All Chapters of The Vampire's Flower: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
173 Chapters
Author's Note
Hello guys,I'm Inos.Once again. First of all thank you for hanging on till here. The next few chapters will a roller coaster ride.So hang in there.Secondly, yesterday's chapter was posted in a hurry. I'll be editing previous chapter 108 and posting it as 107 so your reading is not affected in any sense. It's up for editor approval.Thirdly, I have made the changes some changes in the previous chapters the errors I've found. Please remove the book and add it again to your library to see them.For your convenience, please do it after the weekends since the edits need my SE's (signed editor) for the sake of the content I'm giving you guys after editing. And, she doesn't work on weekdays. Give it time till Tuesday before adding the book again.(Sigh, the trouble I put everyone through. Forgive me if you can. Sorry?)Next this message is only for those readers who have added my book before 30th of May. Not after.And lastly, I just want to thank all you lovely people for reading my book
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Chapter 108 - Plans Made By A Black Heart
Daniel's P.O.V She fainted.Eleanor fainted right into my arms as everything around us remained ruined. My room remained ruined. I held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. Her breathing was shallow and her skin was cold to the touch. Her feet left red stains on the white marbled floor. She's still alive. My trembling hands tapped her cheeks lightly as I called out her name over and over again. "El? Flower? Eleanor?"Panic coursed through my veins instead of blood as I tried to revive her, but she remained unresponsive. I knew I had to act fast. I quickly walked outside carrying her fragile frame in my trembling arms. My brain had gone numb. I couldn't think anything except that one sentence.She's in this state because of you, Daniel. I ran over to the Queen's palace, shouting at the servants on my way there to get the Royal doctor. The palace was stirred upside down on my way to the silent surroundings of the Queen's place. Once we arrived, the Royal doctor
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Chapter 109 - Guilt Tripping
Daniel's P.O.V As the night wore on, the sky gradually began to lighten, and I watched the first rays of sunlight streaming through the windows. It felt like an eternity before Eleanor finally stirred, her eyes fluttering open to show the bright blue sparkling eyes that held me captive. "Daniel?" she whispered weakly, confusion etched across her features.As I stared at her, lost.Weak. That's what her entire delicate frame screamed to me. Scared. That's what I was wondering if the plan I worked out in my head would actually work or not.Tears purposely leaked from my eyes as I leaned in and hugged her weak body tightly. "God, Eleanor, I thought I had lost you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotions that genuinely were worried about her after I had hit her.After crying all my emotions as I drained them to let my calculating self breathe once again. I rubbed her back as I finally began my plan. The plan to guilt trip her. The plan to bind her by my side."I'm sorry, Eleanor. I'
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Chapter 110 - Remembering
Eleanor's P.O.V I stared at Daniel's face as he brought a spoon of porridge near my face before speaking,"The Doctor has said you've fractured your finger bones. I'll help you with things till then. He said he's giving you the best medicine in entire of Eleneas. So, I expect your recovery in a week. And, open your mouth now."I reluctantly opened my mouth and allowed him to feed me the porridge. My mind was still trying to process everything that had happened in the last few days. Our marriage, Danielle and just everything revolving around us.As I swallowed the chewed food down my throat, I held his hand staring at him with conflict in my eyes. His confused eyes traced from my hand to my face."What is it, Eleanor?" he asked, concern etched on his features.I took a deep breath before speaking softly, "Daniel, I just need some time to process everything that's happened. And, you must also have to talk to the nobles."Daniel nodded slowly, understanding evident in his eyes. "Of cou
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Chapter 111 - Medicine
Daniel's P.O.V I watched her fade into her sleep as soon as she closed her eyes. Guess, the medicine was doing its job. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the medicine that was provided to make Eleanor fall deep in sleep. Without it, watching her suffer from the pain and guilt I was giving her to bear would have been unbearable.I leaned back in my chair and let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in my bones. It had been a long day of taking care of her, making sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed while my plan to brainwash her wasn't being affected in any way.I glanced over at her, taking in her peaceful expression as she slept. She was so beautiful, even in her weakest moments.I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. She was my everything, and I would do anything to keep her by my side.Brushing a strand of hair away from her face, I whispered, "I love you, flower."I knew she couldn't hear me, but saying those words out loud gav
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Chapter 112 - The Horrendous Dream
Eleanor's P.O.V Never. Never in my life had I seen something as inhumane as I was witnessing right now. And, the worst part of it was the person who I was seeing right in front of my eyes was me.It was ME.I was lying there. Right there, leaning against the thick trunk of an old tree. I was leaning against it as blood flooded down from the cut I had in my head with my hand dying to rise. Dying to rise to stop. Stop those people from burning an innocent child.But, why? Why did I want to stop them?Any normal person in this situation would have ran. I should have ran too but I didn't. I couldn't. My feet were no longer in my control. No. Not only my feet, I wasn't in my control anymore. As I moved forward, I stared at myself, lying there miserable. But, what I wanted to save wasn't myself. No. What I wanted to save was that child. That child who was roughly handled my those men and was about to be thrown into the raging fire.Even when I was bruised and beaten the child's reflection
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Chapter 113 - Devoured
Eleanor's P.O.V "Daniel, the smile you have on your face feels like that of a lecher's." I voiced out my thoughts as his hand snaked behind my neck pulling my entire body closer to me, staring deep into my eyes through my soul. "Is it?" His voice asked me in a quirky tone as his lips brushed against my sensitive ears, making me shudder."Don't act like you don't know," I teased, trying to keep my cool despite the overwhelming sensation coursing through my body."I do know, Eleanor," he whispered, his lips inching closer to mine. "I know that being around you makes me feel alive. It's like the world stops spinning and everything else fades away, leaving just you and me."My heart fluttered at his words, and without further ado, I leaned in, meeting his lips halfway in a passionate kiss. The world around us ceased to exist, leaving only the two of us in a moment of pure bliss and euphoria.Breaking our lip lock, Daniel leaned back, a grin still plastered on his face. "So, lecher or no
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Chapter 114 - Longing
Eleanor's P.O.V 8 days have passed. 8 days...But, Daniel didn't come back after leaving me in that state. My entire body felt like it was on fire yet somehow, the temperature of my skin was normal. I wasn't sick yet somehow still sick. Eight days. I haven't seen my Daniel for Eight days. My eyes were longing for the mere sight of his back but even that sight seemed to be a luxury I couldn't afford this time.I was like a prisoner yet I was free. I wasn't restricted from going anywhere. Yet my feet refused to leave this room as if they were tied to invisible chains. Everyday, someone would bring in my food and medicine as I stared out the window watching the sunset and sunrise, waiting for him to come. But, he never did. He never did.Silent tears flooded down my cheeks as my face rested on the wall as I sat on the window sill. I couldn't help but wonder why he left me like this. Was it something I did wrong? Did he not love me anymore?All of these thoughts and feelings were con
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Chapter 115 - The Journal
Eleanor's P.O.V I was in the arms my Daniel as we left the throne room as I stared at him with a blank expression on my face. The scene of when I kneeled before him running through my head.And, for once in all these days a question ran in my head. Where was my respect as an individual for myself? I get that I missed him. I get I needed him. But, why did I leave myself behind in that moment for him? Why-But, my thoughts were cleared from my head the moment his enchanting voice made it's way to my ears. "Don't. Don't ever do it again, El. I never want you kneeling infront of presence of people that aren't me."I looked up at him, my eyes wide with surprise. "But, Daniel-""No, Eleanor. Don't argue with me on this," he said firmly, his grip on me tightening slightly. "You deserve respect just as much as I do. Don't forget that. From now on, we stand together as equals."I stared at him for a moment, feeling a sense of warmth spread through me. He was right. I had let my love for him a
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Chapter 116 - Red Room (1)
Eleanor's P.O.V *Mature Content*As the doors of the red room closed behind me, Daniel's entire persona changed in a minute. "Off with the clothes, flower." He ordered as he walked to the same chair near the wooden table on which I was punished placed in the center of the room. I watched dumbfounded as he sat on the chair, looking at me with coldness in his eyes. "Hurry up, flower. Unless you want a reminder of what happened last time when we were here."My heart raced as memories of what happened flashed in my mind. The punishment for my misbehavior was intense, and I was not sure I was ready to go through it again. I knew better than to disobey Daniel's commands.I shed my clothes quickly, leaving me in my lingerie as I fell down to my knees, gazing at the beautiful wooden. I could feel his piercing gaze on me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. He stood up and walked towards me, as he circled around me like a lion inspecting his prey."You're mine, Eleanor. Every inch of you
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