All Chapters of Scarlett: The Rejected Omega: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
110 Chapters
Just little problem...
I knocked lightly on Adolph's door, the soft sound echoing in the corridor as I waited for him to respond. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing Adolph on the other side. A small smile tugged at my lips as our eyes met."Hey," I greeted softly, my voice laced with warmth.Adolph returned my smile, though it seemed a touch more forced than usual. "Hi, Scarlett. Come in."Stepping into his room, I felt a slight sense of unease settle in my chest. Adolph's demeanor was usually so composed and confident, but today there was a hint of something different in his expression. Something that told me he was grappling with a worry or concern.As the door closed behind me, I turned to face him, my eyes searching his face. "Is everything okay, Adolph?"He hesitated, his gaze flickering away from mine for a moment before returning. "Yeah, everything's fine."Despite his words, I could sense that something was off. Adolph had always been open with me, willing to share his thoughts and conc
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I was in awe...
As I finished packing my bag, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Today was the day I would be visiting Ella in the Guide pack, and the thought of seeing my dear friend again filled me with warmth. The bag itself was a testament to my creativity – a product of my knitting during moments of boredom. The colorful yarn formed intricate patterns, and I marveled at how a simple activity could turn into a work of art.I called upon one of the palace maids to summon the guard from the Guide pack. The anticipation of the journey ahead made it difficult for me to stand still. When the guard arrived, a friendly smile on his face, I greeted him warmly and shouldered my bag, ready to embark on this adventure.As we left the Moonlight pack and set out on our journey, I couldn't help but admire the world around me. The morning air was crisp, and the sun cast a warm golden glow over everything. It was as if nature itself was welcoming me on this trip, and I felt a sense of exhilaration w
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Just Scarlett is fine...
As the soft evening light filtered through the windows, I carefully made my way to the bedroom where Ella lay, asleep with her precious newborn cradled against her chest. The sight of them both in peaceful slumber filled my heart with a sense of serenity. Ella's maternal instincts were evident in the tender way she held her baby, and I couldn't help but smile at the beauty of the moment.I gently lifted the sleeping baby from Ella's embrace and placed her onto the bed with utmost care. The baby's serene expression remained unchanged, and I took a moment to admire her delicate features. With the baby safely resting, I left the room and decided to relax in the living room. The day had been eventful, and the quiet of the living space was a welcome change. I sank into a plush armchair, letting the cushions envelop me in their comfort. As I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, the soothing atmosphere of the room enveloped me.Suddenly, a soft but distinct knock on the door roused me from my
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The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the palace garden, carrying with it a sense of calm and renewal. Adolph stood amidst the lush greenery, his eyes closed as he inhaled deeply, savoring the clean, crisp air that surrounded him. The past three days had been a test of endurance, a battle against the darkness that resided within him. Now, as he felt the weight of that burden lifting, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.With a quiet sigh, Adolph began to make his way back to his room, his steps steady and purposeful. The garden had offered him a brief respite from his thoughts, but now it was time to face the reality of his situation. As he walked, his mind drifted back to the support he had received from those around him, particularly Louis. His loyal friend had been a pillar of strength, always there to offer guidance and reassurance.Just as he was lost in thought, a familiar figure appeared on the path ahead. It was Louis, a warm smile playing on his lips. Adolph
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... and the wedding rites was performed
I walked into Adolph's room, grateful for the opportunity to have visited Ella and spent time in her pack. Adolph looked up from his book as I entered, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips."Luna Scarlett," he greeted, his voice warm and welcoming."Alpha Adolph," I replied with a smile, crossing the room to stand in front of him. "I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to go visit Ella. It meant a lot to me."He waved his hand dismissively. "You don't need to thank me for that. I'm glad you had a chance to spend time with your friend."I nodded, appreciating his understanding. "I really enjoyed my stay there. It was nice to see Ella and her new baby.""Did you have a good time?" he asked, with genuine curiosity in his eyes."Yes, I did," I replied with a smile. "Ella's pack is quite different from ours, but they have their own unique charm. And the sense of community there is really heartwarming."Adolph's gaze was thoughtful as he listened to my words. "I'm glad y
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...worked magic
I woke up the next morning feeling a mixture of emotions—happiness, shyness, and a sense of closeness that had deepened between Adolph and me. As he smiled at me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, my cheeks flushed with a warm blush. His touch was both comforting and electrifying, sending a shiver down my spine.Adolph suggested that I take the day to relax and not head to the pack's clinic. I nodded in agreement, grateful for his consideration. I watched as he got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. My heart skipped a beat as I admired his strength and presence, feeling truly lucky to have him by my side.While he dressed up, I couldn't help but recall the previous day's events—the tender moments we shared, the connection that seemed to grow stronger between us. It was a memory I would cherish forever.As Adolph left the room to attend a meeting with the elders, I found myself alone in his room. The sunlight filtered in through the window, casting a warm glow acro
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... just got rejected by my mate
I was walking through the palace corridors, lost in my own thoughts, when I heard the sound of soft sobs echoing down the hallway. Curious, I followed the sound until I came upon a scene that tugged at my heartstrings. One of the Omegas, a young maid who worked diligently in the palace, was sitting alone in a secluded corner, tears streaming down her cheeks.My heart ached as I watched her, and I couldn't bear to see her in such pain. Quietly, I approached her and gently cleared my throat to get her attention. She looked up, startled, and quickly wiped her tears away, attempting to hide her distress."Hey, it's alright," I said softly, offering her a kind smile. "You don't have to hide your tears. What's bothering you?"The maid looked at me with a mixture of embarrassment and sadness. Her voice was shaky as she began to speak. "I... I just got rejected by my mate."My heart went out to her, understanding the pain she must be feeling. Rejection from a mate was a heart-wrenching exper
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Oh? Really?
I sat in my room, engrossed in my knitting. The soft, rhythmic click of the needles was oddly soothing, and it gave me a sense of accomplishment as each apron took shape in my hands. It was a small gesture, but I wanted to show my appreciation to the hardworking maids and chefs who helped keep our palace running smoothly. With a total of sixty to make, I had committed myself to knitting three aprons each day. Today marked the third day, and as I continued working on the third apron, I could already feel the satisfying weight of sleep tugging at my eyelids.But then, a knock on my door interrupted my knitting. I set the needles down on my lap and glanced towards the door, wondering who it could be. I hadn't been expecting any visitors, and my heart raced slightly at the thought of someone seeking my attention.I stood up, gently placing the half-finished apron on the bed, and approached the door. As I opened it, I was greeted by the sight of Adolph standing there. My eyes widened in su
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The day at the clinic had been unusually calm, with fewer patients than usual seeking treatment. The doctor had told me to go back to the palace and relax, which was a welcomed change. I walked back to the palace, my thoughts drifting as I enjoyed the warmth of the sun against my skin. As I entered the palace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over me. The familiarity of the palace grounds always brought a comforting feeling.As I made my way to my room, my eyes caught sight of Adolph engaged in conversation with a group of people. He noticed me and gestured for me to wait for him. I obediently stood by, curious to see what he wanted to discuss. After what felt like a brief conversation, he finally walked over to me with a smile on his face."Scarlett," he greeted, his eyes locking onto mine, "I didn't expect to see you here at this time of the day."I returned his smile, feeling a warmth in my heart. "Well, there wasn't much to do at the clinic today, so the doctor
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I woke up with a start, my heart racing as if I had just run a marathon. Beads of sweat dotted my forehead and my chest heaved with each breath. The remnants of the nightmare clung to my mind, haunting me like a lingering ghost. It had felt so real, so vivid that I struggled to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled over me.In the dream, I had ventured into Adolph's room, the morning light filtering through the windows. He sat at the table, eating his breakfast as usual. But then, in an instant, the scene had turned into a nightmare. Adolph had begun to choke, his face contorting in pain as he struggled for breath. Panic had gripped me, and I rushed to his side, my hands shaking as I tried to help him.I vividly remembered trying to get him to sit down, frantically pouring water into a glass to ease his distress. But then, the unthinkable happened. In my dream, he had slipped away from me, his body growing still and lifeless. The sight had been too much to bear, and I had sc
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