Semua Bab Billionaire baby daddy: Bab 61 - Bab 70
144 Bab
Chapter 61
Chapter 61 ...Sofia... The past few days have been really hectic, with Saul's unchanging condition, this is the time I really wanted Garvin to be with me but for some reason, he was unavailable and made up excuses, I had been understanding concerning him not wanting to meet my family but not this time around, he just had to be here with me, this was my brother sick, if not for him, at least for me I felt frustrated and had wanted to tell him about it today but then again, he wouldn't tell me his address, It was at times like these when I thought of what keith had told me that night, could it be that he was hiding something from me?, "Sofia!" I heard my father call and turned to look at Him "Yes" I answered "You zoomed out while I was talking to you " he said "Am sorry" I said reaching for my phone, I was glad when I found the text I had been waiting for "I have to leave, I will be back soon" I said standing up, Dad was about to protect but I quickened my steps and headed out
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Chapter 62
Chapter 62 ...Keith... "Right this way miss" A bodyguard told me as I got out of the car at the Airport, I held Max tightly against my body and followed him, This was it, I was going back home with my son leaving Saul behind and taking with me another child in my womb "Mommy, were are we going?" Little max tagged at me "We are going to see grandma and grandpa" I said forcing a smile "Yayyy!!, we are also going to see Aunt Risa right?" He asked "Of course honey, Aunt Risa and the rest of your aunts" I said "Please, get in Missy" the bodyguard said, I took a deep breath and entered the private jet, honestly, I didn't think Mr Madison would be so considerate that he would have his private jet take us home "What of Daddy?" Max asked as we took a seat in the luxury suite "Dad will come later" I lied with a deep sign, I felt guilty inwardly but I couldn't explain this to the excited max, his little brain wouldn't understand. The plane finally started off and shortly after, Max f
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63 ....Keith... After what left like a long time, I woke up and this time, I was feeling more lively, my body was no longer numb and I could see clearly that I was laying in a tiny bed in what looked like a tiny cell, I was about to seat up when I realized I was chained to the bed, "What's happening?" I asked even though I was alone in this tiny room,Was I arrested or something?, I had a lot questions running through my mind, where was I and why was I even here, I let out a frustrated sign when I remembered what Mr Madison told me, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes by by thinking that he would have left me in the street, he said he was taking me somewhere Saul would never find me, How bad and far away was this place exactly?. Just then, a nurse walked in, "I see our new patient is wake" she said with a grin, I managed to seat up "Patient?" I asked after clearing my throat "Stay still, a guard will be here shortly to take you to a room, welcome to your new home, my
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Chapter 64
Chapter 64 .....keith.... "Oh honey, don't cry like that, what's wrong?" Samantha asked as I began to sob, I couldn't imagine living in this place without any idea where my son was or what his condition was, "Is there any way I can prove that I am sane and get out of this place?" I turned to Samantha, the sad look she gave me was all it took for all the hope I had to disappear "Am sorry Keith, but tell me, who do you think would have brought you here?" She asked "My baby Daddy's father", I further on explained how much the man disliked me and how he made me come here while his son was laying in a hospital bed in a coma, Samantha felt sorry for me and tried to comfort me but honestly, it didnt do much, I was feeling more than Sad. "Lunch is ready!" We both heard a loud voice say, I wiped my face clean feeling a bit embarrassed that I had already poured out my problems to a woman I had just met "Let's go and have something to eat" she said making me stand up, I was about to ob
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65 ...Author's narrative... Risa looked at her phone for the hundredth time that day like she had been doing for the past three days, Keith and Max were supposed to come three days ago, she had spoken to her that day, her sister had sounded so hurt and heart broken with the fact that she was leaving Saul behind, Risa on the other hand had been more comforting telling her that maybe it was for the best, After all, she was going to leave that troublesome family behind for good. Keith had called and even told her she was on Mr Madison's private jet, so what happened?, Why wasn't she yet home?, She couldn't help the sickening feeling that something was wrong, She decided she had to call Sofia and find out what was happening and so, she called her, "Hello" she heard Sofia's voice when the call was answered "Sofia, its me, Risa" she said "Oh Risa, how are you, its been long" Risa wasn't one for a chit chat at the moment, she was worried sick about her sister and only want
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Chapter 66
Chapter 66 ...KEITH... I had thought I had experienced all types of pain and nothing would bring me down but turns out not, This time, the pain I was experiencing from all the medicine Mary had me injected was like nothing I had ever experienced before, My whole body was paralyzed yet there was this unbearable pain I was still feeling. She left me in her office for two hours before she came back again, "I see you are copying just fine, I hope this little treat will make you be more formal next time you decide that you are angry and want to vent on me" I looked at her unable to say or do anything, This woman was evil, it was at this moment that I realized that anybody could be evil with the right amount of money, I only wished I could move my body and immediately charge at her, I was frustrated... "Now you listen Keith Brown, if you are anything special on the outside world, here you are nothing special and am going to make sure I make you understand that, you should know that
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Chapter 67
Chapter 67 ...keith... The next morning, I woke up feeling more hungry than I had even been in a long time, That was because I had refused to eat lunch the day before and I wasn't allowed to go and eat super, as expected, orders from Sister Mary, Gosh how I hated that woman, I held my stomach tightly has I sat up in bed, "Good morning" I found Samantha already seating in her bed "Morning" I said, I just then, the door to our room opened and a guard walked in, "Time for your morning medicine and excuse" he said and left, Samantha led me to the hall where about 100 patients were already seated, "What's happening?" I asked her "Nothing unusual, just make sure not to talk back, the guards here are very bad" she warned me, I nodded as I didnt have any desire to experience what happened yesterday again, besides as long ad Mary was around then I was certain everything would be okay. "What's the medicine for and what does it do to us who are not mentally insane?" I asked curiously
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Chapter 68
Chapter 68 .. Keith... "What do you mean by that Samantha?" I asked confused "Doctor Nelson is the worst man alive, especially to young women like you" I took a seat on Samantha's bed still trying to understand what she was talking about "He seemed really nice!" I stated "Yes, he does at first, you see that young girl whom you had a fight with?, she is only 16 but has already had three abortions in the last five months she has been here" I covered my month with both my hands as I realized what she was trying to say "Yes Keith, he has been raping her over and over again just like he does to every young woman here and the worst part Is no one will do anything about it, all the sisters know about his deeds but keep quiet to keep their jobs" now I understood why he said I could thank him better in another way some other time, Could this place get any worse?, I was disgusted by the thought of the things nary just told me, That girl was really young and obviously sick, how could he d
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Chapter 69
Chapter 69 ...Sofia... "Can i ask you something?" I asked Garvin who was laying beside me on my bed "Yes, what is love?" He asked turning to me and putting his phone on the bed "Is there something you are hiding from me?" I asked looking at him keenly, Garvin's expression suddenly changed and he looked stunned and nervous for a few seconds "So am right, what are you hiding from me?" I asked now seating up "Baby, what would I be hiding from you?" He asked "You are tensed, meaning you are really hiding something from me, come on babe, I love you, please don't be so secretive with me" I pleaded, first he didn't tell me the address of his place and I had to find out through other ways, I didn't want to find out whatever he could be hiding through that again, I only hope he would be honest with me "Babe, am not hiding anything I promise" he said kissing my forehead "Okay then, tell me more about yourself" I suggested, I had realized I didnt know anything about him except the basi
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Chapter 70
Chapter 70 ...Author's Narrative... The very next day, Garvin went to the hospital to see his brother at the hospital, Eric was rather surprised to see him during his lunch break as his young brother had not called to say he would be coming, "Garvin, take a sit" he said immediately noticing his wary expression "What did you do this time?" Eric asked "What do you mean, do I cause so much trouble That even you would say that to me?" He asked, "Am sorry, of late after what happened, you know am bound to ask that" he quickly said, Garvin let out a deep sign "She wants to meet you" he finally spoke Eric looked confused for a few seconds before he figured it out "Sofia?" He asked the obvious, Garvin slowly nodded "Garvin, you have to be kidding me, don't you feel guilty after what you did, don't you have any conscious at all?" He asked 'I do but" "No buts, this is messed up, don't tell me you even went far with that poor girl last night" Eric asked looking at him keenly, the lo
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