All Chapters of The Vampire's Flower: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
173 Chapters
Chapter 146 - K
Daniel's P.O.V 'I have lost her. Lost my talented Eleanor. What could have the future been if only if it was me. If only I would have died instead of her. If only it was me that her father cursed. If only I was the center of hatred of K-'K...The name was scratched. I held the journal close to my eye trying to figure out the name etched on paper. However, nothing. I couldn't figure it out.That was the last page. The last page of the journal. I needed the continuation of it. If I had to save Eleanor, I had to find answers that are running wild in my head.Why would Eleanor's father curse her? And, who is this K?"Danielle..." Eleanor's weak voice entered my ears as I snapped the journal shut, placing it on the nightstand as my eyes turned to my pretty wife who had finally decided to wake up after fainting on our daughter's birthday ball. A sigh passed my lips as I stood up from the chair, glancing down at my wife who was staring at the ceiling with eyes that seemed lifeless."Fl
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Chapter 147 - Curse
Eleanor's P.O.V Empty.That's all I was feeling as I stared at the white ceiling above me.Would Daniel really bring our Danielle back? Could I trust him?Even if I couldn't trust him. What other choice do I have? The soft mattress beneath me seemed to be biting away on my soul at the thought of the past that lingered in the back of my head. I don't think any of my sanity would still be left if Keira would kill Danielle in front of me again. Or, if Daniel sided with Kiera.I closed my eyes, trying to push away the haunting memories that threatened to consume me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the fear and uncertainty of losing the ones I love that had become a constant presence in my life.Losing the ones I love. Huh. Did it consist of Daniel?I don't know. I really just don't. I don't even know where we are in our relationship right now. Except the title we share.Even when I don't know about Daniel. Danielle, my sweet daughter. I was sure I didn't want Kiera t
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Chapter 148 - Black Magic
Keira's P.O.VBlood.My eyes lingered at the white marble stained red as I heaved trying to take in oxygen, sitting in the center of a gigantic purple circle that I used earlier for my purpose of dark magic."My Lady! Please stop! You are putting your life on line." Celeste, my friend and the daughter of my handmaid cried as she got up from her chair and rushed to me."Stop! I'm fine! Don't enter the circle. I already told you to leave, Este." I spoke as I placed my hand over my chest, spitting out the leftover blood in my mouth. "Can't you please. Just stop, maybe? Daniel doesn't even love you for goodness sake. You are eating away at your living years for him trying to harm Eleanor using black magic that he would come back to you. But, Duchess... His Majesty doesn't even care if you are alive or dead. On the other hand, everyone in this household does care. Why don't you just let got of him!?" I looked up at Celeste with weary eyes, the pain of my actions etched into every line on
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Chapter 149 - Free Bird
Eleanor's P.O.V My eyes opened as I stared at the man in front of me sleeping peacefully as his pine scent crept up my nose.I'm pregnant.I'm pregnant with this man's child. How can he be such an angel when he's asleep and such a dumbass when he's awake. I really want to touch his kissable lips.Ugh! Seriously, don't understand what's wrong with me these days. As I reached out my hand to touch the angelic face of Daniel, a sharp pain ran across my head making me close my eyes shut and retract my hand back. The pain was unbearable, like someone was stabbing needles into my brain. I winced in agony, trying to steady my breathing as the pain slowly subsided. Panic started to set in as I thought that this might affect the little bean in my stomach. I sat up, my heart racing, and looked around the room. It wasn't my room. This wasn't the Queen's room. The windows weren't barred.Where the hell, am I?The was decorated with neutral tones and had a comforting, cozy feel to it. The wall
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Chapter 150 - The Real Eleneas
Daniel's P.O.V I stared at woman sleeping peacefully in my arms with a peaceful smile on her face. And, somehow it was bringing me so much happiness I couldn't explain. I think being a normal couple like this, isn't so bad after all.Her flower like smell that filled my nose was rather enchanting. And, the way she was sleeping in my arms was making me want to eat my wife alive.Come on, Daniel. We don't have time for R18 now! My subconsciousness scolded me as I gently placed flower's head on the soft pillow, getting up from the bed.Ugh! Can't I just sleep tonight in her arms. She never let me does that recently. And, she just looked so relaxed and laid back like the Eleanor I first met in the black woods. I answered to my subconsciousness, pulling the sheets over my lovely wife and tucking her in, gently kissing her forehead. Well, if you didn't have to figure out about her father's curse and the black magic stuff. Maybe, you could do that. My subconsciousness retorted as an audib
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Chapter 151 - Seal
Eleanor's P.O.V "Good Morning." An awfully familiar voice rang in my ears as I fluttered my eyes open, to find no Daniel but the past Eleanor in place of him.Panic immediately rushed through my body as I tried to make sense of the situation. How could Eleanor be sitting here, right before my eyes? All I ever met her was in the black space in my mind. How is she here?Or, is it Daniel who has shape-shifted into me? But, vampires can't shapeshift. Or, can they?My mind raced with questions and confusion, causing a million thoughts to conduct a marathon in my head.I blinked, hoping that this was just part of my imagination, but Eleanor remained seated in front of me on the chair, her warm smile making me feel both comforted and unsettled. What is she doing here? I couldn't help but notice a slight sadness in her eyes, as if she was carrying some hidden burden on her. But, what burden did she have to carry as a soul?"What... What are you doing here?" I stammered, struggling to find t
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Chapter 152 - Thoughts
Eleanor's P.O.V "Are you okay? You're shaking." Daniel spoke as I nodded my head frivolously, hoping he didn't see the past Eleanor disappearing.Well, maybe he'll figure if you act anymore suspicious. You know? My subconsciousness spoke as I gulped down at my own saliva.He won't. I won't let him. "Daniel?" I called out as I stared at Daniel placing down the coffee mug at the night table beside bed before turning to look at me."Yes, flower?" "Would you mind if we spent some quality time together?" I asked as I tucked a strand of hair behind my right ear, staring at him with eyes so innocent that even a child would shy away."Funny. I was thinking the same." A smile grew across Daniel's face as he sat on the edge of the bed gently taking my hand in his as if I were some delicate flower that would fall apart from a single touch. "I would love to spend some quality time with my lovely wife without having any interruption from anyone," he replied.Well, with how calm he is. There's n
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Chapter 153 - It's a Date!
Daniel's P.O.V Frozen.That's what I was in time and space as my eyes drank in the appearance of the woman in front of me.Not to mention that woman being my wife."Daniel?" Her sweet voice rang in my ears. As my mind took me back to everytime I was called Daniel from those kissable lips.Can I establish a new religion where my Goddess is worshipped?Maybe. My subconsciousness agreed with me, making me grin as I walked towards my wife, taking her hand in mine as I kissed the back of her hand."You look beautiful, flower." I complimented her as I looked up from her fair skin into her eyes. But, for some reason this time Eleanor looked frozen in time as she stared back at me with her lips slightly parted.Silence.It lingered between us as we stared at each other, taking in the presence of another. Where we thinking something while staring?I don't think so. My mind was completely empty. I just looking at my wife, trying to take in her presence as much as I could, hoping I would never
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Chapter 154 - Dominance
Eleanor's P.O.V I placed the fair lights in the box as I closed it. Finally done cleaning up. Phew!I wiped off the imaginary sweat off my forehead as my mind took me back to the kiss with Daniel. "I'm so sorry." Daniel apologized for the fifth time as he had to leave early from our date for some reason. "It's okay. We can always have a date another time. You should take care of your work first."I reassured him with a smile, trying to hide my disappointment. Deep down, I couldn't help but wonder if he really had some very important work or if he was just losing interest in me. But I didn't want to jump to conclusions. After all, we were finally behaving like a normal couple after so many misunderstandings.Yes. It was just my insecurities. Why would Daniel lie about having work? I'm just being paranoid. Yeah! That was it."Hey! What's the matter flower? You look lost." Daniel spoke in a soft tone as he stared directly into my eyes. "Nothing. What would be the matter? I'll just
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Chapter 155 - Crying
Eleanor's P.O.V "Your Majesty! Please believe us. We are your loyal servants." Loyal, my foot. Just a moment ago, you didn't even greet me."How do I believe in your words?""Your Majesty, you mustn't. You must only believe in what you see." The head maid spoke as she stared at the floor.This just makes no sense! Daniel wouldn't leave me here to go and attend a ball with Keira. This just doesn't make sense. But, what she's saying is also right. I need to go. I need to see. I trust Daniel. But, I need to prove these people here wrong.There's no way that Daniel would leave our date to attend a ball with Keira. "Fine. Set it up." I spoke, walking into the kitchen as one of the maids went to the door and motioned for the knights to bring in the stuff they required to prepare me for the ball.Once, it was all set up. The head maid called for me, "Please, have a seat, Your Majesty."I reluctantly sat down on the chair, my mind still racing with doubts and suspicions. The head maid appro
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