting, she thought and then managed to walk out of the room and went downstairs to get some drugs and coffee.She got downstairs and there she met Lisa sitting on the dining chair. She sighed and then sat on the chair opposite hers and
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I'm not pregnant
Brandon opened the door to Hannah’s room and then dropped her on the bed. “I would get the family doctor,” he said as Hannah sat up on the bed. He took his phone and called the family doctor. While he was on call, he kept staring at Hannah who stood up pacing to and fro with a worried expression on her face.“He’s on his way. What’s wrong?” He asked as he hung up.“What if I’m truly pregnant?” She said with fear written all over her face. “It’s good news then, “ he said as he sat on the couch, staring at her. “What good news? We haven’t even had sex yet, we only kissed, and can someone get pregnant through a kiss?” She muttered and Brandon shrugged. She frowned as she stared at him. “You are acting so unconcerned and like you don’t even care” she yelled angrily. “What? I care, you are just overreacting, you should calm down and wait for the doctor to arrive” he said and the frown on her face deepened.“Am I overreacting? Wow,” she said and Brandon let out a soft sign. “I didn’t
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