All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 2021 - Chapter 2030
2043 Chapters
Chapter 2021
“Is that so?”Seeing that he could not shake it off, Andrius decided to play with it. “I can hand over the treasures, but only if you can defeat me within three moves. If you do that, I’ll give you any treasure you want from me.”Andrius was confident that even if a High Fiend from the Upper Realm came with a fiend artifact, it might not be able to defeat him within three moves!“Sure!”Unexpectedly, the Obsidian Turtle agreed readily and said arrogantly, “If I defeat you within three moves, I want all your treasures and you to be my battle slave!”A battle slave was undoubtedly a humiliating existence. It was as humiliating as a divine beast being a mount for a human!Nevertheless, Andrius laughed.“In that case… you’ll be my mount if you can’t defeat me within three moves.”The thought of having the legendary Obsidian Turtle, one of the four divine beasts, as a mount, seemed pretty fun, and Andrius immediately became excited.“Insolence!”The Obsidian Turtle was infuriated
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Chapter 2022
Boom… At the same time, the turtle’s apparition exploded, instantly covering the ground in ice and snow. It was obvious that the Obsidian Turtle had gathered an immense force for that attack.“Heh… I told you. You can’t dodge this time.”The Obsidian Turtle smirked and was just about to search for Andrius in the huge pit formed by the explosion. It knew its move was powerful but not enough to obliterate Andrius.However, just then, a playful voice sounded.“I think you’re celebrating a little too early.”That voice belonged to none other than Andrius.“That’s impossible!”The Obsidian Turtle instinctively turned around to the voice, its face filled with shock. “Even a High Fiend would find it hard to dodge an attack of that speed. My attack’s main strength is to catch the enemy off guard. H-How are you unscathed? I saw the attack hit you!”The Obsidian Turtle was puzzled by its failure, to which Andrius said indifferently, “You’re too slow. What you hit was merely the afterim
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Chapter 2023
The domain coupled with the frost armor was enough for the Obsidian Turtle to look down upon the cultivation world and fear no one.It could do whatever it pleased, even in a place like the Bloodbath Domain.“Is that so? In that case, let’s fight!” Andrius shouted. Then, he thrust his spear forward and charged straight at the Obsidian Turtle as if he had become one with his spear.“Tyrant’s Ascendance!”The skillful spear technique was combined with true vitality, which, under the influence of Andrius’ Immortal blood, was imperceptibly evolving into immortal essence!With that one thrust, the heavens and earth shook!Boom… In just a moment, Andrius’ formidable spear struck the Obsidian Turtle’s body, and the indestructible frost armor shattered into pieces instantly.“Y-You…”The Obsidian Turtle was so shocked that it was speechless, and its eyes were filled with disbelief.It never imagined that its frost armor, which could defend against any technique of the same level,
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Chapter 2024
“Huh?”The Obsidian Turtle never expected that to be Andrius’ goal. It was so frightened that it almost fell out of the sky.“M-Master…” the Obsidian Turtle stammered. “The beings of the Upper Realm have planted many treasures, but no one has been able to obtain one and escape unscathed. It’s almost impossible to escape in the centermost area. Being captured is a guarantee.”When Andrius heard about the centermost area, he immediately said, “In that case, head to the centermost area.”“That’s…”The Obsidian Turtle looked troubled. “Master, the people of the Upper Realm are not benevolent. Cultivators who get captured end up meeting tragic fates. I don’t want my life to end like that. Rather than being tortured to death by them, I’d prefer to self-destruct and end it quickly. I won’t go!”With that, the Obsidian Turtle stopped moving. It was clear that the turtle was truly terrified.Andrius frowned. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you? With my strength, you should believe that I ca
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Chapter 2025
Once he reached the Upper Realm, he could try to find Luna.Just as various thoughts were going through Andrius’ mind, the girl instinctively reacted and darted dozens of meters away, nearly reaching the edge of the void chains’ reach.At that moment, she subconsciously glanced back at Andrius to see him standing motionless as if he was petrified by the sudden happenings, allowing the Upper Realm mechanisms to descend.“You…” The girl cursed. “What are you standing there for, you fool? Run!”While she spoke, her delicate hands formed seals, quickly using a mysterious power on Andrius’ body.Just as she was about to take Andrius out of the formation’s boundary with her… Rumble!One meter away from the edge, countless void chains descended and formed a cage that trapped her and Andrius inside. It was tightly sealed with no gap to escape, and chains extended from above and bound them two, preventing them from leaving.“It’s over… We’re doomed this time…” The girl could not help b
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Chapter 2026
“Oh, no. We must have reached the Upper Realm.”Aria let out another wail, looking completely helpless.Andrius suddenly opened his eyes, a brilliant light flashing in his starry orbs. “Do you want to escape?”“Escape?”Aria laughed in shock. “We’re already in the Immortal Realm. The ones who caught us must be at least Arcane Immortals or higher. How can we escape? It’s impossible!”She was not being pessimistic. She was just stating a fact.“Not necessarily!”Andrius shook his head lightly, and an unimaginable power appeared out of thin air.Crack...The chains binding Andrius shattered and flew apart. Then, a long spear appeared in his hand. It was the Linebreaker Overlord.With a sweep of the spear, it touched the chains binding Aria and shattered instantly.“What...”Aria could not believe her eyes.These were chains crafted by Immortal Realm beings, not something a mere mortal could easily break.“Let’s go.”Before she could acknowledge what had just happened, Andri
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Chapter 2027
A strange ripple spread in all directions.Andrius immediately sensed that the space around him had become unbearably oppressive. It was like he was trapped in a quagmire, making it extremely hard to move.His meticulously prepared attack was also significantly weakened.“Break!”Andrius’ eyes widened in fury, and he let out a roar.In an instant, boundless true vitality tinged with immortal essence enhanced his strike.Boom—The next second, the palm struck the avatar.However, the avatar managed to counter just in time.Both sides trembled and then retreated simultaneously. The first clash had ended in a stalemate.Aria was stunned.Andrius had the strength to contend with an Immortal Realm being’s avatar. He was too powerful!The avatar was also shocked.Was that a joke? How could slave he captured from the lower realm could match him in combat?“Immortal Art: Soul Destruction!”The avatar was unable to suppress his rage and unleashed his most powerful technique.Wha
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Chapter 2028
The Etherium Immortal Lord was one of the most renowned beings in the Immortal Realm.His fury spread like wildfire across the Immortal Realm, spreading to every corner with unprecedented speed.In an instant, countless wanted posters were issued from the Etherium Immortal Palace.Everyone grew excited when they learned that the Etherium Immortal Lord’s target was a mere ordinary High Immortal from the Lower Realm.It was a chance for great rewards with minimal risk.Countless experts instantly set off, some in groups and others alone, all to hunt down Andrius and bring him to the Etherium Immortal Palace for a reward.As for Andrius, he and Aria fled desperately after shattering the Immortal Lord’s avatar.He was unfamiliar with an Immortal Lord’s capabilities and did not know how fierce they were. He could only try to distance himself as much as possible from the scene.After several escapes, they reached a desolate mountain.Aria was out of breath. “We should be safe. They
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Chapter 2029
Aria initially focused on her cultivation because she had a strong sense of urgency after realizing the difference between her strength and Andrius’.However, with Andrius causing such a large movement, she could not concentrate at all.She looked over and saw that the spiritual energy vortex had already caused significant changes in the mountain, forming phenomena that stirred one’s heart.“What...”Aria could not help but be dumbfounded.She sensed that the surrounding spiritual energy was even more terrifying than before.Although most of the spiritual energy was being absorbed into Andrius’ body, the overflowing strands became almost tangible.Aria was at a loss for words and sat down again to continue cultivating.Time passed slowly.Half a day later...A rumbling sound came from inside Andrius.At that moment, the true vitality in his body had finally been fully converted into immortal essence, and his cultivation level and strength reached that of a true High Immortal
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Chapter 2030
Luna Crestfall...Aria suggested, “Since you’re looking for someone, it might be more convenient to go to a place where people gather.”Andrius also thought the same. “In that case, let’s head to the nearest city.”“Okay.”Then, the two set off.After leaving the cave, Andrius soon found a path. Several hundred kilometers later, they saw a majestic city in the distance.“Let’s go!”Andrius called out and swiftly moved toward it. He felt relieved upon seeing the city. “Hey, girl... You look pretty good. How about I give you a chance to be my girl? I’ll make sure you live a life of luxury.”Just then, a frivolous voice came from the side.Andrius frowned and looked over.At some point, a flamboyantly dressed young man twirling a fan had blocked Aria’s path with his entourage.Aria was new to this place and did not want to cause trouble, saying politely, “No, thank you.”“No? Do you think you can just say no? Where does that leave my dignity?”The man was instantly displeas
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