All Chapters of The Vampire's Flower: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
173 Chapters
136 - An Ununderstandable Man *Mature Warning*
Eleanor's P.O.V "Fuck, flower. You are less of an innocent flower and more of an lewd enchantress begging to be fucked into her place." Daniel cursed under his breath as he ripped his white shirt in two.I watched Daniel's body tremble as he stared into my drunken eyes. I was drunk. Yes, drunk of pain. His love. This room's vibe. I am sure I'm going to feel awful when the sun rises. But... but those eyes. Those eyes resemble the one's of the Daniel I met back in the forest, not holding any other thoughts than love for me. And, of course... concern.Seeing those, how could I maintain my anger? I just could remember him and me being love.I accept. I accept. I was wrong. I cannot harm a single hair on this man's body. How can I kill him? I'd rather kill myself to escape his shadow but not kill him. The cause of it all. How... how can he say he's killing me from inside just to protect me? I just can't understand this man at all. I love him. No doubt. But, understanding him is beyond
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Chapter 137 - A Wonderful Morning *Mature Warning*
Eleanor's P.O.V Warm.It's so warm. My mind is empty but everything feels warm.I gently opened my tired, heavy eyes to find the source of this extreme warmth in the coldness I've been feeling for past 18 nights.As my vision gradually came into focus, I realized that I was lying in a comfortable bed, and in front of me was a handsome sleeping Daniel who looked so peaceful, sleeping like an absolute angel.Wait... WHAT A HANDSOME SLEEPING DANIEL!?My mind immediately grew alert as my body went stiff.I tried not to recall the events that led me to be in this strange situation but I still did. The memories hit me harder than a rock as my whole body started to heat up. God! What was I thinking yes-Before, that thought could actually reach a conclusion, I felt Daniel stir a little in his sleep as I felt something grow hard in my abdomen. THE FUCKING HELL! HE DIDN'T FUCKING PULL OUT HIS LENGTH FROM INSIDE OF ME THE WHOLE NIGHT!?Kill me... Just. Fucking. Kill. Me.I tried to suppress
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Chapter 138 - Relaxed
Eleanor's P.O.V."Flower? Wake up." The distinctively warm voice of Daniel, rang in my ears as my nostrils were filled with the heavenly aroma of coffee. My eyes snapped opened at the heavenly scent. However, as soon as my eyes opened, a strange pain coursed through my body, making me wish I were dead.Somehow, my inconvenience was somehow sensed and understood by Daniel even without me saying a word."What happened, Eleanor? Are you not well?" Daniel asked, standing up from the chair he was seated on which was placed next to the bed I was lying on."Don't know. My head feels really heavy." I spoke, in a low tone as I held my heavy head in between my palms. "Is it because of me? I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have lost control." The low tone of Daniel seemed to shock me as I raised my head from between my palms to see the look on his face. And, I seemed to witness the most funny thing ever. His appearance strikingly resembled that of a dog. A big black dog whose ears were drooped do
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Chapter 139 - Caged Again
Eleanor's P.O.V."Come on. Last bite." Daniel coaxed me as he held a spoonful of porridge near my lips. "No." I whined, srunching and turning my face away. "I don't want to eat anymore." Daniel sighed, a hint of tiredness in his voice. "Flower, you need to eat. You need energy after things we've done yesterday so that you don't end up fainting."I crossed my arms stubbornly, pouting like a child. "I don't like porridge still I ate half a bowl.""My pretty wifey, you are not a kid. Half a bowl of porridge isn't enough energy for you. Do you want to fall ill and worry Danielle?"Danielle... My daughter. How long has it been since I have last seen her face?"Will you bring Danielle to meet me if I eat?"Daniel's expression softened as he nodded. "Yes, Eleanor. If you finish your breakfast, I'll arrange for you to see Danielle soon. Latest by tomorrow. I promise."A glimmer of hope sparked within me. Seeing my daughter was the one thing that kept me going, even in this tangled web of Da
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Chapter 140 - Explanations
Daniel's P.O.V"Your Majesty, the invitations for the Princess Danielle's ball has been printed and have been sent to all the nobles across the kingdom. The preparations for the feast of the commoners have also begun." Teris's voice filled my ears as my eyes were staring at the peaceful scenery of birds chirping outside my office. "I see." A dry reply that's all I could muster because my mind currently was stuck with Eleanor. How do I explain to her that it is necessary for her to stay in that room with those bars? How do I explain to her that they defensive magical artifacts made from Setral, the holy metal which can't be obtained everywhere except from the mine behind the temple? How do I explain to her the fact that those bars are necessary to protect her from assassins and every other who might want to take her life?Lost in her fit to escape, she won't try to understand anything. All she's focused on is escaping. How...Maybe, just talk to her. My subconsciousness spoke, making
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Chapter 141 - Dress
Eleanor's P.O.V Tears streamed relentlessly down my cheeks as I sat on the soft mattress with my feet held close to my chest in the dimly lit room, consumed by a surge of hatred and despair. How could he do this to me?How could Daniel lock me away like some caged animal again? How sweetly just yesterday he called me his wife. Yet, today I was a prisoner again. The weight of betrayal seemed to be pressing down on my spirit crushing it to pieces, leaving me broken and filled with anger.I clenched my fists, feeling the urge to lash out at anyone and anything that reminded me of the man I loved. What had happened to us? Why has it all become like this? Where had the love we shared gone? Was it bound to meet the same fate as the past once we left The Black Woods? Was their nothing I could do to make Daniel understand that I couldn't let the past repeat itself? The answers remained elusive, wrapped in the cold chains that bound my existence, which were wrapped around my ankle by one of
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Chapter 142 - The Red Cloak
Daniel's P.O.V "WHO'S THERE!?" I scream as I run in the direction of the library section I saw the red cloak disappear in. I enter the restricted royal area, my heart pounding in my chest. The room is dimly lit, with tall bookshelves stretching up to the ceiling. Dust dances in the air, giving the room an eerie atmosphere. However, my eyes which stared into the distance with no such figure in sight. I cautiously make my way through the rows of shelves, carefully. My hand gripping the hilt of my sword waiting for the intruder to show up."Show yourself!" I call out, my voice echoing through the quiet, spooky library. I can hear my own footsteps on the creaky wooden floor, each one more tense than the last. The anticipation builds, my nerves on edge. I grip the hilt of my sword tightly, ready for whatever may come. I was ready to put my life on line the moment I decided Eleanor. Then, what's a small assassin?As I reach the huge wall at the end of the section, I still find no one
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Chapter 143 - Dead
Eleanor's P.O.V I stared at the pale face in the mirror, as the brush was brushing against my skin. I couldn't help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction as I examined my reflection. My once vibrant complexion now appeared dull and lifeless, a stark contrast to the radiance I used to possess. Lines of worry and fatigue marred my face, a clear indication of the toll that Daniel's imprisonment had taken on me.As the brush continued its gentle strokes, I let my mind wander to the days when my skin was smooth and blemish-free. It seemed like a lifetime ago. Back then when I was an assassin, even though my world was dark and dim, my face would glow with some sort of energy.Now, all I feel like is a dead lifeless doll."Your Majesty?" Tia's voice rang in my ears, bringing me out of my thoughts."Yes, kitten?" I looked up in the mirror to see the face of Tia. However, she wasn't smiling. Was she not happy with the makeup she has done on my face? But, it looked quite good. "Your Majesty,
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Chapter 144 - The Final Piece
Daniel's P.O.V My eyes were open wide as I stared at the man standing in front of me. Was there an invisible mirror in front of me? Because the person standing in front of me seemed to be my exact reflection. Except for his clothes and that mole.That... Wait! The portrait!?"You... You are... The First Vampire!?" My voice which was first strangled in my throat, finally escaped.However, no answer seemed to follow my question except the matter of fact that the journal flew out of my hands, flying in the air as it was closed and fell into this man's hand."I am." Two words. Two words and they were enough to show his power and authority that he held. But, wasn't he dead? How was he standing here in front of me?But, my questions refused to pass my lips as I stood still, watching him brush past me and slam the journal back on the ebony desk.He turned to face me, his eyes piercing into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "You have stumbled upon a secret that was nev
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Chapter 145 - The Ball
Eleanor's P.O.V The same. The doors were decorated in the same way as they were decorated on the day of my wedding with Daniel. Just a little less vibrant glow. It was soft. I could feel the softness of the golden light on my cheeks as I stood there, waiting. Waiting for Daniel to arrive. As I stood there, gazing at the grand door of the Royal Palace, my heart fluttered with both excitement and anticipation. Danielle. I'm going to meet Danielle today! I'm going to see the face of my daughter!Will it light up? Will she run and hug me? Will she cry? Will she kiss my cheek? Will she say she missed me?Where is Daniel!? I can't... I can't wait to go inside. My Danielle is just on the other side of the door.The holden door to the ballroom, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, only added to the air of elegance and enchantment surrounding this enchanting evening. The birthday of my Danielle. The hallway leading up to it seemed to stretch on forever on my way here, the
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