All Chapters of The Vampire's Flower: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
173 Chapters
Chapter 117 - Red Room (2) *Mature Warning*
Daniel's P.O.V Eight days.Eight days was all it took to make my canary break her cage of freedom and fly straight into mine.The cage from where she won't ever be escaping from.She was like a ray of sunshine in my otherwise dull life. I needed her. I desperately did and here she was right now. Underneath me.A complete moaning mess.All she needed right now was me. All she saw right was me.If I were to leave right now, she would completely shatter. My canary would completely fall apart. That's not what I wanted. I didn't want to shatter her. I wanted her to carve me, think about me but not break apart because of me.Believe it or not, I didn't want my flower to become a doll. I wanted her human. I loved her human. A human with a mind that only thinks of me.I watched as my canary spread her legs apart. "I... Please, Husband." The words that left her plum lips made me smile as I watched her leaning back on her elbows with her legs spread wide. I got off of my knees from above her a
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Chapter 118 - Aftercare
Eleanor's P.O.V The sun rays and the noise of birds chirping made my eyes open as all the pleasure of yesterday had somehow converted into bone breaking pain of today.I tried to sit up but my body was not ready to cooperate with me. The memories of last night played in my mind like a movie.My entire body was sore. A whimper left my lips as I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed.Cold and empty.That's what it was. Because Daniel wasn't here.I felt a pang of disappointment in my chest as I remembered Daniel bringing me back to our room, cleaning me up, putting me to sleep and then leaving silently. Leaving just like that after we had that moment. The pain in my body imulsified due to the negative thoughts and his warm body not lying next to mine supplying heat to my cold, tired body after yesterday. Did he go back to the morning court? How could he leave me after everything we did last night? For hours?Tears streamed down my cheeks as the pillow covers were stained b
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Chapter 119 - The Hidden Place
Eleanor's P.O.V I woke up from my deep sleep which Daniel had put me into before leaving. As I sat up straight on the bed as a yawn passed my lips, making me stretch my body. My eyes lingered to the clock that was on the wall.5 o'clock. So, it's evening. Seeing the time, I lied back down on the bed once again as I stretched my entire body and started rolling on the soft mattress like a kid.Ugh... So comfortable.... So soft...Groans and moans left my lips as I twisted and turned in the bed sheets. But, that only lasted til the time I rolled to the edge of the bed and fell off from it, landing on my ass making my entire back sting."Fuck!" A curse left my lips. Though, the pain wasn't as much as before probably due to the medication Daniel gave me but it was still there.Still there lingering in my senses.My hand held the hard edge of the bed as I slowly and steadily took the support of the bed to get back up to my feet despite the pain coursing through my veins. As I stood back
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Chapter 120 - Meeting The First Vampire
Eleanor's P.O.V I looked around as my feet unconsciously dragged me in taking me to the old bench, which somehow seemed awfully familiar to me even when I had never been here. In this life, I guess.It wasn't until I walked there, staring at the bench as I realized that there was sweat on my neck. As I decided to wipe the sweat off, I realized that it wasn't sweat at all.They were tears. Tears that had streamed down from my eyes to my cheeks and then to my neck.I was crying. Why?I had absolutely zero idea.I wanted to know why I was crying but I just didn't know. I tried helplessly to wipe off those mysterious tears that were flowing and stop them but they never did stop.I sat down on the bench, feeling defeated and confused as I placed the journal beside me. What was wrong with me?As I sat there, lost in thought and trying to piece together what could have triggered my tears, I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up to see a man walking towards me.He was tall, with dark ha
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Chapter 121 - Warnings
Eleanor's P.O.V "Hello there." A voice peirced my ears as I jumped to my feet, slowly turning around to look at the owner of the voice. A tall, shadowy figure stood before me, its face completely obscured by the darkness. "Who are you?" I asked nervously, my heart racing in my chest."I am the collector," the voice replied, "and I have been waiting for you.""The collector?" I repeated, confused."Yes," the shadowy figure replied, "I collect memories, and I believe you have something of mine.""I don't understand," I said, my hands shaking with fear."The journal," the collector said, holding out his hand. "I believe it belongs to me."I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But then, suddenly, the memory came rushing back to me. That brown, coarse sheet, the signature scrawled across it. It wasn't mine. It had never been mine. I had taken it. Yet, why did it feel like it was mine? Like I was the owner of it? Why did it feel so familiar?"I'm sorry," I said, handing the jou
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Chapter 122 - Darkness
Eleanor's P.O.V My body jolted as I finally was able to take control of my body by standing up. Run.The word was coursing in my head like a fast, strong, potent poison that courses through a person's veins. I knew I had to run, to get as far away from this place as possible. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my legs were shaky as I took my first few steps away from the secret portion of the garden.My mind raced as I tried to figure out what had just happened. How had I ended up in there? Was Daniel really going to hurt me and Danielle? Where has Danielle been? Why couldn't I see her after marriage? What was happening to me? Why did I suddenly start leaning onto Daniel?I couldn't remember anything before that moment. That moment ever since Daniel started feeding me that medicine. My head was throbbed with pain as tears ran down my cheeks.No! No! She was lying. She has to be lying. My Daniel wouldn't betray me.But, what was the guarantee? I stumbled forward, trying to fin
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Chapter 123-Runaway Mate
Daniel's P.O.V "Keira, I hope you know the consequences of betraying me." The words left my mouth as I stared at the woman standing in front of me, expressionless."Your Majesty, I would never betray you. There will be no such overdosage as you are imagining in your head. Her Majesty will be fine. Nothing will happen to her due to the medicines. Except the effect they are being given to her for."I could some sort of hesitation in Keira's eyes as she spoke. Something that seemed to be screaming to me that I couldn't fully trust her words. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right choice.It had come down to this - a critical decision that would shape the future of our kingdom. Our home. Our family. Which led me to feed my beloved wife, Eleanor those disgusting medicines.It was a calculated gamble, one that I had reluctantly agreed to for my sake. For my selfish desires to keep Eleanor tied down beside me. But as the da
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Chapter 124 - The Return Of Knife
The wind brushed past my cheeks as I watched the clouds go dark. My coarse hands brushed against the fur of the horse I had mounted. My neck twisted as I turned around to glance at the grand door of the castle. The place I was leaving behind. The home I was running from.Somehow, I couldn't feel my heart thumping in my chest. Did I leave it behind? I guess I did. A dry mocking laugh passed my lips as I turned around looking at the rocky path ahead. I guess I've also left something else beside my heart in the castle that seemded to become my home.Myself. Eleanor. I've left her behind. Beside Daniel. I was running away as Knife. Knife, the criminal who had been killed for the world to keep Eleanor, the wife of Daniel, the Vampire King alive.The night was descending upon me as I urged my horse forward, the pounding of its hooves on the rugged trail drowning out any thoughts of turning back. The cloak of darkness seemed fitting for my new persona, the name Knife carrying with it th
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Chapter 125 - Black Woods
Eleanor's P.O.V "Eleanor?" The figure walked into the moonlight from behind the bushes as my eyes remained trained on it.Derek?"Eleanor? You're alive? Or, I'm hallucinating about you again? Ha! How I wish you were still alive. How I wish Hailey was still here. Eleanor... I'm sorry." Derek apologized out of nowhere crashing down to the ground as I watched tears slide down his eyes, making a very uncomfortable shudder run down my body.I hesitated for a moment before taking a step closer to Derek. The moonlight highlighted the lines of grief etched on his face, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him even when I didn't like him before he was the first guy to stay beside me from the moment my mother died. Though, he became more twisted than me after his mother died."Derek, you should go back to the village. Roaming in the woods... What if a vampire were to kill you?" I urged, my voice filled with genuine concern. Derek scoffed and wiped away his tears with the back of
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Chapter 126 - A Fight
Eleanor's P.O.V My body burned with rage as I watched Daniel throw Derek on the ground like a rag doll."You want to kill me?" Daniel's low growl echoed through the forest as I watched Daniel ripping out Derek's heart from his chest throwing it away from his now lifeless body."Kill me now. Why don't you, bastard?" Daniel spoke in his cold as he threw Derek's lifeless body to one corner of the forest before turning his gaze to me.I felt a shiver run down my spine as Daniel's eyes locked with mine. The once warm and comforting gaze I had fallen in love with now held a sinister and chilling darkness. It was as if the man standing before me was a completely different person, a monster lurking beneath the surface.Fear gripped me tightly, but beneath it, anger swelled within my chest. He killed Derek without a thought. I'm next. He's going to kill me then Danielle just like before. How... How did I fall for such a monster?I could feel the fire of my own rage burning inside me, threat
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