All Chapters of My Vampire’s Temptation: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
21. Xenia Phone Home
Demetrius“What do you mean she has not eaten?” I narrow my eyes to the guard assigned to Xenia’s room. Three days have passed since I brought her here and I’m being told she has refused her food for a third day in a row. Does she mean to starve herself? How far would she go? I would force the food down her throat if I had to. As harsh as it sounded, I couldn’t allow her to hurt herself.“She still will not eat. She is very stubborn.” This much I knew to be true. I waved him off signaling him to leave us. As hard as it’s been, I have decided to give her some space in hopes she would settle down, but it seems my attempts to weigh her down have been wasted. She is indeed a feisty one. As expected, Father accepted Avalon’s request concerning Xenia. Although he was a little surprised to know we had a new human in our presence, he was pleased to learn about her specialty and agreed with me that the dual option of providing therapy or education sessions to Avalon while also being a “blood
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22. Adding to my Collection
Unknown VampireEverything on my desk goes flying off to the side and into the wall. I clear it that way, of course, but I want to do so much more. I want to maim and kill. I’m in a rage like no other, because something has been taken from me, and I want it back. My woman. My human. My property. MINE. The thoughts of a spoiled child run through my head, but I’m uncaring. Who dare interfere with my plans? Although, I have somewhat of an idea... I scold myself for not taking her then and there. Admittedly, I had been thrown off by her sudden presence at that time. I’ve had a watchful eye on her for days and planned to take her at the most opportune time, but never had I expected for her to come to me so willingly, a sign that she was meant for me. After my soldier’s failed attempt to take her days prior, I realized if you want something done, you must do it yourself. Useless fools.The moment my eyes fell on her, I knew she was a trophy that would need to be on my shelf, a dazzling add
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23. A Strange Therapy Session
XeniaI thought Aiden had me feeling low before, but being here, I have never felt so empty and depressed. I can’t stop replaying everything over and over again in my head. Just last week everything was fine. I was getting back on top of things, focusing on my degree, feeling better. My life wasn’t in complete shambles like it is now. I’m trying to come to terms with my situation, but it’s hard when it has been completely uprooted in such a way. I feel like I’m on the brink of insanity. I’m not sure what I was expecting from him, but I can’t seem to get past his treachery. I had started to develop feelings for this man, and it hurts to find out he is nowhere near the person who I thought he was. He’s not even a person…What was I thinking letting my guard down like that right after a breakup? I’m beating myself up for missing the signs, but I know it’s not really my fault. It’s like he knew everything I wanted in a man, bottled it all up and spread it over him. He was master of decep
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24. Unexpected Ally
Demetrius“It’s been a while. Good to have you back, Demetrius. Are you back, back, though?”I turn my head staring off to the side of the room as I sit behind my desk conversing with two of the coven vampires that are actually tolerable, Hendrix and Yuno. I have known them for many years, and they have always proven to be loyal. If ever I was to ascend taking Father’s position, they would be under my command as trusted advisers. But for now, I think of them more as friends when they’re not pushing my limits and pissing me off. They had been away on assignment soon after I left the coven, so when they got back, it had surprised them to know I had returned already. Yeah, me too. I sigh deeply wanting to divert the question as I have many other things on my mind, my recent interaction with Xenia at the forefront of my issues.“I’m not sure. My father has all these plans mapped out for me. Do I not have a say-so in my own life? It’s not up for debate. I will. Honestly, I don’t know what
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25. A Good Kind of Trouble
Xenia“Hey, Xenia!” I jerk my head in the direction of my name being called as the blond woman strides over to me. Isabel, one of the other human women that provide ‘services’ greets me with a warm smile. I’ve only been here for a total of four days, I think, and surprisingly it seems like I’ve made a friend. Isabel has been genuinely kind to me from the second day, and has given me the runaround of how everything works. It’s odd to think that women, human women just like me, choose to be here to provide their blood and have sex with the vampires. Apparently, there’s some men here too that do the same, but I’ve yet to see them. They receive a hefty income for doing it. And according to Isabel, sex with vampires was really hot, and far exceeded that of a regular person. I guess I can’t object to that bit of information… The room is pretty similar to a classroom setting. The building is separate from the mansion that I have been staying in, but it’s within walking distance. It’s like a
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26. Backed Against the Wall
DemetriusI never understand why people flock to these campuses like sheep to a slaughter. Yes, there are some degrees and educations that are of importance; doctors, attorneys, educators themselves, but wasting time and money on a meaningless degree was beyond what I could comprehend. Humans were such ignorant creatures.My lovely Xenia didn’t fall in that category, of course. She was intelligent, beautiful, and strong, an all-around great woman, and it’s because of that that I find myself in this precarious situation.She had revealed to Avalon how upset she was that being unable to attend school would mean she wouldn’t obtain her degree. Everything she’d worked so hard for was being taken from her. And being as though I had no idea how long I would need to keep her hidden, that would be indefinitely. So, against my better judgement I decided to take it upon myself to do some… persuading.“You must be Mr. Escoffier. Right this way.” I eye the woman who greeted me excitedly, not missi
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27. A Fun Night Out
XeniaShaky fingers trail down my chest against my laced see-through shirt as I glance to the side. I tug at the hem of my leather mini skirt while giving myself a once over. Okay. Admittedly, my ass looks good in this skirt, but now I’m thinking maybe staying inside wouldn’t be so bad after all. But Demetrius said he was going to be out and about, and I’m wondering where the hell to. That kind of annoys me. He can come and go as he pleases, but I’m expected to stay in like a child on punishment? No. That doesn’t really work for me. And it’s that thought that pushes me over the edge and makes me stick with the decision. I’m going out, and I’m going to have fun.With vampires… “Damn, girl. You look good!” Isabel’s words make me blush now that I’m under the scrutiny of gazes from others. “This is Hendrix, Yuno, and you know Celine, right? Guys, this is Xenia. She’s new.” She’s said new like I’m a thing and not a person making me tense. I climb inside the back of the bla
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28. My Temptation
DemetriusThat was so… exhilarating. My body feels alive, empowered, and rejuvenated from the blood and energy she fed me. Why is she so different than any I’ve had before? It’s so much more than simple sustenance. I smirk triumphantly thinking about how she had just said I would never have anything from her again, and yet she gave so much willingly. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind giving her something in return. I’m surprised she didn’t seem to have any inhibitions giving herself over to me so easily in this setting, but I have a feeling the strong scent of alcohol on her breath may be a factor. The next time I make her come and have her chanting my name, we will be alone. Her body and those sounds are only for me.Speaking of which, it’s taking everything in me not to crack the heads of Hendrix and Yuno. I don’t care that they have no idea of the extent of our relationship. In fact, that’s exactly how I want it. But that doesn’t make me any less angry. If anyone here had put their hands o
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29. Enemies All Around
Unknown VampireFrom this view, sitting back and lurking in the shadows, I see all. Something had led me to this despicable place, and although it’s a venue I typically wouldn’t frequent, I decided to follow my instincts, and as always, it paid off. Even though I’m not within the safe confines of my coven boundaries, I have no fear of harm coming to me. Anonymity is my companion, so I felt the need to mask my scent and I don’t regret that for a moment. Because just as I was about to leave, on the cusp of giving up after becoming extremely bored with the countless women putting everything they had to offer on show for all to see, my beauty appeared like the answer to a prayer. It’s no mere coincidence we are here together. Her marking has led her straight to me. The problem is she’s not alone. Who the fuck are they? She’s accompanied by two vampires, and it takes everything in me not to turn this room into a blood bath. They aren’t weak, bottom feeders, but their strength doesn’t compa
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30. Disturbing Realizations
XeniaCoffee in the morning. Is there even a better scent? Whoever thought of this blissful, caffeinated concoction, they have my forever gratitude.I stretch my arms, rolling around in the spacious bed before making the mistake of moving my head too quickly. Instant throbbing to my temples. That not-so-good reminder of the eventful evening before. That’s right... last night, I went out. Of course I have a hangover. I mixed liquor with fruity drinks and remember having at least a couple of shots before things start to get a little fuzzy. My eyes dart around the dark room in concern. This bed isn’t my bed, and this room isn’t my room. Well, the other one isn’t mine either really, but it’s where I’ve been resting my head the last couple of days. I massage my temples while attempting to put the pieces of last night’s events together. Strippers, vampires, alcohol, blood…?It’s still a bit of a blur. Where’s that damn coffee? My feet hit the floor before I realize I’m in an oversized t-s
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