All Chapters of Billionaire baby daddy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 Chapters
Chapter 81
Chapter 81....Saul....I was in the office with Dad who seemed to be busy on his phone, I found it the perfect time to tell Risa to send the recorded video we made,She replied with an okay and within a short time,I heard Dad's phone bip indicating a new message,I had planned all this before hand And hoped it work out just like I wanted to,I didnt want Dad to suspect I was involved in this under any circumstance.I watched keenly has Dad's facial expression changed"Saul, give me a moment alone" he said turning to me"Why, whats wrong, you look worried" I said"Please, just leave" he said, I nodded and left his office.Has i got to my own office, i couldnt help being nervous, would Dad do what was requested of him?,Honestly, I was happy he had told me to get out of the office its like he knew the video sent to him contained some information he wouldn't want me to find out about.I called Felix to my office trying to ask if Dad had told him anything"No, he has been locked in hi
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82...Keith..."Meal Time!!" I heard that fat woman yell and immediately got out of bed and grabbed my plate,I was feeling very hungry, ever since I came here, we rarely had a three times meal,Things where not easy and I knew if I stayed here anymore, I was most likely to lose my pregnancy,The past three days, I had been bleeding continuously but I didn't receive any help from anyone,I would have talked to one of the nurses that gave us our daily medication but I was afraid she would let Mr Madison know,That evil man, the mare mention of his name brought cold shivers on my spine,I never knew that man hated me to this extent that he would make sure to get rid of me In such a horrible way,I had long stopped crying and feeling sorry for myself cause I knew that wouldn't solve anything instead I had just to be hopeful that somehow,Saul had woken up from his coma and found out about me,That did seem impossible but I prayed each and every moment for max where ever he was an
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83...Keith...The leafs Sabrina had given me where really bitter that I fought hard with the urge to spit them out"Chew them all and drink the liquid" she instructed"Okay" I said as I shallowed the last bit,Sabrina made me lay down on the bed facing upwards,Stay still for a few seconds, you will be fine" she said touching my face softly"Will my baby be okay, will it stop the bleeding?" I asked, my main concern was my baby"What will save the baby is prayers Darling, now start praying" she said as she kneeled in front of my bed and closed her eyes her lips moving with words I could not hear.Sabrina was a devoted christian, she reminded me so much of my parents,I closed my own eyes and began with my own prayers,I prayed that my child be saved and that Saul would wake up from his coma and save me, I prayed for my max that he would be well taken of and for my family back in new york.I then opened my eyes and found Sabrina looking at me"How are you feeling?" She asked, m
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84...AUTHOR'S NARRATIVE...Mr madison was taken to the other hospital and immediately he got there, him and his guards began to look through the wards in hope of finding Keith,He asked one of his guards to find Mary and soon, she was brought to him"Sir" she immediately bowed when she came to meet him."Mary, where is Keith?" He asked,"Sir, am sure you heard about the riot at the hospital" she said tense"I did and I dont care about that, I just want Keith" he said "I know but by the time the riot began, Keith was locked in the black room,""And so?, did you get her out and manage to bring her here?""No sir, by the time we got there, the black room was part of the building that was burnt down, Keith was locked in there", Mr madison wrapped his big hands around her neck"What are you saying you stupid woman!""Am sorry sir" mary said as she began to choke, Mr Madison suddenly let her go and throw her to the floor,"Find Keith, if she is dead, find her body, I won't believe
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85....Author's Narrative...Mr Madison stayed for two more days hoping that Keith had somehow managed to escape and Be alive,He didn't even want to think of what would happen to sofia,Even though the riot and what happened wasn't a part of his plan, he couldn't help feeling that he had let his daughter down,His little sweet Sofia,He was dragged out of his thoughts when he heard the loud ringing of his cell phone,It was one of his guards calling, he answered the call."Sir, the nurse mary is here to see you" the guard said"I have been expecting her, tell her to come in" he said,A few minutes later, he heard a knock on the door"Come in" he said, the door opened and mary walked in with a file in her hands, she looked scared which made him more anxious than he was already feeling before she came in"What is it mary?" He asked"Sir, this" she said handing him the file,Mr Madison got it from her and began to read through it,His fears came to light finally, the file confir
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Chapter 86
Chapter 86...Keith...The past two days where me resting with everything being provided for me by Sabrina,She only thing she allowed me to do was occasionally take a walk a few times a day and then head back to bed,I had come to find out that we were currently at Sabrina's old farm house,I wondered how it was still standing tho it was old after all these years she had been at the hospital,"Good morning" she said as she walked into my room with a tray of food and water"Morning" I said as I sat up in bed, she put the tray on the side table and gave me a hug"How was your night?" She asked"Better than ever but tell me something Sabrina, where are you getting the money to buy food and run the house?" I asked curiously, if one didnt know, they wouldnt think she spent 20 years in the hospital"Am an old woman Keith I can manage to do anything now drink up your tea, you ask too many questions" she complained, I smiled at her and began to eat,I was feeling a lot better compared to the
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87.....Author's narrative....Mr Madison continued to stare at his phone screen even when the call had been long disconnected,He couldn't stop the tears flooding his face, he knew he had to find his daughter at any cost,He wiped his face clean and called Benson his head security."Yes Sir" "Come to the office" he said and hang up,A few minutes later, Benson arrived."Yes Sir" he said respectfully"Sofia is missing, I should have informed you this early but she has been missing for a total if seven days now, I was told a man named Simon had her captive and wanted me to exchange that black woman for her life,I was going to do that but that black woman died, Sofia's captive will kill her if we don't find her in time" he said to Benson"Should we involve the police?""No, I would like to personally deal with this Simon myself, I want to teach him a lesson never to mess with a Madison ever again, track the exact location of this number" he said after writing the number on a p
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Chapter 88
Chapter 88....Keith...I had honestly thought I was well and better now but then, I realized I had started bleeding again for some reason,Sabrina wasnt home the time the bleeding started and I found myself home alone,I couldnt go to the hospital because for starters, I didnt even know where the hospital was and even if I knew, the people at the hospital might have been looking for those who escaped,I didn't know how sabrina managed to go out of the house each day without any fear and come back in one piece but I wasn't sure if It would be the same for me,I touched my stomach tightly as I went to into the bathroom,I didn't know what to do to stop the bleeding but I was thankful that it didnt come with the sharp pain I usually felt this time,In the bathroom was a huge mirror, I looked at my reflection for the first time,The woman I saw wasn't me,My reflection looked so skinny and pale, my beautiful hair which had been so smooth and healthy was now kinky and all over my faceI t
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Chapter 89
Chapter 89...Author's narrative...Mr Madison stared at his phone for a few more minutes even when Saul hang up,He had never expected Saul to be behind everything, how could he have missed it,How did he not notice this?,He couldn't believe Saul had gotten this evil that he would threaten to kill his sister,He heard a bip from his phone and immediately reached for it,He had received a new video, he immediately opened it,It was of Saul hitting Saul and laughing about it,Mr Madison was frightened when he looked at Saul's face in the video, he seemed like a different person, he had never seen this version of him,Saul was laughing while hitting his sister over and over again demanding her to tell him where Keith was,He noticed that the video was taken when Sofia was still held at the tje building through the background, he still could not believe it,Saul was behind it, it all seemed surreal, Saul had been nothing but a good caring older brother to Sofia, what had happened and wo
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Chapter 90
Chapter 90...Author Narrative..."Sabrina, I feel restless, I really beed to go, besides, all the bleeding as stopped and am feeling better" Keith said to Sabrina"Are you sure?" The old woman asked her"Yes, am sure" she replied, she felt that that something was horribly wrong though she didnt know what, she just wanted to go back to sdyen, for a moment sge thought that maybe Saul had woken up that's why she was feeling that way, after all there was myth that once you truly love someone, you feel connected to them in a way You can explain, that's how she was feeling that moment"Okay, give me a second" Sabrina said and left the room,She came back a few minutes later with money in her hands"Here, have this, get some food and use the rest for whatever" she said, Keith looked at the money in her hands"Sabrina you know I can't, I just need transport, not all this money" she said"But I dont to give it to you, besides, am already old and don't have anywhere to take all this family, I
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