All Chapters of The Reawakened Mates and their Quintuplets: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
152 Chapters
#Chapter 141: A Mid-Autumn Night’s Dream
The world is alive with the flicker of sprites, their light spilling across the bark of barren trees.My breath catches when a figure is illuminated through the swirl of magic."Momma?"In the glowing, dewy haze, she stands before me. My heart thunders against my chest.It's been years since I last saw her, and, yet, nothing seems to have changed. She's lean and muscular, her eyes are serious, and there's a determined set to her jaw. She was once one of the pack's best fighters and still looks every bit the part."Your mom's kind of a badass."Kadeem walks me home the night we stumbled upon the illicit meeting between my dad, Layla, and the others planning to turn on Cedric, Red Moon's alpha.My heart has only begun to slow to the serenade of crickets. Street lights dot our way."Am I about to get beaten up for bringing you home past your curfew?"He's trying to break the tension, of course. Normal teenage trouble is the last thing on either of our minds after what has just transpired
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#Chapter 142: Love is a Game
The first thing I notice when lucidity returns is the searing pain in my wrists. Blinking through the haze, I take in my surroundings: damp leaves beneath me and goosebumps on my skin, a tightness around my limbs.My body feels weak and my senses dulled. I hardly register the sounds and smells around me, as though my nose and ears were muffled by something. Panic sets in as I try to move, realizing my hands and ankles are bound, and I'm unable to shift into my wolf form."Wolfsbane."My head swivels rapidly to the sound of her voice.Susan.She's leaning against a tree. Her fingernails are splashed with ruby red to match her lips, and her hand is wrapped around a Starbucks cup. She smiles while she brings it delicately to her mouth to take a sip. The queen of England might have been impressed with her grace.She's always been the master of the feminine, but I think what hooked Kadeem most was her guise as a fragile thing - an innocent waif for him to rescue. Anger sparks at the painfu
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#Chapter 143: The Rescue Team
A rabid fear that did not belong to Kadeem had him by the throat.Goosebumps rose on his skin, chilled by beads of anxious perspiration against the autumn air, and his heart hammered fast in his chest.What swept over him next, however, was entirely his to own: a sense of dread so heavy, he easily might have succumbed to it and deemed whatever horror the night held as Fate.But surrendering was not Kadeem's MO and he sprang into action-mode. His hands were still gripping Rayburn's wrists like a pair of living handcuffs, and while Riley, inconveniently tipsy, struggled to understand, Kadeem was already shoving Rayburn ahead.Startled, appreciably drunk himself, and immediately indignant, Rayburn cried out, "Hey, watch it," and made a very futile attempt to drag his feet.Kadeem shut him the hell up with a sharp snarl of promised violence and kept them moving with brutal physical force just barely in check.Most often, Kadeem's aggression was posturing - controlled and contained - neces
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#Chapter 144: Knives Out
Riley spoke in a low, urgent whisper. "One wrong move and you're dead, got it?"Rayburn's voice rose as he responded fiercely, "Perhaps at some point you'll realize I haven't done anything wrong and I'm not going-"Kadeem whipped around to interrupt him with an icy growl. They were on the brink of reaching Ardal, and Riley had made a dangerous gamble by freeing Rayburn.Kadeem could only hope it wouldn't backfire on them.He knew Riley well enough to guess her thought process. Intimidation was part of the game, and Kadeem showing up with his distracted beta tagging after him while she juggled a captive was no good. Riley wanted it made clear that Kadeem had back-up, and she needed to give herself the chance to fight by his side when it boiled down to it.But Kadeem also knew the reality of their situation. Now, there was nothing to prevent Rayburn from using the spell that had knocked them unconscious in the woods, killing them, or worse: going after Ardal or the kids. What were the o
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#Chapter 145: No Way Out
Kadeem glares at Bob. “Cooperate?" he spats. "You should know me better than that."Kadeem is on the ground, his weight supported by a tree. Exhaustion is etched into his sweat-covered face and the blood from his shoulder has seeped into the fabric of his shirt, staining it bright red.Nearby, Jack's sole focus is on the medical emergency in front of him. He's been working quickly to keep Kadeem's beta alive, turning her onto her side, holding pressure against her stab wound and checking her pulse.Increasingly drowsy, the sound of Bob chuckling in response to Kadeem is faint in my ears. Susan yanks me by my wrists and begins to drag me along the damp ground, limping as she goes. Before my eyes grow too heavy, I glimpse the deep bites around her right shin and calf."If you hurt her-"I'm too weak to take advantage of her injury and I don't resist. I simply wonder what the point is. Why expend her energy to put more distance between me and the others?In this current state of affairs,
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#Chapter 146: “Ten Duel Commandments”
Kadeem's eyes flash like lightning.The wind picks up, stirring the night air and whipping up a swirl of leaves. On the ground nearby, Susan's tresses blow gently across her face, still staring lifelessly into the darkness ahead."Guess you've got it all figured out," Kadeem says quietly, almost eerily calm. His gaze shifts to Riley, who's lying unconscious on a bed of leaves. "But you forgot her.""Collateral damage," Bob shrugs. "I was planning on having her killed anyway. No way I can trust her."A low growl rumbles from Kadeem's throat. "No deal, then."Bob laughs. "If you think you have any kind of leverage over me, you're sadly mistaken. I've got more than enough to ensure your compliance, including your sweetie over there." He gestures lazily in my direction as he approaches Riley, still hovering somewhere between life and death."I'll give her a warrior's end," he says, staring down at her. "The Council will believe she died trying to stop you, trying to protect the pack."Nex
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#Chapter 147: In the Wee Small Hours
The stage is set.I've got to hand it to Bob, he's built a well-oiled network of evil and orchestrated his plan perfectly.Kadeem will be taken in front of the Council elders. He'll be blamed for everything from Susan's death to the vampire attack. Bob will get to play the hero and declare himself the rightful Alpha. Kadeem will be killed.It's everything Bob hoped for.His henchmen arrive in the darkness to haul off me, Jack, and Riley. Jack is coming to, Riley's still holding on, and I'm less noodle-like, but I fake incapacity, forcing one of them to lift me from the ground and half-carry me, supporting my weight.My last glimpse of Kadeem is as weighty as you would imagine. There's no fear in his eyes, though. I'm starting to feel hints of my inner wolf again and the emotional link between us. What I pick up from him is exactly what he's projecting outwards: calm.It sets me off. Where's the anger?! The steely determination?! The whirling thoughts as he plans a way out of things?!
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#Chapter 148: Reckless
ArdalJust like that, our goodbye is cut. I slump against the couch, head in my hands."I'm sorry," Jack says.I lift my head to shoot him a fiery glare.The first rays of sun are lighting the windows. Around us, the quintuplets are Energizer bunnies- getting cranky, maybe, but still going. I'm scraping by on their fumes and my emotional torment.Guilt is splashed across Jack's face.What am I actually seeing?I scrutinize him, hard. The emotion looks utterly real. For a second I am so disgusted, it renders me speechless."You’re pathological," I spit out.He flinches at my words. I picture myself wolfing out and tearing him to bits.Well, it’s a split between that, and throwing myself into his arms to melt into him. Inexplicably, my confusing feelings for him will not die. It only makes me hate him- and myself- more. My hands ball into fists and I battle the urge to scream.Sasha pockets her phone. Next to Jack, Lottie and Milo fight over the box of cookies."Sit tight for now," Sash
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#Chapter 149: Hero
The pack headquarters was in an ordinary brick building, tucked away right in the heart of the city. The activity was minimal, except for nights when the council met - usually on the full moon. Even then, it was never bustling. It was a seat of immense power, but it looked an awful lot like a local Elk’s Club.Today was different.Pack members, raw with emotion, gathered like storm clouds at the downtown HQ. As dawn broke, Council Elders fought to maintain control of the room, elbow-to-elbow with Weres demanding answers.The vampire attack had come without warning, had been brutal and swift. The enemy was fueled with a devastating strength, leaving many injuries and fatalities.Amidst all of the chaos, one question loomed over them all: Where was their Alpha?It was into this pressure cooker that Kadeem allowed himself to be dragged in by Bob.The room erupted at the sight of him. Even the stoic Council gasped in shock. Bob was barreling in Kadeem with a ruthless force - leather boots
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#Chapter 150: The Fray
Orange and yellow leaves dot the sidewalk outside of the pack headquarters where I huddle with the kids as we prepare for our next move. Despite the chill in the air, beads of sweat are dripping down the back of my neck.Thanks to Jack’s magic and a shit ton of luck, we left Sasha, Gabe, and the rest of our captors unconscious and tied up in Kadeem’s cabin. Jack stayed behind to help Riley before setting out to slay his mother. Talk about an Electra complex.I take a moment to catch my breath when the sounds of a growing commotion come from the Council building. Without warning, Erbao bolts off, charging up the concrete steps, his eyes blazing with determination.“HEY!” I belt out. Bob could have dozens of henchmen stationed inside. Worse, he could have already seized control of Red Moon.Erbao ignores me and his siblings rush after him. My heart is a race car, but my legs are still Jello from wolfsbane. All I can do is stumble after them as they burst through the doors of the crowded
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