All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 2011 - Chapter 2020
2043 Chapters
Chapter 2011
“We can try merging the seven bones and unleash our most powerful move!” Thereon transmitted in a low voice.“I agree.”“In the current situation, that’s the most reliable approach.”“As long as we capture that brat, any price will be worth it.”“Let’s start!”As soon as the seven reached a consensus, they took action.Six of the seven experts who originally stood in three rows in mid-air suddenly flew out and surrounded Andrius. Then, they activated the immortal bone in their body to its limits.“Immortal bone, burn…”“Immortal bone, give me power…”“Immortal bone, now’s the time…”They roared, shouted, and pushed the essence of the immortal bone inside them to its limits while their auras rose to another level.That was the true peak of a human, only half a step away from the immortal path.“Immortal Snare!”When Grand Elder shouted, a rift suddenly opened up in space. From the immortal bones within their body, sinister chains connected to form a giant case that imprison
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Chapter 2012
At the same time, they began to chant their respective fusion methods and refine Andrius.Whoosh… As Andrius frantically tried to break the formation, he suddenly sensed a part of his soul merging into the formation, and it made his face pale. “Tyrant’s Ascendance!”“Sky Genesis Myriad Swords…”“Heavenly fire, Earth-scorching Skyfire!”Feeling the urgency, Andrius desperately unleashed various methods. However, he seemed isolated from heaven and earth within the Immortal Snare. Not only could he do nothing to the cage, but he was also losing his power and soul. While Andrius’ techniques grew weaker and less powerful, the cage around him became more radiant as it refined Andrius’ true vitality and soul energy. It was like a giant cauldron suspended in the sky.“No! I can’t die here! I haven’t found Luna yet. I refuse to die…”Andrius’ consciousness clung on, but his body and power could not keep up.Finally, Andrius collapsed to the ground with a thud, falling unconscious i
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Chapter 2013
Swoosh… The other six immortal bones also merged into Andrius’ body.“Oh no!”“This is bad!”“Quick, retrieve the bones!”The horrified group cast their techniques to pull the immortal bones out of Andrius’ body. However, what shocked them was that the bones had completely broken free of their control, fully fusing into Andrius’ body. No matter what they did or how hard they tried, they could not retrieve the bones.Meanwhile, Andrius’ body underwent dramatic changes. Each immortal bone was like a perfect catalyst, reacting violently with the dragon blood in his body.Hiss… Andrius’ blood began to boil under the immortal essence’s influence. Slowly, pure white immortal spiritual energy emerged and evolved Andrius’ dragon blood into immortal blood!Every drop of immortal blood contained immense power and emitted a formidable immortal pressure, but the fact that all the blood in Andrius’ body was evolving was incredible!Whoosh...Finally, when the evolution was almost com
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Chapter 2014
“She…”Thereon hesitated before saying truthfully, “She’s not at Eastrock Mountain anymore.”“What?”Andrius’ gaze grew even more intense, so much so that it almost scorched Thereon’s skin. “If she’s not at Eastrock Mountain, where is she?”“S-She’s…”Thereon endured the immense pressure and said, “She’s at the Immortal Realm! She was chosen by an Immortal Lord from the Upper Realm and sent to the Upper Realm through a teleportation array shortly after arriving at Eastrock Mountain.”At the mention of the Upper Realm, Andrius asked coldly, “Why did that Immortal Lord choose her? What are their intentions?”Thereon stammered, not daring to meet Andrius’ gaze, “T-The Immortal said she’s a perfect human cauldron and wanted to use her for cultivation.”Thereon’s words struck Andrius like a bolt of lightning.He could not believe Luna, his wife, was sent to the Upper Realm to become a human furnace for an Immortal Lord. What a tragic fate… “Ahhhhh...”Andrius roared at the sky,
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Chapter 2015
Along the way, Andrius sent a message to Noir and instructed him to gather Halle and the important members of the Lycan Manor at the Crestfall Manor in Kiyoto.Everyone was there when Andrius arrived, including Noir, Halle, Kate, Clarissa, Yvie, Noir, Belarus, and Harry. “Grandpa Belarus.”Andrius said truthfully, “I’ve gotten news of Luna. She was taken away by an Immortal Lord and sent to the Upper Realm.”Belarus and Harry’s faces instantly sank at the mention of the Upper Realm.The Crestfall family was no longer the same as before. They now knew many secrets about the martial, cultivation, and Immortal realms. They, too, knew the Upper Realm was a much stronger and more dangerous world, yet now, Luna had been taken there. It was a dire situation that deeply worried everyone.When Belarus heard the news, his lips trembled, but nothing could come out of his mouth. How were they supposed to save her in the Upper Realm?“However…”Andrius’ heart ached to see Belarus’ reacti
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Chapter 2016
Meanwhile, Andrius was just about to set off to sea when he suddenly sensed two auras approaching.A moment later, two figures blocked his path. They were the Inferno Demon Sovereign and Sanguine Fiend.“Kid, why do you have the Mountain Sage’s aura on you?”The two looked at Andrius with eyes full of hostility and some confusion.Andrius looked at them and instantly understood what it was about, but he could not be bothered to waste his breath on them.“You two…”He asked calmly, “You must be the Mountain Sage’s enemies, Inferno Demon Sovereign and Sanguine Fiend, right?”Andrius could tell that the Inferno Demon Sovereign and Sanguine Fiend were both at the late Great Progression stage. However, they were still some distance away from achieving the Great Progression-Grand Culmination stage, so he did not take them seriously.In fact, he could use that change to avenge the Mountain Sage, fulfilling the vow he made back at the Gate of Living Death.“That’s right! It looks like
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Chapter 2017
Swoosh...Andrius immediately stepped into the beam of light, and when he opened his eyes again, he was in an unfamiliar space. What greeted his eyes was a mountain. On the mountain were stairs that led straight to the sky and auras stationed at a regular distance from each other.Andrius understood that that must be the so-called Creation Mountain, and those auras must be the challengers.All he needed was to defeat them and reach the top to pass the Creation Mountain. Then, he could enter the true Immortal Realm.“Bring it on…”Andrius stepped onto the stairs, moving forward without hesitation.As soon as he stepped forward, he felt a suppression from the void, reducing his strength by about ten percent. At the same time, an overseer appeared.“Early Great Progression stage?”Andrius snorted and struck with his palm. Boundless power descended from the sky like a raging river, overwhelming the overseer.“Immortal path, Mystic Shield!”The overseer calmly summoned a shield
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Chapter 2018
Just then, a faint light appeared. It converged several meters away from him and was constantly changing.After around five seconds, the light transformed into an apparition of a four-legged mythical beast with a nose ring dangling from its nostrils.Andrius was first shocked, but he then became even more furious. Was that an indication that Andrius would become a mount?“Die!”Andrius could not suppress his anger anymore and finally exploded with fury. The Linebreaker Overlord in his hand suddenly ignited with heavenly fire. With a swing of his spear, a sharp glint shot out, instantly reducing the apparition to pieces. However, that was just the beginning.Andrius kept swinging his spear, wreaking havoc on the Creation Mountain.At times, the spear spanned hundreds of meters, stirring up layers of earth and flattening the mountain layer by layer. Even the stairs were completely obliterated.At other times, he recklessly attacked every corner of the Creation Mountain with the
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Chapter 2019
“Well…”Silas pondered before saying, “Apart from the Creation Mountain and the secret inheritance methods of the various forces, there’s indeed one method to ascend directly to the Immortal Realm.”“What is it?”“It’s quite humiliating.”Silas glanced at Andrius and explained, “Every once in a while, there’ll be a major change in Bloodbath Domain in the cultivation world. At that time, Immortals from the Upper Realm would use special techniques to send down projections and capture people from the cultivation world. After being captured, those people would become servants or puppets for the Immortals in the Upper Realm, serving them forever.“Of course, some cultivators actively seek to be captured, either to evade pursuit from enemies, seek opportunities in the Immortal Realm, or for other reasons. As for what happens after ascending to the Upper Realm, nobody knows.”Andrius pondered for a moment and found it feasible.As long as he could enter the Upper Realm, nothing would b
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Chapter 2020
The Sapphire Dragon, Ivory Tiger, Ruby Phoenix, and Obsidian Turtle were the four divine beasts of legend, capable of commanding wind and rain since ancient times, and were worshiped by countless people.In mythology, the four beasts were closely related to the four cardinal directions, divination, and astrology. However, every Florencian knew what the four divine beasts were.Although they were said to be just a myth, Andrius had seen similar records in the ‘Records of Profundity’ and the chronicles of the Demon Emperor and the Sky Genesis Immortal Palace.There may be only a few words about the four divine beasts, but they were always revered and cautioned against with great care.“The four divine beasts…”Andrius thought about it and decided not to provoke it, for his main goal now was to reach the Upper Realm as soon as possible and find Luna.With that thought in mind, Andrius passed by the Obsidian Turtle and headed deeper into the Bloodbath Domain.“Halt!”Just then, the
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