All Chapters of Return Of The Lycan Queen: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
180 Chapters
Chapter 61: The Alpha Title Competition
DARIAN'S POVIn honor of Japhet's initial intention to make a pack where no one would feel inferior to the order, we retained the name of Japhet's pack, until a new Alpha was chosen.A competition was fixed for all males who wanted to take on the role of Alpha. Already, the blessings of the moon goddess were already on our pack and whoever won the contest would immediately be blessed with Alpha powers.However, I wasn't interested in the competition, and neither did Elva want me to participate.I already had what I had decided to do with my life, but I didn't know if Elva was willing to tag along. She seemed willing to stick with me, but I didn't want to affect her own dreams."I think I'll be here until the pack finds an Alpha," I told Elva. "Then from there, I'll begin the episodes of my travels.""Where do you want to travel to?" She asked me."What am I to answer now?" I laughed, "the world is a big place. No traveler has seen it all. Maybe I'll go beyond the borders of this werew
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Chapter 62: Come With Me
ELVA'S POV"No way!" I gasped, gazing at him with utter surprise. "Hell, no way!"I jumped down from my horse and he jumped down from his as well.Our feet hastened up as we approached each other, arms already spreading open as we closed the distance between us."No damn way!" I cried and rushed to Lucius with a hug.Our hug lasted for what momentarily felt like an eternity before we cut it off and looked each other in the face."Lu, you've grown so much!" I cried out."And you too, Elva," he said to me, "you look great.""What are you doing here all alone?" I asked him. Back then at the palace, it wasn't usual for the Lycan king to send him out without giving him men to go with him."I don't really need the company of others to go wherever I want now," he said, "but I came with some men, by the way. They're already in town, eating fruits and all the rest."He turned to Darian and stretched a hand out for a shake.Lu had grown very much. He was taller than Darian now and more built. E
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Chapter 63: Mate!
DARIAN'S POVI saw that there was no way I'd possibly convince Elva to completely turn her back on the Haelstrom kingdom. Everything about that decision of hers was giving me a bad feeling. However, I couldn't let her go on her own. Since her father was a big enemy of the Silver King, it could also be that he was planning to finish her off before he died. I couldn't let her embark on that risky journey alone."I'm coming with you," I said to Elva, "I can't let you walk into the territory of the enemies alone.""Stop talking like that," Elva's voice rang with annoyance.Agreeing to follow Lucius to the Haelstrom kingdom, we set off, ignoring our previous course.After long hours of riding, we were at the entrance gate of the Haelstrom kingdom.Lucius threw a hood at Elva."You might want to cover your face," he suggested.However, Elva sent the hood flying back to him."I'm not hiding from anything," she told him, "let's go."We rode into the Haelstrom kingdom, and from the entrance po
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Chapter 64: Fate
ELVA'S POVIt was like each night came with a nightmare for me. Countlessly, seeing myself kicked out of the palace by Darian in my dreams was the most hurtful thing. Who could have known Selena was his fated mate?He was hellbent on us leaving the Haelstrom pack, but I had a reason to stay."Selena cannot be my mate!" Darian said to me, "You're the one I love, Elva, and nothing can change that."But I knew he was just overwhelmed with the new discovery. Or was he about to defy the Moon goddess?Selena, on her own path, had been hiding in her room since Darian said to her face that he wasn't going to accept her as his mate. She loved him, but it wasn't the same on his side. Why would the moon goddess make sure a pair? Was it because he had been intimate with Selena before me?"Think this twice before you decide," I said to Darian, "I'll stand by you no matter the decision you take. But I want you to take your time and calmly decide what you want to do."He was furious. He couldn't fin
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Chapter 65: The Lycan King's Pain
ELVA'S POVWhen I woke up, I found myself on the bed. Clearly recalling that I was on what floor before I slept off, I wondered how I had gotten to the bed. The first place my eyes went was to the particular area of the floor where I had slept, and in that instant, I observed that something was wrong. The paper which I had torn before slumbering off was nowhere on the floor.I glanced quickly at the door. Did someone come in while I was asleep? But just then, I felt an impulse to look out the window. At that moment my gaze landed on the window frame, and I saw Selena sitting there with her legs outside."Selena!""I deserve better," she muttered.The next moment, she jumped out of the window.I sprung out of my bed. Oh goddess, please, let this be a dream.I rushed out of the room to go check where she had landed. But immediately I ran out of the room, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my chest. My mind went blank immediately and I fell on the floor, hitting my head on the wall. There was
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Chapter 66: The Taste For Vengeance
ELVA'S POVI had neither been able to communicate with Ruya nor shift since I got hit by the dark werewolf. It felt like he had suddenly disappeared.Three days after Lu had finally decided to come out, Mother called the two of us for a meeting in the throne room.The dark werewolf had captured Selena when he came, and no one knew why. No one knew who the dark werewolf was or the reason why he had killed Father and taken Selena with him.I pushed the door open and walked in. The throne room was vacant. But Mum and Lucius joined soon and then the door was sealed off."You two must be wondering why I called you together today," Mum said."A meeting at a time like this isn't out of the ordinary," Lu answered Mum, "it is one of the things that are meant to happen.""I guess you might be right," she said. "However, if you're thinking that I called you here today for us to find a way to have revenge on the enemy who killed your father, then you're totally wrong."Mum could sense the taste f
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Chapter 67: Responsibilities
ELVA'S POV"I'm the one who has a problem with you standing there to address us," one of the servants raised her hand and spoke.I gazed at her with a bit of surprise in my eyes. It wasn't like I hadn't expected that such would happen after they had all witnessed me being banished from the kingdom. But I wasn't in the mood to entertain any revolution."What problem do you have with me standing here to address you people?" I asked her.She was snappy."You were banished from the kingdom. So, it's only natural that you have no right to call us together, let alone, give us orders," she said. The other began to murmur at this and I quickly cautioned her."Don't say that when you don't know what goes on in the palace," I said to her."We all know. The queen only brought you back because the king was bedridden," she said, "if he was in good health back then, he wouldn't even let you cross the gates of our kingdom. You're not the first to be banished from this kingdom. We've seen other peopl
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Chapter 68: My Wolf Eyes
ELVA'S POVThe announcement horn was blown and it reached the castle all the way from the entrance gate as usual. The Alpha King had arrived.I slid into my shoes. I had been waiting eagerly for his arrival. I bathed early in the morning when the crickets were still whistling, and wore my dress. And I had been seated in the room since that time till daybreak.I didn't rush to the mirror for a final check before heading out. And even when my stomach growled, I didn't think of going to have breakfast because it was already too late.I briskly moved on, descending the staircase with quick light steps.Once I got to the front of the castle, I met with the soldiers there who were waiting for me. Mum and the chief of warriors were already there, standing side by side. Lu was coming out of his room at the same time as me.Soon, everyone who was needed there assembled and then we waited for the guards who were escorting the Alpha King to the castle.The distance from inside the kingdom to the
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Chapter 69: A Gentle Spirit
ELVA'S POV "What you did last night is unforgivable, but I'll pardon you," I said to the Alpha King in the morning as I came to his room to wake him up. "Our mission is more important than anything now, so I'll let it slide for now." I still couldn't believe that he had the audacity to attempt sleeping with me. "Yes. Our mission is more important than any other thing now," he grumbled. He stood up from the bed, his tight white underwear revealing the length of his member which was I couldn't tell why it was looking excited that early morning. "I was only trying to know the level of relationship between you two," he said, "throughout our discussion yesterday, you never mentioned that you were in love with my brother." "That excuse is very lame," I said to him, turning my eyes away from him as he dressed up, "it was disrespectful of you to try to go into the same place your brother has gone. If you really wanted to know my relationship with him, you should have asked and I'd have
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Chapter 70: Our Best Move
DARIAN'S POV I opened my eyes and the incoherent memories began to flash into my head. I started to remember everything from that day when I was just some meters away from the pack. I had wanted to visit my brother before I got attacked by a dark werewolf. I could remember how he easily gave me a blow that made me throw up and lose consciousness immediately. Where was I now? The last thing I remembered seeing back then was the dry leaves on the floor of the woods. Where was this place now? As my eyes opened, I began to register everything around me in my head. The ceiling, the wall, the door facing my foot, the color of the bedsheet I laid on. But the next thing I saw was someone bending over me. I sat up immediately and my head clashed with that person's head. "Ouch!" I heard a female groan. She bent down immediately and covered her face in pain. "Sorry," I quickly apologized on the realization that it was a lady. I tried to jump down the bed to help when I suddenly felt my
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