All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 2221 - Chapter 2230
2260 Chapters
Chapter 2221
"I'm sorry. I can't answer that question because I don't know, either." Hank shook his head. He was already breaking the rules by telling them about the God King's involvement. Furthermore, disclosing the God King's identity or whereabouts was out of the question. In Dragonmarsh, even someone as powerful as the God King had to tread carefully. Any hint of their whereabouts, followed by an ambush from elites, would spell disaster."No problem. It's just a random question out of curiosity." Dustin simply shrugged it off with a faint smile."If there aren't any questions, how about we break for lunch? I've arranged a feast, and we can continue our conversation over food." Hank extended an invitation with a neutral expression."Sure." Dustin nodded."Let's go, everyone!" Hank called out before leading the group to the dining hall.Everyone was famished after waiting all morning. They immediately indulged in the feast laid out before them. Once they were full, Hank organized vari
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Chapter 2222
"Sure. I'll go along with your plan." Dustin nodded.The rare treasures hidden in the forbidden ground of Sacred Wrym Summit were likely the Dracan essence.A treasure linked to the fate of the nation should never fall into the hands of the Hall of Gods. Who knew what kind of trouble that might cause?Dustin had initially braced himself to tackle this challenge alone. But now, he felt much more confident about taking on the Hall of Gods with Grace by his side.As a representative of Dragonmarsh royalty, she had the influence to rally allies and back them up.Grace said, "Okay, enough about the Hall of Gods. You need to stay focused on bringing your best at the Combat Tournament." She added, "And remember, Sacred Wrym Summit wouldn't organize something meaningless. The top three competitors are in for some serious perks and rewards.""I've already registered. I'm fully committed to giving it my all. You can count on that," Dustin replied with a smile.In fact, he was excited ab
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Chapter 2223
Grace and Dustin followed a middle-aged woman into the villa.In the bedroom, a woman of striking beauty and regal presence lay unconscious on the bed. She was in her early 20s, with flawless skin and captivating features, even in her unconscious state. Her name was Alicia Marshall, and she held the fifth spot on the Beauty Ranking list.Each of the top ten women on the Beauty Ranking had a unique appeal. Alicia's beauty was like a rare alpine flower, pure and captivating, even without makeup.Aside from the unconscious Alicia, there was also a man and a young woman standing in the room.The man, around 30, dressed sharply in a suit. He was tall and handsome with a piercing gaze.The young woman, about 17 or 18, bore a strong resemblance to Alicia. She was equally beautiful and exuded a youthful energy. She was Alicia's younger sister, Aurora Marshall."Brian, Alicia's condition is worsening by the minute. When will that renowned miracle doctor you call arrive?" Aurora asked. "
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Chapter 2224
"Are you telling us to leave?" Grace asked.She narrowed her eyes and added, "We're here to save Alicia, yet you're trying to drive us away. What's the matter? Don't you want her to wake up?""Ridiculous!" Brian scowled. "I'm her senior. Of course, I want her to wake up.""Then, why are you stopping us from treating her?" she countered."Because I don't trust you!" he asserted. "Who knows what your intentions are? What if you make her condition worse?""If I'm not confident, I won't do it," Dustin chimed in abruptly."Do you hear that? Regardless, let us diagnose Alicia first," Grace insisted."No! The miracle doctor I've called will be here soon. Your help isn't necessary!" Brian rejected them firmly."Aurora, what do you think?" Grace stopped arguing with Brian and turned toward Aurora instead. As Alicia's younger sister, Aurora had absolute authority in this situation. If she agreed, Grace would take action and disregard Brian's objections."How about… we let Dr. Rhys tre
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Chapter 2225
"Huh?" Aurora was startled by Dustin's words.Removing the needles would mean death within three hours. Wasn't that practically a death sentence?"Hmph! I don't care about your ethereal-whatever technique. If you can't cure Alicia, you can only blame yourself for the pain you'll be in!" Brian said coldly.Dustin glanced at him and retorted, "If you can't be of any help, then please keep quiet. Your constant blabbering is getting on my nerves.""Why you—" Brian gritted his teeth but ultimately restrained himself from lashing out.If Dustin had managed to cure Alicia, Brian would have had nothing to say. But if he failed, Brian would undoubtedly teach Dustin a lesson."Dr. Rhys, what do we do now?" Aurora changed the subject."Take good care of your sister, and make sure nobody touches her. I'll go back and prepare the antidote now," Dustin said.Then, he winked at Grace before leaving the room."Aurora, remember what Dr. Rhys said," Grace reminded her before following him and e
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Chapter 2226
"What's your plan?" Grace arched her eyebrow."First, we need to find a way to dispel the witchcraft from Alicia's body. Then, we'll use her as bait to lure out the mastermind," Dustin replied succinctly.Once they pinned down the culprit, they wouldn't have to do anything more. The Celestial Alliance members would handle it. After all, Alloy wouldn't just let those who hurt his daughter off the hook."What do you need me to do?" Grace asked."I need you to gather some medicinal herbs for me as quickly as possible. I plan to use poison to counteract the dark energy and force it out of Alicia's body."Dustin quickly jotted down a prescription and handed it to her.She glanced briefly and nodded. "No problem, I'll gather everything within three hours."With the power of Dragonmarsh royalty, she would have no trouble getting her hands on rare medicinal herbs.After Dustin and Grace left the lakeside villa, they got busy with their respective tasks.Just shortly after the two departed,
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Chapter 2227
"What? Alicia will die?"Kenan's words sent shivers down Aurora's and Brian's spines. They hadn't anticipated the severity of the situation."That damned bastard! How dare he harm Alicia? I'll get someone to bring him in right now!" Brian immediately pulled out his phone to make a call.Assassinating the Celestial Alliance's guildmaster's daughter was like inviting death."Dr. Quake, what do we do now? Can my sister be saved?" Aurora panicked as she processed the news.She had turned to Dustin out of sheer desperation and hoped for a miracle since she had no other options.However, she regretted her decision after hearing Kenan's assessment. Comparing a nobody to a highly skilled doctor in the martial world, Kenan was the obvious choice."If it were anyone else, your sister would be beyond saving. But fortunately, I'm here today. As long as she's still breathing, I can bring her back from the brink," Kenan said confidently."Then, please, Dr. Quake, save her immediately. We'll
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Chapter 2228
Aurora's eyes widened in shock. She touched the blood on her face and looked over at Alicia on the bed, who was coughing up blood.Kenan and Brian were equally shocked by the sudden turn of events. No one anticipated that after drinking the Enigma Mist, Alicia's condition would deteriorate."Dr. Quake! What… What's going on?" Brian asked anxiously."Dr. Quake! You assured us that the Enigma Mist would bring my sister back from the brink. Why is she coughing up blood now?" Aurora was frantic."Don't worry. It's just a minor setback. Let me check her again," Kenan reassured them.He quickly approached Alicia to take her pulse and frowned. "This is unexpected. Her pulse is weak, and her blood circulation is poor. "These symptoms suggest poisoning. The Enigma Mist should have detoxified her. But why isn't it working?"The Enigma Mist was supposed to cure any poison and extend life. Just a sip should have stabilized Alicia's condition. But this unforeseen reaction left him perplexed
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Chapter 2229
"Of course, we trusted you. We believe you," Brian said with an apologetic smile. He went on, "If it weren't for you, Alicia would probably be dead by now.""It's just a small effort on my part. So, it's nothing to fuss over," Kenan said while stroking his beard.He added, "Sanny, feed her a bit more of that Enigma Mist and let Ms. Marshall witness my capability.""Yes, sir!" Sanny replied. He then carefully fed Alicia a couple more sips of the Enigma Mist.After swallowing the tonic, Alicia's legs twitched, and then she went still.Sanny was stunned upon seeing that. Then, he cautiously checked Alicia's breathing. In an instant, he jerked back as if electrocuted, and his face contorted in fear. He stammered, "Dr. Quake! The… the patient has stopped breathing.""What?"The revelation sent shockwaves through the room. Even the self-assured Kenan looked shaken."Stopped breathing? How is that even possible?" Kenan pushed his disciple aside and checked Alicia's pulse. It had
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Chapter 2230
The Revivex dissolved in Alicia's mouth. Its golden liquid smoothly slid down her throat. A surge of vitality coursed through her body and reached every cell. Her heart, which had stopped, gradually resumed beating.With each heartbeat, Alicia's chest rose and fell gently as her breathing returned to normal."She's breathing! Alicia's breathing!" Brian exclaimed happily."This is amazing! My sister is alive again!" Tears of happiness streamed down Aurora's cheek.Kenan breathed a sigh of relief. He was grateful for the miraculous effect of the legendary Revivex tablet that revived Alicia. Without it, his reputation would have been at risk. Though using such a precious tablet caused him some discomfort, the outcome justified it."No wonder they call it Revivex," Brian marveled.The ability to revive someone from the brink of death indeed demonstrated Revivex's extraordinary nature."Though it was a bit of a rollercoaster, thankfully, everything turned out okay." Kenan forced
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