All Chapters of A Crazy One-Night Stand: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
146 Chapters
Why are you closing your eyes?
Fabiola was still so nervous as she walked into the Marquee holding onto Lorenzo.They stopped by some elegantly looking people and he began to exchange pleasantries with them.Fabiola faked a polite smile when needed but she was incredibly uncomfortable.Sensing his uneasy she looked,he placed his hand on the small of her back and asked.“Are you okay?”She swallowed as the people around stared at her as well.“I’m good.”She murmured.”I just want to sit down.But please do continue your conversation.”She said,politely and gestured at her empty chair near by.He wanted to go with her but about two more people came around to greet him so he said.“I’ll be right there.”And then he leaned and whispered.”I’ll take you to Mr Thiago later.”Fabiola smiled and nodded.“Mr Martini is such a doting husband.”One of the people around the said.Fabiola’s face flushed as she walked up to a chair.She tried her best to sashay elegantly even if she was still finding it hard to get used to heels.She f
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Lucien,the street artist
She opened her eyes and blinked,rapidly.Oh she had gotten way ahead of herself there.“I…something flew into my eyes.”“Oh really?”He asked with one of those charming smiles of his.“Yes.”She shrieked.“If you say so,let’s go.”He urged.When the banquet officially begin,it would be hard to meet Thiago then.Fabiola quickly stood up and adjusted her dress then she followed him like an obedient child.She started to imagine meeting Thiago.He might know something about her parents and then he would tell her about them.She would finally locate them and then she would get to know what had happened when she was born.A knocking sound snapped her out of her reverie.She looked up to see Lorenzo knocking on a door.But there was no response.Lorenzo frowned,he had thought Thiago was in here.They heard a burst of laughter from the depths of the hallway.Fabiola looked over to see Cora and Esme laughing and talking as they walked up to them.Then they both noticed Fabiola and Lorenzo’s pres
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More to that.
Fabiola grinned.”You still remember me?”She asked.He smiled back.”Of course.Who wouldn’t?”“I mean,you perform on the streets so I guess you meet a lot of people everyday.”She reminded.Lucien grimaced.Why hadn’t he forgotten her face?She was right…he always met a lot of people on a daily basis so he was quick to forget his customers.Most times,they were the ones who recognizes him first but tonight,he had recognized her.Probably because she had paid that day and did not take her painting?Probably because it was one of the paintings he liked to look at?“Well,I can say you have a face that one can’t easily forget.”He drawled sounding so flirtatious.Fabiola smiled and asked politely.”What are you doing here?”She was on a strapless dress and with him standing,the top of her cleavage was on full display to him.He tried not to make it obvious that he was staring at her boobs.They would be so good to play with.“Mr Thiago invited me.I used to be his apprentice.”He replied.Fabiol
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Go back to him.
Fabiola broke out of his arm and Lorenzo watched her walk in front of him.She didn’t want to be close to him now?Deeply annoyed,he hurried up to her.“I can’t believe you’re still thinking about that man.”He snorted.The night was cold and he saw her wrapped her arms around herself.Her dress was strapless and despite being mad at her,he quickly took off his jacket and tried to cover her body with it but she pushed his hand away.“I don’t need your jacket!”She snapped.“What do you need then?Lucien?”This woman was getting him pissed beyond words.”Have you forgotten that you’re still my wife?!”She looked away and didn’t give him a reply.That gave him all the replies he needed.“He’s still at the party!You can go back and see him.”He sneered,not meaning that at all.Then she met his eyes.Go back and meet him?Can’t he just say he would support her dream,genuinely?Can’t he just say he wanted her to be in his life as much as she wanted him?At this moment,she wanted to be away from
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Stop crying
Just come with me,you bitch.Do you know who I am?You should be fucking glad that someone like me is interested in you!Don’t cause any scene of else,you’ll be sorry.”“Let me go!”She tried to scream but her voice didn’t even come out as loud as it should.And she was getting more and more dizzier by the second.She knew she had gotten drunk when she had some glasses of champagne at the marquee but after she had accepted that glass from him,it had gotten her weaker.She couldn’t bear being molested again so she gathered up every bit of strength she had left and nailed him at the dick.Raul grunted in pain and backed away from her.That seemed to get some people’s attention thereby.Fabiola felt embarrassed as they started to point at her.She wished the ground could open and swallow her up.“Isn’t that Mrs Martini?”“I thought she had left with her husband?”“What is she doing here without him?”She felt mortified.She was the one that was almost sexually assaulted.Why were the tables
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The bracelet!
Cora pulled Esme aside and asked curiously.“Do you know anything about that bracelet Fabiola was wearing just now?Did Lorenzo give it to her?”Esme frowned.She knew nothing about the bracelet.But now that she thought back to it,that exact type was always on Fabiola’s wrist.Did Lorenzo give it to her?That even got her madder because she desperately wanted to be in Fabiola’s shoes.“I have no idea.But he might have given it to her as a gift and I notice she is always on it.”Cora grimaced.It still didn’t add up for her grandfather to give something like that to Lorenzo.Even if the old man was fond of Lorenzo,that wasn’t just something he could give to an outsider who wasn’t bearing his family name.What if she had saw wrongly?What if that wasn’t the right inscription?She had to be sure.And she had to discreetly ask Thiago if he had given something like that to Lorenzo.“Is there anyway you can get that bracelet for me?”She asked,Esme.She knew Esme had always been scheming sin
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Isn’t fair.
“Do you like him?”Lorenzo asked,tentatively with his heart in his throat.“Like who?“She purred.“Lucien.”She suddenly chuckled and start spurting gibberish.Lorenzo rolled his eyes.When he placed her on the bed,he started to change her outfit but the thought of that man still bothered him.Can’t she for once focus only on him?He knew he shouldn’t probe further but some people seem to be very honest when drunk.“Will you still be in touch with Lucien?”He asked.She giggled,stupidly.”He…he has to teach me how to paint…”For the umpteenth time,Lorenzo wondered why he didn’t go into painting instead.“Do you think he’s good enough for you?”He probed again.She grinned.”I like…I’m falling in love with….with…”His eyes widened.”With who?”And then she fell into the bed and fell asleep.His fist clenched as he fought against the urge to wake her up.She couldn’t just leave someone hanging like this.This was so upsetting.He used to be so free of all this conflicting emotions.Now,she ha
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Being so petty.
Lorenzo watched in great displeasure as she replied to Lucien’s text.He could see her lips stretched into a smile and he felt so angered by that.Suddenly,they were distracted by the bunch of reporters standing in front of his company.Fabiola’s eyes dilated.“What are they doing here?”Carlos quickly pulled over and brought out his cellphone.After going through the internet.He knocked on the dark shield and Lorenzo pressed a button turning it off.“Sir,it seems someone took a video of Mrs Martini being harassed last night.It has been posted online.”Lorenzo sighed as he glanced at the reporters.He would never understand why they always had to come in numbers with blinding cameras over any issue.“Should I head back,sir?”Carlos asked.Lorenzo frowned.If they wanted more news,he would give them news.“No.We’ll get off the car now.”And that made Fabiola tensed.”What?I suggest we wait in here until they begin to clear out.”Wait in here?And put up with her chatting with Lucien.No.
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Bound by contract.
“Sir,I really think you should head down to the conference hall.”Carlos suggested.“Shut up.”Lorenzo snapped as he continued to stare at Fabiola through the screen.What exactly was she up?********Fabiola continued her speech with teary eyes.“I wouldn’t want anyone to twist my words and think my husband doesn’t treat me well.He treats me the best way he can.Just that,it’s inevitable for couples not to have misunderstandings.And I’m at fault too,I shouldn’t have gotten drunk because we had a fight.If I hadn’t had gotten drunk,I’m sure I wouldn’t have been harassed.And fortunately,Lorenzo was worried about leaving me behind so he came back for me.”“Why is Mr Martini not here right now?”“Are you sure he really treats you well?”The reporters started to throw more questions at her.Carlos was getting more and more tensed for his boss’ name.“Should I go down there,sir?”He asked.Lorenzo’s eyes narrowed.Was this how she planned on doing this?If she hadn’t been so hellbent on talking
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Just as she thought he was going to take her,he moved away from her and adjusted his clothes.She shakily sat up and pulled down her skirt.“You keep fighting me against this Lucien thing.It seems you no longer want to meet Mr Thiago.”Fabiola stared at him in dismay.“You promised to let me see him…”“And I did take you to that party…”“It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t get to meet up with him.I thought you were going to arrange for a next time or something.”“Why should I?”Her chest felt so tight.”I wonder what makes me think sometimes that you’re a good person.You’re clearly not.And I won’t put up with this anylonger.You have two weeks,Lorenzo.Two weeks to take me to him or consider our contract marriage over.”“Weren’t you going to leave me after you get to know about the bracelet?Did you have any interest of staying with me afterwards?”She sighed and stood up straight.“When I get the information I need.I will decide if being with you is still worth it.”They stood fuming at eac
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