All Chapters of A Crazy One-Night Stand: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
146 Chapters
On what grounds?
“What else did I do?”Fabiola asked,curiously.Suddenly,a girl pushed opened the door and walked in.With how the girl’s eyes and cheeks looked,it seemed as if she had been crying.Fabiola stared at the lady’s face.She looked a bit familiar.The lady turned to face her.“Fabiola,I know we had a little confrontation a while ago.But you got back at me.And I thought that was enough for you.I didn’t expect you would take more revenge on me.Not only have I lost my job.I’m in the verge of losing my life.”The girl cried.Then Fabiola remembered where she had seen this lady.At the break room.She had splashed coffee on her.Was that enough to ruin her life?Tricia rubbed her temples.“Fabiola,Julie has never shown anyone that design.She only asked you to print a copy of it so it can only be you who leaked it.”Fabiola grew genuinely confused.“Fine.I also admit that Julie and I aren’t on good terms.But I had forgotten about it.I could barely recognize her just now.I have no idea what you’re
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Linda got to Lorenzo’s floor.At that moment,Carlos walked out of his office.“I need to see the CEO.”She panicked.Carlos frowned.”Why?”“It’s Fabiola.She’s been accused of something but I’m sure she didn’t do it.”Carlos’ face turned sour.“I’ll let him know of this.You can go back now.”Lina nodded,hesitantly and walked off.Carlos knocked on Lorenzo’s door again.But he didn’t receive any order for him to come in.Because he had left the office just now,Lorenzo was in the middle of an international conference call.Knowing how much he dotes on his wife,he opened the door and walked in.Lorenzo glanced at his displeased at the distraction but he continued his call in French.But seeing how alarmed Carlos looked made him quickly the call and stare at Carlos,questioningly.“What is it?”“It’s Mrs Martini.She’s in trouble and it seems pretty serious.”He was expecting Lorenzo to dash out of here.But he simply sat back down on his swivel chair and clicked on his mouse.Carlos wondered
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Linda got to Lorenzo’s floor.At that moment,Carlos walked out of his office.“I need to see the CEO.”She panicked.Carlos frowned.”Why?”“It’s Fabiola.She’s been accused of something but I’m sure she didn’t do it.”Carlos’ face turned sour.“I’ll let him know of this.You can go back now.”Lina nodded,hesitantly and walked off.Carlos knocked on Lorenzo’s door again.But he didn’t receive any order for him to come in.Because he had left the office just now,Lorenzo was in the middle of an international conference call.Knowing how much he dotes on his wife,he opened the door and walked in.Lorenzo glanced at his displeased at the distraction but he continued his call in French.But seeing how alarmed Carlos looked made him quickly the call and stare at Carlos,questioningly.“What is it?”“It’s Mrs Martini.She’s in trouble and it seems pretty serious.”He was expecting Lorenzo to dash out of here.But he simply sat back down on his swivel chair and clicked on his mouse.Carlos wondered
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Where is he?
Fabiola stared at Max and then at Esme.He looked like a policeman so she would go with him.She was sure Esme had a hand in this and if it would thoroughly investigated,she was sure nothing would be found against her because she had no idea what this design was even about.She stretched her arms to Max.“You can put me in handcuffs.”Max didn’t hesitate to put handcuffs of Fabiola’s wrists.They felt cold and she tried to hide how badly uncomfortable she felt.And then,she was being ushered out of the the company.******************Fabiola soon found herself at a dark interrogation room.“Fabiola,we have a CCTV footage that has confirmed you made a deal with someone else regarding that design.Are you still going to deny this?”Max asked,seriously.Fabiola scoffed.How can a footage prove that she did something she wasn’t even aware of?“A footage,huh?”She asked,sarcastically.Max stared at her wondering why she wasn’t cowering in fear.He was even staring at her in a scary and threat
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He can’t die so easily.
Fabiola recalled how casually Max and Esme had seemed earlier.She looked up at him,squarely.“Esme sent you to arrest me,didn’t she?”“Oh,I was thinking you were very dumb but I guess you’re finally catching on.”He titled up her chin,roughly.Fabiola tried to turn her face to the other side but he wouldn’t let her.“You have no reason to keep me here.You don’t even have enough evidence to detain me yet you won’t let me go because of Esme.Do you realize that you’re putting your job on the line?”Max laughed and then he turned off a camera on the wall.“You still haven’t caught on.Do you really don’t think I’m from the crimes Department?”Max asked and he removed the name tag from his chest.“Mehn,this cost me 20 dollars to make up.”Fabiola gulped.”You…that tag is fake?”“It is.”Fabiola’s eyes dilated.That means,everyone who came with him to the company were not police officers.How dare he make such an act that openly?Oh God.She was in a big danger.“Max,Why didn’t you think about
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A bigger part.
Carlos nodded and walked off.Lorenzo walked into the house with Fabiola in his arms.He gently placed her on the bed and at that moment,her eyes opened.She stared at him in disbelief.Was she seeing things now?Was she seeing that stupid Max as Lorenzo now?Lorenzo didn’t come for her.He didn’t.She weakly tried to crawl out of bed thinking she was with Max.“Fabiola..”Lorenzo called,reaching for her.“Let…me…let me go…Don’t hurt me…”She cried.Lorenzo got into the bed and pulled her into his arms.“It’s me…It’s me…Lorenzo…it’s me….”He said,desperately trying to make that sink into her head.She poked her head out and stared up at him as if wanting to confirm that it was really him.There were tears on her eyes and on her beautiful face.Lorenzo felt so guilty.He had to learn how to control these emotions.Sure they were something he wasn’t used to but he had to try.His pettiness had led to this.Because she had given him an ultimatum.He didn’t wish to part with her.But she kept
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Missing bracelet
The following morning,Fabiola woke up to a mixed of chaotic emotions.It always happens each time they had sex.She would wonder how a man could touch her that intimately,could drive her wild with pleasure,could be so connected with her physically and yet he still wasn’t telling her what she wanted her hear.Sex with Lorenzo meant a lot to her and she wished it did to him too.“Did you sleep well?”A familiar voice came from the bathroom.Fabiola swallowed as she stared at Lorenzo walking into the bedroom with only a towel on.“This woman.”He teased.”By now,you should be used to my naked body.”She smiled,shyly as she sat up.”I don’t know how to get used to that hot body of yours.”With a smile on his face,he walked up to her and held her hand,then he placed it on his chest.“Here,get use to it.”He urged and she started to run her fingers through his chest.“Are you seriously asking for a quickie,Fab?”She shakily took her hand away.“You made me touch you.”He leaned over and stared a
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Lorenzo stared at Esme,sardonically.“Don’t kid yourself.I know you had him do this.And you released him from my basement.”“I…I didn’t.”“He pretended to be a cop and had her arrested.She had lost her bracelet in the process.Or should I say he must have stolen it.It’s pretty expensive for your information.”“Oh my!Max.How could you do such a thing?Fabiola is my brother’s wife.Why on earth would you pretend to be a cop?This time,I don’t care what you motive is but I can’t really get you out of this.”Lorenzo grimaced.If he didn’t know her too well,he would have fallen for her acting right now.Even with all the evidence that he had,evidence that were vividly pointing at her,she was still denying this,strongly.“Esme,how dare you try to pin this on me?!”Max thundered.“Take him away!”Lorenzo ordered Carlos who nodded,curtly and dragged Max away.“Where is the bracelet?”He asked Esme, sternly.Esme shrugged.”What bracelet?Enzo,when would you ever stop thinking the worst about me?I did
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The real daughter?
Knowing Lorenzo wasn’t going to back down against letting her punish Max,she then suggested.“What about a cup of hot tea?”He looked really displeased by her idea but then he nodded,grimly and gestured at Carlos to go get it.After a few minutes,Carlos hurried in again with a big cup of tea.She could see the steam coming out of it letting her know that it was really hot.“No long talk this time,Fabiola.Deal with him before it gets cold.”Lorenzo ordered.Fabiola blinked and shakily took the cup from Carlos.She was super careful so it wouldn’t heat up her hand.She stared at Max who was literally shaking on the ground and begging her not to do it.Lorenzo rolled his eyes.This woman was just too weak.She was making herself an easy target for people to bully.Not wanting the tea to cool off before she finally does something,he placed his hand above hers.“Close your eyes.”He said.He had to lead her to do it even if she didn’t want to.After hesitating for a moment,Fabiola quickly cl
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Birth controls.
This couldn’t be happening.Until she was sure of everything,she didn’t want them to keep talking about it.No one should figure out that Fabiola might be the real granddaughter.Even if she confirms this at the end,it had to die with her.She quickly ran in.“Oh my!How did this happen?”She shrieked walking in.Thiago glanced at her displeased by her rude entrance.“Cora,you didn’t even exchange pleasantries with our guests.And why are you looking so worked up?”She brought out her cellphone.“I just read something about Fabiola online.It’s quite disturbing.”She handed the phone to Fabiola.Fabiola scrolled through and grew perplexed.There were pictures of her,she was on the floor and her clothes were a bit opened.She gasped as she recognize the place.It was where Max had taken her to.Gosh, did Max seriously take pictures of her after she had fallen unconscious?The news was spreading like wildfire all over the internet.Everyone had something to say about the violation of Mrs Ma
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