All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 1991 - Chapter 2000
2008 Chapters
Chapter 1991
Gluttony glanced at Andrius and asked, “How do you think we should split it, Andrius?”After thinking it through, Andrius responded, “Since we’re the main forces in the treasure hunt, how about this? We’ll take 30 percent each, and the remaining four factions will take 10 percent each. How does that sound?”Gluttony naturally had no objections. “I agree!”“What…”Many people remained from the four factions, and for each faction to be able to take 10 percent only was too little!Of course, it may not sound like a lot in terms of proportions, but 10 percent of the total treasures was pretty generous.“Gluttony! Andrius!”A member of the Draco clan stepped forward to argue. “It’s unfair you two get to take 60 percent and leave us with only 40 percent combined!”Many others immediately echoed his sentiment.“That’s right. It’s unfair!”“No, our four factions should take 20 percent each, and you both will take 20 percent.”“Why should we have so little?”“I refuse to accept this
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Chapter 1992
“I agree!”“I concur!”“If it’s 10 percent, so be it. We have no objections!”The people soon succumbed in the face of absolute strength.“Hmph.” Gluttony snorted before retracting his pressure.Then, under Andrius and Gluttony’s guidance, the treasures were distributed. The individually listed treasures naturally went to the two unless they were of little use, in which they were left to the four factions to divide.A third of the remaining secret manuals, pills, immortal artifacts, and so on were also taken by Andrius and Gluttony before they were passed on to the four factions. The treasures were so abundant that distributing everything took nearly half an hour.After the treasure repository was emptied, a teleportation array appeared again at the end. It was undoubtedly the exit.Satisfied with what they got, the four forces left with the treasures. Gluttony, however, went up to Andrius.“Andrius, with these treasures and resources, I can ascend through the tribulation wi
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Chapter 1993
After a moment, only Andrius was left in the vast Immortal Palace. Without making a show of it, he found a place to sit down cross-legged and started to cultivate.This time, Andrius had no more worries and plenty of time. Thus, he cultivated all the secret techniques passed down from the Mountain Sage and the secret arts he obtained from the treasure repository that suited him.That seclusion lasted longer than any other. Several years passed, and Andrius finally mastered all the secret techniques. However, something puzzled Andrius.Although the descriptions of those techniques made them out to be powerful and lethal, they always seemed to be lacking something when he performed them.Andrius could not figure it out. He tried various methods and guesses, but they were all disproven, leaving him at a loss for what to do. After another year of attempts, Andrius decided not to keep at it any longer. He began wandering around the Immortal Palace, intending to organize it before retu
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Chapter 1994
Swoosh!This time, the puppet warrior launched a punch in mid-air.The punch was imbued with apparitions of the four beasts. The dragon flew, the tiger roared, the bird soared, and the tortoise defended, but altogether, the apparitions dashed toward Andrius.In the distance, the world-destroying force compressed the space around Andrius, inch by inch, and it was terrifying. It was another ultimate technique—the Four Beasts Supreme Fist.Andrius found himself even more shocked, for that was one of the top ten techniques in the treasure repository, and it was overpowering.“Sky Genesis Cosmos Guide!”Prepared this time, Andrius immediately used an ultimate technique from the Sky Genesis Arts. Vigorous true vitality formed an octagon in front of Andrius, spinning faster and faster.When the puppet warrior’s punch arrived, it was immediately drawn into the octagon, which dissipated much of its force while exploding with increasing power.In the end, the octagon neutralized the p
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Chapter 1995
The puppet warrior gave Andrius a chance to catch his breath after each attack before it continued attacking.When the puppet warrior had displayed all its ultimate skills, Andrius had also countered them with all the techniques in the Sky Genesis Arts.Crack!Suddenly, the puppet warrior stood still. While staring deeply at Andrius, the flames on its body began to fade and eventually extinguished.As for the puppet warrior itself, it burned to ashes and dissipated into nothingness. It left only the ancient ring suspended mid-air, emitting a faint light.“Huh?”Although Andrius did not understand what was going on, he reached out to take the ring. He tried to probe into the ring using his divine consciousness but failed, so he put the ring on his finger. He mimicked what the puppet warrior did and gathered his true vitality, applying it to the ring.Whoosh… Andrius suddenly felt a faint layer of real flames around his body. It was the heavenly fire! Then, he cast an ultima
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Chapter 1996
In Kiyoto.Andrius did not look for Belarus immediately but went to the Lycan Manor instead.The Lycan Manor was famous in Florence. It was known as the strongest force in the nation, with many cultivation realm experts stationed there both in the Divine and Martial Realm.Talented young people from all over Florence were proud to join the Lycan Manor, and it had become the pillar and lynchpin that stabilized Florence!No one could match it, and no one could rival it!Swoosh...A figure suddenly appeared outside the Lycan Manor and strode forward.It was none other than Andrius.“Halt! This is the Lycan manor. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to enter. Please show your invitation.”The guards stopped Andrius outside the gate, speaking politely.Andrius looked over.The guards of the Lycan Manor had changed several times over the course of Andrius seclusion in the Immortal Palace. Now, they were all in the Golden Core stage, and they did not recognize him.“Invitation?
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Chapter 1997
All the experts on the scene were completely bewildered.After all, with this formation, they had the strength to fight against Nascent Soul stage experts. However, Andrius easily broke it...Just how powerful was Andrius?The Hollow stage?The Darkness stage?What was the intention of such an enemy?For a moment, the guards were suspicious and had extremely unpleasant expressions.Swoosh!Whoosh!Swish!Just then, streams of light landed in front of the guards.The person in the lead was slender and tan. It was none other than Noir.“Deputy Master!”The guard captain immediately stepped forward to report, “This person has no invitation and caused trouble here, even attacking the Lycan Manor. Please take him down quickly!”However, Noir did not seem to hear him.When he saw Andrius, he paused for a moment. His eyes watered, and he respectfully shouted, “Wolf King!”Wolf King?Wolf King!The guards were dumbfounded at Noir’s words.Noir was the captain of the Wolf Kin
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Chapter 1998
“So, for the convenience of cultivation, they moved their whole family to Kiyoto. Now, they already have many experts in the martial realm and are currently in seclusion, trying to break through to even stronger realms. Do you want me to bring them over now?”Andrius always felt like he owed the Crestfall family. He did not expect them to embark on the path of cultivation. So, he shook his head and said, “No need. Let them focus on their cultivation.”“Okay. What next, Andy?”“I’m going to the palace.”The Florence of today was already one of the world’s top superpowers with very few enemies. However, Andrius still had some things to discuss with Registus.At the Forbidden Palace.“Wolf King!”The guards at the door saw Andrius and immediately saluted.Andrius nodded in response.“Andrius.”Just as he entered, Registus came up to him. “It’s been a long time.”“Yes, it has.”The two walked toward the study while chatting.“Registus, have you heard any news of Master durin
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Chapter 1999
At that thought, Registus shook his head with a wry smile, feeling more than envious of Andrius.Andrius left Kiyoto and went straight to the mountain Gluttony mentioned.Seeing that Gluttony had not arrived yet, he sat down on a large rock and prepared to meditate.Whoosh...At that moment, a majestic aura approached from afar like a falling meteor.The large movement naturally caught Andrius’ attention immediately.He looked up.A masked man descended from the sky with one hand outstretched, pushing out a palm with unparalleled sharpness, blocking off all of Andrius’ retreat routes.Even before he reached him, a massive force pressed down on the space.Trees snapped, and rocks cracked.Only Andrius remained where he was, solid as a rock without a tremor.Judging by the aura, the newcomer was at the late Great Progression stage, truly standing at the peak of the cultivation world.Andrius was only at the early Great Progression stage.Boom!The next moment, the palm was
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Chapter 2000
“You flatter me.”Andrius smiled. “You made a breakthrough from the early Great Progression stage to the late Great Progression stage in a short time and are on the verge of ascending to the Immortal Realm. That’s truly enviable.”Not many people in the entire cultivation world could reach the late Great Progression stage.They were all busy preparing for ascension and rarely moved around in the cultivation world, so they were rarely seen.“Hahahaha...”Gluttony laughed. “You’re too modest, Andrius.”Andrius’ eyes flashed with anticipation. “Have you already felt the call of the Immortal Realm? Are you about to undergo the tribulation and ascend?”“Yes!”Gluttony’s expression became serious at the mention of the tribulation. “I will ascend to the Immortal Realm in three years at most. In fact, I’m suppressing my aura and don’t dare to release too much, fearing it’ll attract the attention of the heavens and cause me to undergo tribulation prematurely. That’ll be troublesome.”A
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