All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 2001 - Chapter 2010
2022 Chapters
Chapter 2001
Naturally, that was not an absurd condition. Andrius immediately agreed. “No problem. When the time comes, you just focus on forging. Leave the rest to me.”“Good.”Seeing this, Master Gale said, “I’ll need a month to prepare and will notify you when I start forging. You can take this time to look around.”Look around?Well, so be it.After leaving the forge, Andrius and Gluttony started wandering around the Untamed Land.Andrius wanted to use this opportunity to see if he could get lucky and find any information about Luna.The result was obvious.After wandering for most of the day, he still found nothing.In the following days, they mostly stayed in seclusion. When they came out, they would spar with each other and roam around the Untamed Land.What surprised Andrius was that in just three days, the city became chaotic.The reason was that many cultivators came to the Untamed City, looking to capture a woman.They not only caused chaos in the city but also posted arrest
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Chapter 2002
The aura of those flames was identical to the heavenly fire he encountered in the Immortal Palace.It was no wonder Master Gale could forge supreme-grade immortal artifacts. Just the heavenly fire itself was already rare.Then, Master Gale placed the Linebreaker Overlord on the flames for tempering.After some time, the spear turned red-hot, occasionally shedding fragments.Seeing that it was about time, Master Gale took out a mighty hammer, retrieved the Linebreaker Overlord, and began hammering.Clang, clang, clang.Andrius, who also had some forging skills, watched with great interest. However, as Andrius engrossed himself, a muffled thunderclap echoed from the heavens.He instinctively looked up.A heavenly phenomenon had appeared above the clouds!The sky looked like a massive furnace with chains of void hanging down, firmly trapping the area where the forge was located.At the same time, a strange tribulation cloud began to form.Slowly, bit by bit, it eventually for
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Chapter 2003
Immediately after, two more divine lightning fell.After Andrius blocked the first one, he understood the power of the divine lightning and used techniques from the Sky Genesis Arts to block the next two.Unexpectedly, even after the three lightning bolts had passed, the tribulation clouds did not disappear.With a deafening roar, the fourth divine lightning fell.In mid-air, its power had already far surpassed the third one, making Andrius click his tongue and hesitate to confront it directly.Thus...Swoosh!Andrius raised his hand, and a bright light appeared in the sky.In a short time, the bright light transformed into the Immortal Palace, towering above the forge.It was grand and imposing, with clouds surrounding it.Boom!The divine lightning struck it and was easily absorbed without making any noise.Then, the fifth, sixth, and seventh divine lightning fell, only to be blocked.The Immortal Palace flashed and disappeared, transforming into a point of light that sw
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Chapter 2004
There was no way he was mistaken.Without thinking, Andrius flashed and arrived in front of the Eastrock Mountain team.“Are you Selene?” Andrius looked at the girl.More accurately, he was looking at the necklace around her neck.“Yes.”“Where did you get that necklace?” Andrius’ eyes glinted.“My master gave it to me.”Master?Could it be...Andrius immediately asked, “What is your Master’s name? What do they look like?”“I don’t know her name, but...”Selene thought about it and said, “She’s very beautiful, with slender eyebrows, bright eyes, and a delicate nose...”The more she spoke, the more excited Andrius became.When Selene finished, Andrius asked, “Does your master have a small mole behind her right earlobe?”It was a very concealed feature.Only someone close to Luna would know it, making it a crucial identifier.“Well...”Selene thought about it before suddenly remembering and said firmly, “Yes!”There was!So, Selene’s master was Luna!Andrius was so ex
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Chapter 2005
She was captured by those damned bastards.Andrius was instantly filled with killing intent.He looked at the corpses and sneered. “It’s just a mountain. I have nothing to fear. Lead the way.”Seeing his calm demeanor and how he effortlessly killed so many experts, Selene began to believe him somewhat.She asked curiously, “Who are you?”“I’m your Master, Luna’s, husband.”“What...”Selene was shocked and struck by realization.It was no wonder that Andrius’ aura immediately became violent when he heard that her master was captured by Eastrock Mountain. It was because her master was his wife.“Okay!”Selene immediately agreed. “There’s no time to lose. Let’s go to Eastrock Mountain now and rescue Master. Follow me.”With Selene leading the way, Andrius soon arrived at Eastrock Mountain.“Selene? You know how many people want to capture you, yet you still dare to come here. You’re seeking death!”“Catch her. Don’t let her escape!”“Quick. This is a great merit...”When th
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Chapter 2006
“Sky Breaker!”“Shattering Palm!”“Finger of Rebirth!”In just the first exchange, the three of them used their signature skills.They were top experts in the late Darkness stage. With their techniques, they were almost unmatched in the cultivation world.In an instant, a beam of light appeared on the left as if splitting the world in two.In the middle, a mighty palm print appeared, carrying the power to destroy the heavens and earth.On the right, a finger appeared like a pillar supporting the sky, connecting heaven and earth.Each move was terrifying. Combined together, they had the power to reshape the world.“Die!”“Go to hell!”“Provoking Eastrock Mountain means death!”“Hmph...”The disciples who arrived upon hearing the news sneered coldly. In their eyes, Andrius’ life had entered a countdown.The three elders’ techniques were already earth-shattering in the cultivation world, let alone unleashed together.How could this kid withstand them?Unfortunately, their
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Chapter 2007
The next second, there was an earth-shattering explosion.It drowned out the cries of the heavens and earth, as well as the thunderstorms in summer.That was not all.Figures flew backward. It was none other than the aggressive elders.“That’s impossible!”As the least injured, Corbin was the first to get up.He looked at Andrius with eyes filled with fury and fear. “You’re just at the early Great Progression stage. How can you have so much power?”He could clearly sense it.Andrius’ strength was indeed at the early Great Progression stage.Meanwhile, he was also at the Great Progression stage, and the other elders were also in the Great Progression stage and late Darkness stage. Why were they still no match for Andrius when they joined forces?It did not make sense!Andrius did not bother with their question and asked coldly, “Where have you kept Selene’s master?”“Insolence!”Corbin shouted, “Form up!”All the elders returned to their positions.Each one floated in the
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Chapter 2008
“Release them!”After arriving at the scene, Thereon looked coldly at Andrius, his eyes filled with a chilling intent. He was planning to secretly take action against Andrius.However, Andrius naturally caught the move.With just a glare, Thereon felt a vast and unmatched force rushing toward him.The glint in his eyes also dissipated.“I’ll count to three.”Andrius said indifferently, “You’d better tell me where she is. Three, two...”Before he could finish, Thereon sneered, “Selene’s master is dead!”Boom…The moment he spoke, Andrius swept out with his spear, and countless spear shadows appeared in the air, endless and powerful.Then, all the spear shadows fell on the ground like rain.“Ah!”“No...”“I...”The elders present, including Corbin, were all pierced by the true vitality spear shadows and lost their lives in an instant.Only wails of despair remained as the final evidence of their existence.“You— How dare you?!”Thereon never thought that Andrius would da
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Chapter 2009
His true self also plummeted rapidly toward the ground.Of course, the Linebreaker Overlord still chased after him.The critically injured Thereon was just about to be smashed to death the next second.“Cosmos Bind!”“Summit Smash!”“Torrential Surge!”At the critical moment, six figures appeared above Thereon like a hexagram, each displaying powerful techniques to intercept Andrius’ strike.“Seniors, thank you...”Thereon immediately expressed his thanks toward these people after escaping such a disaster.The six who had just arrived were the mountain guards of Eastrock Mountain as well as the Grand Elders.They were usually deep in sleep or seclusion, only appearing when Eastrock Mountain faced catastrophic events.“Capture that man!”The leader of the mountain guards looked at Andrius with a strange glint in his eyes.He was shocked to see Andrius so young yet so powerful.After all, the last time Eastrock Mountain faced such a desperate situation was an unknown amount
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Chapter 2010
The seven Great Progression-Grand Culmination stage experts were like seven blazing suns in the sky, exuding a lofty and grand aura that overshadowed the heavens and earth.“Kid, we’re all in the realm of the Great Progression-Grand Culmination stage. It’s the highest realm a human can reach. If you know what’s good for you, surrender now and you can still die with an intact corpse. Otherwise, we’ll make your soul scatter!”At those words, the seven people emitted a powerful aura. United, they were like the masters of the heavens, making people look up in awe.“Heh...”Andrius sneered. “So what if you’re in the highest realm? If you know what’s good for you, then tell me where Luna is now, and I might leave your dumb mountain standing. Otherwise, I’ll teach your souls how to scatter and destroy your whole lineage!”With those words, Andrius pointed the Linebreaker Overlord at the sky. A powerful energy spread out, just as arrogant as the seven people combined.“Insolence!”“Impu
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