All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 1951 - Chapter 1960
2022 Chapters
Chapter 1951
What they meant was clear.“Fine.”Helpless, Gabriel had no choice but to agree.He glared resentfully at Andrius and said, “In that case, please take out all your Sky Genesis Swords, activate the immortal power within, and find the location of the ninth sword.”As he spoke, an object appeared in front of him. It was the Sky Genesis Sword in his possession.Everyone else, including Andrius, took out their Sky Genesis Swords as well.Whirr… When the eight swords gathered, a phenomenon suddenly happened. Eight beams, in the colors of the rainbow and black, instantly descended from the sky, each corresponding to one Sky Genesis Sword, creating a grand scene. Then, as if mysteriously drawn, the eight swords suddenly flew into the air. At some point, an octagonal-shaped disk had formed in the air, and the eight swords inserted themselves in the key positions.The octagon began to rotate, generating mystical forces. The process lasted about ten seconds, and a seven-colored rainbow
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Chapter 1952
The group answered, “Yes!”Of course, Andrius had another task before that—to lift the curse of Clarissa’s Calamitous Poison Vessel. With his current strength, it was easy. For Clarissa, it was all a blessing in disguise as Andrius’ help advanced her directly from the Divine Step realm to the Golden Core stage. The leader of the foreign Poison Alliance thus devoted herself fully to Andrius, serving him wholeheartedly.For the next half year, Andrius went into seclusion, with three reasons in mind. The first was to continuously refine the true vitality left by the Mountain Sage, which was critical to increasing his cultivation realm and forming a strong foundation.The second was to cultivate his various techniques and secret arts to perfection; the third was to integrate his current secret arts and treasures into a combat mode that maximized his battle potential.In the blink of an eye, half a year passed, and Andrius had successfully broken through to the early Darkness stage.
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Chapter 1953
Even though Andrius was already a top expert in the Darkness stage, with Belarus, he was still the same man as before.At Belarus’ question, Andrius said sadly, “Not yet, but don’t worry.”However, Andrius quickly added, “Even if I have to search the ends of the earth, I’ll find Luna. I came here to tell you that I’m heading out now, and my strength will greatly increase after this trip. Then, it should be much easier to find Luna.”Belarus’ eyes dimmed when he heard that there was no news, and he zoned out after that, not catching what Andrius said.“Go, then. Don’t forget to come back and visit often…”Andrius fell silent.“Andy…” At that moment, Noir said, “Everyone has gathered in Sumeria. They’re all waiting for you.”“Grandpa Belarus…” Andrius composed himself and said despondently, “I have to go.”Belarus waved his hand weakly but did not look at Andrius. It was clear how much he did not want Andrius to leave.“Stay safe, Andrius. Come back soon.”Harry and the others
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Chapter 1954
“Legend has it that a cataclysm once happened in the Barren Land, and a great horror is sealed in its depths. Of course, that’s just the legend. I don’t know the specifics either.”At the mention of a great horror that had happened in the Barren Land, Andrius frowned.He could not help but recall the expressions of Briar, Cloud, and the others half a year ago when they saw the location of the ninth sword. Their expressions seemed off.He did not expect that there would be such a place on Earth. Did places like the Barren Land represent the ends of the Earth?Rather, other than the Barren Land, what other mysterious and strange places were there on Earth? After all, the universe was infinite.Andrius shook his head. Using his knowledge to judge Earth was a ridiculously skewed view, especially since his knowledge and experience were far from the Earth’s!“Everyone…”Once everyone had emerged from the spatial rift, Briar announced, “This was the location we pinpointed half a year a
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Chapter 1955
“Noir and Halle, you two keep watch outside. If Briar, Cloud, or the others come, let them in. Just stay alert and make sure nothing happens. If something happens, inform me immediately.”Halle and Noir exchanged a look before nodding together. “Okay!”With the plan set, Andrius and Yvie took a pill to restore their true energy and carefully entered the cave.The second they entered, the atmosphere inside turned chaotic and violent with sword energies flying toward them, turning the space into a chaotic battlefield.“Watch out!” Yvie warned.Andrius waved his hand and summoned the Linebreaker Overlord.“Overlord’s Return!”Andrius attacked continuously, shattering the sword energies. However, the recoil from the spear startled him because the sword energies were all at the late Hollow stage, and each one had immense destructive power!After shattering dozens of sword energies, Andrius saw that they showed no sign of stopping. Hence, he began to look around, in search of clues t
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Chapter 1956
Swish!Andrius had no choice but to gather his true vitality and resist it by force.He attacked with his palm, and a powerful true vitality formed a barrier in front of him with an apparition layered upon it. It was the signature defense technique of the Mountain Sage—Esoteric Art: Turtle Essence.Just as he cast it, the countless flames carrying immense power fiercely struck the barrier, which shattered in less than a second. Andrius, however, suffered the backlash. Blood oozed from his mouth, and his body slammed backward into the rock wall blocking his path.To Andrius’ surprise, the impact shattered the wall, and now the scene before him was vastly different. It was a cliff with magma accumulated for countless ages underneath, roaring and bubbling. Even from afar, Andrius could feel the heat waves.About ten meters from the cliff was a suspended path in the air. It seemed like an escape route, and faint traces of aura were coming from it.Furthermore, there was a stone tab
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Chapter 1957
Andrius glanced around and said, “Let’s look around first.”“Okay.”With that, the two began to explore the vast underground space, and it was not before long they discovered something.The surroundings of the hall had obvious signs of human craftsmanship. There were carvings of simple totems on the rock walls and unknown symbols engraved on the floor. Everything suggested that the place was not as it looked.Andrius even guessed that the final Sky Genesis Sword might be hidden here. However, he did not know where exactly.“Yvie, did you find anything?” Andrius looked at Yvie beside him.Yvie shook her head in confusion. “From what I can see, this place looks like a sealed space. But if it’s sealed, how did we get in? It means there must be something hidden that we haven’t discovered yet.”Andrius raised his brows and thought that was true. However, he had no idea where the mechanism was.“Over there!”While Andrius was looking around, Yvie suddenly pointed at a spot on the ro
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Chapter 1958
That voice was loud yet eerie, like that of a baby yet carrying a sinister and odd charm.As everyone instinctively looked in the direction of the voice, a huge figure appeared in their sights. Everyone, including Andrius, was stunned when they saw the creature’s true form.Towering above them, it had a human face on a goat’s body with monstrous eyes under its armpits, sharp teeth, and drool occasionally dripping from its mouth.“That’s…” Visibly shaken, Briar cried hoarsely, “Gluttony!”“Yes, it’s Gluttony!”“I can’t believe Gluttony himself is here. It’s truly unbelievable!”The others were also shocked.Gluttony was one of the Four Calamities alongside Chaos, Depravity, and Ignorance, and it already possessed extraordinary talents in its youth. Among the Four Calamities, Gluttony stood out for its greed and desire. According to legend, once Gluttony matured, its unparalleled ferocity could devour the earth. It would possess unfathomable ability and could create or destroy w
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Chapter 1959
Each strand had the full power of the Darkness stage. If combined, they would have the power to kill a god.Even from a distance, Andrius could perceive the terror of those techniques. However, Peyton simply folded his arms behind his back without concern.“How arrogant!”Enraged, Cloud unleashed his true vitality, causing thousands of threads to emit a dazzling light, even brighter than before. He was before Peyton in an instant, just about to strike.“Hiss!”At that moment, Peyton suddenly opened his mouth and took a deep breath, sucking all the silk threads into his stomach. Then, while Cloud was horrified, he burped.“Is this the technique you’re renowned for in the cultivation world?” Peyton’s nonchalant tone carried a hint of disdain.“It’s nothing much.”Then, he attacked with his palm. A powerful palm print appeared in the air, enveloping Cloud completely.Bam!Cloud was sent flying backward, and as he crashed into the rock wall behind, he coughed up a mouthful of blo
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Chapter 1960
Briar scoffed. “In that case, why did you create a path that killed the high-level experts who came with us?”Gabriel and the others also stared at him coldly.However, Peyton explained expressionlessly, “I killed them to test your luck.“Luck may seem elusive, but it can change destiny at a critical moment. Without luck, it’s better to withdraw early.”No one expected Peyton to talk about a massacre so matter-of-factly. It was no wonder he provoked anger and faced retaliation five hundred years ago.However, the nature of cultivation went against the heavens, and seeking treasure and obtaining fate would indeed require luck. Thus, they all had to put their grudges aside temporarily.“Well, then.”Peyton glanced at everyone and extended his hand, summoning a long sword.The Sky Genesis Swords that were sent flying earlier all flew into the air, and just like that, the nine swords were gathered!The scene shook everyone, and they stared intently at the nine swords in the sky, a
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