Lahat ng Kabanata ng My Vampire’s Temptation: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
60 Kabanata
31. The Lion’s Den
DemetriusThe way her scent lingers in my bed has me going back to it in repetition. My sheets haven’t been washed for that very reason. If only I could bottle that scent of hers up and keep it with me at all times. Xenia… Yes. It sounds like something exotic and intriguing, just like her. Was she the only thing that crossed my mind? Basically.After she ran out of my room like she was being chased, Yuno and Hendrix bombarded me with questions. “So Mr. ‘I don’t do humans,’ is in fact doing a human?” Yuno smirks as if he was the cleverest vampire of all and that grates my nerves. I don’t recall specifically saying I didn’t do humans, because there were times they would satisfy my needs, but that was it. So, I suppose his inference wasn’t completely off base. Still, his conjecture is unnecessary. “Yeah. I can’t say I’m too surprised to see her here after the show you put on last night,” Hendrix adds making my annoyance grow.“Oh, and what show would that be?” I ask crossing
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32. These Feelings
I’m not sure what came over me and led me to his room. There was this nagging in the back of my mind like we had unfinished business after what happened earlier, or maybe it was the fact that his father had pretty much warned me to stay away from him and something deep of me inside wanted to rebel against that.Who knows? But once his lips meet mine, all those questions and uncertainties go flying out the window.Am I really doing this, pressing him, once again making the first move? I’ve had nothing to drink but water and coffee today, so there’s no blaming the alcohol this time. I know he’s a vampire and that should turn me off, but he’s so freaking attractive, and the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel… I’ve never felt more wanted in my life.I’m not sure if it’s me he wants or my blood, maybe even my body, but in this moment, I don’t really care. He can take and take until I can’t give anymore.He pulls me towards him pressing his lips firmly against mine, just like I ask
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33. More than a Woman
Demetrius I lie in my bed staring up at the ceiling as the sunlight drifts in the room. Another night of great sleep, thanks to a certain someone. It’s something that has been commonplace the last few days, but in the past very rare.The woman beside me shuffles making a cute little sound and I pull her close with a wide grin. She doesn’t wake but I’m not surprised by the way I handled her body the night before and early into morning hours. The way she continued to give herself to me relentlessly surprised me. Her human body is stronger than I anticipated. Just thinking about it and staring at her naked form has me ready for more, but I decide against it. She really does need the rest. Even though I fed her my blood, her body needs to recuperate. There will be plenty of time for more rounds later.I kiss her forehead gently relishing the way she feels next to me. It has been a week of repetition just like this except each time is more exciting. We’ve come up with a sort of
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34. Communication is Key
XeniaOnce again, I find myself barely able to focus. The voice at the other end of my laptop screen is saying something, but my mind is on other things.Earlier this morning I woke up in Demetrius’s bed for the sixth night in a row. He was staring, looking down to me with this look on his face that had my stomach in a fit of flutter. He made me coffee and kissed my forehead. Two things that seemed simple but to me were so much more. I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, especially with what’s happened between us, but I think he feels the same about me.I mean, are his actions not proof of that? He’s brought me here to protect me even if the way he went about it maybe wasn’t the best. He’s shown me this side of him that I feel like is the real him. To me, he’s no monster, not on the inside.For the most part, especially these last few days, he’s been nothing but thoughtful, caring, sweet, not to mention he’s incredibility fine and the sex is amazing.Just thinking about it is
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35. Making New Memories
Demetrius“Wow. It’s beautiful.” Xenia speaks barely above a whisper as she eyes the scene behind me. My eyes on the other hand, are still trained on her. “Yes, beautiful,” I respond but I’m not talking about the garden. I grab her hands and pull her as I walk backwards still refusing to look elsewhere. She never ceases to amaze me.Tonight is a special night. After my research and finding out what I did, who she was to me, I wanted to do something special. Our first date had been ruined, after all. So, it is only natural I make that up to her.The garden was blooming with greenery and colorful flowers. Fairy lights lit up the trees and walkways. Fireflies flew about, nearly skating on the pond where the waterfall ended. It is a sight indeed.The way she smiled widely looking around at everything let me know she thinks the same. I finally turn, leading her to her seat and pulling it out for her before I take the one across. “This is amazing, Demetrius.” She looks at the food while t
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36. All Good Things
XeniaTonight has me on cloud nine. We had the perfect date, and no, I’m not talking about April 25th. I really wasn’t expecting it to go like this, but there’s absolutely no complaints from my end.Not only was the scene beautiful and majestic, Demetrius was the perfect gentleman, just how he showed me in the beginning. He expressed his feelings for me and now all my worries and uncertainties have pretty much flown out the window. The way he looked at me, the resolve in what he said, even my intuition is telling me to believe him, so I do. I’m choosing to go with it. I’m choosing him. I don’t care who or what he is. No one has ever made me feel like this. No one has not only told me but showed me that they care. I love the way he backs up his words. He's so different than Aiden. With him I’m confident and secure, I feel beautiful and wanted. He reminds me as much every chance he gets.How is it in a single night my feelings for him have tripled? Damn I’m really caught up. I admit it
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37. What Best Friends Are For
Xenia “Who are you?”“Excuse me? Uh, no. You’re in my best friend’s apartment and I’ve never seen you before so who the fuck are you?”I sit on my bed listening to the conversation between Hendrix and Brittania. Usually, I would intervene because she can have a real mouth on her, but even though they’re vampires, I know they won’t hurt her. Unfortunately for them, they’re guilty by association. Demetrius has pissed me off, but he’s not around. They’re his friends, so they’ll get whatever she gives to them. And since I’ve told her I was upset, I’m sure she’ll be on a rampage.A grin crosses my lips at the thought. She’s like my own personal pretty little attack dog. Sorry, boys.“Xenia isn’t accepting visitors right now. You’ll have to come back.”“Oh, that’s a good one.” She laughs maniacally, and I have to cover my mouth to hold back my own. “You think you can stop me from coming in? I don’t know who you are, but don’t piss me off. Xee, who are these assholes?” She yells loud enough
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38. Case of the Ex
DemetriusShe was most definitely not okay. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor, the saddened look that washed over her face, the way her shoulders lurched forward in defeat. Everything screamed at me to console her, to beg her to stay just for a bit longer. But once again, her safety is at risk.Regardless if there are no more feelings involved, if Odette got word of a human being close to me in any way, she would surely kill her without blinking an eye. To say she despises humans would be putting it lightly and she’s always been a jealous and crazed woman. It’s hard to believe she once had my heart, but I suppose back then we had a lot more things in common.Why is this happening? Why now? The bitch is back to ruin my life again. Was it not enough that she left me for another, my sworn enemy? Now she comes back to take away any semblance of happiness I have begun to experience. Something tells me the timing is no coincidence, but I will find out for sure in due time. I just told myse
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39. A Not So Good Surprise
XeniaInitially, walking down the street on our way to Jez’s house has me feeling like old times. Me and Britt enjoying the nice weather, chatting about what’s going on in our lives, ready to pop up on our friend unannounced, because that’s just what we do. If you have to give your friends a heads-up that you’re coming, are you even really friends? The current problems I’m dealing with soon remind me that it’s not like old times, though. Now the source of my man problems isn’t caused by a regular man like they used to be. Somehow, I’ve managed to crank up my troubles a notch… or 10. Getting involved with a vampire can do that to you apparently.Speaking of vampires, I steal a glance over my shoulder. Much to my annoyance, Yuno and Hendrix are trailing not far behind looking like tall and broody, but handsome bodyguards. Once again it has me wondering, are all vampire men hot because so far I haven’t seen one that wasn’t, and I really can’t blame Brittania for being thrown off
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40. You Again
XeniaMe and Brittania walk in like it’s our place. I’m staring daggers at Aiden while he jumps into his pants with wide, unbeliving eyes.“Xee, this isn’t what it looks like.”“Oh, wow. Seriously? That’s the best you can come up with? So… you all aren’t fucking with each other? Let me guess. Your washing machine broke so you had to come here to do laundry including the clothes you were wearing, right? And then Jezebel thought, why the hell not? Let me toss my own in there too to cut back on the water bill.” Brittania scoffs beside me, half laugh, half disgust in the two in front of us.“Save it! You’ve always been a self-serving dick, but I never thought you’d go so low. I really shouldn’t be surprised, though. At this point I don’t put anything past you.”“Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t – I haven’t heard from you in weeks. You said you wanted nothing to do with me after I told you how much I loved you. What was I supposed to think? What was I supposed to do?”What part of “save it” was un
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