All Chapters of The Reawakened Mates and their Quintuplets: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
152 Chapters
#Chapter 131: Glue
 A restless, wild kind of energy was coming off of Ardal as she stood before him.He swallowed, wishing she'd just tell him whatever was wrong.“I need something to do,” she said.There was a sharp pain over her face that made him nervous.“Okay, you can make the java for us,” he said, attempting to put some cheer in his voice. He pointed to the corner of the counter where the machine and beans were waiting.She hesitated. “That’s a lot fancier than my Mr. Coffee auto-drip.””It looks more intimidating than it is,” he smiled.Bad idea.She fooled around with it, and he attempted to direct her on how to use it while he threw the bacon on the griddle and chopped up the vegetables, but she quickly grew frustrated.He had to jump in to the rescue, and then she ran over to flip the bacon before it burned, a smile of victory on her face for effectively booting him from the stove
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#Chapter 132: Mates
Kadeem shoves me onto the bed as we kiss, his mouth moving against mine, coaxing my tongue into his. The sheets are soft against my skin and they smell of him - a honey and clove musk that's as familiar as it is enticing.By the way, his cabin is much homier than I’d expected. He finally admitted to me this afternoon that Riley had a lot to do with that.I make a mental note to thank her later for the Egyptian cotton.Kadeem sucks gently on my tongue and I capture his top lip in mine. His hands cup and squeeze my breasts, eliciting ragged gasps from me while I wrap my fingers through his hair.The room is dark, with only the blue-toned light cast by the "on" button of a tower fan in the corner, and the phone charger on his nightstand.I’m a lightweight, dizzy from my beer-chugging, and the short fall to his mattress sends me spinning a little faster.Through the visual carousel, I find Kadeem’s dark eyes crinkling as he pauses to smile at me, face alight with bemused affection - and s
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#Chapter 133: With or Without You
Kadeem’s arms envelop me while I sob into him. "I'm sorry," he says, more than once.His voice is full of pain - my pain.Because that’s how this works. With this stupid marking, he’s trapped us together as mates. Before, he read me like a book.Now, that connection we shared has been dialed up to a screeching, supernatural high. He can feel my emotions and he’ll be able to sense my presence when we’re miles apart.I break loose out of his embrace, trying to keep myself c
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#Chapter 134: Star-Crossed
We’re still standing in his kitchen as I cradle a bottle of champagne in my arms.I roll my eyes and blow the dust off the bottle. I'm starting to feel a little lightheaded as the effects from the beer-chugging slowly kick on. I twist the foil off the neck of it. “Was this for something special?”He sighs. “It doesn’t matter."“Then why does it look old?”I clumsily fumble with the wire bracket near the top of the bottle in an attempt to open it.
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#Chapter 135: Suspicion
Kadeem was closing up the gym for the night when a figure sauntered out of the shadows from the alley.Riley. She was clad in a black leather jacket. Her dark curls bounced as she walked. Her expression: smug.“Hey,” he said, nodding to his Beta."Admit that I'm Sherlock," she said immediately.Kadeem yanked the keys from the lock and pocketed them. "What?""No way am I Watson,” she said, twir
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#Chapter 136: Highway Hunt
Riley sat straight up and smacked Kadeem in the chest. "There he is!""Was hitting me necessary," Kadeem barked. He threw Riley a hard glare before he straightened up in his seat and peered out the car window at Rayburn.Their perp was walking out to a black BMW parked in one of the physician spaces in the clinic parking lot. In his slacks, light-blue button-down and glasses, he looked every bit the professional.Kadeem and Riley watched while he got into his car. Kadeem put his sunglasses on and started his engine. The tail lights of the BMW came on, and Rayburn backed out of his s
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#Chapter 137: The One with Karaoke
Kadeem applauded tepidly for Rayburn while Riley and the bar patrons cheered like he was their Karaoke god. He settled back on his lone bar stool, beaming from the high.They kept watch on Rayburn while they took in song after song, and the already crammed bar continued to fill up with people.Riley leaned in close to Kadeem's ear near the end of a young woman's failed attempt at Taylor Swift."I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Mateo was here. I really think we could get him up there to sing."
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#Chapter 138: The Flame
It’s an unforgivable decision, even in the face of - let's just be honest - a lot of shitty decisions I've made lately.But there's a compulsion driving me and I don't have the power, or really the wherewithal to stop it.I tiptoe quietly from Kadeem’s bedroom, and head down the hall, nearly blowing everything when I step down barefoot on something sharp, grunting in agony and letting out a mangled, “Fuck!” in the dark.I bend down to examine what I’ve stepped on, my foot still throbbing in agony. Something razor-sharp, obviously, like glass, or -Legos.Freaking Legos. I kick them off to the side near the baseboard and wait, but no kids stumble out half-asleep to check on the noise.Breathing a sigh, I continue my trek through the dark house. I pause when I get to the kitchen. Maybe I should write Kadeem a quick note. I look around for a notepad or something to write on.Another "Mom of the Year Award" can be issued for this: I flip over Silas’ space painting to scribble out my lie t
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#Chapter 139: Caught
My body awakens to his presence - Kadeem's energy radiating from the cover of darkness. Everything stops in its tracks, including my own heartbeat, which seems to catch in my throat. Then it pounds like mustang hooves giving chase, clopping hard against the prairie dirt.The shadows between the trees come alive as two sets of eyes glint in the moonlight. Jack rustles anxiously next to me and the wolves step out into the clearing, morphing into their human forms while they walk toward us. A small sigh escapes Jack's lips and he looks up to the stars, as if to question the gods, or breathe a wordless prayer for his imminent misfortune.My mind scrambles for any sort of explanation that would make this encounter less damning, but I'm coming up on empty, and suck in a breath."Sorry," Kadeem says smoothly. "Did we interrupt?" His tone is falsely upbeat. Anger simmers beneath his calm exterior. It’s crackling dangerously inside him, like a live wire, warning me not to push him.It's a warn
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#Chapter 140: Interrogation, Interrupted
"Let's get down to it," Kadeem said. "Where are your vampire relatives?"The autumn night was crisp. The air was filled with the croaking sound of bullfrogs in the pond and reeds swaying in the light breeze. Ardal was just out of ear-shot, trekking back to the cabin.Kadeem faced Rayburn square-on, his hands in the pockets of his jeans."They're staying at my house on Canyon Lake," Rayburn said. His face was turning pink and he squirmed uncomfortably in Riley's grasp.Kadeem sighed and shook his head. "We're not off to a great start here. No one's been at that house for at least a few days - or at your condo for months."Rayburn's eyes darted away, locking onto Kadeem's boots. His blond hairline was beginning to show a glistening of sweat beneath the moonlight."It's a straight-forward question," Kadeem pressed casually, his voice echoing in the night air. "I don't know why this is so hard for you.""I don't trust that you won't - do something," Rayburn stammered."To your family? I d
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