All Chapters of Return Of The Lycan Queen: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
180 Chapters
Chapter 71: The Shadow
ELVA'S POV The North wind blew violently as we made our way to the West from the East. The apprentice priestess' magic orb had directed us to the West. But there was an encroaching storm in the West which was possibly triggered by the violent North wind. And usually during storms, there were raiders waiting for travelers on the way. Although we were many in number, we couldn't tell what lay ahead of us, so the Alpha King suggested we waited for the storm out before delving into the West. However, I lacked the patience to do that. "We are getting closer," reported the apprentice priestess, "a few more kilometers and we'll be where Princess Selena is." I turned to the Alpha King, "We need to keep moving. There's no big deal about the storm." "No. We're camping here!" He pointed to a cave side, "Our horses will be terrified to move under the storm. And if we get attacked by natives, it may not turn out well for us." "Are you that scared?" I asked, laughing as my voice vanished into
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Chapter 72: Dignity and Decorum
DARIAN'S POV The four ladies carried me from the room to a door which one of them opened and we walked into a steaming room. There was a tub which was filled with lathered water. I had been doing what Bulma advised me to do; observing them. And from what I had observed so far, they weren't werewolves but possessed strength that could rival a werewolf's. As for other physical feats, I was yet to see. "I like the way you easily understand your situation," one of them said to me, "To find calm and calculated men these days seems very difficult." "Do you also understand your own situation?" I asked her. "Yes," she answered, "if I don't bathe you and present you to the master in time, his anger will be upon me." I turned my face to the side with disappointment. It seemed they had no idea that they were dealing with an immortal. However, being mortal or immortal was no guarantee that I'd escape this hell of a place I'd found myself. "Please, get into the tub," one of them said to me
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Chapter 73: A Damaged Princess
SELENA'S POV "Thanks for bringing him, devas," I said to the four women who had brought Darian into the castle. "You can leave now." "What did you call them?" Darian asked as he pushed past the ladies. The boldness he displayed even when he was at a point where he was meant to show fear was stomach upsetting. "They're devas, special female servants of my father," I said. "Your father? Are we in the Haelstrom kingdom?" He asked me, his eyes clearly spelling confusion. "Don't tell me you think that the Lycan king is my father," I said to him, "It should have been clear from the color of my hair that I wasn't his daughter." "Whoa! This is new to me," Darian said. "Uhm… So, you're saying your father has his own castle as well. Then, why have you been living in the Haelstrom kingdom?" "My father is a brother to the Lycan king and this is a forte he had been protecting for several years for the Haelstrom kingdom," I let him know. But I stopped when I remembered that he was still sta
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Chapter 74: A Strange Place
ELVA'S POV The closer we came to the location that the magic orb directed us, the more the place looked familiar to me. But I was very sure that I had never been to a place like that before. My wolf growled suddenly, "The memories of the late Lycan king are manifesting inside of you." "Father's memories?" I asked. "Yes. It seems he has been to a place like this before," Ruya said to me. My horse continued with the rest of the soldiers before I suddenly started to develop a headache. I was beginning to see a lot of the memories and the landscape was getting more and more familiar to me. My wolf noticed that I was getting sick and immediately called out to me, "Elva, tell someone to hold you!" My lips quaked as I tried to mutter Demian's name. His name was the first to come up in my mind. But before I could do that, my whole body went numb all of a sudden and I started to slide off the back of the horse. Luckily for me, Demian noticed me falling immediately and came to my rescu
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Chapter 75: Maelstrom Kingdom
ELVA'S POV We passed through the gate and headed into the kingdom. I was shocked when we walked beyond the gate and realized that there were people inside the gate; soldiers, precisely. As we walked in, eyes stared at us with utmost curiosity. Yet, none of them dared approached us. "Are these people normal?" Demian laughed. But what felt abnormal was the way we came into their kingdom without anybody's permission. "I think they're scared to approach us," I whispered, "maybe, they think we came for war." "If that's what they think, then they aren't quite far from the truth," he chuckled, "If their leader refuses to release my brother, then it's war." "You better keep yourself composed," I warned with a frown. "And you better get yourself disposed," he snickered, "everything about this place feels off." Suddenly, a man came up to us and Demian signaled our men to halt. As we stopped, the man drew closer to cover the gap between us. "Welcome to the Maelstrom kingdom," he said t
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Chapter 76: Our Special Guests
DARIAN'S POV "Elva… Demian… You guys came," I heard myself say. My heart melted at their presence and I could feel the hope for an escape. "I can tell the intent of a man by his heartbeat," Selena's father suddenly said. He stood up from his throne and headed toward Elva and Demian. "Welcome to my kingdom, princess of the Haelstrom kingdom," he said to Elva, "and you the juvenile Alpha king." "Thank you," Elva said. But it felt like she had forced those words out like a foreign object in her stomach. Suddenly, Elva's feet began to quake and her face squeezed up. She fell to the floor immediately and Demian rushed to her. "Oh, it seems we've met before," Selena's father said to Elva. "What did you do to her?" Demian rushed at Selena's father to grab him by the collar. However, Selena's father slapped his hands off before they could reach him, and the next thing I saw was the arms getting ruptured. "Argh!" Demian screamed out in pain. "My hands... Argh!" I felt an impulse to
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Chapter 77: What A Pity
ELVA'S POV I could feel the warmness on my skin, and streams of water running down the slopes of my body. "What is…going on?" I muttered to myself. I was sure that I wasn't dreaming. The feel of the water on my skin was too real to be a dream. Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was the hips of a naked female figure standing vertically beside me. I traced my eyes from the hips, all the way to the face of the person, and then stopped. "What are you doing to me?" I squeaked, drawing back when I met the face. She was naked and I was naked as well, and I hoped it wasn't what I was thinking. However, I turned and noticed three other ladies by my other side. "What's happening here?" I asked, ignoring how beautiful they looked and how identical all their faces were. "We're preparing you for the king," the first among them replied me. "For what?" I stood up immediately. "It's the king's order," she answered, "please, lay back and let us finish with what we are doing." "Don't yo
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Chapter 78: A banquet
DARIAN'S POV Demian, Elva, and I had been seated at the dining table for almost twenty minutes before King Albert finally returned. "I apologize for the delay," he said as he walked in. He glanced at us, and when he didn't see Selena, he turned around to the Devas. "Where's my daughter?" "She's still making up," answered one of the Devas. "Should I go and fetch her?" "Do not worry," replied King Albert, "she's already coming out." There were four Devas in the dining room there with us, standing. Four other Devas came descending the stairs with trays of steaming food in their arms. The aroma of the dishes filled the air as they served them before us. There was a tray of baked beans, a bowl of grilled chicken laps, a bowl of cauliflower salad, four jugs of wine, and many more. It was a banquet before our eyes. I suddenly remembered the soldiers and turned to confront King Albert, "What did you do to the soldiers?" "The soldiers? Ah… don't worry about them. They were only revo
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Chapter 79: Shame On Her!
ELVA'S POV My eyes widened when I saw Darian and Selena holding hands and descending the stairs. I cringed at first, but told myself, "It's alright, Elva. You should understand that he's just playing along." "Isn't that beautiful?" King Albert said, his gaze absorbed by the two who were descending the stairs. The dining table had six seats. Darian came behind me and whispered to me to stand up. As I stood, he took my seat and pushed it slightly to make space for Elva's seat which originally was beside her father's. Now, her seat stood between mine and Darian's. With a wry smile on her face, she took a seat and clung closer to Darian. "You two look perfect for each other," said King Albert. My intestines twisted at the smile that came up on Selena's face as her father complimented her and Darian. Shame on her! "Guess what, Dad? We kissed in the room just before coming out," she divulged. I almost threw up a chunk of vegetable I had in my mouth on hearing that. I gripped my for
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Chapter 80: Shivers
ELVA’S POV My lips quaked as I tried to find the words to tell Demian to take it easy on me. His meat was too big, and he still thrust hard upon that. “Take it easy,” I begged. The mixture of pleasure and pain was insane, and that wasn’t what I signed up for. “I’m guessing my brother has never fucked you this way,” he said, adding more force to his thrust as he sent a powerful one that made my waist jerk suddenly. I pulled myself out of his grip on my waist and turned around immediately, staring at him with utter disbelief. “Do you want to kill me?” I asked him, panting along with him. But his pants weren’t a sign of tiredness. He wanted to finish me right there and then. “I’m not there yet,” his voice was coarse, “let’s finish up, Elva.” “No, not if you’re going to continue like this,” I said to him, scooting over to where he had dropped my underwear. “I can’t take it, please.” “Aye. Alright, I’ll be gentle with you,” he promised. If only he could feel how hot I felt at the
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