All Chapters of My Vampire’s Temptation: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
41. Taking What’s Mine
AndreasThey say you can wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Since mine is a round California King, I’m not so sure that it has an actual side, but today when my eyes opened and I stood tall, something told me it would truly be a good day.That feeling solidified when I sensed my future queen’s presence. I quickly removed the two vampire women who had unceremoniously fallen asleep after being too tired to do it the night before. Women typically weren’t allowed to infringe upon my personal space after rendering their services, and usually there would be punishment for that mistake. I hated waking up to the needy things that wanted to put their hand on me after I’d already had my fill. But today since I was in such a great mood, I would show them some grace and allow them to live.So it seems sending the whore Odette off to her old beloved had paid off after all. It was a bold and risky move, but in that moment, I was a desperate man. Not even 24 hours later and Xenia has come back ab
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42. Revelations
DemetriusIt’s been hours since Yuno or Hendrix had last made contact. To say I’m on edge would be an understatement. There is this negative feeling looming over me that I can’t shake.Perhaps it’s the fact that I’ve sent Xenia away, the woman I’m meant to protect. Perhaps it’s the fact that the last person I wanted to see, the devil incarnate herself, is now in the proximity of my coven. Perhaps it’s knowing that in the end, most likely none of this will bode well for me.I pace back and forth in my office replaying the conversation me and Odette had. The look on her face when she realized not only did she no longer hold any power over me, but also that her little ruse wasn’t fooling anyone was priceless. I hated the fact that she thought she could one-up me. Did she think after years of dealing with her insanity I had become rusty?Silly woman.I force her from my mind unwilling to give her anymore of my energy. She is the reason the woman I care about is no longer here. Now I’m regr
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43. Relinquishing Control
XeniaThe attraction I feel for him is unreal. It’s otherworldly and unnatural, and deep in my mind, I know something is not right, but the logical side of my brain has become fuzzy and distant. Resisting is too hard. My body is being pulled to him like a magnet and I’m not sure I can fight it. A part of me doesn’t want to…He turns with a drink and cut finger dripping blood, and I can’t take my eyes away. Soon he’s stalking towards me with a determined hunger in his eyes, only I’m the one feeling like a predator. The blood… it calls to me.Before I can really object, I open my mouth only for a small taste, but the way it coats my tongue is something hard to explain. This is the second vampire’s blood I’ve tasted, so I don’t have much to compare it to, but it’s different. Unlike Demetrius’s it’s not as sweet. It doesn’t taste as good, but it’s the way it instantly makes me feel that has me baffled. I feel like I’m floating, like I can actually fly. I’m stronger, my mind is crisper l
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44. A Need To Forget
XeniaMy hand goes up to the side of his face holding him in position giving me the best angle. The wounds he’s inflicting have moved from the side of his neck just below his ear to the top of his chest and I chase every one with a gluttonous greed. I don’t even question why he’s offering his blood up to me so willingly.Pleasure begins to sizzle inside me. The energy swarming, the sustenance, the thrill of this forbidden fruit and what it provides has my core throbbing.“Don’t stop drinking.” He groans and I realize his hands are firmly at my waist moving me back and forth. I’m grinding myself against him while taking his blood. Oh, no. All logic is gone. Nothing makes sense right now except for one thing. I just need a little more, more blood and more attention to that spot… right there… that he’s hitting so perfectly.I can feel him beneath me. He’s hard and in that moment, it’s wrong, but it feels so good. He’s grunting and groaning and rocking me against him at a quickened pace
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45. A Face To Face
AndreasA sudden knock at the door makes me halt, bringing forth another bout of anger. Right when things were getting very good, a distraction comes to ruin the moments.Fucking peasants. Is everyone here completely useless? I think so. They truly lack comprehension. What part of under no circumstances am I to be bothered was confusing? Whoever is at the other side will pay for disrupting me right before tasting what I knew would be the sweetest nectar that has ever graced my tongue. In fact, I am of a mind to kill them all for their insubordination. I’m kneeling in front of Xenia, when I feel her tension and uncertainties caused by the intrusion. Her head jerks in the direction of the door with widened eyes.“Sir, my apologies, but it’s urgent.” Sebastian’s voice is low, his words ominous. Of all the vampires around here, he is the most obedient and loyal to me. So for him to disturb us like this tells me it is of great importance. I stand hesitantly looking down at the lovely wom
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46. Meeting Again
XeniaAndreas kisses me softly, ushering me down the hall as an older woman guides me away. I hesitate initially, not wanting to leave his side and comfort. I’m in a strange place with strange people… wait. No. Vampires.Vampires? Why does that not scare me? As I walk with the woman whose name I don’t know down the long hall of a beautiful castle, I mull over the information I know to be true. Andres is a vampire, yet that fact seems normal. He took my blood, and I let him. I took his, and I liked it. It made me strong. My body still tingles from the influx of power, remembering the taste on my tongue. Coffee was my drug of choice, but his blood is battling for first place.He brought me here to his home. He said I was his. And I think I want to be. I’m not sure. My feelings for him are uncertain. I don’t completely feel like myself.“Eventually you will share a room with the prince, but for now you will have your own room. Right this way, ma’am.”Is she a vampire too? How does one te
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47. Purple Glow
DemetriusMy eyes fall to hers in disbelief as I stare expectantly waiting for a sign that her words are untrue. Please smile. Please laugh. Please do anything to tell me this is all a joke and that the woman who has changed my life for the better still knows who I am.But the confusion on her face is real. Her defensive body language and the need for her to back away from me is indicative of a stranger, telling me the exact opposite of what I want.Perhaps this is karma for when I tried to erase myself from her mind before, penance for playing with her emotions and bringing her into my world of the damned. It’s a punishment of the most dreadful kind. Because just now one of my worst fears has come true. Xenia has no idea who I am, and Andreas is here to fill the void of my absence.The bastard used his command to rip her memories of us away. How dare he take something so precious from her. How dare he force her in this way? The thought of him worming his way into a spot that
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48. The Blood of a King
DemetriusMy eyes widen at the scene before me. What is this?Instinctually, I move toward her with the need to assist. Her gaze flicks up to mine and, again, I’m shocked at what I see -- glowing red orbs where her eyes should be, tainted with fear. Let’s recap. There’s a purple aura surrounding her body and her eyes are red like a vampire’s… but she’s not a vampire. She’s human. I know this. So then how? The words Andreas just spoke ring through my head.She’s more than a simple human.My heart thumps quickly. Is this his doing or something else? He matches my movements, wanting to get closer to her as well, to get there before me, to prevent me from touching her. But he doesn’t have to worry about that, because as soon as we’re within close range, we’re both thrown backwards by an invisible force.I jump to my feet, dusting myself off with irritation. The strength of that force was powerful. My eyes meet hers again and I see this worried look in them that makes my chest tighten.
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49. Memories of the Past
XeniaMy head is thumping again when I wake suddenly. Looking around the room, my heart drums rapidly against my chest realizing I’m in a strange bed alone. No. I’m in Andreas’ castle. He said something about this being my new home and he’s put in a lot of effort to ensure I’m comfortable. That should make me happy, right? Who wouldn’t want to be a queen living in a castle… Only now I’m getting the feeling that something is very off.Like, why am I drinking blood? And why do I like it? Why was I surrounded by that powerful purple glow? All of those things are extremely disturbing, questions to which there are no answers. But the one that burns into my mind the most is who was that man?Demetrius. His name… there’s a familiarity to it and it stirs things inside. I’m certain this was our first meeting, because how would I not remember someone like him? He was more than attractive. Even his voice did something to me. Those thoughts aren’t right. I shouldn’t be thinking about another man
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50. A Needed Reminder
DemetriusThe moment our lips collide something washes over me, but I’m too caught up in what’s happening to question it. The kiss we share is filled with so much emotion. Something like kissing the one you thought you’d never get the opportunity to again. Because that very well could have been the case.Where yesterday had been completely perfect, comprised of bliss and happiness, today was a complete disaster of roller coaster. Hours ago, when she first came into the room and brought my worst fears to light by telling me she didn’t even know me, I was devastated. Regret and fear consumed me, thinking there was a possibility I may never get her back.But I don’t need words to tell me what’s happening, because you don’t kiss a stranger like this. Her lips move against mine with need and familiarity. And when she pulls away breathlessly, the look in her eyes tells me whatever hold Andreas had over her has been broken.My fingers trace against her cheek lightly as she stares at me. The
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