All Chapters of The Reawakened Mates and their Quintuplets: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
152 Chapters
#Chapter 121: The Truth Will Set You Free
Standing with my arms crossed, I glare sternly at Lottie and her mischievous little siblings. They're annoyingly unfazed by my outburst - carbon copies of the ultimate cocky bastard, Kadeem. “You do not have two fathers," I say. "You can only have one, and it's not Dr. Jack - it's Kadeem!" Kadeem, who's been eye-level with Lottie, stands and looks at me with raised eyebrows. Instant regret hits me square in the chest and I curse under my breath, though the quints expressions are a Christmas morning kind of joy. I glance at Kadeem, my cheeks burning. “It’s okay,” Kadeem whispers weakly to me. “I KNEW IT,” Erbao erupts. He rushes to stand in front of Kadeem. “I knew it,” he says, looking up at him fiercely. Kadeem breaks into a crooked smile and reaches out to hug him. “I wanted it to be you.” Erbao melts into him. “I hoped it was you.” Kadeem smooths his hair. “I’m all yours,” he says softly. “You’re our real father,” Silas asks. Behind his glasses, his eyes are bri
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#Chapter 122: Clash
 Kadeem made it home around dusk.Inside the cabin, Mateo looked up from a large box he stooped over on the floor. “Just in time.”Kadeem scowled. “For what?” He sat his sunglasses and keys down on the sideboard near the door.Mateo tore off a piece of tape and smoothed it over the box. “Moving me out of course. This was the last box I had to pack. Everything is ready to go.”K
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#Chapter 123: Blank Space
 I tug at the pleated skirt clinging to my waist. Other than my first date with Jack, I can't remember the last time I've worn anything so remotely girly.Of course, I had to quash some of the femininity by throwing on a faded Taylor Swift tee over it, along with my white Keds. I re-tuck the shirt and bat away the feelings of self-consciousness.Hannah is taking care of the kids this afternoon so I can accomplish two major goals:1. Job.
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#Chapter 124: Quicksand
 Kadeem brushes my hair back. "Okay," he says, "But tell me why you're nervous." His voice is gentle. He presses his forehead to mine.I fidget with my hands. Kadeem leans his head back to study me.How do I explain? Even I don't know what's come over me. Something's been swallowing me like quicksand, for a while, but before, I could kind of shake it.Now, I've sunk down too deep.I glance up at Kadeem. His brown
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#Chapter 125: In the Treetop
 Kadeem’s date was trying her damndest to get him to focus on her - sipping coquettishly from her straw in their shared cup of Coke, leaning in close, and running her hand suggestively up his thigh.He cast her a dismissive glance and grabbed her hand firmly so she'd stop rubbing it against his leg like a cat. He turned back to the flickering cinema screen, but his eyes weren't really on it.A few rows ahead, Ardal sat with her own date - an obnoxious jock Kadeem felt a seething hatred for. His arm was slung over her shoulders while they shared popcorn and smiles in the
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#Chapter 126: “The course of true love never did run smooth.”
 Kadeem saw her drop in his mind's eye just before it happened, time wrapping around him like an Einsteinian puzzle.With zero emotion and no conscious awareness of it, he reached out, catching Ardal’s wrist with a lightning fast reflex.She dangled haphazardly in the air, but didn't cry out.A brief, dark thought occurred to him. Did she want to fall?Panic filled him and the normal force of time came hurt
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#Chapter 127: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
The woods were utterly still until Layla finally broke the silence. Her voice was calm and calculated as she spoke, “Red Moon is stagnant. And not just Red Moon - the werewolf world is..." She let out a breath of disgust. "Weak."Some heat entered her voice. “Hell, the entire magical universe needs a shakeup.”"This is reckless, Layla," an unfamiliar voice hissed. "If the Alpha knew-""He's Gone With the Wind," Layla drawled. "A dinosaur."Rumblings ricocheted through the gathering of Weres."Stop it," a woman growled angrily. "Patrick, she's nothing but a girl with her head in the clouds."A whispery argument broke out, and quickly grew louder.Kadeem's eyes darted around. He could feel the tension thicken in the air around them. It was now or never if he and Ardal wanted to make their escape undetected."Sasha," Layla said slyly, “Cedric trained you in combat. How long has it been since you’ve seen a real fight? You’re nothing more now than a lapdog.” Layla’s tone grew more cunning
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#Chapter 128: Bondage
 Jack and I fall into each other's arms. My heart thrums as memories rush back - the forest, the trap, the terror and pain we endured together. Now a warmth spreads through my chest. I'm overcome with an unexpected euphoria, like the missing fragment of my soul has clicked back into place. It’s an unexpected wave of relief after months of angst.What the hell?I force the smile from my lips and take a wary step back, confusion swirling. We nearly died out there. Why does seeing Jack now make me feel safer, more complete? This should feel heavy, not...right.Jack's blue eyes shine kindly through his glasses. "I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to see you alive.” The wind picks up. Strands of my hair dance around my face. Jack tucks my hair behind my ears. This intimate gesture electrifies me.My mind flies to Kadeem. What if he were to see? But there's an undeniable sense of joy, rel
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#Chapter 129: Side Effects
 “Ardal,” Jack says, “Have you experienced any side effects - any changes at all?” My hand drifts unconsciously to the scar on my neck. “From the bite?” He nods. “I’m not sure,” I say hesitantly. “What about you? Has anything... happened?" “Yes,” he says solemnly. “A few things. If you didn’t notice anything at all, your reaction must have been very mild." “And for you, it wasn’t?”He frowns. “Pretty glaring,” he says grimly. “I’m not a werewolf anymore.” I can't help it. I gasp audibly. “Fully, anyway,” he continues, “I can't access the wolf side of me anymore. It's like it’s shut away somehow. Maybe gone for good, I don't know." "I'm so sorry, Jack." I can't imagine losing that vital part of me - that identity and the connection with the pack. I glanc
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#Chapter 130: Moving Day
 Kadeem spent a fitful night, tormented by the knowledge he'd gained from Layla and the turn his conversation with Ardal had taken at the gym. At some point, early in the morning, he'd finally drifted off.A loud chime woke him from the fog of sleep. His eyes opened and his muddled brain tried to piece together what the noise was, when the sound came again. Doorbell.'Fuck off,' he thought. He threw his pillow over his head - not caring, content to ignore it.The bell rang again.He bristled with an irrational amount of anger, growling out a steady stream of obscenities as he quickly threw on some clothes, and made his way toward the door with a fierce intent. He yanked it open, not sure he wouldn't instantly kill whoever was behind it."Daddy!"Kadeem blinked in surprise as Lottie threw her arms around him, quickly joined by all four of her brothers. Erbao didn’t spare a second before he hit Kadeem with his question. "Can we ca
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