All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 1961 - Chapter 1970
2022 Chapters
Chapter 1961
Even after Andrius released all his punches, he did not pose any threat to Gluttony.On the contrary, when Gluttony struck his claw, cracks spread in the air before swiftly mending together. However, the sharp wind from the claws made Andrius’ face pale.“Divine Wanderer.”In an instant, Andrius slipped away and narrowly avoided the claw. Though, before he could rejoice, a fierce wind rose behind him. The claw was coming back!Boom!Andrius knew he could not dodge, so he turned around to strike with his palm. Energy, firm like a mountain, instantly collided with the claw.With a crisp sizzle, Andrius’ palm energy was torn apart. However, as the claw had also expended a considerable amount of energy, they canceled each other out in the end and disappeared together.Andrius asked in a low voice, “What is the meaning of this?”“Hahaha…”Gluttony laughed with a hint of admiration in his eyes. “Not bad. You may only be at the early Darkness stage, but you can withstand my attack. Y
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Chapter 1962
“I won’t ask for much.”Gluttony said frankly, “As long as you aid my smooth passage through the Great Progression stage, I’ll promise you many requests. In fact, I will even give you a generous reward that the outside world will kill for.”Andrius was intrigued by the reward. After all, the reason he could progress so rapidly was largely because of the inheritance from the Mountain Sage.Speaking of which, the Mountain Sage was also in the Great Progression stage. If Gluttony was true to his word, Andrius could break through to a terrifying realm in a short time and do even more impossible things.“Okay.” Andrius agreed. “Since it’s a win-win situation, I have no reason to refuse.”“Smart decision.” A smile appeared on Gluttony’s face. “I’ll inform you of the specifics later. For now, prepare for the operation in half a month. Goodbye.”“Goodbye.”Gluttony’s figure flashed. When he appeared again, he was already dozens of meters away, and after several flashes, he had disappe
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Chapter 1963
In just half a month, Andrius had progressed further. Coupled with the Mountain Sage’s profound techniques, he felt even more confident about the upcoming operation!“It’s time,” Andrius called out softly and awakened all his team members.Clarissa, Yvie, Halle, and Noir woke up from their meditative states. After a simple preparation, Andrius led the group to the previous gathering point.“Andrius.”“Andrius.”Briar, Cloud, Lionel, and the others greeted Andrius when they saw him.Andrius could tell that their injuries had healed and their spirits were particularly high. It was clear they had made ample preparations over the past half month.“Everyone is here.”Just then, a figure stood before the group. It was none other than the extremely powerful Gluttony, Peyton Skyseeker.Feeling his intimidation, everyone tensed.Peyton smiled and walked to Andrius. “Andrius, I didn’t expect your strength to improve significantly in just half a month. Your soul is so pure and powerful
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Chapter 1964
Andrius’s heart skipped a beat when he learned that the item Gluttony gave him was an internal pellet capable of hurting Gluttony himself, and such sincerity surprised him.He could not help but ponder. It seemed Gluttony’s previous statement about wanting to cooperate with him was not a lie.“However…”Seeing Andrius’ reaction, Lionel suggested, “Andrius, you can’t fully utilize the potential of this internal pellet with your current strength, so why don’t you give me that internal pellet in exchange for a treasure from the Draco clan?“I have a pearl that will allow you to move in water as easily as walking on land, a sword that will make your sword energy more lethal and destructive, or an armor made from silkworms from the far north that offers remarkable protection against true vitality. It’s a rare treasure. I also have…”Lionel listed out one treasure after another and explained the details of each treasure to Andrius. However, Andrius was unmoved.All he did was glance at
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Chapter 1965
Lionel’s expression froze as he watched Andrius walk away.As the leader of the Draco clan, it was the first time he was refused, especially in a situation where he was confident he could succeed.“That Moonshade boy wasn’t tempted by treasure. He sure is a formidable enemy.”Lionel shook his head and hurried to catch up.Along the way, Andrius was about to rejoin the main group when a figure appeared beside him. It was Gluttony.“Not bad, Andrius. I like you a lot.” Gluttony spoke candidly, not hiding his admiration.He had been watching Andrius’ actions closely. The internal pellet involved his safety, so Gluttony did not dare to leave it unchecked. Thus, he was finally relieved when he saw Andrius’ behavior.Andrius smiled. “Since you entrusted me with your internal pellet as a gesture of sincerity, how could I commit such a despicable act as to betray it?”“Hahaha…”Pleased, Gluttony laughed. “Well said! Andrius, Lionel was willing to exchange a top-grade fiend weapon, I w
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Chapter 1966
“Unfortunately, if I’m not mistaken, that old guy probably passed away a hundred years ago.”Passed away...So, there was no one left in the world who could refine supreme-grade immortal artifacts?Andrius’ excitement significantly dampened.“Andrius.”Seeing this, Gluttony comforted him, “It’s okay. The cultivation world is vast and full of hidden talents. Even I don’t dare to claim to know it all. Perhaps there’s a master in some secluded mountain or hidden paradise. I’ll help you find them.”Andrius felt relieved by the assurance and nodded. “Thank you.”Then, the group continued their journey toward their destination.The Barren Land was endless. Even for a cultivator like Andrius, there was still no end in sight after a long time of flying on his sword.After a while, a patch of blinding white appeared in their sights.“To think there’s such a landscape in the Barren Land... It’s truly shocking.” Andrius could not help but exclaim when he saw the amazing scene.“Don’t m
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Chapter 1967
Before Andrius and the others could feel relieved, Gluttony said seriously, “Everyone, the monsters that just came were only small fry. I can sense an even stronger beast hidden whose aura rivals my own. We should pass through quickly to avoid unnecessary trouble.”Everyone agreed.“Indeed.”“Let’s move quickly.”“The Snow Sand Sea is mysterious and full of danger. We shouldn’t linger.”With that, the group sped deeper into the area.“Ah!”Suddenly, a scream echoed through the Snow Sand Sea.A demonic sect expert in the front was struck by a tentacle that appeared from the snow sand, exploding into a cloud of blood and vanishing without a trace!“Hiss—”Everyone could not help but gasp.That expert was in the late Hollow stage and was one of the stronger members of the group. He was renowned throughout the cultivation world.However, before the mysterious tentacle, he was obliterated without any chance to resist.That level of power was enough to shock everyone.Boom!Cr
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Chapter 1968
Swoosh—Gluttony did not answer and leaped from the team.While in the air, several claw shadows descended upon the octopus.Swoosh!The octopus monster remained strangely calm when faced with Gluttony’s attack.It continued to wave its tentacles to meet the claw shadows head-on.Boom!Rip—In an instant, the claw shadows collided with the tentacles.However, what shocked everyone was that Peyton’s claw shadows shattered instantly, having no effect at all.In less than three seconds, everything became calm again.“Take this, beast.”Peyton snorted coldly, crossed his hands, and summoned a towering apparition of his true form. As he struck his hands out, the apparition leaped forward.It opened its ferocious maw as if to devour the sun and moon.Chitter...Unexpectedly, the octopus monster seemed to let out a mocking sound when faced with this overwhelming sight.The next second, it repeated the same actions.Swoosh—Its tentacles swung like willow branches, striking t
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Chapter 1969
Many people began to mock.Gluttony glared at them and scolded coldly, “What a bunch of brainless fools. Didn’t you notice that even after fighting so long, this beast’s aura has remained steady without any fluctuation?”The crowd was slightly stunned.He stan corrected, though. It was as if the octopus monster had endless true vitality.“This beast can continuously draw power from the Snow Sand Sea below. Fighting it is like fighting against the entire Snow Sand Sea. Of course, I can’t defeat it. If you don’t join forces with me, then prepare to die!”The group could not retort. As Gluttony said, this octopus monster was incredibly difficult to deal with. They had to work together. Otherwise, if they were individually picked off by the octopus, no one would be able to escape.“Citizens of the Thousand Fiend City, form ranks with me!”Briar was the first to respond to Gluttony and mobilized his forces.“Demonic Sect experts, follow my orders and attack together!”“Draco Clan
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Chapter 1970
Whoosh...As soon as Gluttony spoke, a sinister aura surged like a tidal wave.The octopus took advantage when they were shouting to launch another attack.The tentacles, restored to their previous strength and flexibility, waved in the air, each possessing immense power like a demon wielding steel whips.“Quick!”Gluttony’s true form roared, “Block it. We must block it!”They could not afford to collapse now. If they showed any weakness, they would collapse from the inside, and not many would survive.Swoosh!Swish, swish, swish...The many cultivators were as tiny as ants before this monster. However, they immediately formed an array and used all their strength to resist.Although they could not repel the powerful octopus monster, they managed to stabilize the situation and were not defeated immediately.Even so, the situation remained grim.Boom...Thud...Bam...Each swing of the octopus’ tentacles was a significant blow to the team.The strong were knocked back doz
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