All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 2251 - Chapter 2260
2260 Chapters
Chapter 2251
The following morning, Dustin left his room and went to the villa's garden to appreciate the lush scenery.He and Grace accepted Alicia's invitation to stay at the villa overnight to ensure the sisters' safety after the recent assassination attempt. Plus, Grace wanted to catch up with Alicia. Thankfully, the rest of the night passed without any disturbances.Alicia's condition remained stable. She showed no adverse effects due to her good foundation.Dustin strolled through the garden and noticed the villa's gate opening. A convoy of luxury cars drove in and came to a stop. Then, a group of uniformed Celestial Alliance disciples quickly exited the vehicles.Unlike the regular disciples, these were the elite enforcement team. They were specially selected for their exceptional skills and loyalty.The team was seldom deployed as they were reserved exclusively for dire circumstances at the discretion of the guildmaster and the elders. Their appearance always signaled the seriousness o
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Chapter 2252
Upon hearing Fenley's words, Alicia and Aurora glanced at him before shifting their gaze to Dustin. Curiosity and confusion etched across their faces as they pondered whether Fenley and Dustin knew each other."Sir Hudson, you're quite a notable figure. How could someone like me ever cross paths with you? If you think I look familiar, it's likely because I have a common face," Dustin replied calmly, though his heart was racing.His current appearance was a skillful disguise through Face-Changing Art that made him look different from his usual self.Upon encountering Fenley, Dustin consciously suppressed his energy waves and ensured no anomalies were revealed. Yet, he didn't expect Fenley to be so perceptive and sensed something amiss with just a glance.After scrutinizing Dustin, Fenley smiled. "It seems I've mistaken you for someone else. But you're certainly not just anybody. You must possess remarkable talent to garner such acclaim from the Marshall sisters."After all, there a
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Chapter 2253
Brian's face darkened at Fenley's words. He hadn't anticipated Fenley's ruthlessness, which lacked respect for Brian's seniority within the guild."Fenley, you've crossed the line!" Brian's expression turned grim. "I hold the seniority in this guild, so watch your tone!""I've extended enough courtesy to you. You better not put me in a tight spot," Fenley said icily."Putting you in a tight spot? You're just out for revenge!" Brian's tone turned hostile."Brian, there's no use in dragging this out. You need to make a decision today." Fenley remained unfazed."What if I refuse to go with the enforcement team? What will you do, huh?" Brian narrowed his eyes."Then, I will have to take action against you," Fenley retorted coldly."You dare?" Brian's anger flared instantly. "Just because you're strong doesn't mean you can throw your weight around. If we really fought, I might not lose to you!""You're welcome to try," Fenley said impassively."You're going too far!" Brian gritted
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Chapter 2254
Fenley's recording captured every word between Brian and Hank, the god of the Hall of Gods, including their elaborate schemes, with remarkable clarity.Upon hearing that, Alicia and Aurora were stunned as their eyes widened in disbelief.Brian felt as if he had been hit by lightning, which left him rooted to the spot. He didn't expect his conversation with Hank from the previous night to be recorded.He briefly entertained the idea that Hank might have betrayed him. But he quickly dismissed it, considering their shared interests and Hank's lack of motive for betrayal.Brian's expression alternated between worry and panic. Alongside his confusion, he was flooded with alarm. With the proof of his betrayal revealed, he pondered his next course of action."So, what do you have to say now?" Fenley asked coldly.Celestial Alliance had been suspecting Brian's unusual behavior and had preemptively installed a bug on him, just in case. It turned out their suspicions were correct when they
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Chapter 2255
"What more is there to discuss? Back off! Everyone, just back off!" Brian's voice boomed as he motioned for everyone to retreat.He decided not to return to the Celestial Alliance and confess his wrongdoing. His sole recourse now was to keep Alicia captive and seek sanctuary at the Hall of Gods."Brian, there's no escaping this. Release Alicia and I assure you, I'll find a solution." Fenley's expression grew solemn.He was confident that he could swiftly defeat Brian in a direct confrontation. However, with Alicia held captive, Fenley hesitated and was reluctant to take the risk. If anything were to happen to Alicia, he'd be the one to blame."Brian, it's not too late to repent. Stop making one mistake after another," Alicia pleaded, her voice strained with anguish. "If you stop now and confess willingly, I can plead with my dad to be lenient in his judgment.""Mistakes? Where have I gone wrong?" Brian snarled. "Survival of the fittest is the rule of nature. Everything I've undert
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Chapter 2256
Just as Alicia was about to be struck down by Brian's deadly palm strike, a silver needle suddenly hit his wrist with precision.The force of the impact caused him to stagger backward several steps. Then, a wave of excruciating pain surged through his arm. His body trembled uncontrollably and left him momentarily incapacitated."Crap!" Brian cursed. He quickly yanked the silver needle out from his wrist, which eased his pain slightly."Alicia, run!" Aurora shouted.Freed from his grasp, Alicia snapped out of her daze and bolted at full speed."Where do you think you're going?" Brian, now recovered from the pain, refused to give up.With a sudden burst of speed, he transformed into a blur and lunged toward her. Even if he was going to die, he was determined to take her down with him."Bastard! How dare you!" Fenley's eyes widened in fury upon seeing that. He immediately propelled himself into the air, then delivered a palm strike toward Brian from above.The air erupted with a t
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Chapter 2257
Brian was dead. The enforcement team stood indifferent to the scene before them and showed no sympathy for his fate. His headless body slumped to the ground, and blood started to pool around it.Brian was the elite disciple of the Celestia Alliance. But his fate was sealed when he colluded with the Hall of Gods and betrayed the guild. He had even tried to harm Alicia.Given his accumulated crimes, his death was inevitable. Even if Fenley hadn't killed him, the guild would have punished him."Brian got what was coming to him." Aurora grimaced as she looked at his lifeless body and spat on the ground.She had regarded him as a brother and a decent person. Yet, she never anticipated he would turn out to be such a hypocrite and involved in all sorts of misconduct for his own gain.He had even colluded with the Hall of Gods and betrayed the Celestial Alliance. When confronted, he showed no remorse and even tried to hold Alicia hostage.Aurora believed someone like him deserved to di
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Chapter 2258
"Aurora, bring me the Novem Bloomadol," Alicia said with a knowing glance.Aurora couldn't resist asking, "If you give it to Dr. Rhys, how will you cultivate later?"While others might not know its value, she knew the rarity of the Novem Bloomadol. It was a precious treasure that martial artists could only dream of obtaining to break through to the grandmaster level. Aurora never expected Alicia to part with it willingly."I don't have any use for it anyway. I'm sure Dr. Rhys would put it to good use." Alicia smiled faintly.The higher one's martial aptitude, the better the effects of the Novem Bloomadol. With Dustin's exceptional talent and cultivation, she knew he would gain far more from it than her."Don't just stand there. Go get it," Alicia urged.Despite her reluctance, Aurora knew that the pill belonged to her sister. She couldn't decide for Alicia, so she simply nodded. Shortly afterward, she returned with an exquisite sandalwood box."Alicia, are you sure about givin
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Chapter 2259
Besides the battle ring matches, Abigail's gambling business was thriving. She had set up two temporary betting rings to attract more patrons.One accepted cash, and the other VIP betting ring only accepted rare treasures and valuables. These betting rings catered to different gamblers and ensured everyone's preferences were accommodated.The spectators became Abigail's prime targets. Her strategy remained unchanged. First, lures the gamblers with small wins. When they grew complacent, Abigail would reclaim everything in one decisive move. Her tactic proved to be effective.Over the past few days, she had amassed a fortune and emerged as the biggest winner.Although some savvy individuals knew her schemes, they refrained from exposing her due to her stature. So, they simply turned a blind eye.Gamblers would still cling to their hopes even if her schemes were revealed. When they saw others hit the jackpot, this only fueled their urge to try their luck. They were convinced that the
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Chapter 2260
Alicia, who rarely ventured outside, had only heard about betting rings without ever stepping into one. Seeing one today at the tournament was a new experience. With her curious nature, she couldn't resist diving into the excitement."She still can't change her reckless personality." Fenley shook his head in exasperation and followed closely behind.Since the incident involving Brian, Fenley had become the personal bodyguard for the Marshall sisters. He was constantly vigilant about their safety now.Abigail, the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, actively promoted her business and shouted enthusiastically, "Come on, everyone! Place your bets and pick your favorites!"No risk of getting ripped off here—bet as much as you want, win or lose fair and square! Our reputation speaks for itself!"She oversaw the VIP section where rare treasures could be exchanged for celestial stones used in gambling.They started by appraising the treasures bettors brought and exchanging them fo
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