All Chapters of A Crazy One-Night Stand: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
146 Chapters
Her dream.
Lorenzo removed the handkerchief to be greeted by a pack of birth control pills.His eyes narrowed as he stared at them.He could also see Carlos was quite confused probably wondering why a married woman needed birth controls pills.Lorenzo knew he had been going raw on her.Even if he hadn’t seen her once taking contraceptives but he had felt she might be taking them.Though a part of him had hoped she was clueless about them since she had been a virgin.A part of him had hoped she would fall pregnant for him and thereby strengthening their union.He had thought with a child involved,she wouldn’t be able to leave him.But he had been wrong.She didn’t want to birth his child at all.Not even by mistake.He tossed the pack on the table and stormed out of the ward.Carlos watched him leave and then he stared at his wife on the bed.He wondered if Lorenzo was coming back for her.***********By the time,Fabiola’s eyes opened,she felt well rested.She looked around and tensed,slightly wh
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Me over him
Lucien suddenly stood up to leave.“I can see you don’t want to learn from me…”“I want to.”Fabiola cut in,hastily.”I agree to your proposal.”He smiled.”Good.I hope I have a nice time working with you.”He stretched his hand to her.As Fabiola stretched her hand to shake him,someone else grabbed her hand and suddenly pulled her up to her feet.Her eyes widened seeing Lorenzo.She swallowed seeing the angry look on his face.“Oh,Mr Martini,a pleasant evening to you.”Lucien drawled.Lorenzo eyed him.There was nothing pleasant about the evening!He was still holding onto Fabiola’s hand.“I do not really appreciate my wife going on dinner dates with another man.”Lucien lifted up his hands in defense.“I wouldn’t call it a date.You wife wants to work with me and I was simply considering it.”Fabiola swallowed.Lucien shouldn’t put it like that.She had only wanted to learn how to paint from him.But then he had insisted she works for him as a condition.She needed to explain to Lorenzo b
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The mastermind
Lorenzo snatched the phone from Carlos and brought it close to his ear.But the line went off.“Mr Martini…”Carlos bit out,tensed.“Find out where Miguel is!”He ordered as he hurried for his car immediately.How dare Miguel go after his wife?!Carlos did as he was told,promptly.He tracked down Miguel through his cellphone and discovered that he was at a bar not to far from this restaurant.*************Five minutes later found Lorenzo pulling into the front of the bar.His majestic aura immediately drew a lot of attention especially from women.“Hey,handsome,will you like a drink?”“How about we sit over there?”Lorenzo mercilessly pushed the women away.Carlos had hurried contacted the manager and he was given the room number which Miguel was in.As soon as he informed Lorenzo of the room number.Lorenzo was out of his sight like flash.***************^****^Fabiola’s mouth had been stuffed with a white towel.Due to alcohol and fear,she had tears rolling down her cheeks.The sight
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What I love.
At that moment,a knock sounded on the door.“Come in.”Lorenzo let out,irritably.Cora walked in with a warm smile on her face.“Hello,Lorenzo.”“Why are you here?”He asked,frowning.Esme on the other hand felt highly relieved.Cora felt like a very precious savior right now.She hurried up to Cora and held her arm.“Cora,Lorenzo keeps accusing me of sending Max to kidnap his wife and he also says I took her bracelet.You know I wouldn’t do something like that.Please tell him I wouldn’t do something like that.”Cora blinked and tried to remain composed.“A bracelet?Oh..could it be this one?”And then she opened her bag and brought out a bracelet.Lorenzo grimaced,slightly.”How did you get that?”“A maid found it on the floor in my Grandfather’s house.She brought it to me.I didn’t know who it belonged to at first but when you and Fabiola visited yesterday,Grandpa say you two talked about a bracelet so I was guessing this might be hers.I had come here to show it to her in any case it might
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Leaving me for another man!
Tricia was speechless.She wanted to roll her eyes so badly.As the wife of prestige Group’s CEO.She could do anything she liked.Enjoy a luxurious life at the comfort of their home yet Fabiola wanted to resign and then go off to pursue her so called dream.If she was in Fabiola’s shoes, she would not lift a finger to do any kind of work.Not knowing if Lorenzo had agreed to this,she told Fabiola that it was still not acceptable.After Fabiola had left,Tricia gave Lorenzo a call informing him that his wife wanted to resign.Lorenzo was shocked to the point that his face paled.He had thought they had already gone over that.He specifically told her that he didn’t want her anywhere Lucien.Why won’t she just listen?!“What should I do,sir?Should I approve of her resignation,”He gritted his teeth so hard that it started to hurt.He figured now that no matter what he does,Fabiola was still determined to work with Lucien!“Just…just let her go…”He hung up instantly and felt like punchi
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Lucien can’t have her!
“I don’t have any marital problems.I just feel like drinking.”Lorenzo snapped.Just as Nathan was going to continue making fun of him,Lorenzo’s phone rang out.He only glanced at it but didn’t pick up.Nathan took a peek and saw that it was his father.“Aren’t you going to answer the call?”Nathan asked.Lorenzo rolled his eyes.That was definitely Fabiola.Was she regretting walking out on him with another man?Was she calling to apologize to him?He shouldn’t pick up too quickly.He had to make her wait.“Hello.”Nathan began,picking up.Lorenzo’s eyes dilated.He was going to make her wait!“It’s your dad.”Nathan announced,shattering his thoughts.Oh.Clearing his throat,he took the phone from Nathan.“Santiago!What’s with all these drama about your sister and the Dalton Family.I want you home this instant!”His father thundered.Lorenzo sighed.He figured Esme had gone to fill up his father’s head with lies.He wasn’t really in a good mood to put up with his father right now.“I’m ch
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So lovely.
A small,fragile sound escaped her.It made him want to cradle her close.“Take off your clothes!”She knew she had to really be of assistance to him today and with how aroused she felt,she was more than willing to do everything he wanted.She stripped in front of him.He slid his hand up,touching every inch of smooth skin as he went along.He turned her around to face him and his eyes fell on her nipples….they were both shades of dark pink….looking so delicious.No matter how many times he had seen them,they always looked so mesmerizing.She looked very soft and shaved.Cupping her from behind,He rubbed his palm against her clit.“Lorenzo.”She moaned and curled her hands into fists.He cupped her ass.Damn if she didn’t fit perfectly in his hands too.He caressed the other side of her ass.He bent down and pressed his lips to her bare shoulder.He slipped his left hand between her legs tracing her slit.He rubbed her clit and she whimpered.She was so hot and ready for him.And damn i
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Does it have to be Lucien?
Fabiola didn’t know what Alicia had up her sleeves this time.Lorenzo had made Esme hold a press conference which she was humiliated.Yet,everyone was acting as if bothing happened especially Alicia.She was being so nice to Fabiola right now.“Fabiola,you’re doing it all wrong.Watch and learn.”Alicia said,softly.They were making pies for Easter.She calmly instructed and taught Fabiola on the way it is specially made in the Martini family.She guided Fabiola to add flour to a bowl,black pepper and eggs and then she mixed them well.She also guided Fabiola on how to make perfect dough patiently.The trick was to add water slightly until the dough was formed.Fabiola on the other hand was feeling pretty awkward.She had woken up from sleep at about two in the afternoon.Gosh,She and Lorenzo had did it so many times that morning and when she had stared at herself on the mirror.Her body was riddled with hickeys.She was sore right now but she wouldn’t mind having him between her legs a
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Lorenzo and Cora.
“Well,he is super talented and successful.I fell in love with his artworks at first sight.And also,he’s quite close to Thiago.”She replied,truthfully.Fell in love with his artworks?She’s also going to work with him because of Thiago!It felt as if he was having an heart attack.“So…so Thiago is part of the reason why you agreed to work with Lucien?”He asked,seriously.She shrugged.”You could say that.”Lorenzo was flabbergasted that she wasn’t even trying to deny it.Is she going to ask Lucien for help then?Is she going to do everything Lucien wants so as to finding the true owner of the bracelet.No!He couldn’t let that happen.“Fabiola,I promise,I swear I will help you find out everything about this bracelet.Well,for now,we know that Thiago had made three of this kind of bracelets in his lifetime.He told us he gave one to his granddaughter,one to his daughter and the last one gone missing.I’m going to try everything in my power to find out how it went missing and who had stolen
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We are in public!
Her eyes closed and so do his as they devoured each other’s mouth.She took her lips away.And when he opened his eyes,he felt rebranded.“That was…that was unexpected of you.”He let out.She tensed knowing he was going to ask her why she kissed him out of the blue.She felt so awkward and decided to say anything that came into her head.“So are you angry?I just kissed you without you permission?”Angry?He wasn’t angry at all.He had been surprised by her act.And then that surprise was replaced with happiness.“What are you saying?”He asked,confused.“I just wanted you to know that if you’re unhappy with me kissing you without asking for your permission then you should try considering my feelings too!”“What?!”What the hell was she going on about?“Just…stop having sex with me without my permission.”She warned.Her face was flushed.She knew there was no point in what she was saying.It’s not as if he ever forces himself on her.But she felt this was a more understandable explanati
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