All Chapters of Return Of The Lycan Queen: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
180 Chapters
Chapter 81: A One-Second Gaze
Elva's POV"Tell me you have been fucking yourself, Elva," Darian suddenly stormed into the room and yanked the curtain of the bathroom open."What?" I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it across my chest. "What's wrong with you?""I said, tell me that you've been fucking yourself, Elva!" He roared."Dude, you shouldn't just barge into a lady's bathroom and embarrass her that way," Demian stood up from the bed.Darian only flashed a one-second gaze at him before returning back to me."Explain, Elva," he nodded at his younger brother, "why is he here? The vacant store room…your sweat…his sweat… the smell of your secretion… Explain it all right now."“I…”“Nothing happened between us, unless you want something to happen,” Demian said, “you’re tripping over nothing.”“It’s just like he said, Darian, nothing happened between us,” my voie cracked. I wasn’t a good liar. Anyone would easily tell that I wasn’t speaking the truth.Darian inched closer to me and started to sniff my body all
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Chapter 82: My Second Biggest Nightmare
ELVA'S POV My heartbeat thudded in my ears like the gallop of an excited horse as I woke up in the middle of the night. The silence of the whole environment enveloped me as I looked out through the window. But there was only one sound persistent by that time of the night. Darian and Selena were at it again. I had just dreamt of them getting wedded and that made me wake up sweating all over. I had no one to talk to. No one to explain my feelings to. No one to tell about the dangers in my heart. Demian was only interested in getting physical with me. He clearly showed no sign of concern when what we did broke my relationship with his brother. And if I tried telling my wolf, he wouldn't be sympathetic to me. He'd blame me for starting it with Demian. "Maybe he has fallen in love with Selena," I muttered to myself, sighing as I laid my head back on the bed. Tears trickled from the side of my eyes, staining my pillow immediately. "No," I sniffed back, "it's not worth it." I wiped m
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Chapter 83: What Did You See?
DARIAN'S POV "Honey, you're having a nightmare again," I heard Selena's voice faintly before I felt her touch on my skin. "Wake up," she tapped me, "wake up." I grumbled and rolled over on my back. "Look how you're sweating," she panicked, handing a towel over to me, "what's happening." "Nothing's wrong," I said to her, "if there's something wrong, it could be the weather." "It's night, and it's cold. There's no reason you should be sweating now," she suggested. She touched my head and asked, "Are you running a fever?" "No, Selena," I said, gently bringing her hand down and sitting up, "it hasn't been up to three hours since we slept. And we had just had sex before sleeping, so I don't expect myself to be in the best state of health." For the past few days, Selena had made it a rule that we both had sex before sleeping at night and I had been playing along with that. But it seemed that it had made me develop a night sickness because it'd usually disappear during the day. "Ar
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Chapter 84: The Tattoo
DARIAN'S POV Shock was all over Demian's face. "You really did?" He asked me. "I did," I said to him, "but first of all, I'll let you know that the people who you went after were the Devas. They have the ability to shift between male and female forms." "What?" "Yes. They were probably in their male forms when you went after them," I said to Demian. "Darian, those people are doing something dark — something very dark," he said, his voice almost rising into a panic. "Keep your voice low," I hushed him, "someone might be eavesdropping on us." He took a deep breath and then continued, "They were headed for a dark underground entrance with a corpse of an unconscious girl which they carried." "Did you find out what they did with the corpse?" I asked. "No. That was where Elva and I decided to stop. We couldn't go any further because it became creepier as we advanced," Demian said. "Hmmm… This is more serious than I thought," I said. I had noticed those movements some nights while
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Chapter 85: The Stink Of Death
ELVA'S POV "I think he intended to keep me busy here with the fake Selena, 'cause I walked in on her naked and I couldn't help but want to sleep with her," Darian observed. "Could that mean that he also plans to make Selena immune to your ability?" Demian asked me. "Probably his entire army," I said. "We need to stop him immediately," Darian said. "Yes, let's go," his brother echoed. We rushed out of the room and headed for the underground. I had told my soldiers to brace up for war in case things went south. I called Darian and Demian to a stop when we got to the corridor. We knew how powerful King Albert was. We needed to fight him together in order to stand a winning chance. However, the Devas were equally powerful opponents who could stand in our way of fighting the dark werewolf lord. If we intended to defeat the werewolf lord without the Devas interrupting our battle, we needed to find a way to craft an easy way to defeat them. I had an idea. "Give me your sword," I sai
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Chapter 86: A Familiar Feeling
DARIAN’S POVElva was right behind me as I led the way to the door where the Devas were coming out from.“Won’t you grab a weapon?” She was worried.I smiled and answered her, “No!”We weren’t going for a battle with weapons. I could tell by the look of things that we were going to battle entirely in our shifted forms. What was a mere sword going to do against the power that King Albert possessed? In our human forms, his physical stats were way beyond ours. Demian knew better.“If it gets too dangerous, don’t hesitate to cut my skin and take my blood to fight him,” Elva said.“Aye aye,” I chuckled before putting on a mask of seriousness.“Let’s go get him,” I said to Elva.Pushing several Devas aside as we walked, we finally got to the door where all of them were coming out from. However, it seemed that the door before us was an exit, and there happened to be another door that served as an entrance.Coming in through the exit would instantly alert the dark werewolf. Not like we intend
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Chapter 87: A Taste Of Your Own Medicine
DARIAN'S POVThe battle between Elva and King Albert turned out to be quite a hassle. I didn't expect she'd be able to hold off against him. They were evenly matched, to my biggest surprise.However, King Albert was obviously a dirty player. He suddenly shrunk back to his human form and then snuck a ring out of the pocket of his shirt, wearing it on the middle finger of his right palm."What could that be?" I asked my wolf.Elva's anger had diminished, to our own advantage. Now, she could fight with some sense."Elva, be careful about that ring," I said to her."I know," she growled, rushing at King Albert at full speed.The moment she reached an inch close to him, he flung a punch at her, but she dodged quickly before it could land. However, the wave from that punch grazed the side of Elva's shoulder.I was terrified. What magic could he have stored in that ring?"That ring is made of the same thing that Elva is made of," Bulma said to me, "Her own blood."At this point, I knew I sho
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Chapter 88: The Cursed One
ELVA’S POVThe underground began to vibrate as a horde of Devas started matching toward the social chamber where we were. Demian came rushing in to warn us. He had defeated his opponent, and all that was left for us was to find a way to flee the Maelstrom kingdom immediately.Locking up both the entrance and the exit doors, we started brainstorming for an idea - a way to make it past the horde of Devas there were headed for us."We don't have any other choice but to burst out through the main door," said Darian. "We'll have to fight until we get out of here."I'm not dying here after coming this far," Demian declared. "We'll have to find another way. Those creatures are crazy strong."Just then, I remembered Selena's mother who was locked up in the tank at the top."Let's save the woman," I said to Demian and Darian."What woman?" Demian asked.I pointed toward the tank."The woman up there is Selena's mother."He raised an eyebrow, "what are we gaining from saving her?"I was about t
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Chapter 89: My Wildest Imagination
DARIAN'S POV "Stop!" The entire army of Devas froze upon my command. Elva and Demian were surprised, but I wasn't. I had suddenly felt like it was something I could casually do, and that happened. To be sure that my power really worked, I called one of the Devas over and ordered her to carry the corpse of Selena's mother and lead the way out of the special chamber. With that, Elva, Demian, and I, followed the Deva as other Devas made way for us to pass. Now, my mind was at ease because none of them needed to die anymore for the others to escape. However, it bothered me deep inside that I stood the risk of losing my powers anytime soon. I couldn't picture myself living life as an ordinary human; I couldn't bear being that weak. Humans lacked a lot. They needed medicine all the time to heal little wounds, and it could even take days. But within minutes, a werewolf can heal a very deep injury. Lycans would even regenerate as you injure them. The next morning, I felt very different
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Chapter 90: Out Of Character
ELVA'S POV Demian and I left the Maelstrom kingdom the same way we had come in and with the complete number of men we had come with. As we rode in the woods, we talked about Darian and other things. Just then, I remembered he had told me of getting wedded on our way to the Maelstrom kingdom. Since Darian was going to face his punishment for ninety days, I wondered if Demian was going to wait for it to be over or go ahead with his wedding. When I asked Demian if he was going to wait for his brother to be free from the punishment before proceeding with the marriage, he was quiet for a while, looking up to the canopy of the trees as our horses galloped through the woods. "Ninety days is too much for me to wait. But my brother has done things worth more than waiting ninety days for me," Demian said, "suffice it to say, I'll wait for him." "Alright," I smiled at him, "that's very lovely of you." *** Three days later, I brought a healer to the pack. Healer wolves were one of the spe
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