All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 1981 - Chapter 1990
2022 Chapters
Chapter 1981
At that moment, Lionel joined the argument. “Why should the palace stele go to either of you? One of the Sky Genesis Swords was also from the Draco clan, and we fought and sacrificed lives along the way for that. We, too, deserve a share of the stele!”No one was willing to concede in the critical moment.The weakened demonic energy began to grow sinister again, slowly approaching everyone.“All of you, shut up!”Gluttony roared, “This isn’t the time for internal strife. If we waste any more time, the demonic energy will annihilate us before we can refine the palace stele.”Everyone’s heart skipped a beat, and they instinctively looked over.Sure enough, the demonic energy shadows continued to shine and, from time to time, leaked out powerful auras that made them feel uneasy.“Gluttony!” Cloud looked at Peyton and asked, “Do you have a better plan?”Briar and Lionel also looked over.“I think…”Peyton looked at Andrius. “Among us, Andrius is the best person to refine the pala
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Chapter 1982
Swoosh!Then, he leaped up. His body swelled into his true Gluttony form in the air and was enveloped in a layer of black flames, making him look mighty powerful. Briar and the others also took action.The remaining experts formed arrays and used treasures to fend off the demonic shadows.“It’s time!”Taking advantage of the distracted demonic energy shadows, Andrius silently arrived at the palace stele. Then, he sent a wisp of his spiritual consciousness inside.As he suspected, the stele was the control core of the Immortal Palace and needed to be refined. Therefore, he did not hesitate to act immediately.Whoosh… The palace stele was made of a strange material and required spiritual consciousness to be continuously infused. Only once it was fully infused would it be completely refined.Of course, the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the faster the refining process. If the spiritual consciousness was weak, it would slow the process or even get expelled.In just a mom
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Chapter 1983
Cloud, Briar, and Lionel appeared in front of Andrius at the same time.“Andrius, the palace stele is too hard for you to handle. You should hand it over.”“Exactly. You have no foundation in the cultivation world. Why do you need so many treasures?”“Andrius, I suggest you be smart!”The three of them spoke sardonically, trying to force Andrius to hand over the palace steel. “Insolence!”Furious, Gluttony transformed into a shadow in front of Andrius, his angry eyes cold. “You are all renowned figures in the cultivation world. How could you go back on your word?”“Hahahaha…”Cloud and the others laughed mockingly.“Peyton Skyseeker, power makes right in the cultivation world.”“That’s right, Andrius. Hand over the palace stele like a good boy. Don’t force our hand.”“There’s a limit to my patience.”The tense situation made Andrius frown. He did not expect the agreement to be broken so quickly, but it seemed he was too naïve.While he was contemplating, the trio could no
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Chapter 1984
Instead of retreating, Andrius advanced boldly, throwing a punch that made a resounding noise. “How arrogant of you!”“You’re bold!”“You’re courting death!”The three were furious, and their true vitality boiled. It did not take long before both sides clashed violently, but the outcome was astonishing.The three leaders were sent flying, leaving long trails of blood that added a bloody color to the Immortal Palace. On the other hand, Andrius stood firmly, looking relaxed.He shouted coldly, “I have the palace stele in my possession, and you’re still trying to hurt me? How ridiculous and foolish!”The three leaders widened their eyes when that realization dawned on them. Andrius possessed the palace stele, so fighting him was like fighting the entire Immortal Palace, and they naturally could not win. However, at that point, as they could no longer back down without losing their dignity, they refused to concede. Thus, a confrontation ensued.“What?”Andrius snorted with a
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Chapter 1985
They had to choose between treasures or their lives as one led to Eden while the other to the abyss!No one doubted that the place described as an abyss by the Immortal Palace would contain immense terror and disaster. Thus, all the experts hesitated when they saw the two doors.The allure of treasure was undeniable. For a cultivator, obtaining a suitable treasure would allow them to defy the heavens and change their fates, but…They all looked at each other, none rushing to make a choice, Gluttony and Andrius included. At that moment, Andrius had many thoughts in his head. If Andrius continued cultivating steadily, he would surely reach the Great Progression stage. On top of that, he had yet completely refined the true vitality the Mountain Sage gave him. If he refined it all, he would definitely break through to the Great Progression stage. However, what about after that?Even someone as powerful as Gluttony needed his help to get through the Great Progression stage safely. E
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Chapter 1986
“Y-You…”Andrius could not believe his eyes and stammered, “I-Is that you, Luna?”“Hubby!”The figure turned around, and it was indeed Luna.“Luna!”Overjoyed, Andrius instinctively asked, “W-What are you doing here?”“I…”Luna’s expression immediately changed. “Old Hagstorm captured me and imprisoned my soul. Only by killing him can I return.”What?Andrius was shocked to hear that Old Hagstorm had taken Luna away and imprisoned her soul, but how could that be? Had anyone else told him that news, he would not believe them. However, the person standing before him was Luna, his beloved wife!For a moment, Andrius was at a loss for words.“Nonsense!”Just then, an equally familiar and shocking voice came from behind, and Andrius turned around, only to see Old Hagstorm.He pointed at Luna and shouted, “You witch! Andrius wouldn’t have had to come to this point if not for you! You bring calamity to the people and the country. All you cause is trouble! Andrius, kill her and e
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Chapter 1987
“It’s fake. I don’t believe it…”In a state of utter despair, Andrius pounded the ground repeatedly, unable to believe his eyes. However, the corpses’ clothes, expressions, and details on their faces… were so conspicuous.Andrius was certain that he had killed Old Hagstorm, who had raised and taught him for many years, and Luna, who had suffered hardships with him.“I…”Andrius roared at the sky, his cry shaking the heavens. “I am disloyal and heartless for killing my master and my wife. I spent a lifetime being a good person and trying to protect everything, but in the end, I killed the two closest to me. I... I don’t deserve to live!”After Andrius repented, he lifted the two bodies and jumped off the nearby cliff.Whoosh… The sound of wind echoed in his ears, but Andrius found everything changing and shifting around him.The magma below the cliff was gone; Old Hagstorm and Luna were also gone, and he found himself on top of a mountain range.Furthermore, Noir, Halle, Clari
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Chapter 1988
The mention of the real treasure repository excited the experts.They had worked so long and hard—with many others sacrificing their lives—all for the ultimate treasure. Now, it was finally time to unveil it.A spot of light suddenly appeared mid-air and grew so bright that the experts had to squint. Eventually, the dazzling light grew brighter, resembling a golden sun suspended in mid-air.Then, the sun began to rotate faster, forming a huge vortex that shaded the sky, and that was not all. As the vortex continued to rotate and expand, it also exuded a powerful aura that shocked everyone. After a while, everything quieted down. Now that the vortex had slowed down, everyone could see clearly that it was a teleportation array, and the destination should be the final treasure repository.The experts immediately rushed in, and Gluttony and Andrius’ group were no exception. However, as soon as they entered, they were stunned. The place was completely different from the previous spa
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Chapter 1989
“Overall, the Upper Realm is above the cultivation realm, but they’re not that different. It’s just a more extensive, vast, and mysterious world.“The Upper Realm is also divided into the Immortal Realm, Demonic Realm, and Fiend Realms, and there are some other mysterious and unpredictable places. There are also just as many levels of cultivation.“For example, the sequence of cultivation for the Immortal Realm is High Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Primal Immortal, Arcane Immortal, and Aureate Immortal.“They correspond to the High Demon, Heavenly Demon, Arcane Demon, Demon King, and Demon Monarch of the Demonic Realm.“Meanwhile, for the Fiend Realm, they’re the High Fiend, Heavenly Fiend, Arcane Fiend, Fiend King, and Fiend Monarch.”Andrius took note of all the information. If he could not find Luna in the cultivation world, he would eventually go to the Upper Realm, and such knowledge might come in handy then.However, Andrius soon thought of a problem. Since the Immortal, Dem
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Chapter 1990
As if he had noticed Andrius’ confusion, Gluttony explained, “Of course, it’s not as simple as you think. The barriers between the Upper and Lower Realms are difficult to break through. Even extraordinary experts have to pay a heavy price to open the path for a short time.“Even if some forces or groups are capable of the methods I mentioned earlier, they have to pay a considerable price. So, they will only open up shortcuts for the most outstanding geniuses of their forces.”At that, Andrius’ expression improved. If ordinary cultivators toiled for hundreds of years to ascend while others succeeded effortlessly, it would naturally stir envy.Andrius then went over the information again. In general, as an independent cultivator without a sect, he could only ascend to the Upper Realm through the Creation Mountain.As of now, his strength was already at the late Darkness stage, which was only one step away from the Great Progression stage. If he continued to refine the true vitality l
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