All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 2241 - Chapter 2250
2259 Chapters
Chapter 2241
When Brian approached, the Celestial Alliance disciples quickly stepped aside to make way for him.As the chief senior disciple, his strength was undeniable. In his 30s, he was already a grandmaster martial artist and held in high esteem within the Celestial Alliance. If not for Fenley's exceptional talents, Brian might've been considered for the position of the guildmaster's successor."Hmph! They're nothing but clowns and unworthy of my attention." With a halberd in hand, Brian strode past the crowdHis expression was cold, and he said arrogantly, "Listen up! I don't care who you are or what you want. Trespassing on our territory is a serious offense."I'm giving you the chance to surrender. If you don't, you have only yourselves to blame for what happens next."The assassins' leader made a silent hand gesture in response. Then, the assassins surrounded Brian and looked at him with deadly intent."Protect Brian!" The disciples of the Celestial Alliance were about to intervene
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Chapter 2242
Brian's lethal strike sent a chilling message to the group of assassins. Despite their numbers, around 30 or 40 carefully chosen elites, nearly half of them were killed with just one blow. Brian's formidable strength instilled fear in the remaining assassins.Prior to their arrival, the assassins had gathered intelligence that the elite fighters of the nearby Celestial Alliance had been deployed elsewhere. Seeing the vulnerability in the defenses surrounding Alicia and Aurora, they perceived an opportunity for assassination. Unbeknownst to them, a young powerhouse lay concealed within the villa.After delivering the strike, Brian forcefully drove the handle of his halberd into the ground, creating a crater between them. "Who else dares to step forward and face their end?" he demanded coldly, His words resounded like thunder and caused the assassins to recoil instinctively."Hmph! You fools dare to act recklessly on the Celestial Alliance's territory. Who gave you the audacit
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Chapter 2243
"What the heck? Didn't Brian just land a blow? How is that man still standing?""He's too fast. Brian's sword seemed to hit, but it only struck the man's afterimage.""Damn! Who is this guy? Pulling off moves like some ghost."The Celestial Alliance disciples were stunned to see Shadowcloak emerge unharmed.Brian was a master martial artist, and his strikes were incredibly swift. Yet, he didn't even graze Shadowcloak, which bewildered them.They had never witnessed such fluid movements. It was as if he was teleporting, which made it impossible to track."Alicia, can you decipher that elderly man's techniques?" Aurora asked with a deep frown, and her expression turned serious. She prided herself on keen observation, yet she struggled to follow Shadowcloak's movements."He's too fast, and I couldn't see clearly." Alicia shook her head. Then, she said somberly, "It looks like Brian has met his match today."Even among grandmaster martial artists, there were differences in skill.
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Chapter 2244
"Come out! Get out here now!" Brian's fury intensified as he repeatedly missed his target. His eyes blazed with rage as he swung his halberd wildly. Blade aura shot out from his weapon and shredded everything within a 65-foot radius.The Celestial Alliance disciples were terrified and instantly retreated to avoid being caught in the mayhem.Brian had lost control as he attacked indiscriminately and disregarded the potential harm to anyone nearby. Those in close proximity were at serious risk of being hit by mistake."Argh! Show yourself, coward!" he yelled. His eyes were ablaze with fury as his attacks grew more frantic."Young man, you're too sluggish. You can't even discern my true form. How do you expect to challenge me?"Shadowcloak’s laughter echoed all around, shifting in direction and distance, which made it impossible to pinpoint his location. The taunting laughter only fueled Brian's fury and drove him to the brink of madness.Suddenly, Shadowcloak appeared ten yards
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Chapter 2245
Dustin's method was quick and effective, but the approach was unexpected.Alicia wanted Brian to swiftly regain composure to prevent him from succumbing to exhaustion. She understood that if Brian were incapacitated, no one would be able to confront Shadowcloak.However, she hadn't anticipated Dustin would knock Brian unconscious. While it resolved the immediate issue, it left Alicia pondering the implications."Brian!"After a moment of stunned silence, the Celestial Alliance disciples hurried to lift the unconscious Brian and move him away. Despite their attempts to rouse him by shaking and calling out to him, Brian remained sound asleep."Dr. Rhys, you knocked him out. So, who is going to deal with the assassins now?" Aurora frowned and felt a headache coming on."You only asked me to calm him down quickly. You didn't say that he had to stay conscious." Dustin shrugged."Uh… well, can you wake him up?" Alicia asked."Sure." Dustin nodded."We'd be grateful if you could wake
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Chapter 2246
"Well, thank you," Dustin replied, annoyed.He had initially come to cure Alicia, but now he had to fight as well. After an exhausting day of hard work with no reward, he felt completely shortchanged."Don't be so grumpy. Show off your heroic side in front of these two beauties. Who knows, you might win their hearts," Grace teased in a low voice."Yeah, right. These two are nothing but trouble. I want no part of it." He rolled his eyes."Hey! What are you two whispering about?" Shadowcloak couldn't stay silent anymore and declared, "I'm giving you two options: surrender now, or I'll kill you.""Kill me? You sure talk big." Dustin stepped forward and stared at him.He continued, "You might be fast, but your strength is laughable. The guy lying there could defeat you easily if he were a bit smarter.""Arrogant brat! What the heck are you talking about?" Shadowcloak snarled."Drop the act. You may fool others, but I can see right through you," Dustin said with a straight face.He
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Chapter 2247
"What's going on? Did Dr. Rhys just block that strike?""Oh my God! He took the grandmaster's attack head-on without a scratch! This is unbelievable."The Celestial Alliance disciples were in awe and disbelief after witnessing Dustin block the attack like it was nothing. After all, Brian couldn't even defeat Shadowcloak. So, when the alliance's disciples saw Dustin step forward, they didn't hold much hope at first. Some even thought he was walking into a death trap. But they never anticipated that Dustin had such profound cultivation."Faith, could it be that Dr. Rhys is a grandmaster?" Alicia was also surprised by Dustin's skills. Although Grace had mentioned it before, she still had doubts.After all, possessing extraordinary medical skills was already quite rare. Many doctors spend their careers without achieving half of Dustin's expertise.What truly distinguished Dustin was he was knowledgeable in both medical skills and martial arts. Alicia had never encountered a dual-skilled
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Chapter 2248
"Now it makes sense."Alicia and Aurora nodded.After all the fuss, Shadowcloak was just a fraud. Despite his intimidating facade, he crumbled under pressure, which revealed his cowardice. He could intimidate the vulnerable, but his bravado faltered when confronted with a powerful opponent.The sisters finally understood why he never made a move against Brian earlier. It wasn't due to his supposed strength but rather his weakness and fear of taking action."Kid, this is your last chance. Get down on your knees and surrender. Perhaps I'll spare your life. But if you resist, I'll crush you right now." Shadowcloak's voice thundered with menace.At that instant, his imposing demeanor looked like that of a grandmaster martial artist."Stop your blabbering, and let's fight. I want to see what else you've got up your sleeve." Dustin smirked and eyed him disdainfully.Shadowcloak's performance was impressive, even though his facade had already been exposed. It was easy for those unaware
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Chapter 2249
What happened? Just moments ago, Shadowcloak was boasting and swaggering with bravado. But now, he scattered like a mouse at the sight of a cat.Everyone was stunned by the sudden turn of events.One moment, he was acting all high and mighty, but the next second, he was hightailing it at unbelievable speed. With several figures darting off, it was hard to tell which one was actually him."Huh?" Dustin was shocked by Shadowcloak's sudden retreat. He thought the man was going to rely on his agility to continue the fight. The quick exit after just two strikes caught Dustin off guard."He's quite cunning." He chuckled and acknowledged Shadowcloack's sharp instincts.His swift departure showed a keen sense of trouble and adaptability without concern for his reputation. He was fortunate to have run away. Otherwise, Dustin would defeat him.Moreover, thriving in the martial world through deceitful means demanded a certain level of skill and cunning tricks."Fine. I'll let you off ton
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Chapter 2250
"Um… Brian, you were drugged earlier. Thank goodness Dr. Rhys saved you. Otherwise, you might be in grave danger." Alicia quickly spoke up to break the awkward silence."What? He saved me?" Brian looked at Dustin in disbelief. "Are you sure about that? I don't remember any of this.""You lost your senses because you were drugged and almost caused a disaster. If Dr. Rhys hadn't intervened, the consequences would have been unimaginable," she said earnestly."Yes. You should thank Dr. Rhys," Aurora chimed in with a nod. "Hmph! Who asked him to save me? He's just sticking his nose where it doesn't belong!" Brian scoffed and glared at Dustin disdainfully."I'm tired. I'm heading back to my room to rest," he added coldly before leaving.He had looked down on Dustin since meeting him. Hence, it was a blow to his pride when he learned that Dustin had saved him. Naturally, Brian couldn't accept this outcome, and apologizing to Dustin was out of the question."Dr. Rhys, I'm sorry about B
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