All Chapters of Billionaire baby daddy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
144 Chapters
Chapter 71
Chapter 71 ...Author's Narrative... "Am sorry" was the only thing that came out of Garvin's lips "Sorry isn't enough Garvin!, I want more, I want the truth" she demanded, just then before Garvin could answer, Eric walked out of the restaurant "Am so sorry Sofia" he said with a little smile "You must be disappointed and be thinking that we were lying to you" he brought out his phone and showed her a picture "This is me and Garvin when I was 5" he then strolled to the next photo "This is me and him when he was 10" he continued to show her the photos explaining their age until he showed her a recent photo of them, "You see, Garvin and I are biological brothers, am sorry if my prank made you so upset, I just didnt think it would, Garvin probably forgot to tell you that am a prankstar, By the way, my real name is Eric Moris, Sofia was confused and embarrassed at that time, She had seen the pictures herself, surely these two were related and not what she had thought "Am sorry I ove
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72 ....AUTHOR'S NARRATIVE... Sofia and Garvin walked over to her car. "Now tell me why you are here" he said "Am sorry Garvin, you looked so disturbed while we were having dinner that I thought something was troubling you" she began nervously explaining "And so you followed me?" He asked "Yes, and am truly sorry" "Sofia, what's all this, I understand how you were upset about Eric's prank but this is too much, all you needed to do was ask what was bothering me instead of following me, how would you feel if I did the same thing with you huh?,This is a relationship and I understand you don't trust me but this isn't it, you can't just show up at 11pm at my brother's house!" "I thought you were cheating on me or something" she explained, Garvin let out a laugh "Are you kidding me right now?, what did I ever do to make you think I would ever cheat on you?, I love you Sofia and the sooner you realize that, the better", Sofia knew Garvin was angry and she thought it was just
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73 ...Keith... Another day I didn't look forward to, i had honestly lost track of time at this point, I didn't know if I had been here for a week or two, all I knew is that I was tired of this place and was dying to leave "Good morning" Samantha greeted as usual "Good morning Samantha" I answered with a smile "Time for the meds" she said, I sat up in bed and immediately laid back when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach "What's wrong?" Samantha asked, I couldn't possibly tell her that I Thought it was the baby so I just pretended I was fine "Its nothing" I lied "Are you sure?" She asked, she reminded me so much of my mother and How caring she was "Yes i am" I said and forced myself to seat up, I held my stomach tightly telling my baby to hold on a little longer for me. "Let's go" she said and helped me up, I knew she did not believe that I was fine but I was glad she did not ask me any more questions. We went to get our meds and during that time before Doctor
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Chapter 74
Chapter 74....SAUL...The elections were fast approaching, but I didn't know my stand since Sara insisted we delayed the wedding until the elections where done,Its like she knew what Dad had been planning, I didn't stop or try to go against her, I honestly wanted to see what Dad would do next.I sat in my bedroom at the penthouse looking at the screen of my phone, it had been two weeks since I woke up and a month since the Accident,Keith abondonded me when i needed her the most, I had tried by all means to justify her actions but I just couldn't,She left while I was in coma and here I was thinking she cared about me, the truth was she cared for herself and Max,Speaking of max, I finally gathered the courage to call the number I had dialed on my phone screen, I couldn't help feeling nervous as the phone rang,After a few seconds, the person picked up the phone"Hello, who is this?" She asked"This is Saul Madison" I replied, there was silence on the other side for a few seconds be
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75....Saul...Sofia looked at me shollowing hard"Answer me!" I demanded, She wiped off tears from her face, I pressed the gun deep in her fresh"Where is she?" I asked,"Dad, please dont hurt me, Dad told me he had taken her back to New york, I dont know anything please trust me Saul" she cried out"I would have trusted you if you didnt help Dad Get my son the last time now tell me, how can I be sure you two didnt harm keith and my son since you claim you dont know anything""Saul please!" I hit her harder making her pass out, I got her phone and checked through her messages hoping I wouod find something concerning Keith but the conversation between her and Dad where pretty normal no mention of Keith or max,I throw the phone out the window after switching it off and drove off to the country side......Sofia....My head was hurting badly and I would smell my own dried up blood from my face, I slowly opened my eyes painfully,I was tied on a chair in an empty room, it looked
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Chapter 76
Chapter 76AUTHOR'S NARRATIVEMr Madison was at the company working, he had asked Sofia to check on Saul the previous day but had not heard from her since then,He wasnt much surprised with her behavior tho, lately it was all about her disappearing and appearing whenever she wanted even in situations she was needed.He knew his dauguter better than anyone else, she was a very focused person which made him suspect that she was probably secretly seeing someone,Eventually he would find out soon enough weather she liked it or not.He looked up from his computer when he heard the door to his office open, he was about to yell at whoever had walked in without knocking until he saw that it was Saul,"You are here" he said rather surprised"Yes" Saul replied as he took a seat in front of him"The whole of yesterday, where were you?" He asked, Saul thought of an explanation quickly"I was with Sara" he said, A frown formed on Mr Madison's face"Sara was here yesterday, looking for you" he sai
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Chapter 77
Chapter 77...Saul...After tiring up the man, I got a glass of water and spileld it on his face, the man woke up a few seconds later,I sat opposite him as he slowly opened his eyes"You are awake finally" I said"Who are you and why did you try to kill me?" I asked, the man only chuckled as his only response"Dad will be here soon and he is not going to be very good to you" I warned him"Saul Madison, the famous Billionaire CEO and here you still unable to make decisions for your own life, always waiting for Daddy to come make them for you" he chuckled, I knew he was only trying to get to me but his words make me angry"Why did you try to kill me, did Sofia send you?" I asked"Why don't you ask her?" He spit out, I hit him across the face"What's your relationship with her?, are you are hit man?""I said why don't you ask her?" He repeated, if this man was close to Sofia, I figured he knew she was missing hence the reason he had come here in the first place"I would have loved to as
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Chapter 78
Chapter 78....Saul..."Garvin is my boyfriend, I have dated him for a while now, I kept it a secret cause there was so much drama in the family already, you see, that's why you are mistaken, he can't be the man that caused your accident, he has never even met you" Sofia explained"He fucking tried to kill me, I saw him,, now you will tell me he is not Garvin Dante", Sofia's eyes widened"He is not, I know my Garvin, he can never be one of the Dante brothers" she cried"Well, Dad is questioning him right now about my accident, if he doesn't say anything, we will take him to the police or better yet, just kill him ourselves""Please Saul, let Garvin go, you are all mistaken" I could see how bad she was hurting and right that moment I didn't know if it was because of the wounds on her face or because of what I told her concerning this Garvin,I didnt know Sofia was even dating and looking at how devastated she seemed and refused to acknowledge the fact that Garvin could be Evil, I knew
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Chapter 79
Chapter 79....AUTHOR'S NARRATIVE...Mr Madison spent that night seating in his bed worried sick about his daughter,He wondered where those Dante's brothers could have been keeping her, he was feeling restless thinking about the condition his little daughter was in,His face was filled with worry lines as he sat on his bed unable to sleep,No matter how he had questioned Garvin, he still refused he knew where she was,With a deep sign, he got out of his room and went to his house bar to have a drink to calm his nerves down,Somehow, he felt that Garvin was being truthful when he said he didnt know where Sofia was, if anything he did look a bit worried about Her which left Him with the question about Sofia's whereabouts,It was already two days since he had last seen her, who had her captive without making their motive known?..Has he drowned himself in a bottle of alcohol, he suddenly heard the front door open slowly,He sat still briefly looking at his wrist watch wondereing who cou
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Chapter 80
Chapter 80...Saul...Apparently, I had figured working alone wasn't going to be easy for me,I felt that I was running out of time, I needed to find Keith Asap and yet I had not even managed to corner Sofia to confess anything,I felt that I was losing my mind dealing with all this alone, that's why I had called Risa over,I knew Keith and Risa where pretty close that's why I turned to her,She had agreed to come immediately she heard her sister was missing,Last night after showing Sofia the video of her boyfriend, I thought she would have broken down and confused something to us but instead she cried like a little baby cursing me over and over again,I had decided I was going to let her be for two more days without any food or water, surely a total of five days would manage to break her down and reveal everything I wanted to Know.Risa was currently staying at a hotel room I had booked for her while I went back home in the late evening,My house just seemed so empty without Keith o
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